Member Reviews

I received this book from Netgalley. This book was really easy to read. It was well written and I found time went very quickly while reading. I was a third of the way through it and didn't even realise.

Having said that, I would say that this book has a lot happening but also not that much at the same time. Lots of things happen but not a lot that necessarily contribute to the story as a whole.

Ethan seems like he's had a hard life and needs zomeone to be there for him. Yes, I'm a big fan of him as a character. I didn't approve when Jessa left him and didn't even bother to read his messages/emails. He could have been in trouble and she wouldn't have been there. Not everything is about her - a theme that I saw pop up a few other times in the book.

I really enjoyed this book and I enjoyed getting to know the characters. Apparently it continues from Ethan's point of view but I haven't found that on Netgalley so I guess that will have to wait!

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I received this arc from NetGalley for an honest review. I typically love YA novels but this book had so much drama in it that I was really turned off by it. I know that teens will really enjoy it though as they can better relate.

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