Member Reviews

You know when someone has a fantastic series - when you realize it's the 8th book in a series and it feels like a brand new book! Finz has written another great installment in Nugget, California.

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Even though this is the eighth book in the Nugget series, it can be read as a stand alone, the author has cleverly weaved all the characters from the earlier books into the current story. This is a story that is filled with equal parts charm and suspense, keeping you waiting for the other shoe to drop...knowing it's going to, just not when.

Nugget, California is set in the Sierra Nevada mountains, which is very familiar to me because I live just East of Sacramento in the Sierra foothills. The towns of Sacramento, Roseville, and Folsom mentioned, are all around me which makes reading about them in the story a joy.

The relationship between Flynn and Gia grows slowly over time rather than exploding right out the gate...the emphasis is put more on the characters and their story then on the romance. The author has brought all the different personalities to the forefront thereby building a solid foundation for the intricacies of the true story of Gia and her struggles to prove her innocence, and Flynn and his two totally different personas. It was totally hot when Flynn went into Lawyer mode to prove Gia's innocence and to stand by her.

Again, even though I didn't read the first books in the series, the way this story is written, I feel as if I'm all caught up on the backstories and now look for to Annie's story.

This ARC book was a complimentary copy provided by the Publisher and Netgally, I am voluntarily providing my honest review.

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Gia and Flynn's story is exciting and nail-biting. The whole time you're waiting for the other shoe to drop and, when it does, you'll be on the she of your seat, waiting for the conclusion.
Gia is convinced that she never wants another relationship, after the last disaster. But there's something about Flynn that she just can't resist. It's fun to watch the two of them dance around each other. Sooner or later, you know one of them will make a move. But what move?
5 stars.

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Book 8 already! Wow! Riding High bring together Gia Treadwell who we meet in the last book as a financial genius who was swept off her feet by a scheming con-man who stole a butt load of money and ruined her professional reputation. And although the grand jury acquitted her the FBI still has her in sights to find her ex-boyfriend swindler who has disappeared with the millions he took. Flynn is a former FBI turned private practice lawyer/rancher and his family has been leasing the land she bought for graze land. Flynn, although he knows innocent until proven guilty, can't help but be sceptic about Gia's intentions. Flynn is soon confused by what he's read about her and how she acts, then again she pulled a rifle on him the first time they meet. This book also reinforced why I dislike the character Clay so much. There is a side story (which is typical for this series) of Clay and Emily, no spoilers, but he continues to be a complete ass.

Gia needed to get away from everything in her old life and to finally do something she really believes in, that is why she liquidated all her assets to have enough money to buy the ranch. Gia is now earning her money in day trading, going back to where she started. Unfortunately the FBI is still trying to pin her down so she can give them information on her ex to the point of harassment. She hires Flynn to help keep the wolves at bay, it isn't until then that he starts realize there is so much more to Gia then he ever thought, so much more than she ever let anyone see when she was a celebrity. While Gia tries to get her new homestead up and running and earning money and starting on her special project she is falling in love with Flynn, even with as gun shy as she is about trusting her heart again Flynn is a good guy and she can't help but fall in love. Flynn is taken with her beauty, impressed by her intelligence and despite trying to remain impartial he can't help but stand up for her and stand by her and fall in love with her.

Overall, another great Nugget Romance! P.s. I really do dislike Clay.

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There is no better place to run for Gia Treadwell than Nugget! The close-knit community rallies around her, once they gossip about her that is LOL Flynn was perfect for Gia! Love this series... always a great read!

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