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Never Let You Go

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Looks like I'm in the minority with my lower rating for this novel, but I just wasn't that into Never Let You Go.

Lindsey was in an abusive relationship and desperately wanted out. One night, she takes her young daughter and leaves her husband. Her husband chases after them and goes to jail. Now 10 years later, Lindsey's ex-husband is out from jail. Lindsey wants nothing to do with him, but can't seem to escape him.

I think the biggest reason why I didn't love this novel was that I didn't connect with the 2 main characters, Lindsey and her now teenage daughter, Sophie. The novel alternates between Lindsey and Sophie during present day, as well as Lindsey 10 years ago during her abusive relationship. I didn't like Sophie at all and found her to be a bit spoiled. I liked Lindsey a bit more, but didn't agree with all of her decisions, especially uprooting her daughter during her final months of high school.

I did enjoy the twists that this novel had and I liked how I could never trust Andrew. I was constantly seesawing back and forth on whether or not his time in jail had changed him.

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Reading this book made me wonder if I have read too many thrillers lately or if this book was too easy to figure out. I guess a bit of both, to be honest. I'm not saying that I did not enjoy the book, however, when everything in a thriller points to one thing (or in this case to one person being behind something, that's when I often grew suspicious.

Never Let You Go is a thriller that is not groundbreaking or even really thrilling, to be honest. It does have an interesting story and the main characters, Lindsey and her daughter Sophie, are easy to like. But, what the story really lacks is some great twist. There is just no shocking twist to the story. I was suspicions towards one character that turned out to be good, but looking back I see that he was just a red herring. But, the ending was just not surprising enough to raise my pulse. It was so ... logical. Even the reason for everything was something that was easy to figure out.

The book's strength lies in that both Lindsey and Sophie were so likable. Especially, Sophie. I fully understood her wanting her father to have repented. To be a good man, despite everything pointing to the contrary. I do admit that I was at first not really appreciating Lindsey. I do have a very black and white view of abuse and don't see why anyone would stay in such a relationship. However, love and fear can make people do all sorts of crazy things.

Never Let You Go may not have been so thrilling for me, but I enjoyed reading the book. While the twist may have lacked the shocking punches I was after did the characters impress me. This was the first book I have read by Chevy Stevens and I wouldn't mind reading more books from her.

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4.5 of 5 -

Thriller/Suspense (Not Romance)

ARC provided for an honest review through NetGalley.

Emotional, heartbreaking and heartwarming!

This book packs a punch! It's full of emotions and a roller coaster ride of a read!

This is a captivating story about a mother surviving an abusive relationship and her daughter learning to cope and grieve her father’s disastrous choices. It’s a complex story with well written and developed characters. Both Lindsey, the mother, and Sophie, the daughter, have to overcome tough obstacles, physical and emotional. Seeing them react to the tough situations was enlightening and inspiring. Their actions and reactions were thought provoking and relatable. I felt as if I was living in the story with the characters. They were so real, I could feel their emotions and I grew with them. Chevy Steven’s covers all the emotions in this story. The heartbreak, fear, love, courage and nervousness that comes with surviving and learning to live after being beaten down in a toxic and abusive relationship. Absolutely amazing!

Chevy creates a detailed world and setting for this book that struck me as dark and REAL. Every little detail is described in a way that made me remember and reminisce my everday life. I could feel and smell the rain. I could hear the wind howling. The cold was biting at my ears and nose. I could FEEL as the characters experienced the same. Setting up the real and detailed world while setting the scene without bogging it down with too much detail is an art to me. I loved it!

I could not put this book down. It’s full of suspense that will keep you guessing. I must admit, I didn’t see the twists towards the end…and I think it made me love the book even more!

Available NOW on Amazon.

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Chevy Stevens returns following Those Girls (2015), with yet another top notch Sleeping with the Enemy psychological domestic suspense thriller on steroids!

A long-time Stevens fan, reading every book she creatively crafts, and anxiously awaiting the next — Stevens once again showcases her highly creative plotting skills, an engrossing narrative, and her "signature ingredient" of keeping readers surprised, with her famous twists, while moving seamlessly between timelines.

Starting in November 2005, we meet Lindsey, married to Andrew and daughter Sophie. She knows one thing: She had to leave her husband. There was no more time. No matter what it took, no matter how risky it was, she had to get Sophie away from him. She needed to protect her daughter. She is terrified.

As with all domestic abusers, they remove all their victim's friends and financial resources, to keep them under their thumb.

Flash forward to 2016. Lindsey and Sophie are now living in Dogwood Bay. She has started a new life. She hopes the past is in the past. Or is it? Andrew has spent time in prison. He wants her to suffer. He was going to make her pay for every year he spent behind bars. He was now a free man and he was going to find her.

Is someone watching? Is Andrew back to act out his revenge?

Stevens flashes back and forth from between these two timelines and even further back to 1997 when the couple met. We hear from Lindsey and Sophie’s POV. The master manipulator. Is there more than one? Who can be trusted?

When she left him years ago, after drugging him, to enable their escape—there was a car accident. A young woman was dead. Someone had to pay.

From Sleeping with the Enemy, The Perfect Guy, Fatal Attraction and more, we always love the intensity of unfortunate protagonists finding themselves stuck with Mr, Crazy. Intense. The man masked behind the chilling monster inside. Unfortunately, not until too late, does he reveal his true self. Then the victim finds themselves risking their lives and others to escape.

As always, a master storyteller, Stevens adds her own clever twist. There is nothing ordinary or similar to this tale. A cautionary tale screaming “Do not trust anyone.” When you least expect someone, crosses your path. When you are most vulnerable, most trusting. They may seek you out for their own revenge.

Stevens delivers her most riveting grip-lit yet. The brutality of domestic violence. Frighteningly real, and all too familiar for many. In addition, it is among the hardest to witness, as for why many are free to continue on their destructive path, until it is often, too late.

The author knows how to build suspense, and keep readers on the edge of their seat From the darkest obsessions, the entrapment, control, and evil.

By adding Sophie’s POV, she reaches outside the couple to hear the fear of a child, a sense of loyalty, the consequences, and strong pull between the troubled parent's abusive relationship.

If you enjoy the TV series, Big Little Lies —you will be thinking of Celeste (Nichole Kidman) and Perry Wright (Alexander Skarsgård). This guy totally gives me the creeps. He reminds me of my ex-husband. Rich, powerful, and crazy.

Highly recommend. For all my Chevy Stevens' GR Book Reviews Trust me, you will want to read this one. Mark out the time. Unputdownable.

A special thank you to St. Martin's Press and NetGalley for an early reading copy.


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Still Missing is Chevy Stevens’ first novel and is my favorite of hers. You feel every emotion Annie has and Chevy’s writing is compelling! With Never Let You Go Chevy really does showcase that she is a master at what she does.

Never Let You Go is about Lindsey and her daughter Sophie. Lindsey is in an abusive marriage and wants to get out but isn’t sure how. Eventually she leaves with Sophie and her husband Andrew goes to jail. Eleven years later, Andrew is released from prison and Lindsey begins to feel that she is being constantly watched. She believes it is Andrew even though he says he has changed.

Never Let You Go is narrated by Lindsey and her daughter Sophie. In addition to both narrators the novel also takes place in the past when Lindsey was in her marriage and present day. Both transitions of the points of view between Lindsey and Sophie and past and present are seamless. They merge together well and there is no confusion when each chapter occurs or who the narrator is.

As with all thriller/suspense novels there are twists that you may or may not see coming. My suspicions were narrowed down to two characters as to who I thought was stalking Lindsey. I just was not sure why they might have been doing it. One of my thoughts was right! I normally do not like it when I guess who the guilty party is, but I think because I was not sure why I still had my mind blown. When I read who was stalking Lindsey and why I had two reactions: “I knew it! and OMG!” The OMG was the motive that I did not see coming.

Chevy Stevens does a great job with you having empathy for Lindsey. At the beginning you really want her to get away from Andrew. Chevy pulls you in and takes you for quite a ride with Lindsey and Sophie. You want Lindsey and Sophie to come out fine at the end.

This is a very intense book that I never wanted to put down!

I must give a couple of warnings to readers:
-If you have issues with domestic violence you may want to stay away from this book. Some scenes are very intense.
-If you are an animal lover there are a couple of scenes that may bother you. I had a hard time reading those scenes, but a lot of the feelings was fear as to what was going to happen next.

With Never Let You Go Chevy Stevens shows how superior she is with her writing in the suspense/thriller genres. With this book, she is becoming a favorite of mine!

Never Let You Go is very highly recommended! If you have not read her novels and interested in reading them, then start with Still Missing and then move onto Never Let You Go!

**Thank you to St. Martin’s Press for my e-arc via NetGalley and my print arc copy!

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I've read other Chevy Stevens books and, while I always enjoy them and finish them quickly, they don't leave me feeling fully satisfied. This was the same. In this book, we go back and forth from past to present day as we learn about Lindsey's marriage to Andrew, during which she had been a victim of domestic violence. We quickly learn that Lindsey and her daughter, Sophie, escaped from Andrew, with the end result being that Andrew ended up in jail. Back to present day, Andrew has just been released from jail and seems ready to re-enter the lives of his ex wife and daughter...

There were quite a few twists and turns and at times I thought I knew what was going to happen, only to find I was completely wrong. Despite being surprised at the big reveal, I wasn't thoroughly impressed. Just another run of the mill mystery.

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Any Chevy Stevens novel is a great read. The suspense is heart-pounding; the atmosphere is rich and nuanced. Yet with multiple books under her belt, some will be better than others. Never Let You Go is one of her weaker ones.

Some of the problem stems from the synopsis and the fact that it reveals too much information. The questions posited in the synopsis are not red herrings, and I do not believe anyone will take them as such. So right away, your focus is on the other characters in Lindsey’s life. Among them are plenty of shady characters who catch the eye and cause more than one suspicious moment. However, no matter how hard she tries, the ex-husband is not one of them.

In spite of the major clues in the synopsis, I was still surprised by the ending. I had unraveled enough of the clues not to be wholly shocked but still had a few doubts right before the story’s climax. The ending is satisfying even while it is clean and neat. Lindsey proves her resilience, and happy endings abound. It is exactly what you have come to expect from Ms. Stevens.

As for the ex-husband, I actually find him fairly sympathetic. Yes, he has anger and jealousy issues, and his treatment of Lindsey is absolutely deplorable. Yes, there is no excuse for abuse of any kind. Yet, unlike the husbands in other domestic abuse novels though, he is not malicious or sadistic. He only gets mean when he drinks, and he is unfortunately an alcoholic. He genuinely loves his daughter and does everything possible to prevent her from seeing his darker side. He is not a sociopath looking for a way to control his wife. He is just a sick man with some unresolved childhood issues that cause him to act in a way that is completely unacceptable.

I am not condoning violence in any relationship; I am writing this and coming at it having finished the novel and seeing how the story ends in regards to the ex-husband. His is a tragic story, if only because alcoholism is such an insidious disease because social drinking is such a huge part of our society. We all know someone who becomes a mean drunk but is a loving, caring person when sober. That is the ex-husband. Sadly, the consequences of his illness have a lasting impact on the lives of more than just those of his family and his own.

Whether it is because of the serious clues dropped in the synopsis or the fairly sympathetic husband, Never Let You Go is one of Ms. Stevens’ weaker novels. There is a distinct lack of a villain in this one that diminishes the overall suspense and danger to the main character. When the danger does come to fruition, Lindsey proves that she is no damsel in distress though, which is satisfying on so many levels. While I may have been disappointed in Never Let You Go, Chevy Stevens is still an author worth reading, as her stories always provide insight into the mind of a victim that is worth learning. Plus, a bad Chevy Stevens novel is better than a majority of the other novels published in a given year.

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Lindsey Nash escaped an abusive marriage with her young daughter Sophie. Her husband Andrew was a controlling sociopath who watched her every move and punished her when she much as spoke to another man or dressed in something less than demure. When he'd been drinking any little thing would set him off. She thought she could live with that, after all she'd loved him once, but when he started threatening to hurt Sophie that was the final thread.

Now eleven years later Lindsey is living on an island off Vancouver. She has forged a new life for herself and Sophie, running her own cleaning business and helping support other abused women in a local support group. After Lindsay ran away from Andrew, he was involved in a serious drunken accident and jailed for ten years but now he has been released and, when strange things start happening in her house and Andrew is seen on the island, Lindsey believes he is stalking her and Sophie.

Oh, what a dark and twisted web Ms Stevens has spun in this psychological thriller. She is very good at depicting controlling men who can manipulate women to do what they want through fear and mind games. She puts us on edge right from the start with Andrew's treatment of Lindsey and keeps us there when strange happenings occur on the island. But even then she kept the best for last and tightens the tension even further hinting with a disturbing undercurrent that all is not right just as Lindsey and Sophie are starting to feel safe again. This is the first novel by Chevy Stevens I've read but I already have several others queueing for space on my kindle.

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I'm a big fan of Canadian author, Chevy Stevens, and have read all of her books. I definitely have my favourites (Still Missing, That Night, I'm looking at you!) and I can now happily add Right Behind You to the top of my favs list. This latest book is a spine tingling, twisty, dark, fast-paced read in which Stevens introduces multiple culprits, each of which have a very plausible reason for terrorizing Lindsey, a single mom of teenage daughter, Sophie.

Stevens brings her readers into Lindsey's tumultuous and highly toxic marriage. From their romantic beginning, to bringing their daughter into the world and ultimately to the demise of their marriage which was caused by fear, distrust, abuse, control and one fateful decision. Lindsey's confusion, mistrust and fear are palpable for the reader and rear up again ten years later when her husband is released from prison. He says he's a changed man and wants them back. But has he changed? Or is he furtively toying with their lives?

The book flows back and forth between Lindsey and Sophie's points of view with ease. This dual perspective helps readers connect with both women and I felt that Stevens got into the teenage mindset and vernacular well (as a mom of three teens I consider myself fairly savvy when it comes to teens). I was surprised at how emotionally charged a few of the scenes were -- you can feel Lindsey's fear and understand her paranoia as well as Sophie's confusion about what she should feel for her father.

The characters, in general, are believable and multi-layered with the secondary characters playing active roles within the plot. There are a few different culprits introduced to readers. I jumped back and forth about who I thought was the 'baddie' because each of them had good reason to be terrorizing Lindsey.

Lastly, can I just say that I love how Stevens proudly shows her Canadian pride in her books? She keeps her characters and settings in Canada. She's a Canuck and not afraid to show it - even including a shout out to Tim Horton's in one scene.

This is an outstanding read that kept my interest the entire time. With its multiple twists, scenes that gave me ALL the feels (good and bad), a couple of characters I could root for (and a few I could enjoyable hate) this is one stellar suspense read.

As I joked with Chevy Stevens on Twitter the other day, over the course of two days she was responsible for my laundry pile growing, no working out and limited food in my cupboards. Once I started this book I couldn't put it down. The sign of a great read. I highly recommend this book. Just be prepared that it will take over your life for some suspense filled hours of pure enjoyment. You have been warned.

Disclaimer: My sincere thanks to St Martin's Press for providing me with a complimentary ebook copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

** Review will be posted on on publication day. **

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I've been a fan of Chevy Stevens for awhile, even turned my dad and some other friends on to her and I haven't found anyone who didn't like her books! This story was completely RIVETING a I couldn't put it down. This book was long (415 pages) but the way I hoovered all the words, it didn't feel long! I nearly read this in 1 day, but alas, life got in the way and I had it read it in a day and a little bit!
Chevy does a great job of entwining the past with the present. We, the reader, have a clear picture as to what is happening currently as well as how the past got Lindsey and Sophie to where they are today. This book made me feel anxious, nervous and on the edge of my seat. I had to know how things were going to play out! I enjoyed all the twists and turns and second guessing as to what was going on. This thriller was a great read and I highly recommend it!

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I was trying not to read any more domestic thrillers, but sometimes I don't know how to say no... And Chevy Stevens is one of my weaknesses. Even though I didn't like her last novel that much, Still Missing & That Night are still two of my favorite books. Who can possibly resist her dark stories? After all, she's so popular for a reason.

The plot in this one might sound a bit too familiar to some of you, as there have been plenty of similar books lately... Lindsey was in an abusive marriage years ago, but she managed to escape with her daughter. Her husband Andrew went to prison and she finally started a new life. But now, ten years later, Andrew is free and Lindsey begins to suspect her ex is playing games with her. And why does her daughter want to meet him? Can't she see that he's not to be trusted?

I liked that the story focused on Lindsey's relationship with her daughter, but I must admit that her behaviour (Sophie's) got me on my nerves more than once. I know, I know, I was also a teenager not so long ago! But when your mother tells you that someone is dangerous, how can you still ignore her? And it isn't like there isn't proof... What I enjoyed about this storyline is that, for once, Andrew wasn't straight-up evil like in the other books I read. Don't get me wrong: he was the absolute worst; but in the present narration, he claimed he had changed and wanted to connect with her daughter. The problem is... can you trust him?

The book was simply unputdownable and that has always been one of my favorite aspects of Chevy's writing. From the very first page, I know for sure that I won't ever be bored. She writes great female characters, too (I quite liked Lindsey and understood how she felt) and the flashbacks gave us the context we needed to understand her present actions.

If you've read Still Missing, you were probably as surprised as I was with that crazy ending. I adored it. Unfortunately, I can't say the same thing about Never Let You Go. I don't know if I'm getting too familiar with her writing, but I had no doubt whatsoever about what was about to happen. Obviously, I'm not going to discuss it here, but I was pretty disappointed when I found out I was right. However, there was still one detail that I didn't expect and I believe that was a pretty smart move.

I'd recommend Never Let You Go to those who love psychological thrillers and books that focus on mother-daughter relationships.

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Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for providing me with an ARC in exchange for my honest review.

This was my first time reading author Chevy Stevens and I was pleasantly pleased. Her style is simple and straightforward, leading the reader to quickly keep turning the pages. Told in alternating points of view between Lindsay, the mom and her teenage daughter Sophie. Lindsay meets and marries the man of her dreams, only to discover after marrying him that her husband has a violent temper and severe drinking problem. Afraid for both her life and her daughter's Lindsay manages to flee Andrew and begin life anew. However, Andrew has discovered where Lindsay and Sophie are now living and Lindsay is convinced, he is not willing to let her go.
There are good twists and turns in the story and obviously you think you know all the pieces, but you are wrong. Fans of psychological thrillers will enjoy this quick read.

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My goal this year was to try different books outside of the romance genre and to read new authors. When I saw the blurb for Never Let Go I had to read this one because it caught my attention immediately. This is my first Chevy Stevens book and WOW - what a total nail biter! This is an author I definitely will be starting to follow and read more of.

Before I started blogging, I read a lot of suspense type of books so Never Let Go was right up my alley. Love, obsession, intrigue - Ms. Stevens takes readers on the journey that they will never forget.

Everything you need to know about the book is in the blurb. I really liked the way that this story was told and enjoyed the look into Andrew and Lindsey's marriage and how their relationship progressed over the years. It was heartbreaking and sad for me to literally feel the abuse that Lindsey felt at the hands of her husband and the terror that she would get hurt because of his jealous, alcoholic mean streak. It was so hard for me to read and to see that someone who she loved and trusted with her whole heart and with the safety of her child could hurt and manipulate her so - it truly pulled at my heartstrings as I hoped and prayed that nothing bad would happen to them.

The story continues ten years later with Lindsey and her daughter living a totally different life. Lindsey is more of an independent woman, taking self defense classes and caring for her now grown daughter. But Andrew wants a relationship with his daughter. And all of these crazy creepy things are happening around them making me feel as though Andrew is back to his terrorizing ways and trying to scare the woman that he once loved. And what's worse that he is trying to build this relationship with his daughter and building her trust in him when all the while I am like NOOOOOOO! He is BAD, BAD, BAD!!!!

So how does it all go down? Well of course I can't tell you but I have to say this - OMG I LOVED, LOVED, LOVED the suspense with this book. I could not put it down for one second as I was completely addicted to what was going to happen next, rapidly turning the pages because I wanted answers as to what was going on.

Everyone and I mean EVERYONE was a suspect and I had so many theories and different ideas of who it was, why it was happening, what was going to happen next. And you know what??? I WAS COMPLETELY WRONG! LOL I had my sight set on the one who I thought it was that it came out of left field when it was something I never saw coming.

I do have to say that for all of my preconceived notions that I was actually upset about something that happened because all I could think of was what could have been...I know I am being vague but seriously READ THIS BOOK.

I love suspense books because they keep my heart racing, they keep my mind guessing and I am excited and sitting at the edge of my seat wondering who did it and every time an author is able to shock me, I am just in complete awe.

I am a new Chevy Stevens fan and I look forward to reading more from this author. This is a total must read for suspense fans!

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Chevy Stevens had me with Still Missing continued on with That Night and finally after reading the highly emotional Those Girls I wasn't sure I could handle another one. Each book is uniquely themed and filled with 'gotta keep reading' suspense. To be honest I didn't really read the blurb when I requested an ARC for the simple reason, it's Chevy Stevens so I should be in for a treat.

Starting Never Let You Go I had the feeling of deja vu here and my thoughts kept going back to an old Julia Roberts movie. Once I figured out the direction this book was going I hoped for something different, a twist of some sort, something to get my mind off of that movie. In that area the author did not disappoint, I was intrigued enough and while I found parts predictable the twists and turns kept me interesting.

I did struggle with the characters, mostly the daughter, her behavior while knowing her mothers fears and possible danger didn't sit well with me. I liked the ending, it was one I didn't see coming.

The location of all Chevy Stevens books are favorites of mine. I love British Columbia, having been there a number of times made it so easy for me to visualize the landscape even though the author did a great job with that (as usual).

All in all and good story that will appeal to those interested in a good mystery/suspense story.

Thanks to St. Martin's Press (via Netgalley) for an advanced copy.

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I am sadden by this book. Usually, I don't have too many issues jumping right into the story. Yet, with this book, I tried and tried 3 times to get started. It was a struggle the third time but I tried to stick with the book as I have enjoyed books by this author in the past. I finally got done with part one with was only fifteen chapters but it was the longest fifteen chapters. The parts that would flash back to the past where rough as Lindsey's ex-husband, Andrew was very abusive. The worse was their daughter, Sophie being witness to some of the abuse. The present felt like it was moving very slowly with not a lot happening. Sadly, this book is not in the top of my list from this author.

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Holy Smokes! What a thrilling fast paced read. This is the 3rd book I've read by this author and she never disappoints. This is the story of Lindsey and her daughter Sophie who escapes an abusive controlling husband. The story switches back and forth through time and between Lindsey and her daughter developing the plot and the characters. The story kept me guessing till nearly the end. Thank you Netgalley for an advanced copy of this psychological thriller. I highly recommend to those who want a book they can't put down.

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I had a couple of experiences with Chevy Stevens' psychological thrillers before Never Let You Go. I really struggled with [book:Still Missing|7159515]. I was impressed -- but felt like I'd been through the wringer-- with [book:Those Girls|23014603]. And Never Let You Go felt like another experience altogether. Set in two different time frames, Never Let You Go focuses on Lindsey and her daughter Sophie. The first time frame has Lindsey in an abusive marriage that we know she manages to escape. The later time frame shows us Lindsey at a time when she and Sophie (who is now a teenager) seem to be doing well -- "seem" being the operative word. I won't say more about the story to avoid spoilers. This was not a sit on the edge of my seat experience, but I still really enjoyed it -- it felt more like a mystery than a thriller. The strength of this one for me is that Stevens did a good job with the dynamics between Lindsey and her daughter, and all of the people around them. The who behind what happens was not a huge surprise but the why was, and it was clever. This was a good readable page turner, but it wasn't as tense as The Girls -- for me, this isn't a complaint but it may be for others. For those who may be concerned about reading this one, there is some violence but it's not extensive or particularly graphic. Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for an opportunity to read an advance copy.

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A solid 4.5 so I'll round up.

Scrappymags 3-word review: Riveting on-the-run mystery

Shortest summary ever: Lindsey Nash escapes and divorces her abusive husband who is in now (and fortunately) serving time in prison. She and her teenage daughter have created a meaningful, successful life for themselves until... Lindsey's husband is released from prison and strange things start happening.

What's good under the hood: I love Stevens' writing style - it's direct and her story-telling is accurately paced and intriguing. I love her engrossing characterization - that Lindsey is no damsel in distress. I hate to admit it, but I will, that I am often critical of women who stay in abusive relationships, particularly with the many resources available to help women (I solemnly swear I try not to judge) so I was thrilled that Lindsey is a take-control person - moved to a new location, protecting her daughter, attenting a support group, engaging in self-defense classes etc. What I loved most was the realistic portrayal of what it's like when an abuser is freed from prison. They know the system. The system sucks. That feeling - being frightened yet not wanting to scare your child and at the same time feeling empowered to stay and not let the abuser win - I think that dynamic was wonderfully written and probably crazy accurate. The twists and turns are realistic and the suspense kept me hooked reading until 3am. No cloyingly dumb characters that sometimes plague the genre (yes!), thus intelligently written with taut suspense.

What's bad or made me mad: Another book that I can't think of anything too negative. Minor lulls in the storyline knocked off a mere 1/2 point. Close readers might catch some foreshadowing but many paths of suspicion will lead readers in different directions.

Recommend to:

Fans of suspense
Another good book club read as it deals with abuse issues
Stevens fans should be thrilled. I've only read one other book of hers but I've chatted with her diehards who firmly sit with me in the "Thumbs Up" category.

Thanks to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for an advanced copy in exchange for my sleepless night and my honest review.

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This is the first book I have read by this author and, on the back of what I have read, it definitely won't be the last. It is the story of Lindsey Nash who, eleven years ago, managed to escape her abusive relationship and started a new life with her teenage daughter whilst her ex languished in jail. Sadly, all good things come to an end as Lindsey is notified of his release. As things happen to her that have her senses tingling, with her husband now free, is she still safe or is her nightmare about to start again?
Oh my goodness, I whizzed through this book, hanging from every word I devoured. This author sure does know how to ramp the tension up to high! She is also pretty good at leading a reader a merry dance as she lured me into one direction only to throw curve ball after curve ball as she spun me around until, by the end, I was quite dizzy. Very very satisfied but completely done in.
Her characters are all brilliantly drawn and all very credible. Well, within their personalities and storyline anyway! I managed to make connections with several from the off and that always helps me as a reader. The others I warmed to slowly but soon enough to make sure I was well and truly emotionally invested in what was going on. The story itself was, to me anyway, quite original. A little predictable at times but I would put that down to the fact that I read an awful lot of this genre and so I can probably spot things going on easier than some. There were some threads that were screaming out to be followed and I had a few inklings of where they would lead but I had to be patient and wait for the author to allow me to go there. Definitely worth the wait though, I can tell you!
I already mentioned that this was my first book by the author but it really didn't feel like that at all. After only a couple of chapters I found myself very comfortable with the writing style, almost like she was already one of my favourite authors. Obviously I am going to nurture this connection and plough my way through her back catalogue. So many books, so little time sigh...

My thanks go to the Publisher and Netgalley for the chance to read this book.

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Never Let You Go is the first book by Chevy Stevens I have read, and Wow! it was amazing.
I started reading it having already heard good things so I was really looking forward to getting stuck in.
Little did I realise just how compelling this book would be. I had sleepless nights because I could not put it down, thinking I'll read just one more chapter, then another and another......
The author brought the characters to life, I really felt like I knew them and the ending was a complete surprise.

This book is utterly brilliant and I recommend it to everyone who enjoys these kind of psychological thrillers. It might only be March, but I'd say this book will be in my top ten of the year.

Thank you!

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