He Knows Your Name

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Pub Date Sep 27 2016 | Archive Date Sep 27 2016

Advance Praise

“The dignity of a proper burial, or a simple headstone to mark one's final resting place, may seem like a small thing to most people in Western society. Not so Linda Znachko. In her book, He Knows Your Name, Linda recounts the deeply moving stories of desperate, often disadvantaged, mothers who – on face value— seem to have failed their offspring in death as well as in life. But the story is never that simple, as Linda so compassionately narrates. Her journey of serving those ‘who mourn’ began with a first step of obedience in providing a proper grave for an infant abandoned in a dumpster. Her mission has since grown to include an ever–widening circle of caring individuals dedicated to the proposition that our very humanity consists in our ability to do the ‘small things’ well; to love and respect the least among us, whether in life or in death.”
—Cristóbal Krusen, Chairman and CEO of Messenger Films, Inc.

“Linda Znachko could not have predicted how honoring one nameless, abandoned baby would lead to a vibrant celebration of life and love for otherwise rejected and forgotten people. By responding to God's prompting time after time, Znachko models a life of faith and obedience. The stories in her book remind us there is always more than meets the eye—and by opening our hearts, we can reach out without judgment and watch God bring healing.”
—Ann Kroeker, writing coach and author of The Contemplative Mom: Restoring Rich Relationship with God in the Midst of Motherhood, Not So Fast: Slow-Down Solutions for Frenzied Families, and On Being a Writer: 12 Simple Habits for a Writing Life That Lasts
“‘...God’s Spirit was prompting me to step into a stranger’s deepest pain. Had I declined, no one around me would have been the wiser…’ This quote stood out to me perhaps more than any other in Linda Znachko’s anointed book, He Knows Your Name: How One Abandoned Baby Inspired Me to Say Yes to God. Each of us has a choice to listen to the Lord’s promptings or to decline. And wow, what a journey the Lord will lead us on if we follow Him! Compelling prose and jaw-dropping, real-life stories guaranteed to bend even the most cynical person at the knees, if this book doesn’t turn your ear toward what the Lord is doing and wants to do in the world, nothing will. Captivating, unbelievable, mesmerizing, and deeply profound, this book is a must-read for anyone looking for a miracle, for hope, and above all, for life.”
—Amy K. Sorrells, award-winning author of Lead Me Home and other novels of hope

“Linda Znachko’s life calls all of us to care for ‘the least of these.’ She shares an incredible, personal journey of giving love and dignity to those who have been passed by. It is not only a beautiful picture of Jesus’s love for each one of us, but it is a powerful life lived for the sake of others. Her inspiration and story should cause all of us to pause and, once again, say yes to God’s nudging of our heart to care for those who have no voice of their own.”
—Jimmy Seibert, president of AMI Global Ministries

“The dignity of a proper burial, or a simple headstone to mark one's final resting place, may seem like a small thing to most people in Western society. Not so Linda Znachko. In her book, He Knows...

Available Editions

ISBN 9780825486654
PRICE $14.99 (USD)

Average rating from 4 members

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He Knows Your Name

by Linda Znachko

Kregel Publications
Christian, Biographies & Memoirs

Pub Date 27 Sep 2016

I was given a copy of He Knows Your Name through the publisher and their partnership with Netgalley in exchange for my honest review which is as follows:

A baby found in a dumpster wearing only a diaper. The baby had no name and would receive no proper burial but Linda Znachko was determined that this baby would have both.

Linda would come to name this child Zachary even going as far as to take on this child she had never held in life as hers, she would give this precious baby that proper burial knowing it was what God called her to do.

Soon Linda finds herself listening to Gods nudging helping Mothers who lost children, to buy headstones, even to help in paying the cost of the services when it was needed.

He knows your name is a beautiful reminder that God knows your name even when the world may not, and that God cares for the least of these as should we.

Five out of five stars

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