Member Reviews

I just could not get into this story. There is too much unnecessary drama. The story is ok. The plot I felt was a little weak.

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Aria Hawthorne
Netgalley review
🌟🌟🌟🌟 stars

I dislike that feeling when a story does not grab me from those 1st few chapters , but I’m not one to give up and Closer turned out to be that one book that I can honestly say I’m glad I continued. It is not your normal billionaire romance, but a look into 2 lives vastly different that will require each other to survive. Famous architect Sven Van der Meer , has just created the Spire, a new sky scraper in Chicago. He should be living life on a high, but after a terrible accident he is left almost totally blind and discovering his ex girlfriend was engaged to his brother, yeah life for Sven is not all roses... until he hires a girlfriend. This arrangement should be perfect, enter Inez Sanchez.

Inez Sanchez has a terrible record with work, unable to hold down a job for more than a few hours and now she is about to interview for a flexible job that should earn her much more than previously. Not holding much hope she meets Sven , he’s arrogant, clearly rich, has an accent that could disarm any woman and will pay her $5000 per day for 4 days work. Easy right? Well no, with a 4 month old daughter and a sight impaired grandmother the money is desperately needed, but the nights working make for a few hard nights, but $20 000 will make everything better. Taking the job, Inez discovers that it is not just her that needs help. The arrogant man behind the expensive suits and fancy car is not what she expected. All of a sudden it is Sven who needs her.

The pair really bounce off each other in a battle of wills and humour. Inez has a quick wit, and smart mouth, something that should get her in trouble, but serving it up to those who feel the need to belittle her and take Sven for granted, the battle lines are drawn. No longer feeling like a job and more like real life, Inez and Sven discover feelings for each other. Hiding isn’t an option for Sven as he requires Inez to help with sight and dressing, but what he didn’t expect was her to take on his brother, ex girlfriend and business partner. Not afraid to speak what’s on her mind, Inez starts to feel less like an employee and more like a girlfriend.

Taking that step will change everything for Sven and Inez but no one will be more surprised by what follows than themselves. Truth and lies will wreck what they built in those 4 days... Can Sven get her back or lose her and her baby forever?

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Yet another wonderful book by Aria. I have to say, I am always quite pleased with the books written by her. Always interesting content and always entertaining to read. I will not let out any spoilers, however, I will say you definitely should read this and experience the amazing gift for writing that Aria is in possession of. Truly a talented author.

Happy Reading.

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Sven van der Meer is an architect who has sold his soul to the devil. Crossed by his family and unlucky in love, he’s lost his way. Now he’s losing his eyesight too.

Inez Sanchez is desperate for money and a job that will allow her to balance her two dependents, Nana and Luna. She’s been unlucky in her life, lost good people and been betrayed and now she’s an untrusting young woman who goes to work for Sven pretending to be his fake girlfriend.

We know what’s going to happen, they will fall in love and it does eventually work out. But this is a tale with twists and turns. The writing is lush and we are made to wait for them to connect, although the author knows how help us wait. Those are some vivid dreams.

This love story is another set in Chicago, a city I love with architecture that is bold and beautiful. Sven’s own contributions, and the description of what they’ve done to the Chicago skyline sounds very interesting. The architectural details of this authors books are a special bonus for me. I’ve read other romances set in Chicago but hers are unique in their description of the buildings, the glass, and all the other things that make Chicago such a special city. If you love Chicago’s look, you’ll like this books.

I found a couple of the transitions a bit more confusing than I wanted. He’s seeing, he’s not seeing. That was one of them. Also one of her dream sequences left me a bit confused. And I think there was a bit more flip flopping in their relationship than was in the end necessary. The bit where he chased off Enzo, I kind of felt was introducing a plot twist rather late. Although it does lead to a really touching reunion. I definitely liked the book, but not quite as much as the first in this series.

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ah, I so wanted this book to meet my expectations, that may be why I was just so bummed because it didn't even come close. I loved the idea of him losing his eye sight and reading about that challenge to this successfully artistic man, and in that area it did not let me down too much, but unfortunately pretty much the rest of it did. Especially the girl in the story, I can't even remember her name. I would have expected someone who could grab this billionaire attention would have had more depth, or more humor or something MORE, but she just fell so flat from the beginning that I could not finish this one. When I can't see or feel a connection between the characters it just looses all interest for me. but I gave it 28% and DNF. However I appreciate the opportunity to read the book and will not give up on this author yet since it had such great potential and was well written and researched. Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the ARC in exchange for a honest review.

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Sven is a billionaire architect that is going blind and doesn't want anyone to know. He needs a fake girlfriend to help him navigate the celebrate of the opening of his architectural creation, The Sphere. Inez is a single mother struggling to make ends meet when she is offered the job that will definitely help her with supporting her daughter and grandmother ... all she has to do is pretend to be Sven's girlfriend. But what happens when he wants Inez in his bed and she is starting to have feelings for him? Throw in an ex-boyfriend and an ex-girlfriend that don't want to be exes at all ... and you have a book with twists and turns, humour, romance and heartbreak. I thoroughly enjoyed this book ... cover to cover.

I received a copy from the French Kiss Press through NetGalley in exchange for a honest review.

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If there is one trope I love in romance, it is the love-hate relationship stories. I absolutely adore them. There is something about the fiery passion, the tension and the ultimate connection between the hero and heroine that is a pure weakness for me. Closer was the perfect example. I loved Sven and Inez and began to root for them right away. Their story was magical!

Closer was so much more than the typical Billionaire or "pretend girlfriend" story you find nowadays. It had heart, passion, enthralling characters and a unique story. All of these facets helped make this story standout for me! I highly recommend it as it was full of endearing moments with a swoony hero, sassy heroine and laugh out loud sarcastic moments and comebacks. This is a definite winner! 4 stars! ~Ratula

I would like to thank NetGalley and French Kiss Press LLC for a copy of this ebook for an honest review.

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Inez is a single mother to a young child and looking for work at a temp agency. She might also have a little issue with being quiet and doing what she's told when it doesn't suit her. She is a strong, educated woman and can not pretend to be any less than that.

Sven has built the largest most ambitious building in Chicago, the Spire. But soon after he has an accident that has caused his entire life and career to start crumbling before him. Sven hires Inez for the job as his companion to get him through the next few days navigating parties in his honor and to hide the fact that his eyesight is failing him. But in the short few days that he and Inez spend together Sven starts to realize that what he thought he wanted out of life may have been very shortsighted.

'And accept it (an award) without the blindness of ego that fueled my ambition to build the Spire, but rather a humility that now quiets the soul'

This book was a refreshing take on a common story line, but without the common predictable and overused scenarios that tend to be written. Inez was a refreshing, strong woman, and I loved her relationship with her hilarious grandmother. Sven and Inez not only are navigating the world trying to hide his impending blindness, but they are also keeping exes and colleagues from ruining their chance at happiness. I received a complimentary copy of this book for my honest and unbiased review.

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A wonderfully written story! Loved the passion and the story line. The characters were wonderfully chiseled. Highly recommended.

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