Member Reviews

The story of Results May Vary starts when Caroline Hammond is visiting the opening of an art exhibition of a friend with er husband Adam. The exhibition shows some quite daring gay-themed artwork. When she looks at on artwork of two man making out more closely, she suddenly realises it is her own husband Adam she is looking at. Her husband has an affair. With a man.Which he kept secret from her for quite a long time, along with a few other secrets as well. She immediately leaves him and starts questioning everything in their past, as he seemed everything but honest to her.Caroline is devastated and conflicted as to whether she has a marriage that can be repaired. Her journey through her anger and heartbreak is the focus of the book.

I had mixed feelings about the book. For the most part I enjoyed it. Especially the first part was entertaining. I liked the part when Caroline found out about Adam's betrayal. Not that this happened, but the way it was written in. I still don't know what to think of Caroline. Her character was a bit vague and a little vulgar at some points. Sometimes I didn't got what she wanted exactly. It seemed like she wanted Adam back but when she finally talked with him she made more or less clear she didn't want him anymore. Huh?
The last part of the book was not the most entertaining. But it was nice to read the conclusion if Caroline and Adam got back together or not.

Overall I found it a nice novel, altough it isn't the most thrilling or outstanding novel.

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2.5 stars really.

This, I had to push through. To be fair, this book also isn't the type I usually read. Usually I stick to fantasy or YA novels, but every once in awhile I like to venture out into other genres, adult romance can be fun and I absolutely love mysteries. I really thought this would be an interesting tale about a woman getting over her divorce and finding herself after not being single for just shy of 20 years. I suppose, that kinda is what this book is about, but it just did not hit me the right way.

To start with some compliments, I thought the writing and flow was done well (even if I skipped pages out of boredom because I'm not a fan of descriptive writing and parts that delve into....what I consider unimportant? ) Also, 10% into the book I thought I knew what the ending would be and that is not what happened so, I'd give that a compliment. Had Caroline gotten together with 1 of 2 people I would have given this book 2 stars, instead she found a different guy.... and well, idk I guess he is sweet and I liked that ending more.

Negatives, I really disliked Caroline and Adam. Especially as a couple dear lord. They are so pretentious, I really almost put the book down. Adam, as great of a guy as Caroline kept saying he was seemed overly fake to me and when talking to Caroline about the future of their marriage seemed like such a jerk!
Caroline really irked me the wrong way, but I can't put my finger on exactly what it was I didn't like. Really, it seemed like her life was perfect or she was perfect. Yes, the author literally wrote this book about her failing marriage and other problems that happen but... as a person she still felt like she could do no wrong-- even when she did. It was a weird thing to me....

Second, this is more on a personal level I suppose, but if my significant other cheated on me, we are done. I'm not going to try fixing the relationship, I'm not going to keep entertaining the idea of us still being together for eternity -- we are done. So, for the first 40% of the book I was pretty irritated. Again, this is a more personal part so, I did not mark the book down for this...
Because I seemed to not like many of the characters I did not click with any of them. I did not understand them nor find a connection. The characters I liked (Ruby and Jonathon) did not show up often :( but they had little sparks I really started to enjoy. And because I did not understand the characters well, when new relationships formed I totally didn't understand them...

So, the writing made it easy for me to keep reading, but I really pushed myself through this one.

Not sure who I would recommend this to.... decent book, but not my style so, I can't gauge really who might like it.

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I was pleasantly surprised by this book! It was so realistic and captivating that I was immediately pulled in by her beautiful writing. Caroline’s whole world implodes once she finds out her husband is cheating. Having to move on and imagine a life where everything isn’t as perfect as you thought it was for so many years is not easy, and Caroline did it with class. She was so endearing, and I rooted for her the entire book, hoping she would find her happiness again.


I absolutely loved this story and can’t wait for more from this author in the future!

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Wow. That’s what I have to say about discovering your husband is having an affair with a man. In Results May Vary, that’s exactly what happens to Caroline and in a kind of public way. Ouch. Had I known Adam & Caroline in “real life”, I would’ve been suspicious of their marital bliss. I am leery of people who seem to have a perfect relationship. In my mind, if it appears too perfect, there’s more to the story.

Since readers know going into this book that this is what happens, you may wonder how Bethany Chase can surprise you. I found that Chase accurately portrayed the roller coaster ride a relationship takes when something like this happens. Just when you think Caroline has got it figured out (can she forgive him & weather the storm of staying together as her mom encourages her to do? Will she never speak to Adam again and take him to the cleaners?), she realizes it’s not as simple a decision as it seems. Many of us will say we know exactly what we would do in Caroline’s position, but Chase manages to present other characters and scenarios that make Caroline (and I think the readers) look at this from other perspectives. This book is written in a way that takes readers along on this roller coaster ride with Caroline.

I appreciated that this story wasn’t always predictable. As I stated, Caroline goes through various stages throughout the book, truly struggling with coming to terms with her life as she knows it after this “revelation”. She develops a new sense of herself professionally, and in new relationships as well as nurturing existing ones. Caroline’s struggle was portrayed very authentically—missing her husband, hating him, being angry, sad, forgiving, nostalgic, furious, shocked, resigned…Chase takes readers on Caroline’s journey of acceptance and moving on and it is a rough ride.

Many readers will be able to identify with Caroline’s story. Even if the specifics are different, the pain of a betrayal and/or a break up is universal and you can’t help but feel for Caroline. You will want to pour her some wine and let her cry on your shoulder—and maybe crack Adam in the head with the bottle!

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Caroline Hammond is an art curator at the show of an up and coming photographer. She gets a sneak peek of his work that was too provocative for the show and is shocked to reveal that the intimate photos are of her husband, Adam, was having an affair with a man. Caroline is beyond devastated. Caro and Adam have been together since high school, they have been together for so long that Caroline can't imagine her life without him. As they work through the revelation of the affair, more secrets are revealed and Caro questions whether or not she ever really knew her husband. While he begs her forgiveness and asks to come home every time they talk, Caroline is exploring her options. Including her colleague, the handsome widower. Caroline has a lot of decisions to make, including the fate of her marriage.

Results May Vary was a gripping novel about a woman whose world was destroyed with just one photograph. It is heart-wrenching how much she hurts from her husband's betrayal. She was completely devoted to him and the author did such a great job at conveying those emotions. I felt horrible for her. Caro had a best friend (male) and a sister to help her get through the worst of it. But there were secrets there, too. Ultimately Caroline had to do what was best for her and I am confident that I would have made the same decision. I was happy with the ending in so many different ways.

Bottom line - Results May Vary was a great novel about a woman faced with making a heartbreaking decision. Lots of great discussion to be had with this novel - a great selection for your next book club selection.

Results May Vary by Bethany Chase
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Pages: 352
Publisher: Random House Publishing
Publication Date: 8/9/2016
Buy It Here!

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