Member Reviews

I love this family of strong women and the men they fall for. This book has a bit of overlap but it's necessary to make this standalone as well as part of the series.

Lachlan Sinclair, Duke of Caithness is plagued by nightmares and visitations from the ghost of his father. He's returned to Scotland to refurbish his family castle. He expects to die on his thirtieth birthday as have all the Sinclair heirs since the reign of Edward I. The only way to avoid that circumstance is to find the pieces of the MacAlpin Cross, restore it and once again keep it safe. Not that it's likely since it hasn't been found over centuries of searching.

Lana Dounreay has been dreaming of the Duke for a very long time, she just doesn't know who he is. That is until he shows up to issue an ultimatum to her brother-in-law, Alexander Dunnet. Most find Lana to be strange as she talks to ghosts and has visions. However the Duke is more intrigued than put off.

Their conversation in the library was both interesting and informative for the Duke. However it is the dinner conversation that will have you giggling at Lana's audacity and snark.

These two are well matched and there is much for the Duke to overcome. There is also the journey to Reay where we meet up with Susana, Andrew and their adorable little imp.

Plenty of suspense, drama and action as the Duke realizes who he can in fact trust even as the heat rises between him and Lana.

I can't wait to read the next book in this series!

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This is book three in the Untamed Highlanders Series and for the life of me I can’t figure out how come I never read book two. I need to correct this because the series is really good.

For someone that hardly ever reads paranormal stories, I found the elements of it in this story worked really well. It was relatable and believable, two things that made this story more enjoyable.

Both characters had a sort of grit about them and I loved the pairing of someone like Lana, smart and at times cunning, with this sweet, strong and determined man.

This romance is light with a bit of paranormal aspect to it and I think you’ll like it.

Melanie for b2b

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I've been waiting for Lana and Lachlan's story since I read Hannah and the Highlander and York did NOT disappoint. I LOVED IT!!

I loved that Lachlan decided to find a cure for the curse after meeting Lana and realizing that she was the love of his life. Lana also knows that Lachlan is for her after dreaming about him for so many years. They must work together to end the curse that could separate them forever.

I loved that banter between Lana and Lachlan, which York is a master of, it had me laughing out loud throughout the story. Add to the mix the mystery of the curse and you have the perfect story.

I hate to see this series end as I have throughly enjoyed all three books, but I look forward to seeing what York has in store for use next.

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