Member Reviews

This was a quick read with enjoyable characters. I pegged the whodunit early on, which was a bit disappointing, however I enjoyed reading the book.

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I like Murder Most Fowl as much as I liked the first book I read in the series, Farmed and Dangerous. I found the organic/locavor background information interesting and didn't feel it took away from the mystery. There is a lot of page time devoted to Cam's work on the farm which I can see annoying some readers.

It interests me that the author (based on the two books I've read and the third, Mulch Ado, I am starting to read) always seems to have her characters in less than ideal relationships except for Cam's great uncle and aunt. Here it's Cam's relationship with Peter (his shutting down their relationship because of her involvement in crimes may be realistic, but seems excessive) and Wayne and his wife. Since I don't read cozies for romance, it's fine, just something strange I'm picking up on.

While the police are investigating the killer, the killer cements the deal and sort of outs themself, a no-no for me for not really upsetting since the person was a suspect. The last act the killer does makes no sense to me, I'd be getting out of town, but a cornered fox doesn't always think straight.

I received my copy from Netgalley in exchange for my honest review.

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