Cover Image: Eleventh Grave in Moonlight

Eleventh Grave in Moonlight

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Well here we are 11 books deep into this series and we have some major movement on some things that go all the way back to the beginning of the series. Several mysteries are cleared up here and Charlie comes into her power a bit more.

This series has always had a bit of a formula about it but that has never lessen my enjoyment of these novels almost without exception. Charley is learning to make peace with the fact that she is a goddess with a lot of untapped powers which we get to see a few more this time around and we get glimpses of almost everyone we have gotten used to seeing and missing maybe 1 or 2 we expected to see in minor roles.

As always the real reason I love this series is not the actual plot (GASP!) but the humor which I love and wish I had t-shirts with a lot of these sayings not to mention the humor in the stories.

I have read many readers that get totally OCD over her naming of almost everything and while I think most of it is a bit silly it does nothing to interfere with what I consider some of the most entertaining stories around.

The romance is always so passionate it has almost gotten to the point of commonplace but this book is going to throw us several bones that end plot-lines that have been teasing readers for several books and as always she throws in a new storyline for the next book on the last page. It used to be frustrating but I have gotten used to it and don't really consider it a cliffhanger since it almost always starts a whole new story (as this one does).

Bottom Line: I loved it, loved the humor, loved the story, love the characters pretty much everything, I love the way she interjects a dose of reality into these stories, I was a bit concerned after last book with some serious anti-Judaeo/Christian elements but these are slowly smoothed over I thought as the book progresses and Charley sees that things are not as she thought them to be. So 5 Stars again and I can't wait for the next one since this ending was in the "WTF just happened" category .

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So...well obviously things have gone down in previous books. I still feel so sad that she can't be with Beep. I mean that is beyond heartbreaking. Beep!

Where to begin? I wanted more Reyes, ok so Reyes was there and they got hot and heavy. But he was not there..Reyes!!

Charley said some things in the last book and angels are stalking her. But if she wants a beef with God then she will have one. She is a goddess after all.

She has a new case, one she really should have left alone. Things will get dangerous. But that is Charley for ya.

Family issues. Godly drama, you name it.

And then there were a few new revelations that I did not see coming.

I do need the next book at once

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4.5 stars

Watchful angels everywhere! a psychotic stalker, missing children and the sickest, most misguided religious adoption agency to ever see the light of day. To top it off; there is Eidolon...

That's right, there is no rest for the wicked. Or the godly. As in actual gods, of course. Our star-crossed crossed deities are unlikely to find peace on Earth anytime soon. Add a God Glass to the equation and things might get a little hairy...

But I suppose thats only to be expected when you're Satan’s daughter-in-law, Jehovah’s sister-in-law, and Jesus’s aunt by marriage. Talk about the ultimate nuclear family!

In some ways, this book was a surprise. From the way the last one ended, I was sure there main focus would be on Big Bro from on high. Instead, we're taken, not only on a hunt for the missing children, but on the first steps of a journey of self discovery as well. Turns out, you should never trust another god with your memories when you need a timeout. Or should you? Just like her hot as hell BF, Charley's memories from her time in her own, celestial realm might not be all that accurate. Especially those pertaining to her particular, shall we say "celestial diet"....

Eleventh Grade delivered all the usual banter and smexiness I've come to expect (and demand) from a Charley Davidson novel. I don't think I will ever growing tired of his endless (smuttylicious) love for Dutch. I mean; nothing says "I love you" quite like being taken on a trip to sunny Sahara to look for a speck of dust, am I right? ;-)

But I wonder if we will not be seeing how our favorite couple really feel about one-another now that Charley is about to regain her memories of their time together prior to their meeting in the flesh, so to speak. Luckily, they've got their awesome human/daeva/deceased spirits posse to help them.

As usual; lots of laugh-out-loud moments, the scene at the psychiatrists office was pure gold and an awesome way to start a book.

The only reason I deducted half a star was because I felt the Eidolon situation was resolved in a rather anticlimactic fashion in the end - I keep waiting for a bigger battle

And finally; as always: I can't wait for the next installment!

~I was given an eArc in exchange for an honest review~

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Ah, Charley, you never let me down. Here we are, eleven books into the series, and I continuously fall in love with each one.

While it did feel a little more lowkey than some of the other books, there’s still a lot going on, including all of the great stuff we expect and love about it, like solving cases, coffee, humor, dead people, coffee, and some of the best characters! We keep getting some pretty big revelations with each book, and this time was no exception. It’s interesting and fun at times watching her adjust and learn, especially when Reyes gives her a good push. 😀

Speaking of Reyes … we get into solving the mystery of his background, and it’s kind of a crazy ride. Reyes tells Charley to drop it, but there’s a lot more at play and she can’t turn away from what she discovers. I’m really glad we get closure in this area though. And is it only me, or does anyone else picture Charley like the cat in the video when it comes to Reyes sometimes? I get the biggest kick out of it, and we all know he’s going to let her do whatever she wants anyway.

Like I mentioned before, these are the best characters! I adore every single one. I really like the direction the author seems to be taking Amber, and what future role she might play in Beeps life. And Osh! He’s my favorite. I’m the happiest whenever he’s in a scene. The way Reyes is with him now makes me laugh!

Anyway, I love this book! It’s another great installment in one of my favorite series. And I swear, I should be used to it by now, but dammit, Jones slayed me with that ending! I need the next book now!

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In book 11 - full time Grim Reaper and Part Time PI, Charley Davidson takes on a case husband Reyes is pushing her to drop, and Uncle Bob is acting so strangely that Cookie is too preoccupied with him to notices that something is amiss with her daughter. Throw in some super-natural stalkers, and God training, and Charley is one busy girl.

The storyline is woven so intricately that the reader doesn't see how all of the pieces fit together until they're staring you in the face. Darynda Jones continues to build on the world she's created, and we discover new things about Charley and Reyes at every turn.

The one thing that always remains is a deep love and friendship between the characters, and the humor that made this series one of my absolute favorites from the very start of Book 1. This one will leave you begging for 12. Right. Now.

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So much to love about this series and the latest installment. I was thrilled to be granted permission to review the advanced copy and it didn't disappoint.

The book surprised me by starting with Charley at a psychiatrist's office being a little more ADD than usual, but I should've known that Darynda Jones would pull me in and satisfy. All my favorites are here - Charley and her snark, Reyes and his hotness and power, Cookie and her BFF superskills. I don't know how so many amazing characters can be in one book since we add in Amber (and her burgeoning skills), Uncle Bob, Swopes, Angel, Quentin, Osh, Artemis... But wait, there's more!

The humor and heat are still there, although to be honest, the sex was more explicit than I needed it to be. I love how the humor and snark blend so well with the reality of relationships - Cookie and Bob's marital fears and misunderstandings, Reyes' alpha tendencies and Charley's pushbacks at him being overbearing, everyone looking out for each other - and flow with the paranormal aspects. It's like women's fiction + mystery + romance + humor + paranormal. I loved the storyline with Reyes' brother, even though it made me miss his sister. How so many storylines can run parallel without getting convoluted is a testament to the author's skills.

Darynda Jones and Charley Davidson have no equals, so now I (impatiently) wait for the next book and satisfy myself with introducing friends to the series. Misery (not the Jeep) loves company!

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As I mentioned before, I have not read a single book in the series. Let me warn future readers by saying that this is not a novel you can just pick up in random order. To get the best experience, you need to start at the beginning and see the story through to the end. Since I don't have the time to do that, I can't really comment too much on how well this story stands up when compared to its predecessors. With that being said, I CAN comment on the writing style and story flair, both of which were fantastic! The author's writing style reminded me a lot of the Stephanie Plum series by Janet Evanovich; it is funny and action-packed! Charley is a hilarious character who is both shallow and genuine at the same time. I liked her spunky attitude and her overall behaviour in every scene. The way the story opened up caught my attention right away, and even as I struggled to get through with my lack of background knowledge, I couldn't help but admire the storytelling itself. I definitely wish I had read the previous books in this series because they seem like they would be a lot of fun! If you are looking for a new urban fantasy series with a good dose of romance and humor, check this one out!

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I'm going to be honest. I love this series so much. But I feel like we are hitting a point where the situation with Beep and everyone else is slowing down and side stories that play no real significance is just dragging them on a bit. However it was a good book and I enjoyed reading it. Seeing Charely understand more about herself, seeing more of Reyes, and Amber having a bigger part now. But the most exciting part? The damn ending. of course we are left on a cliff hanger. But I can't wait for more.

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Is there is one thing I can tell, it’s that Darynda Jones knows no limit to made her characters suffering.
We are learning a lot of things in this eleventh book, about Charley but also about Reyes. I found them interesting but I would have love for them to be happy in the end, they deserve a little happiness and the more I read this series and the less they are happy.
Charley must find the truth about the Fosters, Reyes doesn’t want her to take this case, Uncle Bob’s wants her to be home always. The men of her life are ordering her around and she is upset and doesn’t listen. It brings her in some bad situation and even if she must do something about it, she learns some hard truth about herself.
Reyes is overprotective with Charley, he has his own reasons and doesn’t want to share them with her. I like the way Reyes teach Charley to teleport herself, it’s very funny. They are a perfect couple, they understand each other and their love is magical.
Amber is the center of a story, and all the team is here for her, they protect her as best as they can and it’s wonderful to see the love between all these characters. Amber will be a great woman one day and an important one in team Beep.
I like this book but this end is so awful, I need some magical love in the Twelfth book because I can’t leave book Nine again, it was not a great book for me. There is so much darkness that I need Charley and Reyes to be in love, no matter what.

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Oh. My. God-Glass! A SOLID 4.5 for me.

Charlie discovers more of her abilities. She takes on a case that leads back to Reyes. Reyes is still hot and being an Alpha all over the place. HOT. Burning. Smokin'...okay - you get it. He's hot as hell (I couldn't help it).

You learn who else has abilities and how they'll be used. Uncle Ubie moves into the top spot for awesomeness. Cookie is still cookie. Osh makes an appearance and his skateboard brings all the girls to the yard (and the mall), and Angel has a new prankster friend. Nearly all your faves make an appearance so you get your fix no matter who is your favorite character from this series. One such appearance leaves you wondering what might be happening in a future book....Jones is good about dropping in what may seem like random crap and a throw-away situation and turning it into a plot line in a future book.

Once again, Darynda Jones leaves readers laughing, gasping, and wondering...and waiting for the next installment when this one was just released. I don't know how much longer she can keep this up, but as long as the next book in the series is as good as the previous one, I'll be reading them!

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“…I’m going to take over the world.”
“The whole thing?”
“Well, I’m going to try to take over the world.”
“And you feel you’re prepared for world domination?”
I lifted a noncommittal shoulder. “I’m taking a business class.”

Despite her new awareness of her God-like state, Charley Davidson strives to continue living as a normal human would. She’s taking a business class at the college (to help her out when she takes over the world), she has a new case which involves the son of the people that kidnapped Reyes when he was a child, and she’s helping the police sort out why and who could be sending Cookie’s daughter, Amber, threatening text messages.

Although I continue to profess my love for this series, it must be said that the plots of these later installments are getting weaker with each new one. I have always loved the incorporation of her day-to-day investigations mixed with the advancement of the Reaper storyline but if I’m being honest, more needs to happen with the Reaper storyline. It continues to be stretched to the limit and we’re given minuscule nibbles with each book which seems like nothing more than a way to continue to stretch the series past its expiration date. For the most part, there isn’t any actual advancement until the final 10% or so, and while it’s a most excellent 10%, it makes one definitely wish there was more to go around. And then as a cherry on top, we’re given a massive cliffhanger that will leave the reader groaning until the next installment.

The mysteries are great, the paranormal aspects are incredibly interesting, the sex scenes are off the charts, and Charley is always a source of amusement. But, Jones, you’re killing me with these cliffhangers.

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I received an ARC Via Netgalley

Where do I start. A few years ago I came across the cover for first Grave, it wasn't out yet but after reading the blurb I was hooked. I needed to read it. I stalked amazon until it was released and read it in one sitting. Now fast forward to now. I am completely enthralled with this series. I love Charlie and Reyes. How could you not. With every book we learn more and more about who Charlie is and what she can do. this book is no exception. You never know what is going to happen.
This series just keeps getting better and better, there are no "filler books" that you see in some series, the story keeps your attention and holds your attention through out the entire book. When I got to the last page I wanted more, no I needed more! How could you leave us like that! When they say the last page sells the next book, they were not kidding I will be pre-ordering that sucker as soon as I possibly can!
I can't wait to read the next book. That ending OMG!!!!!!!

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The Charley Davidson series is a series that will hook you from the very first book, heck, it will hook you from the very first chapter and as the series has progressed, that hook, that addiction, has only gotten better and even more addicting.

Jones' eleventh book is every bit as good as it possible can be. After eleven books one would expect things to start to get to be too much or even too little but instead, each page is infused with just as much humor, fun, and adventure as always, not to mention one heck of a steamy romance. This truly is a series that has just gotten better with time.

Charley, Reyes and gang are some of my most favorite characters. With a plot line that always moves quickly and is always filled with the good stuff it truly is a series that is every bit as hard to resist as it is too put down. I always have to start this knowing that absolutely nothing else will get done that day until I have turned the very last page and wait for the next book begins.

Where to start to review this one? It was emotional and so so, MUCH. So many things happened, so much once again is revealed and that freaking ending, that ending had to be the worst (and the best) yet. It is absolutely going to be torture waiting for book twelve. I can't even believe Jones tortures us the way she has over the course of this series but I, like many others, just keep coming back for more, we can't help ourselves, the allure of Reyes and Osh, Garret, Angel, and even Ubie, are just to much not too. I love all these characters even more so now and I truly am on edge for more.

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I received this book in exchange for an honest review. Wow!! I was absolutely engrossed in this book from page 1 to the end. It was so full of action, and had so much going on that I couldn't get enough. I am so ready for the next one already. We learned a lot more to what's been going on in past books, and there is still so much more left open. I can not get enough of Charley, and Cookie. Everyone needs to read this series. If you like humor it has it. Reading about Angels, it's here. Demons yep has them to. Even if you aren't into paranormal books, you will still be hooked!! Even writing this review, I am still Not getting over this book!!

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If you've stuck with the series for this long, then you are probably just like me, a fan of Charley. If this is the case then what could I possibly tell you that will make you want to read the book more than you already should? If you are new to the author or this series, I urge you to go back to the beginning and start with book one, not book eleven, you have missed so much.

For those of you that have been reading and loving Charley from the beginning, this book will be no different from the rest. I was laughing from the start. In true Charley fashion, she keeps me on my toes, always guessing. Even when I think I have it figured out, it veers off in a completely different direction that I never saw coming. I enjoy that part the most, never really knowing what is going to happen or who is alive or dead. Even with new obstacles Charley stays who she is, the most human God anyone will ever meet. While at times it frustrates me and I find myself yelling at her "Come on Charley you're a God, obliterate them", I still love watching her flounder around like the human she believes she is.

In this book we see resolutions to old questions and situations (some that add clues to future answers of recurring questions) and even get to meet a new addition to Charley's world of supernatural beings.

There is a lot going on in this book. Our favorite inept P.I. is still on the job but this book doesn't focus on that as much as some of the others do. It's hunting season on Gods and Charley and Reyes have a lot on their plates.

There were true laugh out loud moments and some so sad and heartbreaking that I actually had to stop reading for a few minutes to remind myself it was a book.

Not as much heat as some of the previous books but enough that I still want to hunt down a genie lamp to get myself a Reyes of my own.

But that ending! Ms. Jones doesn't usually leave us like that. Of course at the end of each book I'm more than ready to read the next one, but this time it felt more like a need than a want. I remember leaving my desk, walking to the Keurig like a zombie just asking myself over and over, "Why would she do this to me"? Then I read the book again.

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I'd had this series recommended to me and bought a few of the early books. Unfortunately they were waylaid in the mail while I had this one in front of me. So, I am reading this without any exposure to the prior series. And yet, it completely worked. This book is a non-stop thrill ride with action, romance and lots of laughs, both snarky and pun filled. This is much like a screw ball comedy crossed with a paranormal action thriller. I could not put it down. My lack of familiarity with canon didn't hinder me much. Fell deeply in love with the entire cast of characters. The author has excellent timing and the book is rapid fire in its pacing. Fabulous read. Next!

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It feels like its been years since I’ve had my dose of Charley Davidson.

Thankfully after months of waiting, Eleventh Grave in Moonlight is finally here!

If you want to know if the waiting was worth it then you’ve come to the right place because Eleventh Grave in Moonlight was worth the wait.

Darynda Jones has once again outdid herself!

Eleventh Grave in Moonlight starts out with Charley accepting to take on a case that involves the Fosters who were Reyes’ adoptive parents before Earl Walker. However, for some reason Reyes wants her to drop the case and stay away from the Fosters. As we all know Charley does whatever she wants and continues to investigate the Fosters especially when another child disappears without a trace. To top it off, Cookie wants Charley to help her find out why Robert is acting strange. At first Charley thinks its nothing until her uncle starts to tell her to stay at home or he will arrest her. Oh, did I mention that Charley also has angels following her? Probably has do with her threatening God, the Almighty Jehovah, that she was going take over the world herself. Yup, just another day in the life of Charley Davidson.

Overall, Eleventh Grave in Moonlight was another fantastic installment in the Charley Davidson series. Glad Darynda Jones chose the Fosters’ story line for this installment and finally resolved it. Been dying to know the reasons why the Fosters stole and later gave Reyes to Earl. Have to say…it wasn’t what I was expecting. In fact, my theories were waaay off. I’m sure you all are going to to be surprised about the Fosters as well. One thing I did not enjoy was the ending….or should I say cliffhanger!

Now we have to wait until October 31, 2017 to get our hands on The Trouble with Twelfth Grave to find out what’s going to happen to Reyes and Charley. Don’t get me wrong it was great ending but now I wish I had waited for The Trouble with Twelfth Grave to come out before I read Eleventh Grave in Moonlight. Darynda Jones sure picked a hell of a cliffhanger to end this installment so be warned because it looks like its going to be another long and painful wait.

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Another Charley Davidson tour de force from Darynda Jones! Great plot with plenty of action, humor, and spicy Charley and Reyes love scenes. The ending left me wanting more...and I can't wait for the next edition. Darynda Jones never fails to deliver! I love her and her kickin' boots!

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Darynda Jones is a masterful storyteller. This is the Eleventh book in this series and it is simply fantastic!  Funny, an emotional roller coaster, engaging and oh so hot. I don't not know how she does it but I freaking LOVE it! Movie makers are 50/50 on pulling off a sequel let alone 11 of them! Jones' tallent is mind blowing! 

    Right from the start you will be sucked into the mind and world of the infamous Charlie Davidson.  You will be choking on your laughter,  sitting on the edge of your seat in suspense and then definitely experience heat fashes. If you are anything like me you won't be able to put it down. Untill  the next book- I will be sulking.

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