Member Reviews

Hot Flash is an enjoyable first book in Johnson's debut series Muriel Mabley. The story features Muriel Mabley, a strong middle aged African American woman dealing with her changing body due to the onset of menopause, thus the literal hot flashes that often happen at the most inconvenient time. Muriel is facing many changes in both her personal and professional life. She is faced with her changing role with her son as he becomes a young man and tackles college. There is also a secret eating away at Muriel that she has been keeping from her son and a reckoning is quickly approaching. Muriel is dealing with helping her younger sister who is quickly falling apart and on the verge of losing her family. If those large personal upheavals aren't enough, Muriel's work life is being turned upside down because of a murder that is hitting very close to home.

Muriel is a forensic firearms specialist which I found a great way to offer a glimpse of an African American woman doing a job predominantly held by men. Johnson does a very good job portraying relatable characters, a murder mystery that throws a monkey wrench in an already tumultuous time in Muriel's life that made for a quick page turning read. I love that the protagonist is a woman who knows who she is, but is looking to redefine herself as she moves into a new phase in life. Muriel is a strong character who faces situations head on and I loved her! Hot Flashes would make a fun and engaging book club read. I'm looking forward to reading the second book in the series, Cold Flash, when it is released in May.

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