Member Reviews

This is the fourth book in The Place to Call Home series. I suggest reading the entire series. Each book is about people interacting in small town life. The characters are refreshing and charming. Coming from a small town myself I love the perspective the author gives the small town characters. Andy is a local football hero who comes home to teach high school football and Jess is the new doctor who has come to practice in Last Chance. I love how Andy and Jess allow God and faith to guide them to make the right decisions the way a lot of small town people do.

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Sorry, never got around to reading. Will try again at a later date.

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Opposites attract, they say. Do they, in reality?

Dr. Jess MacLeod is a hardworking woman, professional and set to reach for her goals. She had thought she had all the circumstances of her coming to Last Chance figured - but she had never considered the people there as a circumstance. And Last Chance has a real crowd of people maybe a tad quirkier than Jess's preference is, but their hearts are bigger she would ever suppose. Soon she is in love with Gran Elizabeth, Lainie and the rest of the crowd...and maybe a certain football coach. But here is the deal breaker: Jess doesn't care about the football a bit - and Last Chance is a pretty big football fan city.
Andy Ryan used to be the town hero - a football king during the Glory Days, Last Chance's row of years of winning. He then left to be a pro, and after a career in NFL he is back as a coach. And almost immediately under a pressure (both said and unsaid) to bring the Glory Days back.
So the attractive and kind doctor, who is not interested in football, is like a sip of fresh water at first. But Jess refuses to understand football, his passion.
And when their opinions about the future of a promising player crash, they are wondering if there is a future for them.

And, well, there is more. Like Andy's father, an abusive alcoholic, is returning to the city...

Wow. Warm, easy to relate, smart and masterfully combining the human conditions with the God's plans, this one is a winner. I got brokenhearted when reading about Andy's father, such well-written and touching arc!
And I got to love Jess and Andy together, they nicely complement each other - Andy being more emotions, Jess more racio - so she can stabilize him and he can show her the beauty and fun of the small things.
But I am not sure if all of their being together happened in other city but Last Chance - but this small city is just the haven of love and support (sometimes prickly, true, but when you get over your (hurt) ego, it can throw you out of your comfort zone). The epitome of all this warmth and wisdom is Gran Elizabeth, whom I would love to have in my life.

And welcome to my Christian fiction Pantheon (however strangely that combination sounds), Ms Armstrong! From now, I will read anything written by you.

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