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Steve Preda’s passion is to help people build self-managing, fast-growing, and high-profit businesses. Since 2002, he has helped more than 200 entrepreneurial organizations become more valuable and sellable by serving as a mergers and acquisitions (M&A) advisor, a business coach, and a Certified EOS Implementer®. He started and grew an M&A firm to market leadership in his native Hungary. After implementing the E-Myth® and later the Entrepreneurial Operating System® (EOS) management blueprints, his business grew rapidly and was eventually acquired by a private equity firm, allowing Preda and his family of six to move to the United States. After settling in Virginia, Preda started working hands-on with entrepreneurial leadership teams, helping them to define and achieve their visions and to build cohesive teams with EOS. He is a regular blogger and podcast host, and delivers workshops and keynotes to entrepreneurial audiences around the US.

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