Cover Image: The Forgotten Room

The Forgotten Room

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A story of secrets, heirlooms and mystery within an old house are usually engaging and keep me glued to find out how it all connects. In this novel, I found it difficult at time to read as I had a hard time figuring out the "family tree" and the connections within the story.

A clever idea and a fun way to write the story yet with three different narratives and possibly each author contributed in such way it added a bit to the change in tone..

It was an interesting idea and I liked the concept.

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This book took me a while to get into. The stories dragged for me in the beginning. Once it got to the middle, and the stories intertwined a bit more, it got more interesting. The ending was done really well, and I liked how it all came together.

Sorry about the massive delay in reviewing this book, but I loved it!

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I loved this book, but with this trip of authors, there was never any doubt it was going to be a great read. It will definitely tug at your heartstrings.

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I adored this book! You would think that having three authors write a novel in three different parts with three different characters in three different time periods that SOMETHING would go wrong/be missing/quality would suffer...but it did not! Loved all three stories and this talented trio is something I had no idea I was missing, but now couldn't do without!

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Written by three talented authors of historical fiction (Beatriz Williams, Lauren Willig, and Karen White), The Forgotten Room tells the story of three women in fascinating times: the Gilded Age, the Roaring Twenties, and 1945. (And check out that cover! Beautiful!)

Olive Van Alen, daughter of a famous architect who took his own life, lives during the Gilded Age just before the turn of the century. She works as a maid at the very mansion her father designed, hoping to unearth the reason for her father’s suicide. But when she meets one of the household’s sons, her plans take a different turn.

Lucy Young is living life as an independent woman of the 1920’s, working hard as a secretary at a successful law firm. But her heart is broken after the loss of her mother, and her mind is preoccupied with the mystery her mother’s last words held.

Kate Schuyler is a young doctor working harder than her male counterpart during WWII at the Gilded Age mansion that’s been converted into a hospital. When a strikingly handsome and severely wounded corporal arrives the steady ground beneath her seems to shift, calling into question everything she thought she knew.

As the authors take us through these riveting times, we slowly discover the connection among these three women–their loves, their sorrows, and their joys. So profound is the message that one decision can affect generations to come. I devoured this novel, the mystery unfolding before me in unpredictable ways, unsure of how it would all come together in the end (I love when that happens, don’t you?). Such an enjoyable read!

(This review appeared on my website-

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Three women, three different stories, three different eras and yet their stories are all intertwined. The wonderful authors of The Forgotten Room pulled it all together, tying up loose ends, and telling an amazing story that kept me hooked from the first page to the very last.

The Forgotten Room is a love story that spans eras. It starts with a mother which leads to a daughter and ends with a granddaughter. The love that Olive, Lucy, and Kate find is not an easy love. It is a love that has withstood time and heartbreak. There are things that stand in the way of these women finding their happy ever after and they must make tough decisions on what they want for their lives. While there is love, there is also hardships, sadness, and separation.

The love story part was the main story there was also the mystery of what happen to Harry Pratt, the first part of the love story. I had ideas, I tried to follow the clues, and I thought I had it figured out. Yet I found I was truly clueless. Until closer to the end of the story I did not have it figured out right. This could frustrate some readers, but to me it just added so much to the story. I love to be kept guessing and kept wondering while reading. If the author gives away the secrets too soon it takes so much from the book.

I could not put The Forgotten Room down and highly recommend checking it out.

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This book is honestly flat out stunning. It took me a while to get into, but I'm so glad I did. What a beautiful journey of 3 generations and how they all share common threads to make their lives alike. I can't wait to buy it.

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Beautifully crafted and moving, one of my favorite books of 2016. I loved the characters and cried several times during the book, it is historical fiction at its best.

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I put off reading this book for WAY too long, for no real reason!! This was pretty fascinating though I did find myself a bit confused at times trying to keep the stories/women straight, especially because they were all in historical times (typically I've read books set in two time periods in which one is modern and one is historical). I liked this book a lot and was quite invested trying to figure out how all the pieces fit together - which was quite satisfying at the end.

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This was a beautiful book to read and enjoy! The only reason I'm giving it 4 stars is because I sometimes had trouble keeping the characters and their relationships straight. Highly recommended.

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I was initially attracted to this book because Karen White is one of the authors. I’ve read quite a few of her books and enjoyed them all. This, of course, has two other authors. I haven’t read them before, but after reading this I’ll be seeking out their books in the future. I have my suspicions about which sections Karen White wrote, but I enjoyed the entire book. This had all the elements I love in a book - a multi-generational story that takes the reader back in time, with romance and a little mystery. It jumps back and forth in time, and early on I had to pay attention to keep up with which time period we were in, but after a while it became easier to keep track. The characters were interesting, and there was a good feeling for the different times and settings. Overall, I very much enjoyed the three storylines in the book, and look forward to reading more by Beatriz Williams and Lauren Willig.

Copy provided by Netgalley and Penguin Random House in exchange for an unbiased review.

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Wonderful novel with 3 terrific story lines. I couldn't turn the pages fast enough to see how it all came together. Very strong sense of place -creative, unusual, great historical.

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I always enjoy Karen's work. I think her characters are always well developed and she creates stories and people so effortlessly. I am never disappointed with her. She is becoming a writer among my favorites along with Diane Chamberlain and Liane Moriarity. I look forward to each and every story she is a part of.

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Beautiful story by three talented authors. The three stories flowed seamlessly with one another. Great love stories.

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