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HQ Digital is a dynamic digital first imprint from HQ, a division of HarperCollins. We are a diverse and fast-moving imprint selling commercial fiction across the globe. We believe there should be no barriers between getting great stories out there for readers. Home to a range of bestselling authors, HQ Digital is at the forefront of the digital revolution and we are looking for your stories.
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We accept reviewers, bloggers, media and educators from all over the world. Please note that we prioritise based on your feedback score and reviewing history so make sure these are up to date.
We love to connect with bloggers and reviewers and often share your reviews on our social media channels, retailer sites and sometimes even on the books themselves!
Approval Preferences
We accept reviewers, bloggers, media and educators from all over the world. Please note that we prioritise based on your feedback score and reviewing history so make sure these are up to date. We love to connect with bloggers and reviewers and often share your reviews on our social media channels, retailer sites and sometimes even on the books themselves!Publisher Profile
HQ Digital
HQ Digital is a dynamic digital first imprint from HQ, a division of HarperCollins. We are a diverse and fast-moving imprint selling commercial fiction across the globe. We believe there should be no barriers between getting great stories out there for readers. Home to a range of bestselling authors, HQ Digital is at the forefront of the digital revolution and we are looking for your stories. Follow us online @HQDigitalUK
1250 Members