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Locked and Loaded

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Locked and Loaded is the fifth book in the romantic suspense U.S. Marshals series by Mandy Baxter. I read, and loved, the fourth book in the series, and it immediately made me want to run out and read books 1, 2 and 3. Well that didn't happen, but I did go on to read the 5th book. I still think book 4 is my favorite but I loved Lock and Loaded as well, so it is a really close determination. They are both great, which tells me that the rest of the series is equally excellent. I think this series is a must read for fans of romantic suspense novels.

In Locked and Loaded we meet our main characters, Charlie and Mason. I loved both of them! They are both control freaks (which is coming from a place of love as a fellow control freak) and both complete goody two shoes. (also from a relatable place of love) Because they are both so similar it was a blast to watch the two of them butt heads over everything! It also helped that their chemistry was off the charts hot! Mandy Baxter does a great job creating character chemistry that sizzles off the page, and these two had "it" in spades!

Locked and Loaded was an action packed story. Yes, the romance was hot, but it was squished in between all of the non-stop plot action that was going on. There is a lot packed into Locked and Loaded. It must have been exhausting to be Charlie and Mason. They didn't stop from page one until the end! But I was riveted with their story. I couldn't put it down. I think this series is a must read for fans of romantic suspense novels. I love this series so much!

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Loved the setup for this story and the passionate chemistry between Charlotte (Charlie) and Mason. Mason and Charlie are part of a task force to take down an evil faction; she’s an attorney and he’s worked in law enforcement type positions. They initially get off on the wrong foot, but as they work together they find more between them. Mason had a tough go of it growing up with a criminal father and “brother”; he’s had it tough trying to advance in the law enforcement world. Mason is tasked with trying to get information about the faction from his criminal “brother”, so there’s conflict with that situation. Loved how tough and sassy Charlie is, but she does have her dopey moments; still mostly liked her though. This is a slow burn at first, but leads into some hot, hot passion. Plus, some really sweet moments. Loved the suspense and how the story unfolds; entertaining and fun! Looking forward to reading more by this author and in this series!

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Charlie is an assistant U.S attorney and is heading up a team to find and take down a group called the Faction Five, who are reported to be an organized crime syndicate with some very powerful people involved. Mason worked for the Customs Border Patrol but quit and has been trying to get a job with the Marshal services. His family has been what has been keeping him from getting in. His father is an infamous thief, con man, and smuggler. Where Mason went the law route, his adopted brother, Kieran followed their father’s footsteps. Mason is convinced to join the team to take down the Faction Five and he’ll be allowed to join the Marshal services. His brother is believed to being recruited for the Faction. He is supposed to convince Kieran that his gas traded sides and wants in on what he’s doing.
Charlie gets herself brought into the undercover work and has to get Kieran to believe she is a jewlrey expert. After Mason swore he wouldn’t work with a partner, now he’s got to try and teach Charlie about diamond grading. As they get closer to who is behind the Faction, the closer Mason and Charlie get.
Then she is taken and held hostage and Mason will do anything to save her, even if he has to take down his brother.
Action packed, suspense, sex, and some surprises. Great story and loved the characters. The storyline was easy to follow and the sex was smoking hot.
* Voluntarily read and reviewed this for Netgalley *

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This was an okay story. It didn't really spark my interest so it took a little bit to really get interested in reading it.

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This story is intense with a lot of action and suspense. Characters were fairly well written, but a few quirky things that were just annoying. Overall a good read.

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