Cover Image: Walker Texas Wife

Walker Texas Wife

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I obviously missed something that everyone else saw in this book. I thought the story line was flimsy and didn't like the characters:

- A washed out FBI agent, now a PI. I can't even tell you what she is doing since that would be a spoiler. But it seems odd that what the FBI couldn't do, with or without her, she thinks she is going to be able to do on her own. And, the final straw for this character was when she left her "husband" in the hospital, after he almost died, to go attend a charity event.

- A beauty queen everyone is jealous of but who has a horrible marriage and isn't as perfect as she presents herself. Nothing new there. She actually breaks in to her new neighbor's house to snoop and has a man moved from one hospital to another without consulting the wife. That's new but just doesn't happen in the real world.

- A single woman who has spurned the love of her life because she has to take care of her disabled sister, who is in a care home but seems to be able to call her sister constantly and run away from the home whenever she wants. This care home would have lost its license. Why bother putting her in a home if you are still going to be on duty to care for her yourself 24/7? And, why not have a conversation with the love interest about the sister, who he knows and adores, and her care? Gosh, maybe instead of being a martyr the woman could have the support she whines about not having?

In addition to my strong problems with the main characters, the story line was flimsy at best. Several assumptions were made along the way and several seemingly obvious clues were missed. And finally, there is no clue how the title is related to the story. Normally I like to give first installments in series a little bit of wiggle room. But, in this case, I do not see it going anywhere I want to go.

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