Member Reviews

A psychological thriller you don't want to put down!

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I am really torn on this book. On the plus side, I couldn't put this book down. Even though the course this book takes is fairly predictable, it still had me wanting to find out if I was right or not. On the negative side, the writing style just didn't do it for me. Maybe it was intentional but it felt like a high school essay or something of the sort.

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The Best Day Ever was the best kind of creepy book. From start to finish, the reader knows that the narrator is bad, but it takes a bit to figure out just how bad. I have told everyone I know to get this book!

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This book is so well written and generally interesting enough that I kept reading it and actually eagerly looked forward to returning to it even though I sometimes wondered why I was reading a book about a character so sick and reprehensible. At the end, the author describes Paul as an unreliable narrator, but to me that indicates you're not always sure whether the narrator is telling the truth or not. In Paul's case, it was clear to me pretty much from the beginning that he was a psychopath. The author does a great job sharing all his inner musings that show him to be a classic psychopath and narcissist, although occasionally it bordered on a bit too much; pulling back just a bit and letting his actions and dialog take over some of the narrative might have been better. However, for all the mixed feelings I had while reading the book, I felt that the epilogue totally elevated it and made me want to go back and reread to see how much I could have picked up. I would definitely read another book by this author. I was intrigued by the bonus excerpt from and description of "Plenty To Go Around," which I assume is an upcoming book since I can't find any evidence that it has already been published. I eagerly await it! Thanks for the author, publisher, and NetGalley for the advance e-copy.

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Paul Strom, a successful advertising executive, has planned a romantic day for his beautiful wife stay-at-home wife Mia. He and Mia have the perfect life – an enviable lifestyle, financial stability, a beautiful home, luxurious furniture and décor, a sparkling lake house, and two beautiful little boys. He and Mia have a leisurely drive to the lake house and enjoy playful and loving banter along the way.

But as we spend more time with Paul and Mia, it’s very apparent that things aren’t what they seem because Paul is a sociopath. A sociopath is defined as “a person with a personality disorder manifesting itself in extreme antisocial attitudes and behavior and a lack of conscience.” I never really understood what that meant until I read this book. The story is told from the perspective of Paul, so the reader literally gets into his head and is privy to his real thoughts and feelings which most often contradicts his behavior. Beneath Paul’s carefully polished façade is a mean, cunning, despicable, evil, manipulative, lying, stealing, cheating man who can barely count as a human being. It’s fascinating read on the type of person that lives among us as a neighbor, friend, family member, or even a spouse, and the justifications that sociopaths make to themselves that are unlike normal people. I loathed Paul but I kept reading because the writing is very engaging and I wanted to see how the plot progressed.

This book is a slow burner but just interesting enough to keep the reader engaged. The sunny and light atmosphere changes to a dark and ominous one as the author weaves disquieting clues through behaviors and character reflections as the reader drives to the lake house with Paul and Mia. We find out that the truth is the opposite of the picture-perfect image that Paul portrays and I enjoyed learning about the mind of a sociopath. I recommend it!

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I really liked this book. The characters were well developed. I found the husband entirely creepy, almost from the first moment. I loved the twist at the end.

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How unnerving to read the story from the perspective of the narcissistic husband! Throughout the story I found myself shaking my head at the audacity of such a personality and on the edge of my seat wondering what would happen next! Excellent suspenseful read! I received an advance copy from Great Thoughts Ninjas. All opinions are my own.

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A special thank you to NetGalley, Harlequin Canada, and Graydon House for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Rouda weaves a dark tale of marriage, betrayal, and deception in this page-turning thriller. Readers are in the mind of narcissist Paul Strom, a handsome and successful advertising executive that is trying to have the "best day ever" with his wife—Strom is a combination of a character from "Mad Men" and Patrick Bateman from American Psycho. Paul is confident, charming, and thinks that every woman wants him.

The story begins with Paul and his wife, Mia, leaving for a child-free weekend up at their lake house. He's promised her that this will be the best day ever. The couple say this phrase several times during the drive and the reader wonders what is going on with these two. The tension is palpable and written as such that we don't know the extent of the problem or if in fact these two even like each other.

Paul is an incredibly unreliable narrator, so narcissistic that he cannot read social cues or navigate relationships. He thinks that women want him, when in fact he is actually stalking them and the attention that he bestows upon these victims is stalkerish and harassing plain and simple. The comparison to Ellis' Patrick Bateman is there, although Paul is not quite as polished, and unlike Bateman, there is no likability whatsoever.

Rouda goes out on a whimper. There needed to be more of a psychological throw down to amp it up to another star. All-in-all, a great read for the summer and I would definitely recommend this book.

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Bet Day Ever is a chilling, riveting book told from the point of view of a narcissistic, controlling husband. Paul Strom is charming and personable, but beneath the surface lies a smoldering rage, a sense of entitlement, and the belief that others are always at his mercy, satisfying his needs. His wife, Mia, has been at his beck and call since the first time they met, fulfilling his desire of the perfect wife, home, and family....but nothing is ever really as good as it seems. This is a fascinating look behind the facade of a perfect, suburban family, showing us how we never truly knows what goes on behind closed doors. The author did a brilliant job of building up tension, revealing bits and pieces of Paul's vision of the best day ever...this is a book that will have you reading into the wee hours of the morning...but you might want to leave the lights on....

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3.5 stars. I couldn't put this book down. The interaction between the 2 main characters and the secrets they are keeping made this so intriguing. The book fell flat at the end. I was expecting a few more twists and suspense.

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What a twisted and addicting read!!!

Paul Strom is taking his beautiful wife, Mia, to their lake house for the weekend. He has hired a babysitter for their two boys and has told his wife he has planned the "best day ever". Sounds like the premise to a romantic love story, doesn't it? NOPE!!! The entire novel is narrated by Paul who is a egocentric, narcissistic, chauvinistic specimen of a husband who only has one priority...himself. As the couple start out their drive to the lake house there are red flags, but once they get to the lake, the flags turn into banners and all I can say is WOW!!!!!

I haven't been so hooked on a book in a long time!! I literally couldn't put Best Day Ever down!! I thought Kaira Rouda did a fantastic job with giving the reader little clues and the absolute perfect times. I had to find out how this would end, and I pretty much knew from the beginning that I would most likely be surprised by the ending (and boy was I right on). I thought it was brilliant to have the story told by Paul--completely added so much to the plot! I haven't read Kaira Rouda before, but I will be keeping her on my radar and I'm so excited to see what she comes out with next. The Best Day Ever is a 4.5 star read that EVERYONE needs to check out!!

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I had never read one of Kaira Rouda’s novels before and I thoroughly enjoyed this dark and riveting story. I HAD to keep reading to the very end.

Paul Strom has it all – a successful career, an enviable home, two beautiful children and his beloved wife of ten years, Mia. He has the car loaded up and has carefully planned a romantic weekend getaway, orchestrating every single detail.

The closer they get to their lake house, the more noticeable the tension becomes. Snide comments are made. Innocent questions are filled with innuendo. How well can one ever know their spouse? Their secrets? Their past? All this and more will be revealed.

I received an advance review copy of this book from Great Thoughts Ninjas. All opinions are my own.

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Got a preview copy to should know that.
I started reading and thought "oh great another unreliable narrator" But not really, more of a narcissistic ass narrator.
The author does a good job of letting you know that he's going to do something but you don't know what. And when he tries? Wham, no way his wife is gonna put up with that.
A quick, satisfying read. Perfect for a day in the sun.

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I started this book without reading anything about it. I had no idea what I was in for. It starts out innocently enough. A seemingly nice husband is taking his beautiful wife and mother of his two sons to their lakeside cottage for the weekend in order to have the "Best Day Ever". The book pretty much runs through the entire 24 hour period with flashbacks to explain parts of the plot. As readers we find out that things are not so wonderful in what seems to be an idyllic marriage. I thoroughly enjoyed the suspense and found myself wanting to read whenever I could. Definitely one to pick up when it comes out!

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This book was enjoyable. I received this book from NetGalley in exchange for a honest review.

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Great domestic thriller. The momentum started on the first page and quickly picked up and kept speed until the end. I love having an unreliable narrator to keep the story interesting. I also like having a likable character in the book especially when you have one as rotten as Paul to keep you rooting for someone. I was kind of expecting a big finale. To know more about what Paul was planning as revenge as he didn't seem the type to back down. That part was a bit disappointing but overall I enjoyed the story and the quick pace. Thank you for letting me read this book.

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Paul is taking his beautiful wife Mia to their lake house for the weekend. Their boys are with a babysitter at home and Paul has planned "The Best Day Ever". Their drive to lake is delayed when Paul decides to take a phone call. Paul can tell Mia is annoyed getting a late start but he knows she is his dutiful wife and he will just charm himself back into her good graces. As the story progresses, you see their marriage isn't what it seems to be. Paul is keeping many secrets from Mia. The story being told from Paul's POV and being inside his head, is unlike any I have read before. I could not put this book down! It is a fast paced, keeps you on the edge of your seat kind of book and one you must read quickly!!! I received an Advanced Reader Copy of this book from the Great Thought's Ninja Review Team. All opinions are my own.

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A sinister, slow boil,, unputdownable page turner. Great for fans of Carolyn Kepnes' "You." Great characters, loved the back stories. Highly recommended.

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Paul Strom appears to be a hard working man, who loves his wife and kids, and is trying hard to make his wife happy as he weaves the "best day ever," for her. His continued use of that phrase, "best day ever," is foreshadowing. With the best of intentions, "the best day ever," never quite works out the way we hope it will... and it doesn't take long until you may question everyone's intentions. What is really going on here... you will find out as the book shifts from the here and now to the past and back again, until you reach the unanticipated end.... a good story that keeps you guessing throughout.

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Paul and Mia Strom are determined to have the Best Day Ever. Despite Paul’s lurid past, and even shadier current dealings. Despite Mia’s slowly failing health. Despite the dishonesty (on both their parts) that is like a loose thread, about to unravel them both if either of them picks at it.

A seemingly enviable upper-middle class family struggles with a madman at the helm, manipulating and controlling everyone and everything around him to meet his self-serving agenda.

How far has Paul gone in his pursuit of the perfect life, and can Mia face all this head-on?

Best Day Ever is in the vein of Gillian Flynn’s Gone Girl in its exploration of perfect-on-the-surface-marriage, and is creepy in a style similar to Caroline Kepnes You. The story is largely told from Paul’s perspective (until the Prologue), and he is not a likable guy. He’s entirely interesting, but a disgusting chauvinist pig. A certifiable narcissist. You know something bad is going to happen. But what? And to whom? And man, did I keep my fingers crossed for someone to toss this guy off a bridge.

The writing is impactful. The characters, particularly Paul, well fleshed out. I hadn’t meant to get so completely wrapped up in this book, but as soon as a few chapters in, I had to know what happens. I’m not entirely satisfied with the ending, but a perfect ending is rare. Everyone will have some feeling about what should have happened, and even if I didn’t get what I was after, the fact that Best Day Ever is well-written enough for me to have a feeling one way or another says everything about how good a story it is.

*Thank you to Netgalley, the publisher, and the author for providing an advance reader copy (ARC).

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