Member Reviews

The Manga version of Sense and Sensibility is a charming edition in the various retelling of the story. It follows the original book by Jane Austin pretty close and provides all the highs and lows that one comes to expect from an Austin novel. The art is fantastic and the characters were drawn in line with their description of the book. This manga would be a great way to engage a newer generation to the joys that is Jane Austin. Would highly recommend to anyone who is curious about manga and is a classical fan.

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I love it so much.
The drawing style is powerful and gives the great story a great robe. I will definitely Tell my friends about this book and recommend it to them

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I really enjoyed this manga! The original novel is a favorite of mine, and this manga did not disappoint!! I thought this had a great way of covering the material into manga form. Even though this was written by someone else, I could still hear so much of Jane Austen. All of the main points were hit! The artwork was beautiful and stunning!! This is a great introduction to the novel and the story! The manga captured the characters brilliantly. I got to know each of the characters and they had their own distinctive voices. I truly enjoyed this and would highly recommend!!

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I have to say much to my enjoyment every single detail of the story was beautifully illustrated. You can tell the artist did their research to captivate the characters, the fashion of the Era and especially the flowing gowns and bonnets. If you enjoy classic love stories, then you will like the manga classic collection of sense and sensibility.

In short, Sense and Sensibility is a story about the Dashwood sisters, Elinor and Marianne. The story takes place in England, they start out in Norland Park where the Dashwood family has an estate. So the father passes away and the estate goes to the next male heir, who is their brother John. Unfortunately, John does not handle the estate well and the family has to move. John promises to take care of his mother and sisters but his wife convinces him to brush them off to where he barely helps them. Meanwhile, Elinor falls in love with a young man named Edward. She doesn't tell her family and also deals with self-denial about her feelings. Fanny finds out about their relationship and doesn't approve of her brother Edward's feelings because she sees Elinor as below them. Once the family moves to Barton Cottage, courtesy of another male relative helping the mother and sisters, they begin putting space between them and Fanny. At their new home, Marianne also finds love.

To find out what happens in Elinor and Marianne's relationship and seeking to marry the right man, you have to pick up this amazing manga.

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I really enjoyed experiencing this classic book as a manga.
This was so enjoyable and the art style was very nice. It stayed true to the story and I would recommend any jane austen fans that also like manga to read this book.

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One of my least favorite Manga Classics so far, but I think that lies in the fact that I struggle with Jane Austen. I want to like her books, but often the fantasy does not live up to the reality for me.

I didn't connect with the characters, and I was glad I was reading a manga that allowed me to enjoy the story more through the exquisite artwork and settings.

As always, I think that Manga Classics does such a wonderful job of being an entry into the world of classic literature. It allows you to get your feet wet, without feeling so daunted about diving in. Perfect as always, just what I expect from their titles!

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'Manga Classics: Sense and Sensibility' by Jane Austen with adaptation by Stacy King and art by Po Tse is fantastic.

Sense and Sensibility is my favourite Jane Austen novel; this adaptation by Stacy King is very faithful to the original. The art by Po Tse is extremely well done and the manga style draws in not only those who love the story but those who love the art style.

I cannot wait to read more Manga Classics!

I received a review copy of this manga from UDON Entertainment, Morpheus Studios, and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you for allowing me to review this manga.

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Oh I am adoring these manga retellings of the classics so much. Sense and Sensibility was one I was most excited for with the lovely backdrop and clothing of our Dashwood sisters. There is something about the romance that is captured so much better within these drawings than reading and I just adore them. I think this is a perfect way to introduce classics to the younger ages as well and I'd love to get this novel for my daughter to explore.

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Right after Pride and Prejudice, Sense and Sensibility is my second favorite masterpiece by Jane Austen.

Her ability to depict strong female characters in the face of adversity in a time when women didn't really have any power or say in their lives never ceases to amaze me.

I'm a big fan of the original classic, and I was delighted to read this manga adaptation of the Dashwood sisters' lives.

Beautiful artwork, captured the emotion of the novel and conveyed the overal plot quite well.

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Sense and Sensibility is one of my all-time favourite stories - to the point where I read it at least once a year, even.
So, as you can imagine, my expectations for this manga were quite hight - and for once that (luckily) didn't lead to expectations being set too high. Or maybe this adaptation just met them - either way, a very fun read!

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If you are looking for a classic that is also Jane Austen manga style, look no further! I love this series of manga! I have personally purchased several for my classroom and I love how they take a beautiful classic like Sense and Sensibility and make it more friendly for my middle schoolers!

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For fans of manga art storytelling and fans of Jane Austen, Sense and Sensibility is a beautiful merging of the contemporary manga art style and historical romance. The story has been adjusted some to suit the manga style of storytelling, but still manages to capture the situation and emotion that makes Sense and Sensibility the timeless romantic story that it is. I will definitely be reading more of this style of classic novel in the future. I received a free copy of this book from NetGalley. I was not required to give a review, but am happy to do so in this case because I enjoyed the book so much. I also recommend this book to readers who need more graphic assistance to interpret books.

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Love this classic so much and for it to me in manga form yes please. If you love classics then you will love the manga for it. I promise you will love this edition

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A wonderful rendition of a tale as old as time. I really enjoyed this retelling of Sense and Sensibility! Sometimes having an illustrated edition makes for an even better experience!

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A wonderful adaptation of the classic: Sense and Sensibility with wonderful illustrations by Manga Classics. They adapted the story plot in such a way that it is very easy to follow and understand. But the book takes the reader through an emotional rollercoaster which went missing in manga adaption.

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This year has been the year of Manga and graphic novels - and this one did not disappoint.

Most of my literate lifetime I've been meaning to read Jane Austen, afraid the storytelling would be too stuffy for me to find interest. However, through reading this Manga I've decided to purchase her complete works to read at once.

This book was beautiful and allowed me to get a sample of Austen's storytelling style and has made me a fan. Plus the artwork was beyond beautiful and perfectly expressed the energy of the time period.

I received this Manga for free from the publisher for an honest review.

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I haven’t read Sense and Sensibility yet, but it’s a classic Jane Austen novel. I’ve seen the movies and it’s a fun story. Manga is one of my favorite things to read. I love that they have all of these classic books as manga. I think it makes them easier to understand for people who wouldn’t normally read classics. I loved the illustrations and dialogue. I thought it was true to the story.

I would recommend this to anyone who enjoys manga and classic literature!

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I only read Jane Austen when it was required for school, and I'll admit that I didn't enjoy most of her works. As such, I did go into this Manga Classic feeling a bit of dread. I've enjoyed every MC I've read and despite some of the American classics not appealing to me personally I do nonetheless feel an appreciation for their existence, so it's almost felt obligatory to read and review all the MCs I can. This adaptation turned out surprisingly fun, and in no small part due to MC's consistently exceptional art. Unlike Shakespeare, Austen's works also translate into visual novelization pretty well, and combined with the attention to detail that the MC team put into their adaptations, I wish that the MC books existed when I originally read Sense and Sensibility. English literature specialists might cringe at the adaptation decisions made by the MC team, but speaking as a well-educated individual not employed in humanities academia, I felt that this adaptation was really well done.

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I want to thank Netgalley and the publishers for gifting me a copy of Manga Classics Scarlet Letter in return for my honest opinion.

4.5/5 stars

This was my first time reading Scarlet Letter and it did not disappoint. I had heard about it but had never gotten the chance to read it before today. This is a beautiful manga with lots of lessons and hard truths. The drawings and illustrations were done wonderfully and you can tell how much thought was put into each drawing. Nathaniel Hawthorne was a wonderful writer, you could feel the pain that Hester went through and how strong she was throughout the book. If you haven't yet gotten a chance to read Scarlet Letter yet I would recommend reading it in this format!

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I love this books!
I love Jane Austen, highly recommended this Manga if you want to read classics
Thanks Netgalley and the publisher for the book

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