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Fate of Perfection

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This concept was surprising from KF Breene for me, but she did an admirable job at it. The book was quite a bit technical which I can see would appeal to some people. The world is complex and well thought out. I've read a few futuristic sci-fi books, and often authors struggle to continue writing in the futuristic sense. They often throw in too many current day references, but Breene pleasantly does not. From the vehicles to the people and government, they are all new and interesting. The names fit perfectly as well. The concept was just a bit too technical for me, and difficult for me to maintain my attention. The book does get better as it goes on, and you do get invested in the characters and situation. It just isn't my favorite of Breene's series. But I love her as an author that I'll purchase the second book since there are only two, and give it a chance.

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I enjoyed this book, as it was a different genre than I usually choose. The storyline and the characters were all great, and I’d read more of this type of book.

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This book was wonderfully written, with a tense plot line full of surprises and intrigue. Love it!!

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Fate of Perfection by K.F. Breene a fate altering five Star read. This is the first book in the Finding Paradise series. K.F Breene has written a kick ass first book in this series, I literally couldn’t put it down from start to finish and read it in one afternoon.
This book is set in a corporate controlled future, focused on Millicent Foster the best of the best, she is a weapons designer who is only on a par with one other her counterpart at another conglomerate, they frequently have battle of the wits over networks. Challenging each other and gaining great reputations, meaning people think their two conglomerates are the ones that will be in the final race for dominance. On a planet run by conglomerates who control who gives birth, to control the birth rate or so they claim. Millicent is over the moon to receive the letter on actual paper something unheard of now telling her she has been chosen. She will carry a baby of the future.
When the baby is born, she calls her Marie after Marie Curie a personal hero of mine and Millicent’s apparently. Only problem is Marie is even more special that her mother, and Moxidone the conglomerate who own her and her mother don’t want to lose her. Ryker Gunner is the director of security who is tasked to keep Millicent safe during pregnancy and Marie at the start of her life.
Ryker starts to feel thinks he hasn’t before used to a casual affair and just getting pleasure from women, until he must take care of Millicent, that causes something to grow inside of him, growing even more when he sees Marie. Millicent realises that she must risk everything to save her daughter and Ryker is just the person she needs help from. Will their perilous journey get them to paradise or will they lose along the way? Will love win out, or will the fight be too much?
K.F. Breene has written some amazing series the Darkness series and the Warrior chronicles, as well as other books, all amazing. The Darkness series was literally a series that I read straight through, spending 2 weeks doing nothing but read and I loved every minute, this series looks like it’s going to kick its butt.

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Fate of perfection is book 1 of the Finding Paradise Series by KF Breene. This futuristic, science fiction adventure is set in a world where genetically engineered humans forget the most basic human emotion. Love. The main conglomerates, Moxidone and Gregon Corp. are in competition for better weapons and technology and use their genetically superior employees to achieve it. Millicent who was bred for her advanced knowledge of weaponry and programming was selected to have the honor to become a breeder in which the end result would produce a child that would harness rare abilities from both the male and female donors. Ryker, the head of security at Moxidone is paired with Millicent to keep her safe from outside threats during her pregnancy. At the end of a set time the conglomerate is to take possession of the child and will do so at any cost. This is a face paced, race to the end, adventurous story that at times stretches the outer limits of your brain and has the right amount of comic relief dispersed through out. Characters are well developed and have an "I love to hate you" attraction. If you enjoy strong heroines, you will enjoy this book. If only Millicent could get those heels to work! I also recommend The Warrior Chronicles by this author.

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I first fell in love with this author’s writing in her Darkness series.

Fate of Perfection is book one in her new series entitled Finding Paradise. The two main characters are Millicent and Ryker. The backdrop of this book is a sci-fi world where corporations run the free world. There are internal computers (implants) that allow people (those who can afford it) to control every day functions. Millicent is the head of security and spends her time writing code and creating deadly weapons. She is, for all intents and purposes, a worker drone. She takes a supplement to control her sexuality; she goes to work, comes home and works out – all by schedule.
She is chosen to participate in a breeding program that will biologically imbue her child with the capabilities of the implants that most high level people possess. What they didn’t expect was for Millicent to become attached to her child and not want to turn her over to the corporation. Nor did they expect her to enlist the aid of one of their best security agents.

This book is full of description, tension, action, death, fear---emotion, emotion, emotion. As I read the book I wasn’t exactly sure where the author was going. I knew she was laying the groundwork [rolling out the exposition] so that the reader knew what kind of world Millicent existed in, but twice I found myself lost. I was lost in all of the description and exposition. I found myself saying ok ok I understand moving on. The relationship between Ryker and Millicent is very sexually charged [on Ryker’s part because Millicent takes a passion dampener]. If you thought this book would be like the Darkness series, heavy on the sexual moments, you’ll be disappointed. This book is the framework for the series. It’s an introduction to key characters and drops hints at what most likely will happen if Millicent and Ryker escape the corporation with Millicent’s child.

I could most definitely see this book being adapted into a movie. If you love sci-fi, genetic engineering, futuristic world setting then you will enjoy this book.

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