Member Reviews

This was a decent story and I somewhat enjoyed both the hero and the heroine. However, nothing really stood out making it a great book.

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Malcolm has been notified that his father, stepbrother, and most of his clansmen have died from an outbreak of a disease. Malcolm’s father on his deathbed asked for Malcolm to be brought back to lead what is left of their clan. Three of his clansmen come to Malcolm to tell him his father died and he is the new Laird. But Malcolm comes back but to make a wish which was a tradition for the clan. But Malcolm doesn’t want to go back as he is a lawyer and is about t propose to Nancy Martin and she will not agree to go and stay in the Highlands. Malcolm had been away for a long time. Marcall thought she was in love with Colin But he betrays her. After Colin's betrayal Marcall agreed to marry whoever her father suggests and she married John. She doesn't know that John is marrying Marcal. Then on a ship on the way to her new home with her new husband John, he betrays her.Marcall is a good swimmer and drawn to water. She jumps off the ship to swim home but Marcall hits her head. Malcolm finds when he is taking a walk to think about everything. The woman is wearing the Mx]cLeod plaid which is an enemy to Malcolm's clan. He Takes the plaid and hides it as he doesn't know how his people would act with a woman coming to them wearing the plaid. The women does not know who she is or where she came from so she is renamed Ranat. There is a powerful chemistry between Malcolm and Ranat. Malcolm had to earn his people’s trust.Malcolm came to care for his people and wanted to stay and help his clan become strong,
I really enjoyed this book. I felt this book had a good plot as well as a good pace. This is more or less a take off from the Little Mermaid and I loved that. I didn’t like John at all. I did really like Malcolm and Ranat together. I also loved how Malcolm;s clan welcomed Ranat. I also really liked how Malcolm handled everything for not knowing what he was doing. I loved how Ranat was determined to get her man she cared for. I loved how the characters and the ins and outs of this book. I recommend

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This is book two in Ms. Cornwall’s new series of fairy tail retellings. This one is the retelling of The Little Mermaid and since I’ve never read or seen the movie about the said mermaid, I have nothing to compare it to, but I can tell you that I did like this story and now I really need to see The Little Mermaid.

I liked a lot of things in this book. From the intriguing plot to the pace, I thought the author did a fantastic job. But it’s the characters of Marcail and Malcolm that made me like this story so much. . I liked the slow progression of their romance and I liked that she was strong willed and at times impulsive. As for the hero? Well, there was a lot to be impressed by him. He was everything a hero should be. Brave, considerate, strong and passionate about his clan as well as the woman he loved.

This tale is for all hard core romance and adventure lovers and because it will have you smile as you’re entertained by not just our couple but by a slew of side characters as well.

If you are a fan of fairytale retellings and men in kilts, I definitely think you should read this sweet and heartwarming tale.

Melanie for b2b

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Malcolm Ban McDonald doesn't believe in magic and superstition like the rest of his clan, that is, until Marcail McLoad washes up on his beach....

Malcolm is by far my favorite Highland hero. He's strong, sweet, kind, and a gentleman through and through. I love the description of him, and found myself wanting to run my fingers through those golden red curls. Marcail plays the Highland heroine quite nicely, but she grated on my nerves.

This story is really just the same story we've all read before, with only. few details different. I found the writing to be average, the dialogue to be average, and the plot to be average. This wasn't a bad book to read, in all honesty I enjoyed it.... but there was nothing about it that would make it memorable.

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Our reviewer did not connect well with this book and therefore did not finish.

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I just loved Malcom.... where can I find one of my own?! A nice historical romance with a very likeable leading laird and lady.

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I really enjoyed this story. Malcolm was definitely a man out of his element which in and of its self, added much to the story. He was suppose to be the new clan chief, but he had no idea what he needed to do. Then we have Marcail who has lost her memory, which ended up being a hole other can of worms since she was from a clan that was an enemy of the MacDonalds.

This was a great read and definitely one I would recommend picking up. I'm excited to read the next book in the series!

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First I wish to state how much I am enjoying this Highland Fairytale series by Lecia Cornwall. The way she combines a historical Highland romance with a little magic and intrigue makes for a unique read. When a Laird Finds a Lass is the second in this series. Sometimes books in a series as the series continues lose that something that makes the first book a great read or the author tells the same basic story with different characters. This does not happen with this series. This book is every bit as exciting as the first with different characters and a totally different storyline. The story focuses on Malcolm MacDonald and Marcail MacLeod, unfortunately their clans are bitter enemies. Malcolm is named his father's successor as Laird, but he is very unprepared to lead his clan. Marcail falls overboard and ends up on the MacLeod's beach where she is found by Malcolm. She is suffering from amnesia so does not realize she is supposed to hate the MacDonalds. The storyline holds the attention all the way through, a real page turner. It is one of those books that you don't like to see end. Fortunately for readers there are more MacLeod sisters and other interesting characters that should have their own stories. I already have the next book loaded on my kindle. Great read.

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I started really well and somehow reminded me of the medieval epos of Tristan and Isolde (by Eilhardt) because of this whole rescue storyline - the maiden who "fell" into the water from a ship, was unconcious, resued by a hero, healed by a healer - this is all in the reverse form (Isolde rescues Tristan who is her enemy because he has killed her brother but in the beginning she doesn't know that he's her brother's killer) part of the medieval epos. In Scotland their families are enemies and there is an unhappy wedding (Tristan: Marke and Isolde) etc. - well let's say there are a few familiar elements.

Anyway, the story started really well. I had hoped that the female lead is the widowed oldest sister of Micail - I cannot even tell why but I really liked the few lines she was in a lot.

Nevertheless the rescue story isn't all of what this book is about. It's about Malcome Ban MacDonald who is asked to be the new laird after his father's death. He doesn't want to go to the Highlands because he built a live in the city but he goes with the Highlanders and tries his best - still living between this traditional world on the one side and the modern city life on the other. This plus the rescue story are the storyline.

It started well but then it became more and more ... rigmarole.

Rating: 3***

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I enjoyed the over all story line but it was a slow start. I enjoyed the romance and the main characters were very nicely developed.

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