Member Reviews

This story had a very good plot. We all have baggage but what if that baggage haunted us on a certain date each year.? I loved the suspense and thought it was well written.
Many thanks to Thomas & Mercer and to NetGalley for providing me with a galley in exchange for my honest opinion.

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Not bad, actually! In the sea of the similar motives and psychological plots, this one will probably not be as successful as it could be - and what a pity, because this novel is actually better than some works from the famous names. Or I simply like the troubled souls and raw fights for the way out of the hard life, maybe? I think both, honestly.

Anna has had experienced some quite painful and harsh events happening in her life. So she has built some walls around her and her best friends are her cousin and a bottle of wine. So when her male colleague is killed (and her other colleagues say that he was interested in her), Ann is rightly concerned, even if she is trying to bottle her anxiety down. And she is right to do so - but are her concerns valid because there is a killer on the run? Or because of her past?

As I said before, I have enjoyed this book more than some of its more famous book mates. I am not saying that this is a thriller/mystery of the year, because it is not. But it is an interesting novel with motifs plotted well enough to have your interests caught well till the end, and this is some accomplishment!

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This was a slow heavy going read at the beginning and I wasn't prepared for how much this would completely turn me around and enjoy it, I am so glad I don't often give up with books at the first hurdle. I have learnt this time and time again that 'I just might miss out on reading a 'good 'un if I did'.

Its completely and utterly well titled. We all have baggage and we just can't escape it no matter how hard we try, not even running to another Town or country.

I think the majority of us have a time in the year we don't like, it could be something tragic that happened, an unhappy event......anything, and this was the case here.


Something happened to Anna in February when she was small, she can't face talking about it.
Her husband committed suicide a year ago in February.

I was truly well invested in this read, eagerly anticipating the ending.

I thought it was a superb book alas the ending let it down a little, I was expecting so much more with all that build up.

My thanks to Thomas & Mercer via Net Galley for my copy

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I didn't connect with this book so I didn't finish it. I won't leave a review for it anywhere

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