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Stealing Taffy

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Stealing Taffy is the third book in the contemporary romance Bigler, North Carolina series by Susan Donovan. This is not only the first book in the Bigler, North Carolina series that I am reading but it is also the first book by Susan Donovan that I have read. Each of the books in this series an be read by themselves, which I always appreciate in a contemporary romance series because if I don't discover the series until book 4, for instance, I don't have to go back and read 1 2 and 3 before I can dive into this one. It allows me to try out a series at any time. Stealing Taffy was a satisfying and cute romance.

In Stealing Taffy we meet our main character, Tanyalee fresh out of rehab. But not drug rehab, she went to rehab for forgery and conning men. When her flight home gets derailed, she decides to have a night of fun with her hot airplane seatmate- Dante. Dante turns our to be a DEA agent, who is currently also in North Carolina. When his paths cross with Tanyalee again, sparks fly.

However, there is a huge issue with them being together. Tanyalee is on felony probation and keeping company with a known criminal was against administration policy, and thus forbidden to Dante. I have to say, I haven't ever read this kind of forbidden romance before but I really liked it. It added a unique element to the story. Overall, this was a fun book with a hot romance. .

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Stealing Taffy by Susan Donovan: A sweet romance that’s a bit more than it appears. Stick with it & you’ll appreciate the story & the characters.

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Sadly on this occasion this one unfortunately wasn’t for me.

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Return to Bigler, North Carolina and see a former villain become an endearing, slightly daffy heroine in Stealing Taffy. Susan Donovan had an uphill battle turning Tanyalee into a heroine I could like. Tanyalee’s past and her treatment of others (especially her sister, the heroine of Cheri on Top) was despicable and there was no excuse for it. The newly-reformed Tanyalee in Stealing Taffy is a women who doesn’t make excuses for her past and is trying to make amends, and I actually liked her villain-to-heroine arc. The new Tanyalee is a bit out of her depth when she returns to her hometown, and I liked seeing her work on being a better person. Part of her efforts includes mentoring a troubled young girl, Fern. Fern and Tanyalee’s relationship was, for me, the highlight of the book. The two of them gave this book genuine heart and had it just been their respective journeys, I would have adored Stealing Taffy.

Where the story falters is the romance. Dante is an interesting hero with lots of potential, but we never go into depth on any of his issues. Because of this, he felt a bit cardboard, and this was a pity because Ms. Donovan tells us he’s a hero with issues of his own, ones that are passed over in favor of other storylines. Mostly Dante feels like a springboard for other characters (Tanyalee in particular) and plotlines to bounce off of. His relationship with Tanyalee is fluffy and fun, but there’s a real case of missed opportunity. I couldn’t connect with the characters and the romance felt superficial, so I was left wanting more. Stealing Taffy isn’t a bad book – it’s enjoyable, lighthearted entertainment – but the romance is missing heart. With a bit more depth, this book could have gone from ok to great.

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