Member Reviews

Einen Klassiker von Jane Austen kann man gar nicht oft genug lesen.
Diese tolle und liebevoll gezeichnete Version von "Sense and Sensibility" vom Mangaclassics Verlag hat mir richtig gut gefallen.
Wer Jane Austen und Mangas mag, wird große Freude an dem Buch haben.

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This was a nice Edition of Sense & Sensibility!
This is one of my favourite classics so I enjoyed this version of it.

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I have been a fan of manga for a long time. This manga sheds a new light the much loved Jane Austen classic, Sense and Sensibility. The illustrations are beautiful and pleasing for the readers. The artist has done an amazing work of designing each character according to their personality.
The file itself is incompatible with the book reader and I had a lot of trouble to open the file.

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Fans of the classic Sense and Sensibility will love this manga rendition. The black and white illustrations are beautifully done and the story easy to read. The manga is different from the book so expect a more "modern" vocabulary than the original. All in all, I really enjoyed the manga and know it will find fans among all readers.

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I read about 50% of this book (but had to DNF as the Netgalley app was causing me lots of problems, and kept loosing my page).
However the art style is great, and I really enjoyed reading a visualised version of Sense & Sensibility, they captured the characters well.

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Slight spoilers. Read with caution, though I try not to go into too much detail about the plot.

Once again, another tale of which I have seen the movie (or show) and have never read the original book. I’m starting to feel ashamed of myself! Especially since I have one or two copies of Sense and Sensibility. Honestly, it’s not my favorite Jane Austen work, but it is good.

Two things I’ll be going over in my review: the actual story itself, and the manga adaptation. Let’s begin, shall we?

First off, for those who haven’t read (or seen) Sense and Sensibility, it is the story of Elinor and Marianne Dashwood and their longing for love. Instead of taking care of his step-sisters like promised to their father on his deathbed, Elinor and Marianne’s step-brother and his wife toss Elinor, Marianne, their younger sister and their mother from their home.

Elinor is the oldest Dashwood sister, sensible, polite, caring, you name it. Also, she sort of reminds me of a mixture of Elizabeth and Jane from Pride and Prejudice, though I suppose more on the Jane side than Elizabeth. Marianne, however, is a little more reckless. Think Lydia Bennet in that she’ll freely flirt.

Before leaving their beloved home, Norland Park, Elinor falls in love with her sister-in-law’s brother, Edward, who seems to reciprocate Elinor’s feelings. However, Edward’s sister does not approve of their romance and does everything she can to sabotage their love, much to Elinor’s mother’s dismay.

At the request of their mother’s cousin, the sisters and their mother move into a second home owned by the cousin. Elinor and Marianne seem to enjoy their time at their new house, although Elinor has trouble being parted from Edward. While out on a stroll in the rain, Marianne slips and sprains her ankle, only to be saved by the handsome and kind (and problematic) Willoughby. Ugh, I must say, Willoughby is such a slimeball. I hate that prick.

Anyway, long story short, there is a lot of heartbreak and romance throughout Sense and Sensibility. AKA, there was tons of “Will they or won’t they?” moments hanging around. In the end, Marianne grew (a tiny) bit, eventually falling in love with a good-hearted character, but overall, she was such a pain of a person. Marianne held on to too much unreasonable hope when Willoughby was a jerk to her.

Next, let’s talk about the artwork. The book was pretty beautifully done, although some of the characters were sobbing in a pretty ugly manner. Though I suppose that was intentional because it made sense for the scenes. I mean, there really isn’t much for me to say about the artwork other than it was nicely done. THough if you’re not used to reading manga, it may be weird at first to read through (thankfully I’ve read a lot of manga over the years, haha).

Overall, a beautiful artwork adaptation! This is the third (?) Manga Classics book I’ve read and I still have at least two more review copies to read. Speaking of, there are several more still that I placed on hold at the library!

Much thanks to Netgalley for this review copy!

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Thank you to NetGalley and UDON Entertainment for approving my request to read and review Sense and Sensibility manga Classic.

I have read a few of the other Manga Classics and have enjoyed all of them. It's a fun way to read your favorite classics or, if you're new to these stories, to be introduced to the classics. The artwork is beautiful and the adaptation into manga was well done. Highly Recommend!

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That was a lot of fun; the story is great, and although the character designs were a little distracting (their eyes are so big!), having the visuals enhanced the story for me (especially when the artist used the visual tricks of manga where a character's emotional state influenced the visual landscape. Fun, and I'll be reading more of these (they remind me of more up to date versions of the Classics Illustrated comics I read in middle school!).

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*I was given a copy of this book from free from Netgalley, in exchange for an honest review.

I adore the Manga Classics retellings. I've read more than one now, and they are always crafted with such care, excellently paced, and charming to look at.

I didn't enjoy this one as much as others, but when I think about it, that has to be because of the chosen story to adapt, not the creative team responsible.

I don't much care for this story, but I'm blown away by how good the Manga is.

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I have never read the book Sense and Sensibility, but I am a big Jane Austen fan. If you like Regency novels with flairs of romance and drama (as I do), this is definitely a good adaptation of a book that can provide that and more. When reading this book, I kept in mind that women of that time period had very little freedom and that if one were to go out of this social expectation, it could spell trouble for them. The two main leads, Marianne and Elinor, are polar opposites in terms of their aspirations for finding a husband and for their personal happiness. The focus of this manga I felt was mainly on Marianne's romantic affairs with Willoughby, which got tedious at times; however, I wished that the story was more on Elinor, as she seemed a far more sensible and likable character. Even Colonel Brandon I would have liked to see more of. Willoughby and Brandon were also opposites of each other and the manga did portray that to some respect. I do feel that Brandon could've been developed more but I suppose his character is meant to be like that in some regard. Edward had so little screen time and I am not sure if that is how it is in the novel but I would've liked to have seen him more, especially if he is the love interest of a lead character. Overall, I enjoy how the creators of the manga did their best to capture the essence that makes a Jane Austen adaptation enjoyable.

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I absolutely adored this new and refreshing take on Sense and Sensibility! Having previously read Manga Classics: Pride and Prejudice I knew this was one I didn't want to miss. The story, though slightly dramatized, is brought to the reader in a way that presents us the beloved original by Jane Austen while also using creative license to add some exciting and unexpected twists. Instead of detracting from the classic I love so much, I found that these additions only added to the story line and make it more fantastic. In addition, the artwork was incredible! Without revealing any spoilers I will say that each character was drawn in a way that immediately hinted at their character and role in the manga classic. As a reader familiar with the story, I delighted in seeing these characters portrayed in a way brought chills to my skin as I recognized and reveled in the way the drawings hinted to their personalities. All in all, I am sensing a great desire in myself to add this manga classic (along with perhaps some of its sister novels) to my personal collection. What a job well done!

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This Manga is based on Janes Austen's novel. The story is about Marianne and Elinor Dashwood. Lots of drama and love triangles and relationships falling in and out of love, heartbreaks

This is Jane Austen's first novel, and it is my favourite, I loved this Manga. I loved the writing the graphics, everything. I loved all the drama and romance. This story is the best love story. it has the best happy ending. I enjoy all the Manga classics. If you don't want to read a full novel this really helps you get the story.

I continue to recommend this Manga to everyone that likes Manga's and historical -romance and of course for the people that like Jane Auten.

I would like to say Thank you to NetGalley and UDON Entertainment and Morpheus Studios for giving the opportunity to read and review this graphic novel.Also the book cover is soo pretty!

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This was such a beautiful and captivating rendition of Sense and Sensibility. I would have never thought for a Jane Austen book to be reintroduced in manga form, but I love it. I loved seeing this classic come to life through the beautiful art and I absolutely loved watching my favorite scenes from a book play themselves out through a new medium. I would recommend this book to someone trying to familiarize themselves with the story or anyone who is already a fan of the wonderful Jane Austen classic.

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I enjoyed it just as much as I enjoyed the manga adaptation of Jane Eyre. This is one of the better manga classics and I think die hard Jane Austen fans would enjoy it immensely. I didn't love the art style but it was good enough and the story was portrayed accurately.

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I got through about 40% of the book but I was very confused as I have not read the source material. But I couldn't stand it and was done by then.

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Jane Austen is one of my favorite authors and has brought out my favorite classics.

In addition to pride and prejudice, sense and sensuality is number 2 in my favorites list. Reading the whole thing as a manga is a completely different feeling and an exciting thing.

The cover is beautiful and the drawing style is very romantic and soft. I like these pastel colors and the flowers.

Everyone knows the story of the Dashwood sisters and their difficult time after their father died. Your path to a happy future that leads to many problems and misunderstandings is not an easy one. Nevertheless, the sisters do not give up their courage and fight for a safe and happy future.

For me, the story has been wonderfully implemented and drawn. The soft style only fits time and shouldn't have been any different for me. I found it really fantastic to be able to dive into a long-known world again.

Thank you for this great manga that really gave me a few nice hours. The work gets 5 stars from me.

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I was really excited to read this version of Sense & Sensibility by Manga Classics! I honestly love these comic book adaptations of classic novels. Jane Austen is my all-time favorite author, and I am always happy to read adaptations of her books. I have a few classics-as-comics from various publishers (Jane Eyre, Wuthering Heights, Pride and Prejudice, Fahrenheit 451) and I absolutely love them all! This is the third classic-as-comic that I have read from Manga Classics and I have been impressed with them all. I think it is really important to study the great works of literature, and adapting them into comic book format makes them super fun, quick, and easy to read. I was impressed with the book; for a shortened version of the text, the authors did a fantastic job of selecting the important parts of the text, highlighting and explaining it in a fun and easy way. I thought that the illustrations were very cute and would add helpful visualizations for younger readers. Pride and Prejudice is a very long book and this was a great condensed version: all of the major plot points were hit, making this a really accurate adaptation.

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This manga reimagining of Jane Austen's classic romantic tale was brilliantly rendered in black-and-white imagery, which depicted the characters with a mixture of anime style features and regency era dress. The story remained true to the original, if some of the emotions were more heightened, and this would make both a brilliant introduction to Austen's classics or a lovely way to revisit her renowned tale.

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I really enjoyed the book. Sense and Sensibility is one of my favorite books and I loved the manga version of that. It does justice to the original story.

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I absolutely adored this adaptation of Jane Austin's "Sense and Sensibility". The storyline is faithful to the original and yet makes brilliant use of the Manga art form to convey the story. The characters were delightfully drawn and animated. Both Marianne and Elinor were faithful to the time period and yet somehow also to standard manga drawing. I loved the way that their characters were clear from the images themselves. This would be a wonderful way to introduce a child to classic literature.

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