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Into the Night

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Into the Night by Cynthia Eden

This was my first Cynthia Eden book, and I really enjoyed it! I do wish I had jumped in with book 1 instead of 3 since I feel like I'm missing some things that might be nice to know, but I think I'll go back and read those first two soon. The premise was so interesting. I thought it was a cool and unique choice to have an FBI unit made up of people who have been impacted by serial killers, whether they are survivors or family members of victims. I also thought a serial killer going after other serial killers was unique. I loved Macey's character, and thought she was so strong and easy to root for. LOVED the hero. The suspense had me on the edge of my seat. I can't wait to read more!

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ARC provided by Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.
Into the Night has plenty of suspense and romance just the way I like it. I thoroughly enjoyed the book and I love Cynthia Eden as a writer.

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Having read and enjoyed the first three books in the series, I expected an enjoyable experience with Into the Night. It did not disappoint. Someone is hunting serial killers and Agents Bowen Murphy and Macey Knight find themselves pitted against a brilliant and calculated villain who is always one step ahead.

“Because predators didn’t always walk on four legs. The most dangerous predator…he walked on two.”

I had a great time with this installment in The Killer Instinct series. The prologue gave the reader insight into Agent Macey Knight’s up, close and personal experience with a serial killer. This set the tone for the remainder of the story.

The story kept me on the edge of my seat the entire time I spent reading. I couldn’t resist turning the pages. I needed to know who was hunting and killing serial killers. The hunting of serials may not be so bad, but the villain let lots of collateral damage in his wake, which made the situation dangerous for innocent victims.

The story featured several suspects. I had a list written. However, despite having this list, I couldn’t figure out who was the guilty party. The many well placed red herrings threw me off the scent of the real villain. It wasn’t until it was revealed that I learnt their identity. Funny enough, that person was on my list. There were other players involved who I never once suspected.

The moments leading up to revelation and capture were tense, suspenseful, and riddled with danger. I feared for Bowen and Macy as the perp had them in his crosshairs. One scene near to the end almost wrecked my nerves. I kept thinking, this can’t be happening. Thankfully, it worked itself out in the end.

To spice things up so that all was not dark and gloomy, Eden gave the reader a sweet and spicy romance. Bowen and Macey had a great partnership both on and off the field. I loved their chemistry. I appreciated that the romance did not overshadow the suspense. They spent the night together as lovers and their days as work partners.

Overall, this was a fitting addition to the series and a must read for fans of romantic suspense.

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For fans of Criminal Minds and Bones.

Dr. Macey Night is part of a special team of FBI agents who hunt serial killers who have been assembled because each of them has personal experience with a serial killer. In Macey's case, it's because she was nearly killed by one. In her partner Bowen Murphy's case, it's because before he joined the FBI he hunted down a killer who'd preyed on the women of his hometown.

Now they're on the hunt again. For a killer who targets the most diabolical of prey -- other killers.

While the premise requires a pretty major suspension of disbelief -- that people with personal connections to serial killers would be allowed to hunt them -- for the most part this was a fun story. But it's not a perfect story.

What I liked:
-- The fact that a person being a natural redhead means that anesthesia doesn't work the same on them as the rest of the population
-- the suspense
-- the knowledge of the local area
-- the writing was well done
-- Most of the leads

I especially liked the mystery itself. In fact, I liked it more than the romance, which leads me to...

What I didn't like:
-- The romance felt shoe-horned in
-- That Macey was allowed to be on the case of the serial killer who victimized her. Even though there was a lampshade hung on this, it was too much of a fourth wall break for anyone who even has a minor amount of criminal justice knowledge.
-- the amount of times the FBI or police shot their weapons...
-- the lack of diverse characters
-- the possessiveness that Bowen had toward Macey -- there's protectiveness and then there's Bowen. It crosses a line.
-- The fact that Macey's a better shot but that Bowen won't give her the gun to shoot the baddie in a certain scene because... reasons.
-- the use of the phrase "I'm clean" regarding STDs since it implies that people who have or who have had STDs are"dirty" which is not the case.

Ultimately, I enjoyed this book. But there were enough problems with the plot and characterization that I can really only feel comfortable giving this:

Three Stars

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Macey Night is an FBI agent who survived a serial killer. He was a coworker, a friend, and a man obsessed with killing. “For science” because of course he had a higher calling.

When Macey escaped from him, he escaped as well. But he may have popped back up on the grid, and Macey and her partner Bowen are going after him. Years of nightmares and fear culminating to the point where they have found him. And when they arrive? Someone has beaten them to him.

While Macey and Bowen are tracking down who beat them to their serial killer, another tip comes in leading them to another serial killer on the FBI’s list. And then…yet again, someone killed him before they could arrest him. It’s as if someone is taunting them by finding their criminals first.

As the cases progress, it becomes more and more personal. With a possible serial killer targeting other serial killers, and one who always seems to be one step ahead of the FBI at that, Macey and Bowen start looking a little closer to home for their suspect. And things begin to get even more dangerous.

Meanwhile, Macey and Bowen are getting closer to each other, and when their nights heat up, their days are cooling off. Their trail on the killer goes cold. Macey is cold to Bowen. How can they start a relationship under those kinds of circumstances?

I feel like Bowen was patient, caring, and understanding with Macey. He’d wanted her for so long, but he wanted her to come to him. He didn’t want to pressure her. And when she did come to him, they combusted.

Macey for her part really wants Bowen, but she feels she’s been taken apart and put back together wrong, and doesn’t want to drop her mess at Bowen’s feet. It takes her a long time to understand he wants her, and that love is sometimes messy, and that’s okay.

I enjoyed their romance, and I really got caught up in their story. The killer was a surprise to me, and the whole plot was super intense and I was on the edge of my seat the whole time.

With her blend of thriller/romantic suspense, Cynthia Eden writes the most intense serial killers and the hottest lovers out there.

***ARC courtesy of Harlequin via Netgalley

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I did not know this was the third of the Killer Instinct series. But the book could be read alone if you did not mind having background on the characters. This book had me switching who the killer was throughout it. What a great finish.

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As far as crime thrillers go, Cynthia Eden delivers yet again in book 3 of this series. Into the Night kept me on the edge of my seat following a serial murderer. If you're looking for a well written thriller, this is a book not to miss.

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~~Reviewed by Danae~~

Suspenseful, edge of your seat page-turning adventure. Ms. Eden has gotten another fan, she has been able to keep this reader on her toes and wanting to forget everything until I finished this page-turner. I can’t begin to tell you how much I enjoyed this book.

Macey Night, when we read about Macey we find out that she is a doctor, then we find her in the hands of a serial monster, but she manages to get herself freed and turns her life around to helping bring monsters like him to justice as an FBI special agent. Macey has a special connection with serial killers due to her past and there are others in the book that have a special connection with serial killers as well. Bowen Murphy, and Samantha Dark to name a few.

Samantha Dark is the team leader in charge of catching the serial killers. Samantha is used to getting her way and getting brass to see things her way. She goes to bat for her team and knows her team members are the real deal and they are the right ones for the job at hand. She is the Aaron Hotchener from Criminal Minds in this book.

Bowen Murphy, has one weakness, just one. Macey Night. He knows that as a member of the FBI he must keep a hands-off policy when it comes to Macey, but can he keep that policy when she comes to him after a rather horrifying night of dealing with “The Profiler” serial killer? Just like Macey, Bowen has a special connection with serial killers, but can Bowen and the team figure out how “The Profiler” is finding other killers before it is too late?

Ms. Eden has turned this reader into a big fan! I can’t wait to read more from this wonderful author. She has a way of bringing her reader into the story without too much trouble. Bowen and Macey are such a delight to read about and when a horrible past ends up in a HEA it is always a great story for this reader. I found myself hoping for a bit more action but in the end, the way that Ms. Eden has done this story and the characters is just right and this reader is more than willing to admit she was wrong to want more action. The whole book is action packed.

I would love to see Ms. Eden continue with books for the rest of the team but that is just a hope I have. Fingers crossed.

I voluntarily reviewed an advanced readers’ copy of this book.

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I love Cynthia Eden's romantic suspense books. She is a very good suspense writer and can keep the reader on their toes guessing and wondering what will happen next. It's only been one or two books where I figured out the killer. This one will keep you guessing and have you hoping you are wrong about the killer. :)

The romance was well done too but I've enjoyed better from her. Great read!

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Into the Night is the third novel in Cynthia Eden's Killer Instinct series, and it was an absolutely spellbinding read. I give it 5 big stars.

Macey Night works as an FBI profiler, in an elite FBI unit, specializing in hunting down serial killers, under the leadership of Samantha Dark, whom we've met in the previous two novels. Macey's partner is Bowen Murphy. What makes the agents in this unit unique is that they've all been involved in some way with serial killers. In Macey's case, she was caught, tortured, and nearly killed by Dr. Haddox, a sick, twisted, slow and methodical torture killer. In the case of some of the other agents on the team, some were related to serial killers, were their victims, knew them socially, or worked with them, but whatever the association, exposure to serial killers changed them forever in some fashion. In Macey's case, while she managed to escape from the clutches of Dr. Haddox, she soon learns that although she severely wounded him, she didn't kill him and he's still out there, but not for long.

Bowen and Macey are soon embroiled in a case slightly reminiscent of Silence of the Lambs and Red Dragon, because when Samantha Dark assigns them to this case, they are shocked to learn that there is now a serial killer hunting and killing other serial killers--serial killers that the FBI has so far been unsuccessful in locating, but whom the new killer seems to be finding with ease. This new twist on the traditional serial killer theme was, in this reader's opinion, absolutely brilliant, and it makes for one very dark, very exciting read, with so many possible suspects, it kept me guessing until the surprise ending.

To lighten up this rather grisly tale of murder and mayhem, Ms. Eden gives us a budding romance between Bowen and Macey. What starts out as a one-night, no-strings, sexual escape for these two agents, slowly becomes more as these two characters slowly bare their personal, physical and emotional scars to one another. A relationship with Macey is something Bowen has wanted for some time, but he's never given any indication that he was more than a little interested in Macey, afraid that if he revealed his feelings to soon, he's scare her away. Additionally, the FBI would no longer allow the two of them to work together if they were in a relationship, something Bowen hasn't been willing to risk, waiting patiently for Macey to come to him.

The new serial killer they're hunting has been more than a step ahead of the FBI from the very beginning of his murder spree, and he's hunting and killing killers, so while his acts are deplorable, he's getting rid of these vile creatures, but for some reason, he's also taunting Bowen in particular, with his skills and expertise. They can't figure out how he's been able to find these serial killers when, with all the resources of the FBI at their disposal, the FBI hasn't been able to do so. There is certainly no shortage of suspects in this novel, and just when you think you've figured out this whodunit, there's a new twist leading you to a different suspect, and then another one, and yet another one.

You'll get no spoilers from me, just a strong recommendation that you read this series, if you've not already discovered it, and to read this novel in particular, because it is so brilliantly structured, and it's main characters are so well-developed that you truly care about what happens to them. It can be read as a standalone, and because of the subject matter, I'd recommend that it be read by mature readers only. Personally, I can't wait to see what Ms. Eden has in store for us in the next novel in this excellent series.

I voluntarily read an advance reader copy of this novel. The opinions expressed are my own.

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What a freakin' awesome book! I was on the edge of my seat the entire story!

When it started, I thought it would follow the same patterns as the first two books in the series, but then the story started twisting and turning and quickly drew me into Macey and Bowen’s case! The couple had excellent chemistry! Their sexy romance was expertly woven into the suspenseful plot, slowly drawing out the excitement on both sides of the story!

INTO THE NIGHT is an engaging thriller and I highly recommend you check out the entire series!

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Some quantifying information before I begin my review. I love television programs which have an element of suspense, mystery, etc. A fan of the Law and Order's, CSI's, Hallmark Movies & Mystery's, thrillers and my most recent is Murdock Mysteries which is a CBC production, I can rest assured the FBI will never knock on my door ask for my assistance. Having attended a fun, local Who Killed Poe night at the library, you can be certain my future does not lie in deductive reasoning.

It apparently does not lie at guessing who the killer is in Cynthia Eden's novel either. Intrigued from the first page to the last, Eden kept me captivated with her frightening knowledge of the mind of the sociopath. Dr. Macey Night discovers herself the victim of such a mind. A fellow Doctor at the hospital where she practices, but she escapes injuring him in the process.

Fast forward several years and Macey is no longer a practicing physician. She is now an FBI agent on a task-force hunting the worst of serial killers. Along with her partner Agent Bowen Murphy and other trusted Agents they seek to discover if Macey's nightmare has returned. Either Eden is who I want to be when I grow up, (I am envisioning pesky questions of doctors even interrupting the as they try to explain) or she has a research assistant who needs a raise because I got chills as she described several of the scenes. Not only the murder scenes, but the scenes with the ME. (shivers again for effect)

As the story unfolds and Macey and Bowen realize they are looking for a killer who is one step ahead of them, they turn to each other to make the nights survivable. It is completely taboo, but they do it anyway. I LOVED the rationale BOTH characters told themselves to justify what they were doing. Now back to my lack of deductive reasoning. The plot thickens and while Eden surprised me at every turn, I tried AND failed to guess who might be the killer. My guesses always turned up dead. Guess who always lost at Clue!

Anyhoo, Eden's work is thrilling, surprising, frighteningly believable. The love story between Macey and Bowen is powerful, binding and forever.

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Cynthia Eden is back with her third full length Killer Instincts novel and it’s a thriller from the first chapter to the last. Every time you think you know who is doing what there’s another twist and you start second guessing yourself. Eden carefully develops each character giving the reader and in depth personal look at how these characters feel, interact, and struggle to overcome the past even as that past resurfaces. This book was an extremely enjoyable read and I can’t wait for the next in the series to find out where Cynthia Eden is going to take us next. Ms. Eden’s world building talents continue to evolve and improve with each book.
Macey Night was once a serial killer’s prey, simply because the killer noticed something “special” about her. Macey escaped but her tormentor also managed to disappear. Now she’s part of a special team that hunts serial killers which gives her the opportunity to continue searching for the person that tried to kill her. Now a lead has been uncovered and she’s going to have to use all of her wits and inner strength to confront the man who almost ended her life. Bowen Murphy, her fellow agent, is concerned Macey may be leading herself into a little too much danger but he’s willing to help her try to find out if the lead is valid. As they work together Bowen can’t help but find himself attracted to his partner and slowly begins to realize that he may just be willing to risk his heart on Macey. If only he can keep her alive.

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There are certain books that you read that seem to take you awhile to get into, and then there are those you jump right in and seconds (only feels that way) later you are done with them. Into to the Night is one of those you jump right in and you are done in seconds. (again, only feels that way)

I've been waiting for this book because I was drawn to Bowen. There was just something about him that I needed to know more about. After reading Into the Night I knew why he drew me to him.

The man has layers. He's tough, strong, sweet, funny, loyal, mega scary and is willing to die for those he loves. In this case it's Macey he's willing to lose his life for. Throughout the book you realize just how much he loves her and it makes your heart squeeze.

I'm afraid that poor Macey was very busy hiding her emotions so it takes her a while to realize how she feels about him.

I will admit that I loved the story line. This one kept me wondering till the end. Every time I thought I knew who was who, I was totally wrong or I was right but I didn't know it. Confusing I know. I just don't want to give anything away that will ruin it for you. The funny thing for me is that as long as I have strong, likable characters a week story line is okay, but I don't care how strong the story line is, if I don't like the characters that's it for me. This had both! I can't tell you how happy that made me.

Into the Night is one of those books that I would recommend even if you don't read the rest of the series or anything by Cynthia Eden. This is big for me because I'm a read in order type of person. That's how good this one is for me. Now saying that I hope you'll take the time to read the whole series because I think you'll enjoy them all. Plus you'll really get to know the characters better.

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I must confess the longer that Cynthia Eden writes romantic suspense the more I fall in love with her writing. She always has strong and smart heroines and Macey is no exception. Macey started out as a Dr. and when attacked she decided to be an FBI agent and help others that way. She has issues, but who wouldn't when they were targeted by a serial killer who she happened to know and work with. She's determined that no-one will ever get the better of her again. And she is also resolute in her single-mindedness to stop the killers.

Bowen is a strong, smart, and sexy. And ooh lala the sparks that he and Macey put off. They could start a forest fire. Unfortunately Macey doesn't want to get involved with her partner. But when things happen to make Macey and Bowen think that the man who attacked her has surfaced again, they start the hunt. Unfortunately, they find out that is not entirely accurate. And when serials start turning up dead then things start heating up fast in the case and in their love life also.

I will say that the I figured out the bad guy fairly quickly but then started second guessing almost as quickly. She got me lol. I love that she's beginning to outsmart me as to who the villains. are. I love her books and I give this one 5 stars. I voluntarily read and reviewed this book and all thoughts and opinions are my own.

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I really enjoy romantic suspense which is how I requested this book but as it turns out its a very dark story about serial killers. Turns out it was a bit too intense for me. The suspense though was pretty chilling and the killer was definitely not who I expected.

My rating and review is colored by my own emotions and not the author's writing because each garish murder scene was depicted and described in chilling detail and the surprises kept coming at an excellent pace. The mystery reveal at the end also caught me by surprise.

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You want a dark and exciting romantic suspense read, then Cynthia Eden is the go-to author. And it’s just not plain horrific evil; her villains are super smart, twisted and pros at mind games, making her books one of the best thrillers to read.

The latest in Cynthia Eden’s Killer Instinct Series, takes special agents Macey Night and Bowen Murphy “Into The Night” of the Smokey Mountains and into the mind of an organized, calculated and a patient serial killer, manipulating and taunting two agents with a past that is better left behind and forgotten.

As the so called “vigilante’ is creating a mayhem of brutal killings of serial killers, Bowen and Macey have a hard time keeping the boundaries between personal and professional feelings apart. As they get closer to the killer, secrets and clues seem to lead them to a path of betrayal and deception so very close to home. But then this is Cynthia Eden we are talking about and with her creative mind comes a twist to this thriller.

You want a dark and exciting romantic suspense read; Cynthia Eden is the go-to author. There is something so very passionate about her hero and heroine, each having being through unimaginable pain and trauma, and the treacherous mind of her villains is just pure reading pleasure!

Cynthia Eden is exemplary in that field and I just love her characters. She gives equal depth and layers to the good as well as the bad, to make her stories so very brilliant. The suspense keeps us captivated, the adrenaline is high to keep us on the edge of the seats and Tucker and Dawn are partner to cheat death to have a future.

“Into The Night” is another captivating thriller of scintillating mind games and the personal development of Bowen and Macey, as the supporting characters add depth and brilliance to the story

Received an ARC from Harlequin via Netgalley for an honest review.

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Favorite Quotes:

She felt as if she’d shattered into a million pieces and then been put together all wrong.

I just want to fall asleep in your arms and know that, for a few moments, I’m safe. Because that’s what you are to me, Bowen… You’re my safety in a storm.

My Review:

I fell right into this intense and intriguing story during its extremely powerful and harrowing prologue. I felt gripped by my hair and the tension in my neck did not relent until the last chapter. This was my first time reading Cynthia Eden and had no idea what to expect, I now expect to be reading her crafty tales quite often. The premise was interesting and the writing was well paced, wily, and compelling. Although the FBI didn’t like the idea of a killer besting them and taunting them with it, I rather fancied the idea of a killer killing off loathsome predators and wondered – why not let him be - until I realized there was collateral damage to innocents as well since killers aren’t all that discriminating… silly me for not thinking that through. And in the midst of all that hunting and chasing and slicing and dicing, a sweet and steamy love story blossomed – oh yeah… I liked that… I really like that a lot.

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This was my first time reading something from Cynthia Eden and I’m wondering why it’s taken me so long. I was utterly spellbound from start to finish. I was wrapped up not only in the stories of the heroes, the brave men and women of the BAU of the FBI, but I was also stuck in the minds of the killers. This story was bold and refreshingly unique and you better believe I’ll be diving into more of these books!

“Because predators didn’t always walk on four legs. The most dangerous predator... he walked on two.”

Macey, once a doctor doing residency, fell victim to a vicious serial killer who was operating right under her nose. After escaping certain death, she devotes her life to hunting predators just like him. As a vital member to the BAU, she’s caught and put away several murderers but hasn’t really gotten over her own terror. Bowen, also a member of the BAU, secretly (not so secretly) has feelings for Macey. He admires and respects her and wants nothing more than to protect her from any more harm. A body shows up, linked to Macey’s past, and the unit flies into action. But it doesn’t end there. Someone else is hunting serial killers and not only is he leaving them bodies to find, he’s taunting them. Can Bowen and Macey catch a killer before he catches them?

I knew exactly who I was choosing when I went to you last night. - Macey

Reading Into The Night was like watching an episode of Criminal Minds, which happens to be one of my favorite shows, so to say I was thrilled would be an understatement. The plot was fast-paced, thrilling, and intense. I had no clue who was who until the end. Every time I thought “Oh it’s so and so,” I was thrown for a loop. I love when an author keeps me guessing. With all of the suspenseful moments and the romance and feels that were developing between Bowen and Macey, there was never a dull moment. Bodies just kept piling up and I was on the edge of my seat waiting for these people to figure it out!

If you’re a fan of romantic suspense with a touch of psychological thriller, you’re going to love this!!

Release Date: December 26, 2017
Genre: Romantic Suspense
POV: Multiple - 3rd person
Heat: 3.5 out of 5
Series/Standalone: Standalone - Book #3 of the Killer Instinct series with character crossover

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It has been a while since I have read a book from this author. I really enjoyed this book. It hit the spot in just what I was looking for with my reading; especially in one of my favorite genres.
Macey and Bowen had both a great working and personal relationship. In fact, I liked the personal relationship a lot. As I have said before, I am not always a fan of personal relationships in these types of books unless done right as they feel like distractions from the main story. Serial killers are my vibe and so I want them to be my main focal point. Yet, Macey and Bowen's relationship was part of the story. The love scenes, while short were sexy.

Finally, to my favorite part...the serial killer. He was smart, prominent in the story, and I liked getting into his mind. Everything he did had a purpose. The best part is the fact that the ending was not a let down. Nothing worse then a weak ending. I plan to go back and read the prior novels in this series as well as get back to reading more books from this author. This book had me reading into the night and day.

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