Cover Image: Rise of the Flame

Rise of the Flame

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Member Reviews

Rise of Flame was an enjoyable read with a nice plot and a cover to swoon over!
Many thanks to Netgalley and publisher

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*I received a free copy of this ebook through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.*

I've tried to continue with this book for a long time but it just isn't for me. The writing was slow and I couldn't really connect with the characters.

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I love high fantasy novels with complex worlds! The characters are well developed but I was not as fond of the main character Lilae. A slow build, which I normally do not mind for fantasy books because I like to visualize the world but it was hard for me to continue.

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Thank you for allowing me to read and review this book. I am just not interested in this book anymore. Sorry for the inconvenience.

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*I received a free copy of this ebook through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.*

The first half of this book dragged a lot for me. The world building wasn't executed very well, with info dumps in the form of teaching characters who already should have known the info or having them repeat aloud things they had previously learned. I found the story to be a little boring at first. Had I not felt obligated to finish it and provide a review, I likely would have abandoned it.

Things improved about halfway through once most of the introductory stuff was out of the way. I started to care about Lilae (17/18) and Liam (25) more. But parts of the dialogue and the story itself still felt kind of stilted, unnatural, forced. And there are things that were never explained, like Rowe's vow--he and Liam referenced it several times, but it was never explained what it was or why he made it.

Whatever love story there is wasn't really developed well in this book. Am I supposed to want Lilae to be with Liam or with Kevin? I know whom I prefer (Liam). Both men claim to care for or love her, and it appears that she reciprocates at least partially . . . somehow. There's not exactly opportunity for any of them to develop those feelings. Sure, they can feel physical attraction, but there's nothing else upon which to found their feelings. No joke. Hopefully any relationship is given a chance to have real development in the next book.

I know I'm supposed to cheer for Kavien (24/25), but I don't really want to. At least not when it comes to Lilae. I hated Sona right from the start, though I recognize that she is a formidable warrior.

I suspected the true natures of two characters that I suspect were supposed to surprise me. I'm not sure how I want things to turn out with one of them, though.

I didn't love the book, but I ended up caring enough that I'd finish the series if I could. Unfortunately, me library doesn't have any of the books, and they're no longer on NetGalley. So I guess it's just too bad.

Note: Some swearing. Violence. Almost rape. Mild sex. A creepy, sadistic Shadow Elf.

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*The publisher provided this book in exchange for an honest review through NetGalley.*
Lilae has been running all her life. Since the moment she was born a dark and mysterious force has been chasing her in order to destroy her and what she might represent. She is heir to a god's throne and she is not an ordinary human. She has power deep inside of her.
One day Lilae is captured by the emperor of the Mithrani and stripped of her powers... She will have to learn to live without the amazing advantage they always gave her.
At the same time, on the opposite side of the world, Liam, the prince of the Tryans, leads his army across his realm in order to protect his people against an old threat: the dark elves. The odds of victory and survival are very low but he finds the strength to keep going, step by step.
Liam and Lilae must find each other so they can fight the approaching darkness together but Lilae may be falling for the emperor and Liam finds himself in trouble. They must go on and do everything possible to save the world... They're its last hope.
At first, I was a little reluctant in reading this book but I have to admit that, once I was able to get into the story, I really enjoyed it. Supernatural and otherworldly stories are always the most fun to read. With so many different and detailed elements this was a beautifully written book.
When we look at female heroes in Young Adult books, we can sometimes see that they all look a little alike. What makes Lilae different is that she not only has flaws but she also succumbs to them. She lets herself be blinded by emotion and things she doesn't understand. At the same time, she is athletic and smart and makes you want to be a little like her.
This book uncovers the beginning of a magical and dangerous adventure that us certain to make your heart beat faster and your ideas swim around in your head. With some almost ethereal moments within it leads you in directions you're not consciously going but that are gloriously beautiful.
A great story for all fantasy lovers and anyone who wants to give a different tale a chance.

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This is so close to a beginning to a great fantasy series. So close.
For the most part the races and world building is interesting. The characters are mostly endearing. There is lots of violence, torture and awful things happening, which are all things I like in my fantasy books. And yet I didn't really enjoy it.
What Rise of the Flame needs is a good, harsh, fantasy editor. Someone who will come in and clean up all the redundant phrases, contradictory sentences and just add some serious polish to the words.

For example:
<I>"He appeared before her, and she winced when he slapped her face. The back of his hand struck her so hard that she felt blood squirt from her mouth."</I>

So a slap is palm open, a backhand is the back of the hand. And maybe you're thinking oh Mel it's just semantics, and if this was one of the only examples I might let it go... but this contradictory wording happens every couple of pages! It started to really bug me and by the end I just wanted to be done with this book.

I don't know if I'll read the second book... like I said before great story and decent characters but it's a slog to read as is.

Please note: I received an eARC of this book from the publisher via NetGalley. This is an honest and unbiased review. Don't believe me? Check out the other books I've had eARCs for that I gave great reviews to. I always give my opinion whether good or bad. ;)

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