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Trust was such a different feel from anything I’ve read from Kylie Scott before. I think this might just be her best work yet. The writing was superb, the story was captivating and the characters were unique. When I finished Trust, the story stayed with me for days.

Edie and John's journey kicks off in a terrifying way. The situation, the way the characters reacted, and overcame the whole horrific ordeal felt very realistic. I really loved the fact that Edie and John had a real friendship first, before they became more. You really can’t help adore Edie and John, and I loved how much their characters grew throughout the story.

Overall, I think Kylie Scotts first YA book was a huge success. This book really surprised me in so many ways, and I just loved it. I absolutely recommend!

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Where tragedy and love meet= TRUST

This was such a sweet swarrow. I highly recommend it. There is angst, tragedy, redemption and LOVE. Kylie really created such perfect, imperfect characters. Edie is me, you and every girl you'll ever meet. Such a realistic character. You see her go through so many evolutions. Then John the sly sex God. He is withdrawn, strong and so real. Their relationship unfolds during their senior year in high school.

This book was written well, and reads easy. Just try it. For this to be Kylie's first YA book it nails it!

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I rarely, if ever, read YA books. I can't be done with the juvenile depiction of how kids from 16,17,18 years of age and up, get written. So reading Trust for me, was a trust exercise in itself, in Kylie's writing style. She is, and remains, one of my top favourite authors, and proved she can pretty much write anything and do it justice.

Trust was absolutely brilliant in my opinion. Teenager angst, characteristics and how life can easily sway decisions and outlook at that age. And how YAs deal with life was perfectly brought to life.

This isn't a flowery depiction of YAs at all, it brings to life what a LOT, if not how the majority would act, do and live like, nowadays. Edie being drawn to John from circumstances nobody would wish to have gone through is EXACTLY how I would see it happening too. Her insecurities from her weight, the decisions she made as she transitioned from 'normal', to traumatised, to finding her feet in the world again, perfectly written. I could so see my daughter, heck even my sons, finding their feet this way too. John could literally have been my son. His hiding of expression, withdrawn ways, a tendancy to say what he thinks and sod the consequences lol, was easy to engage and follow along with. Underneath it all he had a heart. Also a special shout out to Anders and Hang. Anders cracked me up many times and Hang was the perfect best friend. Great supporting cast.

I don't know exactly why I connected so well with Trust and it's characters. Maybe it's having my own teenage children. Maybe it's just the pure word wisdom of Kylie's mind and pen skills. I'm putting it down to both. I really loved my time with Edie and John and all that I read, I was sorry to see it end. I could envisage this book easily as a film, it would carry over great to the big screen. I hope some bigshots feel the same, it deserves to be out there, not only because it's a great book. In my opinion, tells life lessons and shows what we do while we're learning to live after something traumatic, whether they be right or wrong decisions, how we're not always old and wise enough to make the right ones.

This isn't a book about sex at all, it only plays a small, I would say very small, part. Yet sex does factor but for all the right reasons and I won't say anymore because in my opinion it's an integral part and written extemely well. When you've read the whole book it's an 'ahhhh' moment and you realise everything is paramount in their story. Well that's how I interpreted Trust.

I would give this more than five stars, yes I loved it that much. I received a copy from Netgally for review. My reviews are my own and show exactly how I felt, whilst and after, reading Trust.

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I am such a Kylie Scott fan, but I have to say, this was not the book for me at all. I am not even going to review it on GoodReads or Amazon simply because I was unable to finish it. I couldn't get into the characters and their story at all. I am so sorry. I feel terrible even writing this at all. But thank you so much for the opportunity for reading Trust.

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I really enjoyed this really great book, although it was a completely different direction to all the authors other book. In saying that it was a really good story. I found it very intense and a little full on, but in a really good way. I was totally engrossed from the first word.

The story of John and Edie was just beautiful and I was swept away in it. There love and friendship blossomed from a traumatic situation and they were just a match made in heaven. Some of the parts of the books dragged a little but I think it was all necessary.

This book is a huge recommend from me. With a story that takes you in one hell of a journey.

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I fell in love with YA books a long time ago. In fact, they were my first love so when I heard that Kylie Scott wrote a young adult novel, I just had to jump aboard.

Trust is a beautifully written story that will grip you tight until you can't hold on any more. The beginning alone will draw you in and ensnare you into its web!

Edie Millen is that one heroine whom you'll never forget. She didn't feel like a character in a book. To me, she was real. She wasn't perfect, she was flawed and that's what brought her to life for me.

John Cole is the bad boy your parents warn you about. He's beautiful, yet troubled. The forbidden fruit that every girl desires.

Both Edie and John are connected by a traumatic event they endured together, which is what ultimately creates their special bond and eventually turns this friendship into more. They're two fractured souls that lean on one another to heal and to survive and in the process they grow. They bring out the best in each other. Yet it wasn't easy. They had to learn to Trust one another. Nor was it simple. Especially for Edie. She had to overcame a dark moment in her life, even when it seemed at times she was losing her way. It's stories like this that live on and are hard to forget.

Trust is a wondrous coming of age standalone romance. I've read Kylie Scott's books before, but this one was a different breed. She really did a great job of tackling issues that many teens face today.

Trust is a book that is real. Intense, emotional, and a must read!

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This is not the type of book I usually go for. I tend to avoid anything with a shirtless dude on the cover. However, the somewhat recent cover trend with the black and white picture and the soft color in the text is one that I really like. I also somehow missed the part in the synopsis that the loss of virginity was a plot point, which is also something I usually avoid. Despite those things, ever since I read Deanna’s (from A Novel Glimpse) review of this book I was intrigued. I’m so glad I decided to give Trust a try because I ended up really liking it.

The story starts out pretty intense with Edie becoming a hostage in a convenience store robbery. Scott did a really good job of creating the threatening atmosphere and I could feel Edie’s fear. John tries to keep the drugged up robber calm and it looks like things might be ok for awhile, before ending badly. During the fall out Edie loses her best friend and ends up changing schools, where she meets John once again.
The story is told in Edie’s 1st person POV and I felt a pretty strong connection to her. I identified a lot with her insecurities. Her new attitude from walking away from the convenience store was basically that nothing that wasn’t life and death mattered and that was kind of concerning. However, as the story goes on she does start to take the consequences of her actions (to both her and those around her) more seriously, while still being able to rise above the Mean Girl drama/insults that used to affect her. While I think she still has a way to go, I did appreciate her growth. And a lot of that had to do with John. I LOVED John. Before the convenience store he was a drug dealer and lived with his brother, who was also a dealer. Afterwards, though, he gave it up, moved in with his uncle, and started to take school more seriously. While he still indulged in some behavior I didn’t really approve of, I really respected how he got his life together and how much he changed. I loved how he looked out for Edie and was so sweet with her and I really enjoyed their friendship and shipped them to becoming more.

There were a few bits I didn’t like. Since John only dealt weed and not harder drugs and it was the only drug he sometimes did it was portrayed as no big deal. If I may get on my soap box for a moment, I think casual drug use is a really damaging thing to include in YA. While there was definitely an anti-“hard”-drug message, it felt counterproductive to include the casual marijuana use. The other thing I didn’t love was the sexual content. While I did think the subject was dealt with responsibly, there were a few scenes that I thought were far, far too explicit for YA.

Overall, I really did enjoy Trust. I liked the characters, especially John, and the relationship between him and Edie. Though I had my issues with it, it was a fast, easy read that I did not want to put down.  I’ve read a few books recently where I felt like I had to really push myself to finish, but this one I could not get enough of and is the reason I’m bumping up my final rating a bit. This is my first book by Kylie Scott and I’d like to read more from her.

Overall Rating (out of 5): 4 Stars

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Thank you to NetGalley for proving an ARC copy of this book.

This is the author Kylie Scott’s first adventure into the YA genre. She did not disappoint. Trust can mean so much to so many different people. This story brings back all of those high school feelings for first love, first kiss and so much more. The book held me captivated from page one till the end. I highly recommend this book to anyone looking for a great summer read this summer.

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I loved it. Trust is an older YA that gives you believable characters and realistic relationships. John and Edie are trying to figure out who they are after a traumatic experience. While John is trying to improve his grades and stay out of trouble, Edie starts to question life and how petty and insignificant things or people can be. Their chemistry leaps off the pages and bring able to watch them grow into who they are is great. Trust deals with a lot of issues that teenagers will be able to relate to. If you're looking for a YA full of romance, heart pounding situations, compelling characters and s story that keeps you glued to the pages then you'll want to pick up a copy of Trust asap.

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Wow! Trust is one steamy YA novel. It gave me all the warm fuzzies and yet had some pretty dark parts to it as well. It was an all around great read.

Okay, so there were a few things that I loved about this novel. I loved that it had that dark underlying tone to it. These two come together over something that traumatized them. They are the only ones that know what it was like during the robbery and they find a common bond because of it. Even though their relationship starts off as a friendship, they are both very protective of the other because of their shared experience. Which makes for some serious sweet and sometimes frustrating moments. I loved that Edie was on the plus side. She knew she was bigger and she wasn’t deterred when people tried to point it out in order to make her feel bad about herself. I also loved that their journey from strangers to first loves was not an easy or quick road. They had to work at not only getting themselves back on track mentally after the ordeal, but also navigate their feelings for each other as well. I really liked that it wasn’t some insta-love situation. Speaking of first loves and all, I should point out that this is pretty steamy. So, even though it is listed as a young adult novel and Edie is still in high school, she does have sex and while it’s not horribly detailed, it isn’t completely glossed over. You have been warned. 😉

I could seriously go on and on about this book. I was in the mood for a new adult contemporary and decided to give this book a shot because even though it was classified as YA, it sounded really good. I am so glad I decided to give this a try because it was amazing. I stayed up way too late trying to read this book in one sitting. I wound up having to give up on my goal when my eyes wouldn’t stay open. Let me tell you though, after my morning fix of coffee, I was back at it until I’d finished it. I was so engrossed in their story that I just couldn’t seem to put the book down. I’ve only read one other book by this author which I really enjoyed as well. I’m starting to think this is an author I need to pay more attention to because I’m 2 for 2 with her work. Now excuse me while I add a ton of the author’s books to my library’s hold list.

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I only read a few YA books and I'm so happy to have read this one. To trust comes to easy to us all. But when someone has went through life changing situations it's harder to trust others.
Edit is a good girl at the wrong place and the wrong time. John helps save her. Through the daily struggles life gives us they have each other to turn to.
This book is full of life changing topics. You will laugh, cry and your heart will heal with the characters. Awesomely written book. Must read
I received a advanced copy by the publisher (netgalley) for a voluntary honest review.
Posted on Amazon and Goodreads

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If being a teenager girl who didn’t fit the mould wasn’t bad enough, Edie’s high school experience takes a harrowing turn when she held at gun point during a convenience store run. She witnesses violence that she has only seen in movies, but in this reality her hero comes in the most unlikeliest of sources.

Without a shadow of a doubt had it not been for John Edie’s fate would have meet a much different end. Instead of the heroes a reception she expects, he is slapped in handcuffs and led away for questioning. It’s here she discovers her hero is the local drug dealer. Nonetheless she is vehement of his innocence. Her backing of him goes a long way and means more to him than she can appreciate.

The direct aftermath of the situation leads to some big changes for Edie. One of which is switching schools from private to public. She revels in the short lived anonymity until she comes face to face with her long haired saviour, John.

So unique is their experience, she feels bonded to him. She’s heard the whispers about him in the corridors but she makes it her mission to get to know the real him. Their friendship is understandably intense, given its conception but from a romantic aspect, I felt I would have benefitted from John’s POV given that he too makes some big changes in his life.

Admittedly I felt its momentum slowed down towards the end, but the premise of the story was a good one, with the added bonus of enjoyable secondary characters.

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This was a great book . Kylie S gives as good as she always does and I was not disappointed at all . There was so much to love about this book . I was hooked from the first chapter till the last . I was so glad to be able to read this story . The writing was great , the characters were great and the plot was everything . This story gave me all the feels and would highly recommend this book that is looking for something new and fresh . I was not disappointed and I needed more right after it ended . I cant wait to see what she does next .

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I have to admit, when I first saw this cover (and without reading the synopsis) I was under the impression that this was a new adult/adult book. The first chapter informed me otherwise... this is labeled as YA! I did read on Kylie Scott's website after the fact that this is her first YA book. (and hopefully not her last!) Though I understand that characterization since this story is set in high school and has a very realistic senior year vibe going on, I would say it's definitely an older 17+ YA story, as it addresses several very sensitive issues that would not be suitable for younger teen readers.

<blockquote class="book-quote">“It’s okay to be afraid, Edie. You just can’t let it stop you from doing anything.”</blockquote>

This story starts off with a bang. Literally. Edie is in a convenience store grabbing a few snacks for a girls night with her bestie, when it gets robbed at gunpoint. Edie, along with the meth-head gunman and two other customers, is basically held for ransom until the cops agree to give the gunman his demands. The other two kids in the store end up helping Edie more than she can ever imagine. One loses his life in the struggle, while the other, John, is responsible for them getting out of it alive.

<blockquote class="book-quote">“He’s the only one who gets me. Who knows what it was like, going through what happened that night … And he’s the only one I know for sure would risk himself to keep me safe.” </blockquote>

Edie and John, though complete opposites for the most part, have one very important thing in common. They were both there that night. They are the only two people that <em>truly</em> understanding how it felt to be a part of such a traumatic incident. John, one of the most popular and best looking guys at school, finds himself drawn to Edie, the softspoken loaner of sorts. Edie has become much tougher since the incident, but it hasn't helped her shed her issues of self-confidence entirely. She doesn't allow others to make fun of her for being overweight anymore, that's for sure! (Go, Edie!!) But she also begins to not care so much about school and other "mundane" things in life, after almost losing hers entirely.

I absolutely adored these two. Their friendship was total friendship goals, if you ask me. I loved how tirelessly and unconditionally they were there for each other at all times, at all costs. I respected their bond and how these two shared something extremely special. And I loved how their relationship started out so innocently, building a friendship on one single event that brought them together.

This story addressed several tough issues as well. PTSD was a strong one in this story, as Edie had quite a tough time in the aftermath of this horrific event. John also suffered quite a bit, especially with the similarities this gunman had to a family member of his. Other important issues were addressed as well, include drug sale and use, sexual activity, and some violence. I truly respected the way Kylie Scott went about addressing a sexual act for the first time, and not sugarcoating it in any way. Also the way a "drug dealer" can be stereotyped in the worst possible way, regardless of their present activity, growth and change.

One of my favorite aspects of this story were the awesome friendships. After Edie switches schools she has the pleasure of meeting Hang, a fun-loving and accepting teen, who she quickly becomes besties with. Hang is such a wonderful friend, as Edie is to her, and I loved how these two found their way to such a strong and accepting friendship, regardless of the bumps in the road. John and Anders' bromance was one of my faves!! These two best buds were so adorable, I just couldn't get enough. Give me more Anders, please!!

I was so pleasantly shocked by this book. I had no idea what I was getting into it. I didn't know the emotions I would feel, the sadness and heartache that would hit me so hard, the sheer fear I would find in my heart, and the hopeful feeling I would be left with. This book has so much to offer, and I truly hope more readers get to experience it's awesomness. This is one I would definitely recommend, you guys. I'm definitely going to read more by Kylie Scott now!! (And can we PLEASE get an Anders book?! PLEASE!! &hearts; ) This is the perfect book for fans of Katie McGarry and Jamie McGuire. A bit more angsty than the normal YA, though filled to the brim with a strong, adorable and swoony romance.

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Although when I think of young adult, Kylie Scott's name does not always come to mind, with plenty of contemporary romance and even a horror series under her belt, when I heard about the upcoming release of Trust, YA seemed fitting and totally doable. Trust, as it turns out, is so much better than doable, so much better than simply enjoyable, so much better than good. Trust is a shining success, indescribably gripping, and, to put it simply, pretty amazing.

At its most basic, Trust is packed with all the teenage insecurity, drama, and heartache we have all experienced at one point or another in our adolescence. At the same time, Edie and John have been through something truly unimaginable and insanely traumatic. Combine all this fear, vulnerability, uncertainly, anger, angst, and doubt with some teenage hormones and you have the flawless execution of a powerfully potent story of coping, growing up, first love, and empowerment.

With a pulse-racing, anxiety-inducing, whirlwind of a beginning, I was in no way expecting to be hurled head first directly into such an extremely tense and tragic situation, but to say I couldn't put this book down from the get go would be a huge understatement. Not only do we begin with the robbery that sets the rest of the story in motion, but we truly live and breathe the event as every thought, every feeling, every moment of this brutally agonizing experience is expressed so compellingly and so viscerally you can't help but feel as though you are right there hiding in the aisles of the Drop Stop.

Where do you go from something so harrowing? Through a lot soul searching, a whole lot of perspective changing, a bit of rebellion, and straight on to an unlikely romance. The perfect YA, friends to lovers story in which the undeniable and unbreakable bond is there, the feelings are stirring, the tension is high, but although these teens have been through suffering that is far from typical, they are still your typical teens in that they are slow to embrace the truth after second, third, and fourth guessing things, insecurities reign, and outside influences are often a very large factor. Not necessarily a slow burn, but there is definitely plenty of pining, longing, and ambiguity to keep an angst lover on their toes.

More than just a story about growing up or finding oneself, more than a story of moving past a life changing incident, more than a heartwarming first love story, the way in which Edie chooses to use something so horrendous as a lesson in living life to the fullest instead of crumbling beneath its immense weight and the strength that she finds in the end is both moving and truly inspiring. Dealing with more than one serious theme, Trust is both an absorbing and enthralling read as well as a meaningful and significant story and an absolute must read.

*complimentary copy provided by author for an honest review

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After being held hostage during a robbery at a convenience store, Edie finds her outlook on life has changed. She enrolls at the public high school and crosses paths with John. He, who risked his life to save hers. They both form a strong bond, becoming friends over a horrific event. John used to sell weed, he used to sleep with a multitude of girls and has this bad-boy reputation. He is not someone Edie would take home to meet her mom.

Edie is confident, even though she has her insecurities and vulnerabilities. She is often unhappy about her weight, sometimes ok with it but she gets bullied a lot. But she is a strong girl and she stands up for herself.

John is cool and collected, he is a quiet guy of few words, a student who needs a second chance. He cleans up his act after the robbery incident and starts to do better. He is very protective and he would do anything to help Edie and make her happy.

A friendship grows between the two as John keeps Edie out of trouble and helps her broaden her horizons. After he helps her out with another first—losing her virginity—everything gets complicated.

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4.5 Stars!
Edith Millen aka Edie is a 17 yr. old senior in high school living in Northern California in a town called Auburn. She attends a private school & has plans to go to Berkeley for college. One evening life as she knows it is forever altered when a routine stop at the local convenience store ends with her being held hostage at gun point by the town meth-head. Nearly dying changed her. The once good girl who put up with being bullied & was happy to just blend in now has no tolerance for jerks. Done with the snotty kids at her school Evie decides she wants to transfer to the local public high school to finish out the year. Being curvy & not popular, Evie's never really fit in anywhere. Now she doesn't care what people think of her.

On Edie's first day at her new school she crosses paths with the boy who risked his life to save her. Her fellow hostage & hero John Cole. He was a complete stranger but she still felt an odd connection to him. They had both been through something awful & were trying to deal. While Edie was finally spreading her wings, John was trying to settle down a bit. He had a bad boy, troublemaker reputation as the ex-drug dealer. After his near death experience he was trying to get his life together & focus on his future.

Edie & John are drawn to one another and share a bond as survivors. They begin spending time together & realize they are both struggling with nightmares. Edie realizes John is the only one she can talk to about that night. He understood her because he lived through it too. Being around him is easy & lately he's the only thing keeping her sane these days. They become best friends. Soon Edie develops a major crush on her gorgeous friend and has intense feelings for him. When she's with John she's happy.

Edie wants to live life to the fullest with no regrets. There are so many firsts she's yet to experience. When John helps her with one of those firsts things get complicated between them. She tries to keep him in the friend zone, but can't quit replaying his lips on hers. She wants them to be more, but isn't sure what she means to him.

John thinks he's bad for Edie. He doesn't want to bring her down, but real feelings are growing. Soon he's consumed with thoughts of Edie, but when danger finds them again can they survive twice?

I really loved this book! It had a YA feel to it, & was something new from this author. I was sucked in & hooked from the beginning of this book. It has action, a hot, swoony, bad boy, and lots of emotion. It was a fabulous read!

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Trust by Kylie Scott was an absolutely amazing read! When I read that it was YA I wasn't quite sure what to think. Even though it is labeled as such, Scott definitely pushes the boundaries and doesn't hold back from the edge. Trust is a cliff I'd willingly jump from. It's angsty. It's nerve wracking. It is beautiful. It's sweet. It's swoony. Sigh. It really is just a great read.

The banter in this book is some of the best I've read in a long time. The relationships that Edie builds with some of the side characters feel so deep and strong even though they aren't the main plot. So well written. I absolutely ADORED Edie, the heroine. So glad this story is told in her POV. She was stronger than I could ever be. I loved that even though big things happen in this book, she's still a teenage girl. So many moments were placed throughout the story reminding the reader of that.

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John, the hero, was EVERYTHING. Agh. So good.
At times I was swooning for him. There were times I was scared of him. There were times I was angry at him. At times I was crying for him. Then, I was swooning again. I was laughing. I was swooning. I was crying. I was laughing some more. All of the feelings in this book pour out from the page and you honestly FEEL them!

Highly recommend this story to anyone who enjoys an angsty MATURE YA romance. With intimate moments, funny and quick banter, and that relatable teenager becoming an adult time in your life. This book is heavy at times and could be considered a trigger(violence) for some, but I definitely think reading this book is worth the risk.

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The moment I read the blurb for this story I knew that this book would be special. Theres something about YA novels that have a lot of things in the story that I connect with and that is what happened throughout this story when I started reading it. Kylie Scott did an amazing job with this story and wrote characters that are easy to connect with. I was entranced with this story from the start and loved it from the start to the end.

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