Cover Image: Off the Rails

Off the Rails

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I had high hopes for this one, but I ultimately was disappointed. I didn't like how Mexican-Americans are once again portrayed as having ties to the cartel. Cultural appropriation is not a plot line

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This book was so entertaining. I was drawn into the story from the beginning and was involved until the end. The characters were complex and interesting. I found the story to be well paced and engrossing throughout the whole book. I was invested in the couple throughout the book and felt all the emotions through both the highs and lows of the story.The side characters were such an integral part of this story as well. This is the love story i needed to read at this time. If you want an entertaining and well written book this is it for you

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Thank you so much for the opportunity to review this book and to be an early reader via NetGalley! However, I will not be writing a review for this title at this time, as my reading preferences have since changed somewhat. In the event that I decide to review the book in the future, I will make sure to purchase a copy for myself or borrow it from a library. Once again, thank you so much for providing me with early access to this title. I truly appreciate it. Please feel free to contact me with any follow-up questions or concerns.

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I really enjoy Jill Sorenson's books and so when I saw this one up for review on NetGalley, I jumped at the chance to read it. Sadly, when I started it off I was stunned. This book felt very sloppy and confusing. I struggled to understand which character I was reading and what the overall storyline was about.

Going on into the middle of the book I was still struggling, now for multiple reasons. I had somewhat grasped what the story was about, but I struggled to continue reading.

Sadly, I made it about 85% of the way before I called it quits. Off the Rails was a DNF for me.

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It's been ages since I tried reading this book and from what I can remember, I wasn't in the mood to read it so I kept putting it down and then I never got around to reading it. I did purchase a copy of the book so hopefully, I'll get around to reading it sometime.

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I have not had a chance to read this book, Once I have gotten a chance to read it I will edit this review to reflect my thoughts and feeling on the book.

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Forbidden love against a backdrop of cartels and immigration issues is the main theme in this story by Sorenson (Against the Wall). Maria Santos is a beautiful Mexican woman who has hopes of finding a better life in the United State. Ian Foster is on temporary assignment with ICE for blowing his undercover DEA operation four years ago to save Maria’s life. Now, Ian is in Mexico to hunt down a cartel member whom Maria helped, along with his hostage, which means Ian must find the man’s daughter before he does. This book is unique in that it is told from the perspectives of not just the star-crossed lovers but of multiple characters, including the hostage, the cartel member, the cartel member’s daughter, and others. It gives the story more depth and pulls the reader in closer to the action.
Verdict A solid story with steamy scenes and an important message: our preconceived ideas about people in reality may not be accurate.

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This story was unique and well written, but I felt like I didnt' know Ian and I should. I know this was the second story in this series but the first installment was on a different couple.

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Ian Foster is working at trying to get a new job with a different federal law enforcement agency. Four years ago he was a border patrol agent and he came in contact with Maria who at 18 was left in the desert to die only to be found by him and rescued. During their time together he fell in love with her but when he asked her to marry him she said no and went back to Mexico. Now four years later he is working a case for ICE (homeland security) meeting an informant in Texas only what was supposed to be information given to him turns into a shot out, him being shot, the informant killed and with all of the people around the one person who help him to safety is Maria and she is gone from him again. She has gone home to Mexico City but then finds out that her younger brother is going to try to go to the U.S. She leave to try to find him. Meanwhile Ian given permission to follow the leads takes him back into Mexico were you guessed it the two of them meet up again looking for two different people. There is also another story going on with a veterinarian who is kidnap and ordered to help some people who have been shot. There is a lot going on in this story. Drug cartel, kidnapping, love story, and one of the drug cartel men looking for his daughter. The author does get everything worked out in the end there just was at times a little too much. This was an OK story.

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I'm not sure what to make of this story. It was decent enough, and I'm sure a lot of people would enjoy it, but it was one I struggled to connect with.

There was a lot of action and some dangerous elements, Those were definitely interesting.

I think what I struggled most with was their relationship, Ian and Maria's, because we're told their history in part but I wanted to experience it and really understand where their connection stemmed from.

There were a lot of secondary characters that the author had take on lead roles, and it was difficult to catch up and sort of process what was happening.

Despite being promoted as a romantic story based on the blurb and cover, it was definitely more of an action/suspense story.

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While there is a romance component to this book, to me it felt more like a suspense book. Ian and Maria meet prior to the book opening so it was a little hard to connect to them in the beginning. I did not know their story was touched on in the Caught in the Act book. If I had read that one, I might have had a different take on this story. I felt like I was missing the build up to their romance. Ian is working for ICE. They send him back to Mexico on an undercover assignment. Here he reconnects with Maria. He asks for her help in contacting the daughter of a drug dealer. When they find not only that she is missing but so is Maria’s brother they set out to find her. Much of the story centers on their search to find them. There are some great parts to this book and are a few steamy scenes. I was disappointed when I got to the end and realized it ended on a cliffhanger. That was frustrating. While I really like this author, not sure I am invested enough to read the next book. Maybe going back to the first book may help. Review posted on Goodreads, Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Ibooks and Goggle Play.

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I enjoyed Maria and Ian's story. It was exciting and intense during their trek across Mexico. Although, I did feel like it dragged on a bit.
While I don't agree with people entering the country illegally, it was interesting to get a look at how they might go about it.
I gave it 4 stars.

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First of all I did not realize that the two main characters were introduced in a previous book and that their relationship began in that book. Reading that book may have increased my enjoyment of this book quite a bit. However, there were a few things that I didn't love that had nothing to do with having not read the previous book.

This book jumps right in and although I wasn't lost and could figure out what was going on I never really connected with the characters (again reading the previous book would probably have helped greatly). However, the anti-law enforcement feeling made me a bit uncomfortable. I realize that now all law enforcement/military people are "good guys" and I can somewhat understood where Maria and her family may feel this way but the vibe from Ian who is in law enforcement was just too much for me and I didn't really like that and didn't really understand where this was coming from.

Maria was extremely hard for me to warm up to and she came across as too young for my enjoyment considering Ian's age. With her past I would think she would have matured faster than she was written in this book. She came across as immature at times. Ian and Maria as a couple were just okay for me. I don't mind some back and forth and build up but it seemed to take forever before these two would admit their feelings and get together. Actually the secondary character of Caitlyn was my favorite and the most interesting character in the book. I also had a bit of an issue with the pacing. The first 30% was just very slow and without the connection to the characters I had a hard time staying interested. I kept putting it down and reading something else before coming back to it. The pacing did pick up a lot the last 25% of the book but I would have liked it to pick up sooner than that. Overall, this was just an okay read but I'm not sure how much of that is because I didn't read the first book.

A copy of this book was provided to me by NetGalley and the publisher with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book and my comments here are my honest opinion.

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Love her and every book she has ever published. A must read and I couldn't put it down.. looking forward to more books fr M her

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I really enjoyed this book! This story was intense and at times pretty complex. I really liked the plot and storyline - but I also loved the romance between Ian and Maria. I really enjoy this authors writing style and I look forward to reading more by her in the future.

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The only reason I first got curious about Off the Rails was because of the cover. The gorgeous cover lead me to reading the summary which sounded interesting enough. Jill Sorenson is not an author I've read before but I'm always up for discovering new authors so I thought I'd give it a try. I'm just going to come out and say this, I was disappointed with Off the Rails. It was a very average read and I struggled a bit to actually finish it.

Okay so let's start with our hero, Ian. Ian is a border patrol agent and a few years ago he had rescued a young girl. They shared a connection and he hasn't been able to forget her even after years. But they both know that anything solid between them is impossible. Now I usually do really like second chance romances but this one lacked something. Ian was a nice guy. He wanted to secure his job and career while trying not to get distracted.

Our heroine is Maria. Maria was a sweet girl. She was determined to make the best out of her circumstances. She wanted to take care of he family and she was willing to do anything for it. Her attraction towards Ian was easy to see and her feelings for him were genuine.

Off the Rails is more of a romantic suspense book, so while there was romance it definitely took a back seat at times. I didn't mind that. The whole book follows a third person point of view. Ian is trying to rescue and find the daughter of a drug lord while Maria is trying to save her brother. What I did get bored with was during the sub plot. It didn't matter to me and I wanted to get back to Ian and Maria's point of view. There was definitely some action and loads of danger thrown in parts.

I didn't find Jill Sorenson's writing as engaging. It didn't keep me hooked to the book till the end. I wasn't as invested in Maria and Ian's story as I wanted to be. Some parts I liked and some parts I just wanted to get over with. Overall Off the Rails was a very average read for me and I'm not sure if I will be picking up anything else by this author anytime soon.

*Note: A copy of this book was provided by the author/publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. We thank them.

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I discovered this author several years back and is one of the few I trust to tell me a suspense story. I love that she writes heroines that are typically smart and relatively empowered. There are usually some circumstance holding them back, this is romancelandia after all. No TSTL happening in Sorenson’s books. She also does a great job with secondary characters and building interest yet not overtaking the story. She also writes Latino characters that are fully-formed. This book had all the things that I have come to expect from Sorenson.

This book starts with the characters already knowing each other. The blurb mentions this as being a follow up to a previous book and I would recommend you read that first. I read Caught in the Act three years ago so I had to dig deep to remember. It was also probably the only thing that I disliked about this book was that I felt disconnected from them, but I feel strongly that it was due to my lack of remembering these characters from book one.

Maria and Ian knew each other after he found her beaten after a brutal attack when she was crossing the border. They are brought back together as they search for a criminal. Along the way they have to fight off their attraction to each other. As I have found typical in other books by this author, she writes some pretty steamy sex. And still manages to make it sexy and not eye-rolly. Maria and Ian have been together, but no P in V sex has occurred, so of course we get some hot smexy times along their journey.
“He sucked in a breath through his teeth. “Take it all, if you can.”
That sounded like a challenge. He didn’t think she could handle the whole thing? She’d done it before. Surely she could do it again. She sank lower, and lower, her slick heat enveloping him. He felt bigger this way, fuller inside her, but she was determined to get the job done. When she was completed seated, she have him a triumphant look. He was staring at the place where their bodies joined. Sweat dotted his brow. “Now what?” she prompted. “Now ride me.”

This book is dual POV and works well to see things from Ian and Maria’s perspectives. As is fairly typical for this author, she also gives the POV of secondary characters. Sometimes this annoys me. But Sorenson has a way of writing that gets me invested fairly quickly so I want to know what’s going on with the other characters.

I enjoyed this book. There were some secondary characters that I am definitely interested in reading more about. The suspense felt authentic and didn’t require too much suspension of disbelief. I would recommend this as long as you have read the previous book.

Grade: B-

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This book was not all that interesting in the beginning, I stopped reading it after the first chapter.

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Normally I enjoy her books but this one was hard for me. The characters didn't seem to have that chemistry I look for in a book. Ian seemed to lead with his downstairs brain and she was just ehhhh. Too much about how hot she was and not enough backstory. There felt like there were holes and I just couldn't get into the book.

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Ian Foster met Maria Santos, an 18 year old Mexican girl, four years prior when she had been attacked and left for dead. Back then he was a border patrol. He stayed with her until she was nursed back to health. To this day both of them have an attraction to each other that neither will admit to. Now Ian is working as an undercover agent chasing a drug dealer that also happens to have a connection to Maria. Seeking her out in Mexico to get information on the drug lord, Ian ends up taking her with him for her assistance. As they jump train after train to search for this criminal, their attraction grows. Can an American working for the government and an 18 year old make it in this turbulent land.
I had some issues with this book. First there were so many characters that there were times I felt that it wasn't necessary to the story line. Then there was the story line. Mainly it was about a chase on a train and trying to stay alive. As far as a love story, I just didn't feel it. I don't like giving bad reviews, however, I promised to do so. The reason this is late is because it took me a while to get thru this book. I actually read three books in between.

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