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The Untamed Earl

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Even at fifteen, Lady Alexandra Hobbs, younger daughter of the Duke of Huntley, knew that she would never be as adventurous as her younger brother or as beautiful as her older sister, but she nevertheless aspired to become more like them. But when she observed Lord Owen Monroe, heir to the Earl of Moreland, in a chivalrous moment, he instantly became the hero of heart. From that moment, Alexandra’s greatest aspiration became to marry Lord Owen.
Alexandra’s belief in the heroic nature of Lord Owen Monroe was unique. The rest of their world saw him as rogue whose primary interests were drinking, gambling, and womanizing. Owen seemed bent on reinforcing that opinion. If some of his activities challenged that view, he was careful that such actions remained secret. He was content to live down to his father’s opinion of him. However, the consequences of such behavior was his father’s announcement that it was time for his heir to settle down and marry, and the proper wife in the earl’s opinion was Lady Lavinia Hobbs, older daughter of the earl’s friend the Duke of Huntley. Although the two fathers have agreed that the marriage should take place, the duke has added the proviso that Owen must win Lavinia’s consent.

Owen has no interest in proper young ladies, but he has a major interest in seeing that his allowance continues to flow from the ducal coffers—and his father makes clear that the unimpeded flow of said allowance is contingent upon Owen’s successfully wooing Lavinia. Owen, accustomed to effortlessly charming any lady he chooses, hits a snag with Lavinia from the start. First, he confuses the identity of the Hobbs sisters and asks Alexandra to dance. Then he finds Lavinia, who has a reputation for being “difficult,” immune to his charm.

When Alexandra offers to teach Owen how to win Lavinia in exchange for his help in making Alexandra a belle, he eagerly accepts. Alexandra, once she is convinced Lavinia truly has no interest in Owen, turns her considerable gifts to seeing that it is the rogue rather than the shrew who is tamed in this exchange. But will even true love be able to thwart the marriage plans a duke and an earl have for their eldest offspring?

The Untamed Earl is the fifth book in Valerie Bowman’s Playful Brides series. Like the other novels in the series, this one is inspired by a classic. This time, appropriately for an April release, it is Shakespeare’s The Taming of the Shew. I’m a fan of smart romance, and I have read all of the books in this series with delight at Bowman’s wit and clever twists of classic tales. I confess that the third book, The Unlikely Lady, inspired by my second favorite Shakespeare comedy, Much Ado About Nothing, and featuring a bluestocking heroine (a trope I love), is my favorite in the series. My feelings about a romance based on The Taming of the Shrew, a play I dislike, were less than enthusiastic. But I thoroughly enjoyed this story. Owen is an amusing hero who charms the reader even if he fails with Lavinia, but it is Alexandra who steals the reader’s heart. Her vulnerability and awkwardness are endearing, her heart is pure despite her deception, and she actively pursues her dream. I adored her! I’m also a series addict who loved seeing characters from earlier books make appearances. (Owen is the older brother of the Countess of Swifdon, née Lady Cassandra Monroe, heroine of The Accidental Countess, the second book in the series).

If you are a reader who demands historical depth and serious angst in your romance, this book is not for you. On the other hand, if, like me, you have room on your bookshelves for engaging romps with captivating characters and deliciously satisfying HEAs, I definitely recommend The Untamed Earl—and don’t be surprised if you find reading it is followed by a search for the rest of the series. I already have The Legendary Lord (a November 1 release inspired by Pygmalion—oh, joy!) on my book calendar, and at least four more books in the series will follow. I can’t wait to see what the inspiration for these will be.

Reviewed by Janga for The Romance Dish

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Enjoyable read great story and characters. Would read authors books again

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Loved Alex she was the best at thwarting Owens courtship of Lavinia! Their relationship was so charming and sweet! Can't wait to read the next in the series!!

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