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The Arrangement

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I am a big Sarah Dunn fan but this story wasn’t one of my favorites. I liked the writing style and it was an easy read. However the story wasn’t right for me. I didn’t like the ending. There were some funny parts as they were learning/adjusting to their new normal.
Thank you to net gallery and little brown fir the advanced readers copy.

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I thought the concept of an "open marriage" in this book would be interesting, but it fell pretty flat for me. I just really wanted a lot more from this book than I got. It was a decent read but not super memorable.

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I am not sure what I expected going in to The Arrangement, I did not expect to like it as much as I did and I definitely did not expect it to make me laugh out loud. I really liked this book, it was thoughtful, interesting and so funny. Sarah Dunn is a great comedic writer and there were moments where I had to put the book down. Behind the funny is a great examination of relationships and how they change us. Owen and Lucy are great flawed characters and I loved reading them through the journey (even if Owen really annoyed me sometimes). The secondary characters were amazing especially Sunny Bang (who needs her own book). The Arrangement is a wonderful book that I would recommend to all readers.

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DNF. I had to stop reading this book, because there were too many side story lines that I just could not engage with. I feel like the author wanted to put too much in the novel and it just wasn't necessary.

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Thank you for the chance to review this book, however, unfortunately, I was unable to read and review this title before it was archived.

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I was hooked right away! This was an addictive read. It was surprisingly funny and while obviously having an open marriage isn't a good idea (imho) Dunn did a great job with the topic.
I would recommend this to anyone looking for a funny contemporary read.

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I read this book awhile ago, but I do remember enough about it, that I recommended it to several friends, one of whom enjoyed it so much she recommended it for her book club.

Brief summary: a couple agree to an open marriage because one of their friends recommended it - what could go wrong? I found myself racing through this book, laughing out loud in severe parts, and being very surprised at the twist at the end.

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A strangely addictive novel about the limitations of marriage, the pitfalls of infidelity, and the dangers of getting what you wished for.

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I was completely intrigued by the idea behind this book. I honestly thought it would go one of two ways - it would be completely over the top, follow the plot I expected, and I would hate it, or it would be the way I really see it going in real life and I would end up not knowing what to think of it. I have to admit, the latter is somewhat true. This book did not really take the path I expected.

In this book, a couple (Lucy and Owen) embark on an open marriage. What begins as a joke after a dinner party turns into an arrangement with clear rules and a set ending. The couple who have become a bit too comfortable (or maybe uncomfortable) in their marriage decide they need something to allow them to have fun. Life is stressful and Lucy feels invisible. They gave up their life in New York to move to Beekman and live a quiet life with their Autistic son. While life is good, both feel like this “experiment” could be what they need. However, it doesn’t end up going as planned. Rules are broken and both partners begin to experience feelings they hadn’t accounted for. What happens when they can’t play by the rules? Will they be able to return to their happily-ever-after or are things coming to an end?

I expected this book to make light of marriage. I expected the couple to be so happy, believing this arrangement should last forever. I expected this to become their new “normal”. However, I was very pleasantly surprised by the approach the author took. I actually think much of it is how I would expect it to go in real life. Both characters end up with twisted up emotions they aren’t sure how to handle. However, the book goes beyond just their marriage. While they are the main focus, it actually focuses on several other people and couples in the community. It looks at a variety of relationships and shows how people deal with things differently. There is a lot of drama and I often wasn’t sure how things would turn out for several of the characters.

The writing in this book was great. I was drawn in by the drama, but I felt like I was really getting to know the characters. I was hurt for them and often found myself angry with them and the choices they made. I ended up skipping to the end because I needed to know how this was going to turn out before returning and reading the rest of the book. I had to know whether I was going to hate them or just feel sorry for them in the end. I have to admit, regardless of how things went I knew I wouldn’t feel like it was a happy ending for anyone. And isn’t that how real life often is? While things may turn out okay in the end, the repercussions of our actions don’t just fade away as everyone rides off into the sunset. I think that was one of the reasons I really liked this book. It was raw and real. I felt like Ms. Dunn took a very realistic approach to this situation and really looked at how it would go in most cases.

One of my few complaints is the way Wyatt was included. I got that having a special needs child was an added stressor for them, but I felt like he was almost a token character. I didn’t think it was completely over the top, and much of his behavior is associated with Autism- I just felt like the way he was developed as a character wasn’t as well done.

Overall, I thought this was an intriguing book that is definitely worth the read. It obviously includes cheating, so if that is a trigger you will want to avoid this. It also contained sex, but it was not graphic.

Thank you NetGalley, Little, Brown and Company, and Sarah Dunn for providing a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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This was a great beach read that I had trouble putting down. The author paints a very realistic picture of parenting a child with autism and the effect it can have on a marriage. After having dinner with friends and hearing about a successful open marriage, Lucy and Owen decide to draw a up a few rules and give each other 6 months of space in their marriage. Some of their choices will make you cringe. It was like watching a slow moving train wreck.

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Thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for an eARC of this book.
Chick lit at its finest. Well written with interesting, well developed characters, the book explores an open marriage experiment that goes awry. It explores marriage and what makes it work or not; falling in love; raising an autistic child; and putting marriage back together after it has fallen apart.
The author seems to have good insight into raising a child on the spectrum of autism. This is a hopeful book that I really enjoyed. 3.5 stars rounded to 3.

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Different kind of idea, about an open marriage for a limited amount of time, with rules. Mixed feelings. I wanted to keep reading to know how it ended and for the most part, liked most of the characters. It seemed a bit long and was dragged out more than needed, but I liked it. Good beach read.

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I wanted to love this book. I mean, the idea of it is so very unique and interesting (it's about open marriages). However, I found it to be a bit mediocre and a tad bit wordy. I like books that have a lot of descriptions. Dialogue is also a must of course, but the majority of this one IS dialogue. So I had a bit of a hard time focusing. Especially considering there was a ton going on.

Overall, the book is good teetering on okay.

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Are open marriages all they are cut out to be? Lucy and Owen's neighbors seem to think so, so if this couple embark on a 6 month experiment, does it help or hurt their marriage? This is a emotional ride, funny, sad, annoying and thought provoking all wrapped up in one!

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I was very curious to read this book because I haven't read anything about open marriages before, cheating yes, open marriages not at all. I started reading this book with an open mind because I had no idea where it would lead me and I'm glad I did. I have to say it was quite different from what I thought it would be. This story had some heartbreaking moments and moments that were quite touching. However, there were moments that were also quite amusing and I enjoyed the banter between the characters. There were some parts that I was hesitant about but when it comes to life, its really a gamble with everything right? You go into everything always hoping for the best and this book comes full circle. I'd definitely read another book from this author because I really enjoyed this one.

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This was a good summer read! Quick and juicy with just enough to bite into.

A suburban couple is intrigued when over a long and boozy dinner with friends who still live the lives they used to have before children and the move from the glamourous city, they are having an open marriage. What starts off as a joke grows legs when they giggle while declaring some rules of engagement for an imaginary 6 month period. The joke becomes a seed that sprouts. And the fruit while is surprisingly delicious at first bite, turns sour and bitter.

What makes the book interesting is the differing needs the characters have, the ways they deceive themselves and each other, and how what could have been stopped given other circumstances escalated quickly.

I wasn't able to give it a higher rating because I found the depiction of the child who was on the spectrum troubling. The handling of a character on the spectrum as a means to explain the mother's angst and frustration seemed one note to me, and was played too much for laughs, in my reading. Yes, there were some moments of insight but not enough sensitivity there. He was an easy plot addition but he didn't remain in focus for the full novel.

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The arrangement takes this family of middle America and deals them a whole new set of cards. Not knowing that it can alter their lives and those around them forever. It is comical and dark are mixed into one story. It causes them all to view their lives in a different light.... not just Lucy and Owen but all the town members they are friends with. It takes them out of their everyday life "ruts" and casts them into another world they have forgotten about.

Definitely a GREAT read and worth making "arrangements" to read.

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As someone who typically sticks to the mystery/thriller genre, I was surprised when this book immediately caught my eye. I don't know if it was the cover or non traditional approach to a modern love story, but I was intrigued and this book didn't disappoint. I read it in one day and thoroughly enjoyed it. It is such an entertaining read! Sarah Dunn brings the main characters to life in such a way that I was able to relate to them, shake my head at their bad decisions, and ultimately find myself so involved in their story and flight to rekindle the long lost flame of romance - even if it takes another person.

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A highly-original novel about a couple who agrees to an open-marriage concept for six months. But choices have consequences as both Lucy and Owen find out. Owen runs out and sleeps with the first person he meets, while Lucy takes her time and develops a meaningful relationship. Choices? Consequences? A good read.

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I give this book 3-3.5 stars. It had an interesting plot, though not totally original. It had a ton of characters, some who gave humor to the book, some who offered nothing to the story and could've been left out. The ending wasn't quite what I expected, and I'm not sure if I liked it or not.

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