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108 Pearls to Awaken Your Healing Potential

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108 Pearls to Awaken Your Healing Potential is just as indicated by the title. The 108 little pearls of wisdom contained within the 13 chapters, are a collection of information designed to improve our physical health and spiritual wellbeing and also take into account the effects of our actions on the whole planet.

I did find that the same guidelines were repeated under more than one heading, which is excellent if you are interested in a specific health issue but not so if you are reading the entire book.

Anyone seeking a healthier, more holistic lifestyle will find this book contains a wealth of interesting information. I cannot comment on the tables presented in the appendix as I was reading an electronic ARC copy in which the tables did not align.

My thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for providing a digital review copy.

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108 Pearls to Awaken Your Healing Potential: A Cardiologist Translates the Science of Health and Healing into Practice by Mimi Guarneri is a great book every health conscious individual must read.

Written by a doctor, this book is very informative, practical and touches topics that many don't! I particularly like how Mimi listed or covered all religious under the Mantras section. It is a good idea for those who don't really want to turn away from their religious or spiritual beliefs.

I liked the detailed table on Elimination Diet, ideas for snacks and healthy food options and suggestions to clean up one's lifestyle, which is very important for long-term health. While a few suggestions are outdated, most are really useful.

Everyone's opinions and beliefs vary. While I liked the book for most part, I don't agree with everything listed in the book. Being into Alternative Medicine myself, I am very keen not to misrepresent stuff. I picked up this book because it is related to my field and one can never learn enough. Having that said, while this book does cover a lot of good aspects, I did not like or accept with a few viewpoints of the author - particularly the take on psychological or mental problems. For many, mental disorders is real and the failure to bring light or incorporate enough seriousness worries me. I also find that a little disappointing considering this was written by a Doctor. Such misrepresentations or generalizations are the real reason Alternative Medicine is often frowned upon!

But otherwise, this was a good book with a wholesome and comprehensive take on Alternative Medicine, Holistic Lifestyle and also, from a Scientific Perspective.

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Wholistic in all expression!
I have only known two books that are so holistic in all expression, which include a scientific, spiritual, and planetary perspective as part of the solution. This book is a jewel, the author is an authentic humanist who develops the subject from a very broad perspective, with a very integral, coherent, inclusive vision, centered in the heart and collective planetary well-being.
I loved the foreword of Dr Veerabhadran Ramanathan as a call to raise awareness, an urgent global healing, to change our way of proceeding since all of us living beings are intimately interconnected with the planet itself, we have a responsibility to educate ourselves and transmit knowledge at every opportunity, organize to protect the planet and reduce our energy consumption, and deliberately engage with small actions, adding our efforts would be transcendental.
This book, as the same author mentions in the introduction, proposes optimal health that involves a healthy balance of physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, environmental, and social aspects of the human being. From this holistic view is that the program is designed to improve health and prevent diseases.
In a very grounded way the author begins by providing the pearls to evaluate our health, then provides the basic knowledge to understand our genetic variability, how it is affected by the environment, our personal response to medicine and food. These basics are in my opinion an excellent way to start the program. Subsequently she touches on the subjects of supplements, stress, mental health, relationships, strengthen spirituality, energetic aspect of healing. And she ends with a gold clasp, sustainability topics and protect nature as a part of the equation to sustain our health, and suggestions to give deeper meaning to our lives.
My gratitude to the Publisher and NetGalley for allowing me to review the book

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As a trained Reiki Master/Teacher, I love books about alternative healing, healthy living, and generally any book that allows the reader to transform themselves into a better, more optimal version of self. This is what I was looking for finding in 108 Pearls To Awaken Your Healing Potential
The title is not deceiving. The book contains 108 nuggets of information, but these nuggets are random, outdated, and sometimes just simply not based on evidence. For example, the Author mentions China and their generally slim weight, but with a little bit of research, one can find evidence, that Chinese people are becoming more overweight, as they are now having access to more Western Food. China is also not a good example to use considering that their food safety standard is horrible and therefore leaves their citizens often unprotected from harm.
The book also attempts to teach that mental illness can be mostly cured, or made better with food. Mental illness is a lot more complicated than that, and should not be taken as lightly as the Author has. In a time, where the mentally ill are often not taken care off properly, generalization is potentially dangerous.
What I did like about the book was, that the Author went in depth on how to find an optimal supplement. Many people do not put enough research into their vitamins and supplements, and suggesting that one should take more care, is wise.
This hodgepodge of a book is interesting enough to warrant a read, but if you want accurate and optimal health information, I suggest that you look for books on the specific topic you are interested in.

This book review is scheduled to be posted on my book blog on April 29th, 2017

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This is a great book that is filled with a lot of important information about health written by a doctor who uses both traditional medicine and nontraditional healing to improve patients health. I really liked that the author talked about using traditional medicine along with meditation, affirmations, and other techniques to help each individual find their own personal way to health. Not every idea works for everyone and there are lots of different things to try in this book to pick and choose the ones that will work best for you.

I personally got a lot from the section on food and what I should avoid and what I should be adding to my diet. I also liked the section on how our thoughts can effect our health. I found several things to use in this book in my daily routine to improve my health.

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