Cover Image: Fall Far from the Tree

Fall Far from the Tree

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A really promising story but didn't grab me from the beginning. Really struggled to get in to it or like the characters.

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*I received a copy of this ebook through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.*

Fall Far from the Tree sounded interesting, but failed to capture my attention. I never found myself caring about any of the characters, which is saying something since there are four: Fastello (16), Cateline (16), Rohesia (17), and Kojiro (17). The two characters who prompted the most emotional responses in me were Fastello's father (Davazanto?) and Rohesia's guardian (Sherrod). The first inspired hatred and disgust, while the second repulsed me.

The last 15-20% of the book felt very contrived and melodramatic. What should have been an engaging action scene and the climax fell quite flat and emotionless. At that point, I just rushed through to finish it.

One aspect of the story was interesting, though. It was the way the four main characters discovered they were connected.

I suppose I could have marked this as having a love story, but I didn't really feel like it really did. Both boys are interested in Cateline, and she sort of likes one of them. But without giving anything away, it's short lived.

I see on Goodreads that a sequel is planned, but I'm content leaving it alone.

I'd probably give this book 1 - 1 1/2 stars, but I'm bumping it up to 2 because of the author's correct use of a phrase that is so frequently used incorrectly: "each one ___er than the last." (It is often written/spoken as "each one ___er than the next," which would indicate each thing is less than the one before it. That would be fine if that's what was intended, but each time I've seen it written that way, it is obviously meant that "each one ___er than the last." Pet peeve.) So despite my lack of interest in the book and the other errors in it, this one little thing has boosted it up. Fair, unfair--whatever.

Note: Some swearing.

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