Cover Image: George Washington's Secret Spy War

George Washington's Secret Spy War

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Member Reviews

I didn’t end up finishing this book. I made it 25% through before giving up. It was repetitive and very dry. I love nonfiction books but this was not interesting enough for me to continue.

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"George Washington's secret spy war" is a hard, hard book to read because it feels equal in need of a better writer and a better editor. It is also not for readers who know little about Washington generally. I can't say I enjoyed this title but it isn't the worst history book I've ever read either. Thank you for approving this title for me and I'm sorry it has taken so long to read and reivew.

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I loved the premise but I couldn't get into this.... I can't tell whether I just haven't been in the mood (entirely possible) or something about the style hasn't grabbed me yet. May read it at some point.

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I found this to be too spare. Mere listing of facts without enough insight or analysis. Useful for a survey in American History but not engaging for the general reader.

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This was a very informative and interesting read. The author obviously knows his stuff about the time period and has a lot of detail written in the narrative of the book. I would have liked to give the book a higher rating but I found some of the information repetitive and the writing style was dry. But informative all the same.

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This was a fascinating subject but the writing just needed some solid editing. It was difficult to get through. I only finished since this was a copy for review.

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Loved it. I'm a huge American History fanatic and have read the Ron Chernow biography of George Washington. A great follow-up may be to discuss Thomas Jefferson's use of spies.

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The title was clearly well researched but a bit hard to get into if you are seeking more the "action" you expect comes with a book of the nation's first spy ring. Sometimes, it seems, thoroughness can a marsh readers can get bogged down in.

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Very history heavy. So heavy, complete with a barrage of dates and names, that I required an annotated spreadsheet to keep track of what was going on. With that, George Washington's Secret Spy War was not the read I was intending. Any historical narrative was out-weighed with such deep history that made it impossible for the average history buff to keep up and enjoy the story.

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