Member Reviews

2.5 stars — If this hadn’t been a NetGalley ARC, I would have DNF’d it. It’s not a bad book per say, but it is NOT a Lenore book. I am SUPER picky about my military books…and this one wouldn’t have made the cut. But this was from my early days of requesting when I wasn’t as selective.

You know a book isn’t right for you when it’s not exactly long, but you find yourself forcing yourself to push through and read and get to the end. Our heroes were both marines (one current, one former), and there was a lot of what strikes me personally as toxic masculinity to their personalities. I get that there’s a reason for the way the military breaks down people to try to keep them alive, but I feel like the price is too high. Add on to that that multiple times it felt like the characters were excusing the slurs and such that they faced while they served, as just being part of the deal, well…yeah, no. And maybe I’m just sensitive and reading too much into it, I fully accept that.

I did appreciate that our characters showed emotions with one another, you could feel their bond and see them grieve. It was more than I was expecting. I even appreciated how they knew one another well enough to know what buttons to push to help each other heal — when to press, when to try another tact. Through this, I found that their chemistry was pretty great, because it *wasn’t* just sexual. You really felt how much they loved one another, and I bought how fast their relationship moved since they had such a strong friendship bond.

I wasn’t expecting the BDSM angle, but that was fine. I’m picky about that too, and this one was pretty light on structure and such. Probably because it was a friends to lovers, so there was already an inherent trust there? Honestly, I only read about BDSM, so it’s not like I know what I’m talking about.

I guess the other thing that bothered me was the emphasis placed on Tanner being part Korean. I’ve been trying to be more aware of how BIPOC characters are written, and I have to admit this tweaked me. It *felt* like a white person writing a POC. But, that could be just me. Though there was definitely a racist moment when Tanner was grateful he got his white father’s genes in the penis size department. NO. Just no.

Fuck, I’m going to have to round down now. I keep finding less than things.

So, last thing…I had a REALLY hard time tracking who the POV was in this book. I don’t know how you’d fix it, and I can’t for the life of me remember how other author’s do it right, but I just know this author didn’t nail it.

*sigh* Well, they can’t all be matches right?

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I feel as if I am a glutton for punishment with this series. I love the characters, I am on totally board with the concept, and I feel the depth of the relationships each and every time. But the books themselves just don’t seem to hit a bullseye for me.

And yet, for some odd reason, I keep coming back for more.

The Farther He Runs tells the story of Finn and Tanner. After a deadly accident on the river which took the life of one of his best friends, Chris, and nearly cost him his own, Finn is pulling his life back together. Physically weaker than before, he must deal with the psychological loss of a man he thought of as his brother. Tanner, his other best friend on leave from the military, comes to visit Finn, and the sparks fly.

Actually, that’s not a good analogy. There isn’t a spontaneous explosion of passion. There is a deep love that simmers to the surface and these two people, each broken in their own way, find a way to re-navigate their friendship without Chris. They find a way to turn what was always platonic affection and trust, into romance and passion. And their relationship was steamy and sexy and satisfying.

The romance aspect of the story was perfect for me.

But I just had issues with the story itself. It moved very slow and was painfully repetitive. I understand that the friendship between Chris, Tanner and Finn was “the brother on my left and the brother on my right”. I just didn’t feel that it needed to be repeated in every situation. In addition, I know that they are all military brothers. I know that it is a big part of their lives that shaped them. I just didn’t feel like everything needed to be a military analogy.

I also wanted more interaction with the other members of Kick. Two thirds of the way into the book and all Tanner and Finn had done was go to a cabin in the woods. And have sex. Lots of sex. Really great-to-read sex! But it didn’t further the story. They did have a ton of romantic discussions, but there are only so many “silent” conversations between the two of them that I could take. Unless one of them had an undiscovered talent for mind-reading that the author hadn’t shared, it was a bit much.

The Farther He Runs was a good romance. It had likeable characters and emotion and heart working through a lot of internal issues. I just felt it needed more of a plot to truly go along with it.

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Tanner Dorsey has just returned from active duty in the Marines, on a mission where he had no communication with home for a year. When he finally was able to check in, Tanner learned that one of his best friends, Chris, was killed in a rafting accident nine months ago and the other, Finn, was seriously injured in the same accident and is still recovering. Finn, Tanner, and Chris had been best friends for years, as close as brothers. Tanner’s feelings for Finn have been stronger than friendship for a while, but he is afraid of messing things up between them by sharing the truth, especially with both men still raw over Chris’ death.

Finn has spent months recovering from the accident and his subsequent coma. After years in the Marines and being in peak physical condition, Finn has had to relearn the most basic tasks and is still not as strong as he once was. Between self doubts and anxieties about his own weakness, as well as his sadness over Chris’ death, Finn has shut pretty much everyone out, even his closest friends with whom he co-owns Kick Adventures. But when Tanner returns, Finn finally has the comfort of his best friend, a man who understands everything about Finn, as well as a man whom he secretly loves.

Finn and Tanner take some time to spend alone in Finn’s seaside cabin. It is a chance for them to reconnect, for Finn to work on getting stronger and continuing to heal, for Tanner to mentally recover from his recent military duties, and for both men to deal with their grief over Chris’ death. The bond between the two of them continues to grow stronger as they spend the days and weeks together, and the attraction both men feel for one another gets even more intense. The sexual interest and dominant tendencies Finn thought were forever lost come roaring back and perfectly fit with Tanner’s more submissive side. Now Finn and Tanner must decide if they can be brave enough to share their feelings and take a chance on something more than friendship between them. And once they do, they must figure out how to navigate a future where Tanner is soon due back on active duty.

The Farther He Runs is the third book in Lynda Aicher’s Kick series and my favorite one so far. The stories all focus on a group of men who own Kick Adventures. Most of them are former military and many of them are Doms. Finn has been a character in the background of the first two books. Chris’ death and Finn’s injuries are a major story thread that ties the series together, but this is the first time we actually really meet him. So I think you could probably read this one as a standalone, but I think having the history of the accident and how it affects the other guys would enhance your reading of this book.

I will admit at first the book was a little on the slow side, or at least a little on the intense, darker end, as we start off really feeling Finn and Tanner’s grief. These men are so torn apart by losing Chris, and Finn has been suffering alone for a while. Tanner blames himself for not being there for Finn and these guys are just really struggling. But once they get away to the cabin and start spending time healing, the story really picks up. The chemistry and connection between the men is great from the start. They have been best friends for years, and along with Chris, the men have been inseparable. Aicher does a really nice job letting us feel the intense bonds of their friendship and their closeness, while at the same time seeing how their feelings having changed to become more romantic and sexual. The story is super hot, with some mild Dom/sub play. Nothing too intense, but enough to add some light kink to the story. I also appreciated that while it does take some time for the guys to admit their feelings, this part of the conflict doesn’t drag on endlessly, and the later parts of the book are more focused on the future plans than on getting the guys to open up about their attraction to one another.

So I really enjoyed this story and thought it was a great addition to the series. I am not sure what more Aicher has planned for the Kick crew, but I am really liking this series and hope there is more to come.

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The Farther He Runs is book three in the Kick series and I do not recommend reading it as a stand alone. You will be totally lost and missing out on so much.
This story takes place several months after the accident which killed Chris and left Finn in a coma. Tanner has been out on deployment but is now home and Finn is recovering. This is their story.
The three men group is now down to two and naturally - Tanner and Finn grow close.
This is a wonderful tale of loss and love. Both the story flow and the character development were done well and I recommend it!

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Loved this one. Great story and characters!!! Can't wait to read more of this author in the future.

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I've been eagerly anticipating Finn's story after reading the first book in this Kick series by Lynda Aicher when Finn is still in a coma from the accident. So let me first start by telling you all that Lynda has a way with emotions, and The Farther He Runs displays that talent in spades...she's truly is a master. Like with all of her other books I've read, the connection between the two characters is the primary focus and every single page of the book further solidifies that connection.

I simply adored this story about love, and friendship, and truly finding a new path in life after a devastating loss of self. I think that both Tanner and Finn needed one another to truly live, and I was so enthralled with their story that I couldn't put it down and read it in one truly was that good. You won't need to read the previous two books in this series to understand what is going on, so I say dive right in and I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

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Finn and Tanner were great together. They each had something they were struggling with, and the other was able to help them with their issue. While they may have been dom/sub in the bedroom, they showed that they could each be the strength the other needed. I was actually surprised at how the intimate part of their relationship started, basically on a dare. And while things could have been smoother for them sooner if they would have talked more, they are both military guys so that's to be expected.

I've enjoyed all the Kick books, but this one really got me to swoon.

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3.5 stars from me on this one. It was a good book and thank goodness, it was a stand alone!

This story is m/m and I don't get many opportunities to read those. It was a hot book, but just okay.

Thanks to Random House Publishing Group - Loveswept via NetGalley for a copy of this book.

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My favorite Kick story so far. I've been waiting and rooting for Finn since book 1. The author doesn't disappoint! As soon as Tanner learns of the accident that hurt Finn and killed Chris, he rushes to Finn's side. With Chris gone, Finn and Tanner redefine their relationship.

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Only read the first two chapters but just couldn't get into it. There just did not seem to be a build up to what was happening so I felt like I was missing something. I have read her other two books.

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Very good, but not my favorite. I liked this book. It demonstrates that you cannot run forever. The powerful emotions and thoughts of the main characters had me riveted. I enjoyed this book.

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Fantastic next step in this series. We finally get to see more of Finn and watch as he and Tanner work through both of their issues and find a way to work together. The characters are written so well that you can't help but be drawn in so far that you can't let go until the end. I have loved each and every book in this series and can't wait to see where it goes from here.

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The Farther He Runs is an emotional, sexy read. Finn was injured in an accident with one of his best friends, Chris, and is now recovering and trying to get his mind and body back to their former fitness. His other best friend, Tanner, is back from his latest mission and is dismayed to see Finn so changed. He's struggling to get himself back and Tanner is determined to help him.

They engage in a journey of recovery and exploration while staying in a cabin together and it awakens feelings and desires long held at bay for both of them. Although I don't know the previous story, it is easy to pick up on the intense connection between the two men, not just physically, but more importantly, emotionally. I like the obvious love the two have for each other that transcends physical, and extends into the important emotional and mental connection that so many men who serve together must share. Here, that love is portrayed so honestly and beautifully that I found myself sniffling and wiping away tears more than once.

The sexy scenes are hot, although I was wishing for a little more kink, as Finn and Tanner's dom and sub tendencies were discussed more than once. But, I really like how emotional the scenes were, too, not just hard and fast with little to no emotion that can be so prevalent in BDSM fiction. It is obvious The Farther He Runs is more about the emotional journey than the physical, and it makes the story all the more interesting for it.

Even if MM is not in your normal interests, I advise you to read this story of recovery and love. It's well written and both characters are complex, with hidden insecurities and layers we all share. It's very easy to like both Tanner and Finn, they're strong, sweet and loving, and display a realistic bent not always featured in fiction today.

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Wow! This was an incredibly emotional M/M romance. The chemistry between these characters was fantastic with a lot of build up and really hot steamy scenes. I really enjoyed this book and can't wait to read more!

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After years away from home, Tanner Dorsey is back and sorting through feelings that have him in a stranglehold. The hardened Marine will do anything for a fallen comrade, so when an accident leaves Finn Kelley fighting for his life, Tanner’s eager to be there for him. In fact, Tanner’s ready and willing to do anything Finn asks—especially if it means finally acting on the sexual tension that’s always kept him craving more.

Finn senses it too—when he brushes against Tanner’s stubbled jaw, when he inhales the scent of the T-shirt that clings to Tanner’s body like a second skin. Now that he’s more vulnerable than ever, Finn knows the time is right to take control, even if it means risking the heart and soul of their friendship. The bond they share goes beyond desire; it’s a bond of brotherhood, forged under conditions few could imagine. But once they cross that line, there will be no more secrets. No more boundaries. And no turning back.

I really enjoyed the first two books in this series (all can be stand alones) which follows an adventure company run by men who are gay and are into some kink. It’s a safe space for good friends to explore their fantasies and needs.

If you have read this series, one hero in this book is the man, Finn, who was in the white water accident and left in a coma. Tanner, our other hero is a marine and deployed for quite some time. Finn and Tanner have always been good friends, and their other bestie, Chris, died in that rafting accident. Finn has been focused on recovering from his coma and trying to live a new life. Tanner has been concentrating on not dying over in the middle east. So when Tanner finally gets a five-week leave, he returns straight to Finn’s house so they can mourn Chris’s death together.

Finn is not only physically recovering, but he has become a recluse. He doesn’t want to deal with the fact that his best friend is dead and doesn’t want pity from his other friends due to his weakened physical state. This book starts out really strong with a lot of angst. Such delicious angst I almost couldn’t stand it.

Eleven years of friendship forged under situations most couldn’t comprehend, let alone survive, had created a level of intimacy no absence could break.

He tightened his hold, pressed his lips to Tanner’s smooth jaw. His heart stuttered, clenched, and finally relaxed to allow air into his lungs. He sucked in a deep breath, gripped Tanner’s nape, and rested his temple on Tanner’s.

But you see – these guys are not sexually active with each other. They have only just been friends. Friends that has a love that runs deeper than most anything. So their touchy-feely, caressing of the jaw, holding on to one another – was really hot. They needed that physical touch, to remind one another they are still alive and to let their grief over their late friend come to the surface.

I don’t know if it was because there is such a build up of this intimacy at the beginning of the book which was a set-up for me to be let down later, or what – but after a while, the romance started to not work for me. They are in this deep mourning – they meet with their other friends and go to the cemetary and everything is deep and dark and intense. And then the next scene, Finn and Tanner decide to go for a run, and Finn is like – Tanner, you must run with a butt plug in.

*scratches head*

Look – if you want to run with a butt plug in, be my guest. It just didn’t fit in the story at that time. And shortly after that, there is mutual….release…and things progress from there. The kink and physical romance felt forced to me. Or just too – abrupt.

I like these guys though, and there are some really sexy scenes – and the angst in the beginning is terrific. The romance felt a little off.

Grade: C+

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This is one of the most incredibly intense stories I’ve read-intense in the extreme. The powerful emotions and thoughts of the main characters had me absolutely riveted to my screen as I read. It was actually so intense that just over a third of the way in, I actually had to set it down for a couple of hours to give myself some breathing room. But even given that, I’ve already re-read this book and I’ve only had it a short time.

Finn and Tanner’s feelings for each other run so deep and strong that you can’t imagine anything ever tearing them apart-if they would ever give in to their feelings. Their shared experiences have created such a strong, solid bond between them that at times they don’t have to say a word to understand each other. They know each other better than they know themselves. The absolute, ultimate definition of soulmates and it was absolutely breathtaking to read. I could feel the emotion through both the author’s words and the characters’ thoughts-it was almost as if their actions and emotions became a living, breathing entity beside me as I read-even with the constant air of solemnity that was present in the story.

Both Finn and Tanner have their own baggage and scars from their pasts, primarily from their service in the Marines but also in regards to their families. When they are brought together after Tanner’s latest tour ends, the tension is already high, and once you add in the pain of loss and both Finn and Tanner’s deeply buried feelings for each other—not to mention the unbelievably high sexual tension—you have a recipe for something explosive. Once they fully give in, their chemistry catapults them into some of the most sensual and erotic scenes-with elements of BDSM thrown in for good measure, ones you’ll want to have some ice and fans ready for…and probably a spare set of batteries!

I haven’t read the other books in this series yet (but you better believe they’re already queued up and waiting for me), but that did not detract from my enjoyment of this story one bit. It can definitely stand on its own, though once you read it I think it’s a safe bet that you’re going to want to read the rest.

The Farther He Runs was a 5-star, Top Recommendation read for me, and has become one of my all-time favorite M/M books as well as my #1 read for 2016. It does touch on mature subject matter including the previously mentioned BDSM elements, as well as PTSD and grief from loss, and is strictly meant for readers 18+ due to these aspects as well as adult language and explicit M/M sexual content.

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