Cover Image: Take Me Home Tonight

Take Me Home Tonight

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Member Reviews

When you're similar to a character so much that you connect with them...yeah, that happened with this book. Mimi cares so much for others that she gives her helpful thoughts and opinions to others even when it may not be wanted. She doesn't do this in an annoying or pushy way as she's genuine and being supportive. Mimi fights for the attention and time with her father that she may never get, yet she needs to fight for her own dreams. Calix tries to fight and make change, but he gave a great perspective-he's running on a treadmill and not getting anywhere. Mimi gives him this fight, motivation. She challenges him and shakes what he thought was a foundation. The back and forth/push and pull forced my departure from the train. Mimi goes all in from the start. Calix...not so much. He has fears to overcome and whenever he thinks he's ready, Mimi jumps. This is what did not mesh with me. BUT I love the group of characters in this series and the family bond depicted in this particular novel pulled at my heartstrings. Mimi and Calix fight passionately, but love just as if not more passionately.

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I was completely shocked by this book. I mean, yes, the blurb sounded good (at least good enough to add to my tbr list) but it didn’t scream at me, begging to be read. But once I started it, I was hooked and couldn’t put it down.

I totally fell in love with Calix and Mimi. I loved how they developed a friendship through a) helping her prepare for a cooking competition and b) helping draw his mom back into interacting with people.

I went into this book expecting a typical rock star, or up and coming rock star. I totally wasn’t prepared for the emotional upheaval Calix’s family had been through and his journey to finding his own life again. One of the reasons I love Mimi was that she genuinely cared about people, her friends and family and she wanted to help. She was often “sticking her nose” in where it didn’t belong, but her heart was always in the right place. She also wasn’t afraid to be honest with Calix, and while some of her hard truths did cause some arguments and disagreements, they never left me feeling like it was unnecessary drama.

One of the things I loved most was the sense of family that was there between the band/group of friends. They had such great chemistry. I also loved the way Calix’s family seemed to adopt Mimi and treated her like one of their own, especially his dad. I loved Calix’s dad.

I’m notorious (on the blog at least), for reading books/series out of order, and this was no exception. I haven’t read the other books in the series, so I went into this blind. I fell in love with the other characters and can’t wait to go back and read their stories.

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Loved this book!!
Was so fantastic and well developed.

The characters were so multi-dimensional. And I adored the plot so much

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