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Best Day Ever

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A successful man who appears to have it all, sets out to give his wife the Best Day Ever. Paul has a good job, a beautiful wife, a lovely home and two wonderful sons. He makes arrangements to take his wife to their weekend cottage for some alone time. Beginning with the car trip and continuing on through dinner and beyond, layer after layer is peeled back. Some things are not always as they appear. Told from Pauls's viewpoint and stream of consciousness, this is a gripping tale of the lies we live with and believe.

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Do you watch AGT? You know when Mel B just slams both palms down on the panel in front of her and exclaims, “Oh. My. GOD!!”?

Yea, that’s kind of my reaction throughout this entire book. Rouda captures the mind of a sociopathic, narcissistic whackjob and brings him to life in one of the most chilling, nail-biting domestic thrillers I have ever read. Paul Strom is calculating, manipulative, controlling, and all around batshit crazy, but to the outside world he is successful. Has a beautiful wife, gorgeous home, adorable kids, and more recently, the coveted vacation home. On a weekend trip to have the Best Day Ever with his wife Mia, the tension pulses. Will they have their Best Day Ever? The suspense is riveting. Reading through the mind of Paul is like looking at a car wreck- so bad, so messed up, but for the life of you- you just can’t look away. You won’t be able to put this one down. Sit down, light a candle, and prepare to be terrified. (p.s. As an Ohioan, loved reading a book set in my home state. Though I'll never see Chautauqua or Port Clinton the same again. Thanks Kaira.)

I received an advance review copy of this book from the Great Thought's Ninja Review Team. All opinions are my own.

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Great book. Some time you can't believe how he has functioned so far in life. Paul has no felling but only acts as he thinks he should with no true emotion.

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3 stars--I liked the book.

(I'm going to be vague and brief to avoid spoilers!) Even though there's nothing really new here and the tale is simple enough that readers will likely see what's coming, I enjoyed this fast-paced suspense novel. It's a quick read (and it doesn't need to be longer--the length was perfect) that kept me turning pages.

Often first-person narration annoys me, but this is a really good example of how to use it well. And the ending was satisfying.

I received this review copy from the publisher on NetGalley. Thanks for the opportunity to read and review; I appreciate it!

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What a perfect husband Paul Strom is and what a perfect husband and provider. He’s happily married to the lovely Mia and has two sons. They’re financially well off with no worries. At least that’s what Paul would like you to believe. He’s planned the “best day ever” for he and his wife by taking her to their lake house for a romantic weekend of wining and dining. But how will that get away end?

The whole book encompasses one day in the lives of Paul and Mia. It’s a very easy to read and quick moving book and whenever I had to put the book down, I did look forward to picking it up again. Paul is an easy character to despise. The reader learns fairly early just how psychopathic Paul is and once you learn that, I felt that he quickly became very annoying. I also had a hard time relating to Mia. I also found the book to be too predictable with very few surprises. I didn’t feel the wrap-everything-up-neatly ending was necessary as I had already “gotten it” from what had previously been told and felt it was just repetitive.

But it was a fun read and I’m glad I gave it a try. Maybe I’ve just read too many unreliable narrator books lately. But if you enjoy this type of book and haven’t been overloaded yet with the unreliability aspect, then I think you’ll enjoy this entertaining book.

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BEST DAY EVER by KAIRA ROUDA is a dark, thrilling, and sinister tale of deception and betrayal that takes place over a 24-hr period and had me flipping those pages with anticipation and fascination finishing the book in less than 24-hrs.  I could not put this book down!

Okay, for the first part of this novel it takes a little while to get yourself into the book and into the mindset of the main character but as you read on you get the idea of what the author is trying to portray here.  It is definitely worth the read and it gets easier and better as the story progresses.

KAIRA ROUDA delivers a gripping and highly entertaining read here told from the first person point of view of our main character Paul Strom who is described as an unreliable narrator by the author.  He is narcissistic, arrogant, a womanizer, and a psychopath who is trying to have the Best Day Ever with his wife Mia.  The author does a wonderful job portraying the mindset of this character as he is so well-written you totally get into his head and you discover rather quickly that there is definitely something not quite right here.  Which will have you wondering why is this the best day ever and who is actually going to have the best day ever, Mia or Paul?

This character is not an easy one to read, I didn’t really like him very much as he has a horrible attitude and is really high on himself.  You might also get a little lost sometimes as he will just go off into an inner monologue with himself confusing you even more.  Once I figured out what was happening though then I found it rather easy to follow along with the storyline.

The ending was satisfying with all loose ends tied up neatly in a bow. This time around I really liked that the author chose to end the story that way as I needed clarification and closure.  I did find the book somewhat predictable at times but there were a few little twists along the way to keep me interested enough throughout and I was totally curious in how this was all going to play out.  Would recommend!

Thank you so much to NetGalley, Kaira Rouda, and Harlequin Books for the opportunity to read an advance copy of this book for a fair and honest review.

Review can be found and is currently posted on Two Sisters Lost in a Coulee Reading blog:

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I wasn't thrilled with this book. It wasn't easy to follow the story line as it was all over the place.

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Ever have a title to a book that sticks to you because it reminds you of something/someone? Best Day Ever is such a title. When I first saw it, Spongebob Squarepants song “Best Day Ever” started going through my head and stuck. So now, instead of being disturbed by the title, all I can think of is the little yellow guy singing that song.

Actually, thinking about it, this song does seem to fit Paul Strom and Best Day Ever perfectly.

Best Day Ever fits the mystery/thriller genre. This book has a way of stringing you along, making you think that you know what is going on. Then, BAM, the twist comes and you have to rethink what you read. I, for one, was shocked when certain events happened. But, if you go back and read the book again, there are subtle hints about what is going on and what will happen. Very subtle hints that were hard to catch the first time through. That is what made this book fantastic in my eyes.

The plot of Best Day Ever is a man taking his wife on a much-needed weekend away at their lake house property. But there is a strange tension between them from the minute they start driving. I began to notice that things were not quite right with Paul around that time too. What sealed the deal for me was when he was talking about the drive to their house. There was a curve that you had to hit the brakes for.He made the comment that it wouldn’t take much not to hit the brakes and that the lake would be a great place to hide a body. Talk about total creepiness!!!

I thought Paul was off from the first chapter. He seemed too good to be true. The way that Mia acted around him also made me a bit leery of him. For someone who was so in love with his wife, he didn’t act it at times. I also had a feeling that her “special gift” that was in the dashboard wasn’t something good. The more the book went on, the more Paul started to become more sinister. His love for his boys turned from something great to something that was obsessive. Same thing with Mia’s trust fund that her father set up for the boys. Still, I was surprised at how evil he was and how he blamed his childhood for him being the way he was.

I am going to admit, I didn’t like Mia at first. I couldn’t understand why she was so indifferent to Paul and seemed to be baiting him. At the same time, my guard was up because I knew something wasn’t right. But the more stuff that was leaked the more I realized that something was up with their marriage. I was shocked when everything went down at the cottage. I wanted to bring her out of the book and apologize to her for judging her like I did.

While Mia and Paul didn’t have sex, it was mentioned a few times in the book. Paul seemed to think that he was a stud with women lined up. Because the book didn’t go into his relationships, I am going to go out on a limb and say that he wasn’t such a stud. That it was all in his head and he actually was horrible in bed. That the women stayed because he paid for everything. Well, Mia stayed because, at one point, she loved him.

The end of the book was not what I expected. There is a happy ending but it is overshadowed by Paul. I felt so bad for Mia because well…you need to read the book.

4 stars

My Summary of Best Day Ever:

Best Day Ever is a psychological thriller that took me on a rollercoaster. I didn’t know what was going to go on from chapter to chapter. I loved it!! This book had me glued to the pages and gave me the chills while reading it.

Will I reread: Yes

Will I recommend to family and friends: Yes

Age range: Adult

Why: Violence, language. There are sexual innuendos but nothing graphic is ever written. There is also a very graphic scene where a woman is beaten.

I would like to thank Kaira Rouda, Graydon House, Harlequin and NetGalley for allowing me to read and review Best Day Ever

All opinions stated in this review of Best Day Ever are mine and mine alone

**I chose to leave this review after reading an advance reader copy**

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The book opens as Paul is taking his wife Mia on a getaway, just the two of them. The trip is meant to be time enjoyably spent together as a couple. However, the narration by Paul quickly reveals his narcissism and immense unlikability and unrelatability. So much so that I didn't continue reading to find out whether any redeeming qualities that would make me feel anything but disdain for the narrator would present themselves.

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3.5/5 stars

Best Day Ever is a standalone mystery thriller. The narrator is 45 year old advertising executive Paul (1st person POV).

Paul and his wife Mia are driving to their second home/lake house for a weekend away from their boys. The book takes place over 24 hours and Paul wants the day to be the "best day ever".

When I started this book I was not sure exactly what the book was about. But Paul gave off a really bad vibe. I hated him right from the start. But I was curious to see what was going to happen.

At first I had a bit of a hard time enjoying the book. It can be difficult to like a book when the narrator is so unlikable. But gradually I became hooked. I wanted to see what Paul would do. And I wanted to see what his wife was going to do.

Paul was such a creepy character (think if Joe from You by Caroline Kepnes had a best friend). But he was an intriguing one. I enjoyed getting inside his head.

There were some interesting twists. And I enjoyed the epilogue. Surprisingly I even found myself rooting for Paul.

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Great suspenseful read. The way Paul's character and insanity was revealed to us slowly added to the intensity.

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Psychologically rich, Kaira Rouda's latest, BEST DAY EVER is one of the most satisfying and entertaining books I have read in 2017! 5 Stars +++ When I add (+s): myTop List for the year.

Kaira Rouda creates an unpredictable delicious unique domestic suspense at its finest. I predict BEST DAY EVER will be a blockbuster hit and prime for the wide screen. What goes on behind closed doors?

BEST DAY EVER, a Big Little Lies, but better. The author’s best work to date and this psychological domestic thriller sets itself apart from all the rest due to, a number of things which I will address in my review. (sorry for the length of the review, but have a lot to say).

There are so many psychological elements at play here (starting with the car ride). A weekend trip. The allure. A lake house. A dinner. The anticipation. Afterwards. The perfect set up. You will be dying to know what will happen next. Truly edge-of-your-seat.

I can envision Alexander Skarsgård (Paul) and Nichole Kidman (Mia) starring in the film. I want a front row seat. An ideal choice for BEST DAY EVER. Hint, someone! Will need to ponder the cast for Buck. (he needs to be hot and hunky)!

Skillful writing and execution tactics abound. The story takes place within a 24 hr. period. Tick Tock. There is not one moment of boredom. It is addictive and compelling.

The banter is to die for!

The author has outdone herself. Spine-tingling. Impending peril (not knowing what Paul will do next) creating intense tension, that propels this claustrophobic cat-and-mouse tale toward its hold your breath, gratifying conclusion.

Meet Paul and Mia Strom.

Mia was once a copywriter at an advertising agency when they met. She is from a wealthy family. Paul is an advertising executive and he thinks he is God. He thinks everyone worships him. It does not matter what he does wrong. He can put a spin on it. He has secrets.

He, of course, has taught his wife everything. (gag) Sex, love, fine food, travel. He is the sophisticated older man she pledged to love honor and obey. As most psychopaths, they do not respect women. They are a conquest. They seek them out. Put on the charm. Slowly turn on their dark side.

We hear from Paul, in Ohio and his plans to take his wife away for the weekend to their home on Lake Erie. It is a Friday afternoon and Paul feels some tension. He has made these plans and he wants nothing to go wrong. He appears charming and romantic. It will be the BEST DAY EVER.

They have not been away for a weekend together in more than a year. This day was going to be just for them and it was time to go. The phone rings causing a little delay.

They drop the kids off at the sitter’s house and then they are on their way. After all, he has loaded and syncing all his wife’s favorite songs. It will be a romantic weekend, with candles, wine, and a fabulous restaurant. Everything to set the mood. Nothing will stand in his way.

As for most of us, we are aware of any sort of relationship- when you are traveling, you have expectations of an upcoming trip. Emotions run high. She is thinking. He is thinking. Trying to read the other's mind. However, as the car winds its way to the lake, we soon get the feeling, Paul has a dark side.

However, we are not quite sure what is going on with Mia.

Of course, he does not like it when she wants to stop for a restroom break (God forbid) or stop at a bakery for croissants. However, he is in a flexible mood. He will throw her a bone or two. This once. Paul also talks about the neighbors and bad mouths them if they do not like him. He is all about appearances.

First, I knew nothing about this book going in, except the summary and the book trailer. At first glance, you think this will be another murder at the lake. Been there, done that. Think again. This book is nothing like anything I have read.

Not the blood and gore. It is the most dangerous of all. The mind. The thoughts. The suspense. The impending danger. The mystery. The intrigue and the dark humor. Character-driven.

You pretty much suspect early on Paul (husband) looks at life through rose colored glasses. He thinks he can do no wrong. Everyone is beneath him and he can manipulate anyone to his advantage. What a jerk.

He is king of their castle and his queen needs to fall back in line. He is all about action, like a super hero. About achieving and success. Their family is superior. What is this talk about her going back to work? No way.

You have no clue what he has planned for the romantic weekend away at the lake without the boys. You know something is hidden in the car in the glove compartment, but you do not know what. It will be the BEST DAY EVER.

He has a lot riding on this weekend. More than you can imagine.

Paul is trying to make this a pleasant experience to smooth things over, or so it appears. We soon learn Mia has been sick. It annoys him when she eats healthy and controls their eating and dining habits. He appears to be trying, yet he does not like it when the conversation does not go his way.

Everything he is thinking is played out in the book. He continues to steer it in his direction. He demands control.

This is where the book excels in my opinion. I could not put this book down. If I had to, I was dying to get back to it. You know something has occurred and he is trying to make a good impression to get Mia back to his side. He wants to smooth things over for some reason.

He gets annoyed when she starts talking about her strawberries and garden at the lake. The guy Buck is their next door neighbor and his wife died. He helps look after her garden when they are away.

Of course, Paul does not like Buck. Mmmmm . .

The next thing which keeps the reader guessing. Mia does not seem like the meek and mild type with an overbearing controlling (Sleeping with the Enemy husband). She seems a little cocky. She is not argumentive, but yet she brings up topics which are uncomfortable for her husband.

It is a tug and pull; a little tit for tat, cat and mouse game. She appears calm and collected. What does she have on him? She keeps him on his toes.

She is intriguing. Mysterious. You do not know what is going through her mind at all. It is all coming from Paul’s viewpoint (which you soon find out, he is wacky). Love her character.

A modern- day psychopath.

Mia, on the other hand, does not seem too worried about what her husband has planned, and pretty much drives the night in a subtle way, much to her husband’s displeasure.

When Buck interrupts their alone time, throws dinner reservations late, and at dinner, appears the waiter hates him (because he is a pompous ass) and always looks at his wife, plus his wife seems to be looking at the window in a daze with a smile on her face. He is thrown off his game.

Could Mia have turned the tables on him? Mia knows much more than she has let on about her husband’s secrets and lies. She is the one who comes from money (parent’s wealthy) and they do not like him and never have.

How could he have not been paying attention? When did little Mia become so confident and bold? And what does she know? Has someone told her what is going on? He has many skeletons in his closet.

“This was supposed to be the best day ever, and now it is deteriorating, decaying like the memories of his childhood. “

Frantic, we see Paul’s world unraveling and spinning out of control. And the letter . . . . Priceless!!! I have never laughed so hard. Karma will bite you in the butt when you least expect.

WOW! It is hard to describe a book of this nature since you do not want to give anything away. You want to provide enough to encourage others, they “Must” read this book. From the cover, author, characters, plot – from the first page to the last (A complete package). I would not change a thing.

All the dirty secrets are revealed.

Rouda has created a character so evil with his banter and thoughts. I would put him next to any of the bad guys out there. One reviewer compared him to Joe in You and I agree. I think also Perry in Big Little Lies and Jack Behind Closed Doors. An utterly compelling journey through the darker side of the human psyche.

The things which go on in his head! Clever writing. Both creepy, and witty. Paul is psychotic, entitled, and a narcissist with a capital N! Rouda reminds me of Paul Cleave here. Another favorite author which uses a lot of dark humor mixed with the thoughts of his psychos.

As many of you read, my personal notes in my recent review of Emma in the Night— this topic is very relatable and one I have researched for years since my ex-husband was a narcissist. Most everything in this book is so realistic. I think Paul and my ex could be brothers. SCARY. If you meet someone too charming and too good-looking. RUN.

The author keeps you guessing all the way through the book. You want to savor each moment and not rush. What I did indeed enjoy (which I wish more authors would follow)- Kaira recaps the night and the events leading up to the night from Mia’s point of view at the end. A "behind the scenes."

During the reading, the author does not give anything away. As a reader, you think she is being manipulated by her husband. By providing all the final details, this balances the story for a satisfying conclusion.

Note: Kaira, if I see Paul around Palm Beach at the Breakers or shopping along Worth Avenue in his pink shirt with an older rich lady on his arm, will let you know. This could be a great follow-up book. Even better, he and Donald Trump have a lot in common, so I am sure Paul will worm his way into Mar-a-Lago. I can view his estate from my apartment window. Will keep you updated!

Seriously, this may be my favorite psychological/domestic thriller this year. Congrats. Can’t wait to see what’s next. You have found your groove. Give us more of this, please. (no pressure) I have heard I need to buy the print book which is spectacular. Have also pre-ordered it and the audio, narrated by Graham Halstead and Amy McFadden. Look forward to reading 2018 PLENTY TO GO AROUND. (sneak preview included).

If I have not convinced you yet. Readers, pre-order this now. The best psychological thriller of 2017! Fans of Mary Kubica, Fiona Barton, and B.A. Paris will enjoy.

A special thank you to Graydon House and NetGalley for an early reading copy.


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Paul Strom is living the life he wants- beautiful, rich wife, 2 beautiful sons, 2 houses- and is about to treat his wife to the best day ever. He has every detail of the day planned but his wife Mia has her own plans on how to make it the best day ever. Behind the shiny surface things are not what they seem. Equal parts disturbing and satisfying read.

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This novel has a very scary protagonist .It all takes place within 24 hours. To start off and a his wife take a trip to their lake cottage which the man says is going to be the best day ever. Without giving too much away let's just say the twist and turns begin. Thrilling psychological thriller

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I was really excited to read this book after reading the description and seeing that awesome red cover! It sounded like a creepy good read. I really enjoyed this book. I read it in just a few hours, not wanting to stop once I got going.

Paul and Mia Strom have it all. The perfect marriage, the big house, money, and two beautiful children. Paul has a fantastic job at an advertising agency and Mia has stayed home to care for their two boys. Paul tells us he's the perfect husband. He protects and provides well for his family. They want for nothing.

He's now planned a perfect weekend for just him and Mia at their cottage. He's thought it all through. He's promised Mia and us that it's going to be....


"Today represents everything I've worked for, that we have built together"

The story-line takes place over approximately 24 hours and is told from Paul's point of view.

This is not a normal Friday for the Stroms. The day is special in few ways. Paul has dropped his children off at school, which is something Mia normally does. Then he does the dishes while Mia finishes getting ready. This is also something that he normally doesn't do. He tells us that he can be helpful when he wants to be. But he hopes Mia doesn't come to expect it. He urges Mia to hurry, tells her it's time to go. It's been quite awhile since they've had time together without the children. He reiterates that it's going to be a day just for them and that it's going to be great.

But as they start their drive, Paul feels like something is different. There is a strange tension inside the car. He wants to know what it is, he wants to eliminate it. Mia seems a bit wound up and he's not sure why. He tells her they've got a long drive ahead and that she should try to relax...

"Let's make today the best day ever"

Paul wonders if she's angry about the phone call that he took. The call ended up taking 30 minutes, which means they got a late start. He knows he should apologize ...but he doesn't want to. Pretty much from the get go we can see that it's unlikely going to be the best day ever for this couple.

Mia starts to talk about how she feels she missed out on having a daughter. Paul thinks she should be thankful for what she has. Then she talks about maybe going back to work now that the boys are older, Paul is getting annoyed.

"My wife does not work. That is not our situation. No matter what. She stays at home and cares for the house and the children"

Paul doesn't understand why she's bringing these things up today...on what's supposed to be their perfect day!

"This boldness is not like her. And I don't like it, not at all"

He decides he's not going to let his wife's strange behavior bother him anymore.

"We're going to have the best night ever together"

Typically they do not stop for bathroom breaks on the drive to the lake house. But he's in a loving mood and because this is the best day ever he will make an exception, without shaming her.

The book does have a bit of a slow start but I could see what the author was trying to do, slowly pulling the reader in, dropping hints that things may not be exactly as they seem without giving too much away. Even though I figured some things out early in the book, I'm pretty sure that author intended it to be that way. She wanted us to know that something wasn't right. I was on edge wondering what was going to happen next.

"I've learned people don't often want to hear the truth. Some get their 'feelings' hurt. As if a feeling could be hurt"

I really enjoyed this novel. I thought the story-line was awesome. The slow build up kept me intrigued.... I needed to see how this was going to play out.

The author ratcheted up the tension bit by bit, until I was completely in the grips of this twisted story. Dark and full of suspense. We see into the mind of a wonderfully creepy and sinister character. Once everything was finally revealed, I found myself going back to re-read parts to see what I didn't pick up on originally. An addictive read that I couldn't put down, I can't wait for more from Kaira Rouda!

Thank you, HQ and NetGalley for providing an advanced readers copy of this book for me to read in exchange for my honest review.

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I am almost hesitant to discuss the plot of this psychological thriller as I went into it fairly blind, which for me made it more of an exciting and suspenseful read. Best Day Ever tells the story of 24 hours in the life of Paul and Mia Strom. Paul Strom has planned the best day ever for his wife, but you quickly come to discover something is very off. Paul is the ultimate unreliable narrator whose narcissist/sociopath tendencies become more and more evident by the page. Overall this was a page turner for me and I would recommend. ⠀

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There are so many blurbs I have read in different books claiming that they are the next Gone Girl, I never thought that I would find it in a character like Paul Strom. He is the text book study of a narcissistic sociopath. He has planned the best day ever for his wife Mia. He is taking her to their house on Lake Erie. He has planned a dinner at the new restaurant in town. But things seem off with Mia. He can’t quite put his finger on it but he knows that he can charm her into anything. Hasn’t he always? She doesn’t know the secrets that he keeps and just why this trip is so important to him. Hmmmm…..

As I sat there reading into the night, I was praying for this man to get his due. I loved watching as he unraveled and yet tried to spin things his way. Why not? He always had before. Don’t ever tell him you can’t babysit! I loved how as the story progressed, we found out more and more about him. This man was one walking secret after secret. He is written so well. As horrible as he was, he kept me reading. It was dark and twisty and oh so delicious. I will not say you will love to hate Paul because you will probably pretty much just hate him but you will love this book. Definitely a page turner!

I received a copy of this book from Netgalley and Graydon House in exchange for an honest review.

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This book is amazing. The narrator breaks the fourth wall, readers. That happens so rarely that when it does, the book really stands out.

My experience with Best Day Ever reminded me a lot of my experience with Gone Girl. You're going along, reading the book, and suddenly have a "wait, did that really just happen?" moment that makes you go back to reread the previous chapter see if you are imaging things or not.

If you are a fan of thrillers/suspense, read this book!

~ I received an ARC of this book in exchange for my honest review. Great Thoughts' Great Readers Ninja ~

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Told through the first person point of view of Paul Strom, this story follows 24 hours in the life of Paul and his wife Mia as they embark on a weekend getaway to have the "Best Day Ever".
It becomes apparent very quickly that Paul is a psychopath, but after 10 years with Mia, does she know? Why does she seem different today?

I thought this was a very easy read, it was never boring and I was wondering how it would all end. I just didn't really feel that attached to the story, or the characters, and a wicked side of me would have preferred there to be no Epilogue. Some things are best left unsaid and to the imagination.

So, not a bad thriller, but also not a "edge of your seat" kind of read.

Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for providing me with a free advanced reader copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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This is a tough book to review. Some parts of the book I read quickly and other times, it really dragged. I found it hard to relate to the characters and I felt like I was missing some back story. The main character was very manipulative and it took a while to figure out that he was not what he portrayed himself to be.

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