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Never Let You Go

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Another good suspense book from Chevy! Took me a bit to get going, but I was surprised at her twists and turns once again!

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I received this ARC from in exchange for a review.

From the book description ... "Eleven years ago, Lindsey Nash escaped into the night with her young daughter and left an abusive relationship. Her ex-husband, Andrew, was sent to jail and Lindsey started over with a new life."

What this doesn't say is her ex is demented and sadistic. A hard story to read unless you truly enjoy deeply, dark psychologically twisted minds.

Overall, not my kind of story but the writing is good.


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I would like to thank Netgalley and Chevy Stevens for allowing me an ARC in return for my unbiased review.

This book is intense. It is the first book i have read by this author, i now need more of her books if this is anything to go by.

It starts with Lindsay Nash, her husband Andrew and their daughter Sophie while they are on a family holiday. Lindsay is on guard as she can feel her husband building up to have a go at her or maybe worse. It could be down to the way she said "thank you" to a waiter, or that the fact the waiter briefing touched her finger when they exchanged a glass.. The fact that Andrew can notice something as subtle and innocent as this shows the intense scrutiny he has his wife under.

Andrew is possesive, jealous, controlling and has a drink problem, this cocktail of issues is not going to make for a happy holiday, marriage or family life. He watches and checks his wifes every movenment, comment and glance. He will accuse her of flirting, when in fact she is just being polite and friendly. He has cameras fitted around their home in case of burglary, but in fact she knows he is checking on her. This is only a small scale example of what he does there is so much more.

Eventually Lindsay summons the courage to take their daughter Sophie and leave the family home while Andrew is asleep, she cannot take the mental or physical abuse, his drinking has escalted and she fears for her life. On the night of the escape Andrew becomes involved in a car crash is arrested and imprisoned for 10 years.

Lindsay and Sophie begin a life without Andrew and things are going well until they hear that he has been released. Lindsay has a support group, friends and her own business. Sophie has school friends as well as school to attend before she goes off to university. Will this mean they move or stay? Will Andrew make an appearance in their lives? What will happen ?

This book moves through the lives of the main characters, it shows their angle on what their family life is like. How the abusive husband changes Lindsays whole character, how Sophie is aware of some of what is happening. It also shows how an abusive partner can be manipulative in such subtle ways that other observers don't understand the danger that Lindsay is in. It explores the depths that a jealous human being can go to when he has to be in control of another persons every movement. It also explores the way the abuse victim becomes obsessed with every little detail in her life that she misses key observations with thinhgs going on around her. She becomes blinkered, trapped and paranoid.

If you think this story is going to be predictable, then you are very much mistaken. There are little twists throughout. The way Chevy Stevens deals with this subject is outstanding. I was hooked from the first few paragraphs right through to 1:30am finishing it. Once started I had to know what happened, I couldn't put it down.

Would I recommend? Absolutley
Will I mention it to other people? Most definitley.

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I have read and enjoyed all of Chevy Stevens previous books so was really looking forward to this new one. To begin with I wasn’t sure about Never Let You Go, it seemed to have a very different feel to it and a plotline that felt a bit stale and overused. But the more I read, the more I realised what a very clever writer Chevy Stevens is indeed, as I had been lulled into a false sense of security that I was about to be dragged from kicking and screaming! This book gradually develops into the highly gripping thriller that I have come to expect from this author and I felt as though I had climbed a mountain once I had got to that end. Oxygen masks at the ready!

There is a fair amount of domestic abuse at the start that may make some feel uncomfortable and I certainly felt like I was walking on that knife edge alongside Lindsey when she started to realise the control her husband Andrew was exerting over her. But this is unlike other domestic noir books around at the moment in that I felt the relationship that took centre stage was between Lindsey and her daughter Sophie and not Lindsey and Andrew. Their bond was very thoughtfully written and developed and although they took turns relating their perspectives on what was occurring, what both accounts had in common was that deep bond of trust that had formed between mother and daughter. Once Andrew is back on the scene it was interesting to watch and take note of the changes in the family dynamics, if they were altered and if outside influences that had been thrown into the mix were being ignored? As the action heats up and loyalties become divided, will they have the strength to fight to maintain their little family unit?

I found myself holding my breath as this progressed through to the finale, one that was shockingly unexpected and terrifying. Once on this heart stopping rollercoaster of emotions, it’s impossible to get off and what had been a slow and steady read at the start became an unputdownable adrenaline fuelled race to the finish. So I was very pleased that I had pushed through my tolerance barrier and kept on reading as I would have missed out on this intensely gratifying book otherwise. Whilst it hasn’t overtaken Still Missing as my favourite Chevy Stevens novel this is still a great read which kept me up until the early hours desperate to uncover the truth.

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Now this was a thriller! The last two books I read were purported to be (weren't even close). I had goose pimples on top of goose pimples. This man was merciless. Even after spending 10 years in jail, he wife (now ex-wife) was still his. Oh and the things he did to her while they were still married. And they even had a young child together.

There was absolutely no way I was putting this book down. I had to see this one through to the end. The story goes back and forth from when they were married to current day. Unfortunately, current day his daughter is 16, she doesn't remember those days before he went to prison. Her mother shielded a LOT from her. She just wants to get to know her dad. They've spent a year traveling from one town to the next trying to get away from him while he was waiting for his punishment. Then finally he received his sentence and they could settle down.

Now, down the road she decides to write him. She uses her best friends address, forgetting that just because it's not her house, it is her town. A small town at that. Guess where he goes the minute he gets out of jail. Yep, straight to his daughter's and his ex wife's town. The stalking begins.

The jaw dropping, didn't see it coming ending will absolutely blow you away. I guarantee if you like thrillers, this book is for you.

Huge thanks to St. Martin's Press for approving me for this title and to Net Galley for providing me a free e-galley in exchange for an honest review. I absolutely LOVED this book!

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Loved the book! This fast paced suspense held my attention throughout. I love that it was a challenge to find out who was causing all the evil. It kept me guessing to the end. I will definitely read more by this author. Highly recommended.

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Chevy Stevens took my breath away more than once with her upcoming book, Never Let You Go. Focused around a physically abusive and controlling relationship, Stevens places the reader directly in the center of the storm. Reading an abusive relationship was intense, and I felt my heart pounding during most of part one. I have never been in this situation, but Stevens opened my eyes to just how terrifying it is for the victim of abuse, and how it can feel impossible to get out of the relationship. In this book, Lindsey Nash knows she must take a bold risk to remove her and her daughter, Sophie, from the grip that her husband, Andrew, has over their lives.

Lindsey and Andrew meet at a young age and fell deeply in love. They married and settled into their new home together, enjoying the early days of their romance. As Lindsey learns more about Andrew, she decides to surprise him with a thoughtful Christmas present - she knows he is going to be so touched. As it turns out, the gift triggered painful parts of his past, which revealed a rage that she didn't see coming. Lindsey feels terrible, but works to repair the damage. Over time, she notices that Andrew's drinking is increasing, and he becomes more verbally abusive and controlling. She slowly dissolves her friendships and hopes for a career, her world centering around Andrew. Sophie is born and years later the situation has escalated - Lindsey has no freedom and Andrew's drinking is out of control. She has to escape this to protect Sophie and take back her life, but how? The events that follow lead to Andrew's arrest, and a chance for Lindsey to start over.

Fast forward eleven years: Lindsey has built a new life for herself and Sophie is now 17 years old. Lindsey makes her living cleaning houses, and has worked hard to develop her business. Sophie is a talented artist, though, like many teenagers, a little lost. Sophie longs for a relationship with her father, the missing piece in her life. Lindsey has been dating, and has two reliable men in her life - Marcus, a great friend who teaches self-defense at her support group, and Greg, her boyfriend. Lindey's world is shaken when she discovers that Andrew has been released from prison, but she feels confident that he will not be able to find her and Sophie. When strange events begin to occur, Lindsey is convinced that Andrew is back and looking for revenge. Her home is invaded, both her dog and husband are attacked - she knows this is Andrew's work, but with no tangible evidence, the police can't do much to protect her.

This story is told in multiple timelines and is narrated from both Sophie and Lindsey's perspectives. I have read a ton of books lately that feature this narrative style, and this one really stands out. I loved hearing Sophie's take on the situation, and Stevens wrote a teenager so well! This book isn't extremely violent, but the emotional toll it takes, especially in part one, is so heavy. I was so horrified and disgusted by Andrews actions, but more than that I was terrified for Lindsey and sad for Sophie. This book was so close to being a 5 star read for me! I had to dock it a little due to two shortcomings: the first is the story behind Sophie's boyfriend, Jared. He is a major player in the story, and there are some questions about him that are left unanswered. I am still thinking about this kid - I want to know more! The second reason is that I didn't love the final thoughts regarding Andrew. I can't say much more than that without spoiling the story! That said, this is one of the best psychological thrillers I have read in a while - it's fast-paced, completely gripping, and had me at the edge of my seat.

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Well I've had several days to let this read percolate in my brain, and I'm happy to say this still stands as a solid 4.5 star rating from me.

The plot isn't anything new. Lindsay's true love/husband Andrew turns out to be an insecure bully who's mental and physical abuse continues to progress throughout the years. When he starts using their daughter Sophie as a pawn, Lindsay realizes she needs to leave, in anyway possible.
It's this action that triggers events that will forever change all of their lives....

Told from 2 POV (Lindsay and Sophie) and bouncing from past and present tense, here is where this book differs from most others with the same theme.

Stevens is a genius at drawing the reader into these characters lives with descriptive and realistic scenarios. I felt the emotion coming off Lindsay as she struggles with such hard decisions. I felt the pull of a child who desperately wants to find the good in her Father. I liked the balance Stevens gave between the dark moments as well as the things that were going right in their lives. I found myself rooting for their happiness, and getting angry when it was threatened.

Any author that can get that kind of response from me is a star in my book!

I highly recommend this and most any Chevy Stevens read...You won't be disappointed!

ARC provided by NetGalley

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Many thanks to NetGalley, the publisher and author for the opportunity to read this great book!

I've been a huge fan of Chevy Stevens for a long while and her latest does not disappoint. The book is told in different time periods in different voices, which definitely adds to the storyline.

The subject of the book is Lindsey - a young mom with her daughter, Sophie, married to a very abusive, controlling man. We see the beginnings of their relationship through the escalating abuse and Lindsey's need to escape to save herself and Sophie. Then there's an accident, and her husband, Andrew, is in jail. Lindsey and Sophie move to a small town and start over. When Andrew is released from jail, Lindsey starts noticing signs that he's back in her life, sneaking into her house, trying to contact Sophie.

Can't say any more because that will ruin all the suspense in this story that you just need to read yourself. Very fast-paced and I couldn't put it down- highly recommended!

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Her marriage to Andrew had been wonderful at first – but during her pregnancy, and after Sophie was born, Lindsey noticed subtle changes. Andrew became possessive; she no longer had any friends; and he started to drink. But her parents and brother thought Andrew was wonderful – he was that good an actor. Finally when Sophie was five – after giving Andrew more chances than Lindsey could remember – she fled with Sophie in the dead of night. After a long period in hiding, and to her immense relief, Andrew was sent to jail.

Eleven years later Andrew was once again out on the streets – free to harass; free to play his mind games with Lindsey all over again. She was frightened – but more so for Sophie who was an impressionable teenager and had no memory of the terror her father had inflicted on her mother. Would Sophie contact her father? Or would he contact her? Lindsey begged her not to see or speak to him, but Sophie had a mind of her own – she wanted to know her father…

Lindsey’s nightmares were coming true once again – she knew Andrew was stalking her; getting into her home when they weren’t there. Lindsey knew they couldn’t continue running – Sophie’s final year in school was important and she also wanted her own life – a life without constantly looking over her shoulder. Would it ever happen? Would they ever know peace and happiness?

Never Let You Go by Chevy Stevens is another mind-blowing psychological thriller that I just couldn’t put down! What an amazing WOW factor this book has! I can’t believe how good this author is at getting into the mind of a psychopath and leaking it out, word by word, to soak into the reader’s mind! Brilliant! And highly recommended to all fans of the genre…

With thanks to St Martin’s Press via NetGalley for this digital copy to read and review.

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I have read all of Chevy Stevens book, but this was not among my favorites. It was ok, just not all that great. Predictable and felt like she was "phoning it in."

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This will go live on my blog on March 12.

Lindsey wants to leave her husband Andrew. He's emotionally abusive (sometimes physically, when he drinks) and is definitely manipulative. Her young daughter Sophie still loves him (he's a good dad) but still. This situation cannot last for much longer. She hatches a plan but things go wrong--so wrong, in fact that Andrew is sent to prison. Fast forward about a decade later, and he's about to be released. And Lindsey knows he'll be coming for her (and Sophie).

This book is insanely suspenseful. This is not at all surprising; this is what Chevy Stevens does best of all.

It's also really creepy! I read it during a rain-and-windstorm, and the noises from outside sounded not unlike someone trying to break in--a little too atmospheric, thanks.

If you love thrillers, check this out. You will love it! Recommended.

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I've been a huge fan of Chevy Stevens since I read her first novel Still Missing way back in 2010, so as you can imagine I couldn't wait to start reading Never Let You Go. As I would expect this novel has all the hallmarks I have come to expect from this author, suspense, intrigue and plenty of twists and turns to keep the reader captivated. Never Let Yo Go is a disturbing and insightful study of domestic abuse with dark and dangerous undertones running throughout, which certainly made for a gripping read

This isn't the most original plot Lindsey flees and abusive relationship, and years later thinks she's being stalked by her ex husband, I've read numerous books with the very same theme running through them, but thanks to this authors descriptive writing and her ability to build skilfully on the suspense she manages to deliver an extremely disturbing tale.

The narrative goes back and forth between past and present and alternates between Lindsey and her daughter Sophie’s POV’s. The author uses this to good effect and the reader gets a sense of foreboding from the first chapter. Another factor that added to my enjoyment of this book were the different points of view of both Lindsey and Sophie, as you get different perspectives of events and characters.

Chevy Stevens expertly builds on Laura's paranoia which in turn lead to the reader seeing each character as someone not to be trusted, as events take a sinister turn I had many a "heart in your mouth moments". I became so engrossed in this story it was a difficult one to put down, as you reach the end of each chapter the tension is taut, and the sense of foreboding is overwhelming. With red herrings a plenty the author skilfully keeps the reader in suspense right up until the last few chapters which isn't an easy task. If you enjoy a psychological thriller that explores obsession, jealousy, and relationships then I would recommend adding this one to your TBR pile.

5 ⭐ This review maybe altered slightly and edited prior to publication on my blog

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Ok Whoa!!! I was not expecting this book to go that dark and twisted there towards the end. I really thought that this was going to be your run of the mill “Sleeping With the Enemy starring Julia Roberts,” but it really wasn’t. It had all the elements of the Julia Roberts movie, but things got so crazy there towards the end. I can usually predict what the ending of my book is going to take me and this one was surprising, which is totally refreshing. I can totally see this being made into a movie, it was that good.


Good plot lines and great twists. Good surprises along the way. When I got to the last 20% of the book I couldn’t put it down until I had finished and saw what happened. I’m going to spoil it just a little bit for you here and tell you that the author doesn’t kill the dog off in the book, which makes me very happy. I hate it when they kill the dog.

Nowadays when I read a good mystery book similar to this one the characters are all so detestable, it’s hard to connect with them. This book was different, you liked the mother even if she was hypersensitive about her ex-husband. You like the daughter even though she is being so dumb and acting like a stupid teenager. You even can feel for the evil wife beater ex-husband. A little.

It jumped back and fourth through time and back and fourth between the mother and the daughter and it did so in way that wasn’t confusing or distracting at all. The story flowed seamlessly throughout and I thought it was just fantastic storytelling.


Okay, not much really. Even though I said above that I liked that the teenager was easy to connect to as a reader, she did make me want to punch myself in the face a couple times. LIKE WTF KID. Your mom worked so hard to get you away from this bad guy and you are just jacking stuff up at warp speed.

I would absolutely recommend this book to anyone that liked a suspense thriller with a twist at the end. 4/5 stars.

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When Lindsey was 19, she met and fell in love with Andrew, who was a bit older, and a successful business owner. They quickly got married and soon had a daughter named Sophie. Andrew started off as a nice thoughtful caring husband but over time became increasingly possessive and eventually abusive. Sophie started to plan on leaving him. On the night she finally does, Andrew did something, was arrested and put in prison for ten years.

Over the next ten years, Lindsey and Sophie rebuilt their lives in a small town. Lindsey had her own business, a new boyfriend and the support of friends. Sophie, now in her late teens, missed having a relationship with her father and, unbeknownst to Lindsey, contacted him just before he is released from prison. Once he had served his time, Andrew wanted to get to know his daughter and make up for all the hurt he had caused. When Lindsey discovered Sophie had been seeing Andrew, she freaked out and assumed the strange things that were happening was Andrew getting revenge.

I've read a few books by this author and enjoyed this one ... it's pretty intense given the subject matter. It's written in first person perspective from Lindsey and Sophie's points of view and jumps back and forth in time, giving you the back story. The voices and time periods alternate by chapters but they are labeled so you know whose voice it is and when. As a head's up, there is swearing and violence.

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This page-turner had some pretty good twists. The characters and situations were believable and makes you wonder what truly goes on in other people's minds. Andrew made me so angry during their relationship! I felt so bad for Lindsey; her anguish was palpable.

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I received this from Netgalley and I received an ARC from Goodreads giveaway. I guess that meant I had to read this. Very compelling and so many twists. We start out with Lindsey in an abusive marriage. We are this story play out through her eyes as well as her daughter, Sophie. I love reading the different perspectives. This is a great read for all thriller fans!

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I loved this book! Fast paced, wonderful development of characters and storyline.. Held me right up until the very end. I never miss one of this author's new books. Definitely one to watch! Thank you for the opportunity to read this book and provide an honest review.

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I LOVE Chevy Stevens.
This is not your average battered wife story. Sure that's what's happening in the beginning, but the whole story unfolds beautifully. I was surprised at some twists, but I did guess the ending. Even though I knew the ending I still gave this book 4 stars. If you like Chevy Stevens books, you'll like this one too. If you haven't tried one of her books, you should. She's quite talented!!!

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Wow! A great story filled with tension that kept me on the edge of my seat.

Years ago, Lindsey Nash escaped with her young daughter and left an abusive relationship. Her ex-husband, Andrew, was sent to jail and Lindsey started her life over. Fast forward a few years - Lindsey has her own business and a teenage daughter. When Andrew is released from prison, Lindsey gets the sense that someone is watching her. She is convinced it’s her ex-husband, even though he claims he’s a different person. But is he really?

This book was excellent from beginning to end (almost … I’ll explain in a minute). The story is well written and nicely paced. The plot twist fantastic! It was one I did not see coming. Stevens does an excellent job of making you think it could be this person. Or this person. Or this person! But after the reveal the story fell flat. There was this great tension all the way through the book. However, when Lindsey figures out who is behind the mysterious events, the action fizzled and left this reader feeling something was lacking. It should have been a moment that made me feel as if I were at the edge of a cliff, but my heart didn't beat faster, nor did I gasp out loud. It just was and it disappointed me. This is one of those times when I wanted something more from the book but can’t put into words what that was.

BUT! You need to read this book. The ending may have lacked something for me, but maybe it will cause your heart to flutter and your breathing to come in short gasps. Never Let You Go will make an excellent addition to your mystery/suspense/thriller TBR.

Thank you St. Martin’s Press and NetGalley for the advanced copy of this book.

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