Member Reviews

Such a fascinating read. I imagined his voice as I read. Celebrity memoirs can be disappointing but this one wasn't.

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Like everybody else in the world I was obsessed with Breaking Bad. I resisted for several seasons, but resistance was futile. Because Walter White was such a riveting character, I was excited to read Bryan Cranston's memoir.

Bryan Cranston was a California boy with a father who was in the business. His childhood was unusual because his father wasn’t consistently successful, so after his parents split up Bryan and his brother had to scavenge for things his mom could sell at a flea market. But the most interesting thing about his youth was the fact that he and his brother travelled across country on their motorcycles in the late 70s. It made for some interesting stories and set the foundation for an interesting life.

Bryan goes on to tell about his early acting days. From his days on the soap opera Loving, to audition after audition. He talks fondly about his Malcom in the Middle family and then he gets to Breaking Bad. He speaks briefly about his bond with Aaron Paul and the Breaking Bad family, but he talks a lot about the craft of acting. Specifically what it was like fighting for what he felt would be true to the character. It was interesting and really showed that Bryan Cranston is a true actor.

Bottom line- A lot of celebrity memoirs are full of Hollywood gossip and anecdotes of colleagues that make it a fun read. A Life in Parts is more about an actor's craft with a few tidbits thrown in for fun. However, celebrity aside, Bryan Cranston has led an interesting life and his memoir is a fascinating read.

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'A Life in Parts' by Bryan Cranston is a memoir about the star who is most famous for Breaking Bad. If you are buying this mainly to learn about Heisenberg, you may be disappointed, but it's a pretty good read.

As the title states, this book is about a life in parts. Each chapter suggests the role that Bryan will discuss, such as Son, Walter, Producer, etc. I learned that after Bryan's father left, his mother had to get creative about how to make ends meet, so she and her two boys would sell things at the big swap meets in Southern California. I also learned that Bryan originally thought he might want to be a police officer. There is also information on the roles he played, a frightening love affair he had with a pretty unstable woman, and how he eventually met his wife, and what the creative process was like on Breaking Bad.

It's a creative idea for a format for a book. Mostly it works. Sometimes, it feels like the narrative flow gets hampered by the idea of keeping the chapters about one aspect at a time.

Still, it's an interesting read, and I felt like I got to know a little bit about an actor that I've admired for a while. I felt like I got into his head about how he approaches the acting process and that was interesting. I also found out that even he thinks it's weird that someone put a Walter White tattoo on their butt.

I received a review copy of this ebook from Scribner and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you for allowing me to review this ebook.

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This was a fantastic memoir - I switched between the audio book and the eARC. Brilliantly narrated/told by the author, of course.

He’s had a pretty interesting life, coming to acting relatively late, and working his way up from small parts, to recurring parts, to the epic smash that was Breaking Bad. Not as much of the book was dedicated to the latter show, and was better for it — Cranston is a great storyteller, and his life has been pretty interesting since the beginning.

Readers will learn of his process, his dedication to his craft (though also his refreshing lack of pretension), his confidence in his colleagues, and also plenty of the vagaries of the entertainment industry. A Life in Parts is a really good, engaging biography. Highly recommended (even if you’re not that familiar with his work).

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Love Bryan Cranston and was excited to read this book. I think he's an amazing actor with a huge range (as evidenced by Hal and Walter White). It was an easy read, as you could read a few chapters, leave it a bit and pick right back up. You get some personal biography, and some info about his life as an actor. I enjoyed reading about how he prepares for the characters he plays. Was not a "gossip" book, but actually a really interesting look at Cranston as a man and an actor.

Thanks to Netgalley & Scribner for an ARC copy in exchange for an honest review!

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I loved A Life in Parts and couldn't put it down. I've always been a fan of Bryan Cranston, so I was thrilled when this book became available to request. His acting range has earned him a place as one of Hollywood's great actors. The reflections he makes throughout the book are certainly going to benefit people who want to get into the business. It's apparent that he chooses all roles with great care, and his family memories offer a more personal relationship perspective to the reader.

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A natural story teller remembers a fascinating life. Dealing with a lot more than his most famous role, I couldn't put this book down. Cranston really knows how to tell a story and there are many opportunities for laughs, cries and deep insights from a life lived consciously and appreciative. Quite possibly one my favourite biographies ever and I'm grateful to have gotten a first look via Netgalley.

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This has officially become my new fave celebrity bio.

I am a huge fan of Bryan Cranston so when I saw this on Netgalley, I quickly snapped it up. because I knew it was going to be a fun read.

Cranston has not had an easy life by any means, but when he fell in love with acting, he used it as his escape and his salvation. From the outset it is clear that Cranston is a smart, witty, artistic and at times a downright menace but it is his love for his profession and for his family that keeps him grounded.

I don’t know about you, but when I see someone get famous, I forget about all the years they probably spent struggling to get started and brand them an instant success – or I’m sure the more dreaded term of overnight success. Cranston doesn’t let you think that for a second. He takes you briefly behind the scenes of his various jobs so you get a real feel for his journey.

Told in true autobiographical form with chapters life “Bike”, “Vagabond”, “Lifeguard” etc, Cranston gives a no holds barred look into his life. What I enjoyed most about this is that it didn’t feel like he held back. No stone was left unturned, no memory too painful and no triumph too great to share with his fans. It is also written more like a conversation between friends rather than an info dumping of someone’s life which makes it a breeze to read.

I’ve heard some wonderful things about the audiobook so if you are debating how to pick this up, I suggest maybe looking into that medium.

If nothing else, this book will make you want to get off your ass, work a little harder and have some epic adventures.

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A Life in Parts by Bryan Cranston was a fascinating memoir to read. I won't be forgetting it anytime soon.

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Bryan Cranston is a man of many depths and layers. His memoir is proof that there is so much more to than this man than just whatever public face he chooses at the moment. Walter White and his complexities pale in comparison to what this brilliant actor has to offer, whether it be through words on a page, images on a TV or lines acted out on the big stage.

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Am amazing actor who lives and intrigue and interesting live, not justo for hice talent but for the media where he works.
Essential for the fans

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