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Not a fan of this book. I don't feel Lysa is authentic in what she writes and what she lives. She may be a a major voice in the Christian author space but I can't get behind her in authenticity.

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I love Lysa TerKeurst, I love how she touches your heart and helps you heal.
This book is worth reading.

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I really wanted this book to hit home and there were small parts that did. I did enjoy the book but I do think it jumped a little and was a little less focused than I was expecting.

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I'm so grateful for Lysa TerKeurst and her voice of grace and truth on tough topics of friendship, relationships, fear, and rejection.

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The authoress Lysa TerKeurst is obviously a lovely woman, funny, warm and very relatable. I would love to have her as a friend! And I would also like to let her meet my another friend - very inspirational girl, who values the truth above all else and loves you enough to do not spare you some tough love. I need both of them in my life.
And this is, somewhat poetically said, my review. I love Ms TerKeurst´s warm approach, honesty and vulnerability. Her book can be like a caress. Yet - I would also love to go deeper, into the raw parts - not emotionally (this has been done beautifully by the author), but as a way of growth. Gentle way is lovely, yet I, thanks be to God, have learnt to appreciate very much few true, deep words touching my raw parts, because they need some healing. And it is not like Ms TerKeurst would not touch the raw places, she does - yet there is something I am missing, I often felt placated, not inspired.
But if you like the gentle way, this might be your book!

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A great study for women. Lysa gets right to the hurt and pain when live doesn't go as planned.
It helped the ladies in our study group and also me.

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Nothing new, but some truthful snippets. She speaks for a certain category of women, and despite the title, I sure don't feel a part of this category. However, if you overlook this you can take something away for your life.

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Uninvited was such a powerful read. I felt like so much of it was written <i>for me</i> and I wrote down a lot of quotes. I liked how the book was written in a friendly way and yet didn't shy away from saying difficult things.

All in all, Uninvited was a great book and I recommend it. I'm looking forward to reading more of this author's books.

*Disclosure of Material Connection: I received one or more of the products or services mentioned above for free in the hope that I would mention/review it on my blog. I was not required to give a positive review, only my honest opinion - which I've done. All thoughts and opinions expressed are my own and I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255: "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.*

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Great book for reading when anxiety has you down. I think Lysa shares some important truths in this book.

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I'm a big fan of Lysa on social media and I've read some of her previous works, however this book was just ok for me. I was hoping for more practical tips to use. I can identify with feeling alone and left out, so I was really excited to see her write a book like this; however, it didn't speak to me. I'm sure it will resonate with someone, but I need a little more substance in order to feel inspired. I know that God loves me; I want advice on how to live contentedly even when I feel unloved by others around me. I'll admit I didn't finish this book. I will definitely give her another chance and will read her latest, though. I really respect her as an example of a noble Christian woman.

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Straightforward and honest. Lisa gave me a lot to think about and work towards.
I find her life story to be incredible to follow and ever evolving.

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This book ministered to me so much. I am reading it again and have notes I refer back to such as "Rejection steals the best of who I am by reinforcing the worst of what’s been said to me." You don't have to be going through a struggle to benefit from this book but it gives you spiritual insight for that struggle coming up. She states that "God is good at being God." I must trust that He knows best. Lysa speaks from experience and heartache in her own life and shows how to handle it like a warrior. I love her stories, her humor and her lessons.

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This is an awesome book. Really hit close to home. A must read!

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In Uninvited Lysa TerKeurst attempts to help lead us to this place of "living loved" while also sharing personal stories about her own journey. When I first began to read this book I was hopeful. I have had several major rejections in my life all too recently and was hoping to finally be rid of pain that these rejections have caused. I can't quite say that I found resolution but Lysa did a decent job of reminding me where I need to go to work through these rejections: Jesus.

My biggest issue with this book is the Bible verses that are taken out of context. After perusing the reviews on both Amazon and GoodReads I found that I was not alone in this concern. The author was also very repetitive, and several times I felt like I was having deja vu. I did enjoy her personal stories and wish she would've delved more into her memoir instead of continuously trying to tie in rejection to places that it didn't really belong.

From a writing standpoint, I enjoy her style. This is my first TerKeurst book and I did enjoy it for the most part but when it came to teaching about overcoming rejection I feel it missed the mark. I did highlight a few quotes that did speak to me but by the time I made it to the bonus chapter I couldn't read anymore and I had to put it down, admitting defeat.

If you do decide to purchase and read this book I will caution you to read it prayerfully, with discernment, and do your own research on the verses provided.

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Rejection shouldn't be a label that anyone lives under. It effects our relationships and the way we think about ourselves. We choose to look to other relationships or success in our careers to fulfill us... to prove to the world that we really are worthy. It is a vicious life of never-ended effort without ever feeling truly accepted. This isn't the truth that God meant for us to walk in. Because of Jesus Christ and his work on the cross, I am completely accepted. I've lived the life of the rejected one - always seeking to validate myself through my next accomplishment and seeking a relationship in which I feel completely safe and accepted. I appreciated Lysa's book so much. It reminded me of many truths about my position in God's eyes and His goodness that needed to hear again. I needed to be reminded that living from a position of being loved and accepted enables me to love and accept others and to live in a healthy, whole way.

As I thought about how best to tell you about the value of Lysa TerKeurst's book Univinted: Living Loved When you Feel Less Than, Left Out, and Lonely, I thought of another book that my mother read to me when I was young. It was called The Journey with the Golden Book [written by Lela Gilbert]. In the book, two children are sent by the king on a mission. To help them, they were given special clothes. In addition to giving them other special abilities, when this boy and girl stuck their hands in the pockets of these clothes, they could see the evil creatures called whispers on their shoulder, whispering lies into their ears. These whispers were agents of the enemy sent to infiltrate the children's thoughts. Wouldn't clothes with that special ability be wonderful? Perhaps someone could invent a special type of hearing aid that with a special detector designed to identify lies. Those things don't exist, but we have the word of God, and we have books like this. Lysa TerKeurst's newest book, Uninvited, is a chance for women to stick their hands in their pockets and identify the lies of the enemy, lies about rejection and worthlessness that are meant to enslave us. Only after we identify these lies can we begin to fight them. We know that the truth of God is the key that frees us, but we don't always feel capable to accessing that key. Like a friend handing you the key you need, this book can remind us of what is true so that we can meditate on those truths, change our thinking, and ultimately, walk freely.

I highly recommend this book. Truth from above is what changes us, and Lysa has kept that central while blending in her own honest, vulnerable stories. She bears her soul in an effort to bless ours. The book is well-grounded in the scriptures, and she has achieved a good blend of storytelling and teaching. She also calls us women on the carpet about sins that get in the way of living out of God's acceptance and love. Thank you, Lysa! This is a book that I will want to read again as I strive to live loved.

Thank you to NetGalley and Thomas Nelson for providing an electronic copy of this book for review. All opinions contained above are my own.

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I think this had some great advice for anyone looking for this type of perspective that comes with religious overtones. However, while some things I found interesting and helpful, I don't think I was the target audience.

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I cried while reading and also healed while reading. beautiful and compassionate. Have hand sold in the store

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I loved and could relate to Uninvited: Living Loved When You Feel Less Than, Left Out, and Lonely. I highly recommend it!

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I was so disappointed in this book. I have read other books by this author and found them to be much better written. It very well could have been the subject matter, so do not let my review discourage you.

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I really enjoyed Made to Crave by Lysa TerKeurst so when I saw that she had a new book coming out I was excited to check it out. Yet when I read the title and description, I felt like maybe this book wasn't exactly for me. See, I don't tend to get my feelings hurt when others don't invite me to specific events and while I definitely have my struggles, I'm pretty comfortable with who I am and don't feel like I need the approval of others to make me feel valuable. But then I saw it on NetGalley and thought it would be a good one for me to review. And I'm glad that even though I wasn't initially approved, the publisher changed their minds and let me review this one because it was about so much more than not being invited to places or events with others.

The truth is that we have all been rejected in one way or other in various aspects of our lives. Maybe it was a relationship that didn't last, or one that never started, or a job that you didn't get, or a parent that left, or any number of rejections. Lysa shares her personal rejections in the areas of a relationship she once thought would be her forever, a friendship that ended, her father who left, and ministry opportunities that didn't pan out. Her own personal vulnerability in sharing her struggles and her heart helps the reader understand that they are not alone with their own rejections. Ms. TerKeurst's writing style is as easy to read as her stories as relate-able. I highlighted a ton from her wording and her message.

Favorite quotes:
-In the quiet of an early morning, honesty finds me. It calls to me through a crack in my soul and invites the real me to come out, come out, wherever you are.

-As long as I suspect that honesty's intention is to expose me and hurt me, it will always feel like a dangerous thing.

-Rejection steals the best of who I am by reinforcing the worst of what's been said to me.

-Things of this world all eventually reveal what incapable anchors they really are.

-I couldn't keep my old broken beliefs, nail a little Jesus truth to the side, and expect stability.

-We must tie our identities to our unchanging, unflinching, unyielding, undeniably good, and unquestionably loving God.

-...when we go to the truth instead of our feelings for the answer to this question, we can understand God's goodness in a whole new light.

-What consumes my thinking will be the making or the breaking of my identity.

-"God, I want Your truth to be the loudest voice in my life. Correct me. Comfort me. Come closer still. And I will trust. God, You are good at being God."

Truthfully I highlighted so much that I wish I could share them all with you, but I had to cut them off somewhere.

All of this to say that Uninvited was so much more than I first assumed it would be based off the title. Lysa TerKeurst writes in a way that is beautiful at times, moving, and certainly relate-able to all. I'd highly recommend Uninvited to all women (and men too really). I love how she approached the questions "Is God good? Is God good to me? And is God good at being God?" Uninvited gets 4.5 Stars. Have you read Uninvited? What did you think? Let me know!

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