Cover Image: Fighting to Be Free

Fighting to Be Free

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This took me a long a time to try and get into and eventually I gave up. It just wasn't for me, sorry.

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This is the first I have read from Kirsty Moseley and have to say I love Jamie Cole. Here is a guy who didn`t choose the life he has led but is trying his hardest to be a good guy. He knows in the past he did things out of goodness and yet he is the one who is to blame for everything bad happening. He is definitely not your usual bad boy but one who is doing things to make things right in his life. Ellie is perfect for him for she is normal, fun, carefree and just makes his life have a meaning. He believes he is destined to be bad and being with her makes him dream for the possibilities. The love they have is of course the first time they have felt this deep connections which makes them closer but like all things there are obstacles. Kirsty Moseley started this series beautiful and cannot wait for the next one making me want more didn`t expect this with a cliffhanger. If you love the bad boys who need love to make them see they are worth loving then Kirsty Moseley has the perfect book in Fighting to be Free wth Jamie Cole.

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I was very surprised one day when I received an email from someone at Forever with an invite to read an ARC of this book on Netgalley! I had obviously heard of this author and I've met her at a few book signings over the last couple of years, but I hadn't read any of her books before until I sat down to read this one! I'm so happy I started with this book though! I loved this book! I was hooked from the first page and it only took me a few sittings to read! The plot also developed at a really good pace and it held my interest all the way through! The synopsis also doesn't tell you that much about the plot, so I wasn't actually sure what to expect from it, but I really enjoyed it! There were some really hot scenes and a lot of sexual tension, which I loved! There were also some twist and turns as the plot developed and there was some action and suspense too! There was one twist that I didn't see coming at all and it completely changed the outcome of the plot! The characters were also amazing and made this book even better! Jamie was the main male character, and Jamie was a guy that wanted to change his bad boy ways and wanted to be on the straight and narrow and make an honest living for himself! I had a lot of respect for Jamie for wanting to make an honest living, so I felt really sorry for him when he had to revert back to his old life! He did it for his family, but in a way he really shouldn't have because it made Jamie suffer a lot! I loved Jamie though and he was seriously hot! I also loved the way he was with his love interest! It was easy to see that he really loved his love interest and he was very protective of her! Ellie was the main female character, and she was such a sweet and loving character that had been brought up in a safe and loving environment! I didn't like that Ellie was controlled a lot by her mum, but she tried her best to be her own person and do what she wanted! I loved Ellie! She was very mature for her age and there were times when I had to remind myself of what age she was lol! Ellie was also very understanding with Jamie and she wanted to help him, even though it was dangerous for her! Ellie also really surprised me in this book and I was really happy that she could see through Jamie in a way! This will definitely help in the next book lol! I loved that this book was written from both Jamie and Ellie's point of views! I wasn't sure if it was going to be when I first started reading it, but I'm really happy that it was! It helped me connect more with both characters and it allowed for more things to happen in the plot! I also can't wait to read the next book in this series! I'm not sure if it's going to have Jamie and Ellie as the main characters, but I'm assuming that it is going to by the way the ending was left! The ending was pretty damn good lol, so I am going to be on pins and needles for the next book, and I'm also not sure how long I'll have to wait to get my hands on it lol! I hope it's soon! The cover for this book suits it perfectly! I loved it as soon as I saw it and the model on the front is the perfect Jamie! Big thank you to Kirsty, Forever and Netgalley for an ARC of Fighting To Be Free!

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