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12 Days at Bleakly Manor

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A different love story that required me to listen to each person's story in order for it to be believable.

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Bleakly Manor Indeed......
Set in Victorian England, 1851, Michelle Griep has succeeded in creating an atmospheric mystery novel of eminent readability. The protagonist, Clara Chapman, receives a mysterious invitation to spend Christmas at an English manor house. Whilst suspicious, Clara is intrigued enough to attend the calling - particularly as she has been promised a handsome sum of money should she stay at the manor for 12 days. What has poor Clara let herself in for....? Really...would you?! It's a cleverly written whodunnit with plenty of twists, turns and surprising events but, most of all, a fun read for sure. A perfect choice for the festive season. Recommended.

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A unique and cozy read full of mystery and a bit of romance. You get a glimpse of Dickens and Christie wrapped up in one. The story takes place in the mid 1800s. Invitations are sent out to come to Bleakly Manor for Christmas promising a reward for the one who endures to the end. The reward differs for each guest, fulfilling the desires of the winner’s heart. Focusing only on their own needs, the guests scheme in an attempt to eliminate each other.

This is a fun Victorian Christmas adventure with a surprising dark element to the characters, who each have their own secrets. This is a hard one to put down because it leaves you anticipating what will happen next. This book is cleverly written with a nice twist at the end. It’s definitely an enjoyable, whimsical holiday read with a bit of darkness and intrigue thrown in for excitement!

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Listen! Can you hear the clock in the background ticking away the hours as unseen eyes watch from the shadows? In this shrouded, deep mystery of a tale, who will stay? Who will depart from Bleakly Manor? Even the title and front cover shows suspense, along with Christmas spirit and maybe a little sadness thrown in for good measure. I loved the way the details gradually unfolded to develop the plot. And, to top it off, a little romance to go along with the Victorian manor style home. Plus; that gloomy-filled atmosphere surrounding the countryside made for a splendid drama setting. On page 44 of 12 DAYS AT BLEAKLY MANOR, when Clara described the strong and slightly unpleasant sensation, I could almost smell the offensive odor.
I love this book! The story itself seemed to come to life, and became even more mysterious as each page unfolded, with anger, confusion, doubt, Indignation, heart-aches, and thievery. And, in turn, it kept my interest piqued right up to the end. The characters were so delightful, and I was glad to be given a chance to know them. I loved meeting all of them! But especially Clara and Ben. While some were so heart-warming and welcomed me in the manor with open arms, others seemed to beckon me in with that slight warning from their cold stare to beware of what could be inside. I simply devoured this amazing work of art, and look forward to reading yet more work from this fantastic author, Michelle Griep. In my opinion, a brilliant achievement!! A well deserved five star rating because it was so extremely pleasing to read and reread again.

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I really loved the first 3/4 of this book! The plot line was compelling, and the characters likable. The way the story was written gripped me from the very beginning. I liked how the story unfolded, the mystery of who could be behind summoning all the people to the Manor, and the general mood of the book. The pace of the book was also well done, and kept me reading to see what would happen next. I've read a LOT of really bad mystery novels, so I appreciate the author's skill in keeping the reader guessing, and the mystery fresh.

I did, however, have some issues.

The last fourth of the book was really contrived and I felt a poor way to end the book. It would have been better to sprinkle throughout the story hints that 'Aunt' was involved in some way, rather than springing it on them on her death bed. The fact that she could do all of these things, when she had absolutely no money, and then to say that Charles Dickens was behind all of it, including putting up the money for the prize and getting Ben out of jail, yet he couldn't afford to hire staff or feed the people at the Manor properly was a real problem for me.

I also had issue with the faith of the two main characters only coming to light in the last half of the book. If Ben's faith was so strong, why didn't he comfort himself with it while in prison? If Clara's faith was so easily restored, why didn't she look for reasons God had allowed circumstances, rather than continually asking 'Why God why?'

Overall I enjoyed the book and will probably look for the second in the series from the author.

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This book did not disappoint! If you are in need of Historical Christmas book, look no further! The book is a cross between Charles Dickens & Agatha Christie, giving you a bit a of a Christmas Mystery. It reminded me of the game of Clue. If a guest can stay the whole 12 days they will receive their own unique prize.

Looking forward to the next in the series!

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As a fan of both Christmas books and mysteries, I was excited to read this new book that fits both of these categories. 12 Days at Bleakly Manor by Michelle Griep can be called a Dickens-style cozy mystery set in 1851. A group of strangers are invited to stay at Bleakly Manor for 12 days. Mysteries abound, including who invited them all and where their host is. Clara Chapman is the main character, a young girl who recently lost everything, from her family’s money to her fiancé. She is surprised to find her fiancé among the manor’s guests. Things quickly become dangerous and Clara must join forces with her ex-fiancé to solve the mystery and stay safe. This book was a fun, engaging read and I look forward to reading more books from this author. I received a digital copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for my honest review.

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Very interesting book. It has great lessons to be learned. Quirky characters and lovable ones too. All set at Christmastime. The house itself is a character! Strange things keep happening to these strangers brought together. Humor, mystery, intrigue, and tales of redemption await you as you read. Definitely an enjoyable read. I was given a copy of this book, the opinions expressed here are my own.

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I have not read many Dickens books nor Agatha Christy books. However, the title and cover intrigued me. This brings together a quaint and quirky cast of characters in a Victorian home without a host. Who sent the mysterious invitations? Who will last until the end? I will admit that I had a hard time getting into the book. Some of the quirks of the characters were hard to imagine. The story focuses on Clara and Ben. Clara has had a hard year in that she lost her family and her fortune and her fiancé. Ben lost his whole life by being locked up for a crime he didn't commit. Or did he? As the days before Christmas count down, we see these characters compete for the prize. I received a copy from Netgalley. The review was not required.

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I liked this book ok. It was a mite strange, to tell the truth. Ended well for the two main characters.

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Ben and Clara have had a hard last year and Clara is not yet ready to trust Ben again with her heart. Ben has to choose between redemption and revenge. Will Ben and Clara get their second chance?

This really is such a great book on so many levels. The storyline is so unique and interesting. I love the characters and all the mystery; there was a lot of things that kept me guessing. The characters are so eclectic and kooky, especially Miss Scurry with her mice.

I like how the chapters were broken down by the days of Christmas. This would make an excellent story to read around Christmas but is still enjoyable any time of year. I highly recommend this book!

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What an intriguing book. I love the premise and it did deliver.

Clara and Ben have some major misunderstandings to work through but once the truth is revealed all will be good, right?

The cast of characters are rich in personality. Michelle did a wonderful job of giving everyone their own voice.

This will begin to get you in the Christmas frame of mine a bit early, but it's never too early for Christmas is it?

A copy of this book was given to me through All opinions are my own.

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12 Days at Bleakly Manor is a fun, strange and odd story but in a good way. I assumed it was a Christmas story but it was more of an old English holiday tale....sort of. The characters in the story are requested to spend the 12 days of Christmas at an English Manor and, if they stay the entire time, they will receive a prize. Not just any prize. They will receive their heart's desire. Once everyone arrives (and a strange group of people they are) they discover only one person will win. The last person in the Manor on the twelth day of Christmas will be the lucky winner if they are still alive! With more twists and turns than hallways and staircases at Bleakly Manor this is a fun story! It's almost necessary to read it in one sitting. You might miss a clue if you don't pay attention.

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Michelle Griep has once again spun a wonderful tale in "12 Days at Bleakly Manor". Shrouded in mystery, this story is maturely written with rich vocabulary and visual imagery. She only allows a small amount of the mystery to be revealed at a time, enticing the reader to keep reading, thirsty to discover more. Very well done and highly recommended.

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If you enjoy Charles Dickens and Agatha Christie, then 12 Days at Bleakly Manor by Michelle Griep is a book you want to savor by the fire. Great hosts can entice nearly anyone to a fine mansion for the holidays. In true bleak form, however, this is one place you may not want the carriage to stop. On December 24th, 1850, invitations were delivered to a select few who would spend the holidays at the stately Victorian manor.
12 Days at Bleakly Manor: Book 1 in Once Upon a Dickens Christmas by [Griep, Michelle]
For Clara Chapman, a young woman reduced to poor circumstances after being left at the altar on her wedding day, the surprising invitation is quite puzzling for it said:

"The Twelve Days of Christmas
As never's been reveled
Your presence, Miss Chapman, is respectfully herald.
Bleakly Manor's the place
And after twelve nights
Five hundred pounds
Will be yours by rights."

There would be no question she would go though she hated to leave the aunt she lovingly cared for. Go she did and what she found would change her life forever.

Benjamin Lane, betrayed and marked with a prison tattoo languished in his cell, angry at the unknown person who stole his life, took his fortune and turned his only love against him. He too received an invitation to the manor but his invitation gave him no choice but to attend. Attend the twelve days at Bleakly and he may get his freedom. Escape from Bleakly and he would love his life.

All who gathered at Bleakly were led there for a purpose. All sought the reward offered if they could but stay the twelve nights. Each day grew bleaker, however and death was not a stranger as mysterious events turned up and the guests numbers dwindled.

As fate would have it, Clara and Benjamin had met before. She was his love, the one he lost through betrayal. He was the man who left her alone at the church humiliated. A humiliation that was heightened by the ruin of her family's business and fortune through embezzlement by the same man she trusted and loved.

Who will remain and win the prize? If you seek the answer, read the book! A delicious plot complete with the Dickens flavor of Victorian England. Charles Dickens, my favorite author of all time, was a champion of the poor and mistreated. Agatha Christie would have loved the intrigue of the stately manor and absent host. I enjoyed the opportunity to read this book for review from NetGalley and Barbour Publishing. I recommend this book as one you will read this season and in seasons to come!

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This is a cozy mystery set around Christmas in Victorian England. Clara is invited to spend 12 days at Bleakly Manor in order to collect a reward. When she arrives, she learns other strangers-including her ex-fiance Ben-were also invited. Whoever lasts the 12 days will get what they want most. I admit that it's been a while since I've read Dickens' Bleak House so a lot of the references passed me by. However, like Dickens' writing, the cast of invited strangers are eccentric and quirky with hidden motives. Danger surrounds the guests as "accidents" start to happen and conditions at the manor deteriorate. I kept wanting to read to figure out who was behind this game and who was behind all of the "accidents." After the reveal, I admit I wasn't sure about the motives but it was cleverly done. There is light spiritual content and some humorous moments among the strange guests. I enjoyed the author's descriptive writing and Clara and Ben's second-chance-at-romance.
* I received this book free of charge from NetGalley.

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I absolutely loved it! It had me hooked from the beginning, and was hard to put down. I love historical romance and Christian romance.....this has both plus mystery. It is about getting a second chance, and we all need those at some point in our lives. I was so surprised to find out who Charles was and I won't give it away. I really like the author's Historical notes at the end of the book, So happy I got the opportunity to read this amazing book! Thank you!

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Clara Chapman has been invited to attend a party at a mansion in the country for the 12 Days of Christmas and if she is the last one there she will receive 500 pounds. Benjamin Lane is in prison for something he did not do and suddenly is released from prison, told he must stay for the 12 Days of Christmas to receive his freedom. They were once to marry but she was left at the alter and does not know what happened to Benjamin. The others each have a reason to be there. Who will last the 12 days and what secrets will come to light? Can Clara & Benjamin both win what they have been promised?

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It's part cozy Christmas mystery, part Agatha Christie. It made me want to curl up with my blanket and a cup of hot tea. I loved the characters, and I'm so glad this is first in a series. I will absolutely read more!

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Fan's of Dickens will be delighted with Michelle Griep's 12 Days at Bleakly Manor. The setting is a large country manor with limited staff. A group of people each receive an invitation to spend the 12 days of Christmas at the Manor. If they stay the entire time, they will be granted something they really desire. the characters are an odd group, some endearing, others truly weird. I enjoyed the story and look forward to re reading it on a cold snowy day with a large cup of tea and a cozy blanket!
I was given this book for review purposes by All thoughts are my own.

From Amazon:

A mysterious invitation to spend Christmas at an English manor home may bring danger...and love?

England, 1851: When Clara Chapman receives an intriguing invitation to spend Christmas at an English manor home, she is hesitant yet feels compelled to attend—for if she remains the duration of the twelve-day celebration, she is promised a sum of five hundred pounds.

But is she walking into danger? It appears so, especially when she comes face to face with one of the other guests—her former fiancé, Benjamin Lane.

Imprisoned unjustly, Ben wants revenge on whoever stole his honor. When he’s given the chance to gain his freedom, he jumps at it—and is faced with the anger of the woman he stood up at the altar. Brought together under mysterious circumstances, Clara and Ben discover that what they’ve been striving for isn’t what ultimately matters.

What matters most is what Christmas is all about . . . love.

Pour a cup of tea and settle in for Book 1 of the Once Upon a Dickens Christmas series--a page-turning Victorian-era holiday tale--by Michelle Griep, a reader and critic favorite.

About the author:

I hear voices. Loud. Incessant. And very real. Which basically gives me two options: choke back massive amounts of Prozac or write fiction. I've been writing since I discovered blank wall space and Crayolas. I seek to glorify God in all that I write--except for that graffiti phase I went through as a teenager.

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