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12 Days at Bleakly Manor

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With a writing style reminiscent of Charles Dickens and Agatha Christie, Michelle Griep sets up quite the atmospheric novel. I enjoyed getting to know the characters over a 12 day time period, the 12 Days of Christmas at Bleakly Manor. A tale that kept me reading as I was so intrigued to read the twists and turns taking place. I never knew what to expect til the end. This well developed plot and characters where enjoyable to read about in this mystery. Looking forward to reading book 2 in the Once Upon a Dickens Christmas series releasing Fall 2018. I also enjoyed reading about Victorian Christmas Traditions and their description from the end of the book.
Pub Date 01 Sep 2017
Thank you to NetGalley and Barbour Publishing, Inc. for a review copy in exchange fro my honest review.

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Just in time for the upcoming holiday season, 12 Days at Bleakly Manor puts a little twist on what we expect from Christmas tales. This story is part Clue and part And Then There Were None with a dash of romance. Michelle Griep created an enjoyable mystery as the 1st part to her Once Upon A Dickens Christmas series that leaves me excited for the next. Set in 1851 the story focuses on young Clara who has lost everything and faces an uncertain future when a mysterious invitation arrives promising her 500 pounds to spend the 12 days of Christmas at Bleakly Manor. With no other prospects or much hope Clara sees no other option than to oblige and see how the 12 days will play out. What awaits for her at Bleakly Manor is certainly not at all what she was expecting when she arrives and finds a group of strangers who were also made promises in exchange for staying the full 12 days. The most unexpected surprise for Clara, however, comes in the form of the very man who jilted her at the alter and left her in her difficult situation she has faced for nearly a year. None of the guests understand why they are there or even who the mysterious host is, but day by day things slowly start to unravel and they begin to learn the truth which nobody expected. 12 Days at Bleakly Manor is a unique and fun little read for the chilly days up ahead.

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What a heart gripping tale of two loves - coming from two different directions. One believed he left her at the later and he believed she had him put in prison for embezzling their families companies money on the day of their wedding. Both wanting explanations both wanting revenge both wanting to love again. You feel yourself being pulled deeper and deeper into the story with each new amazingly hauntingly huge disaster after another, as dangerous as it were. I started reading it late at night and found myself greeting my kid in the morning as I was fine wishing it cause there was no way was I going to put this down til I was done and I knew it all and I tell you - you won't either. You will love and adore it like I do.

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The story seemed like it was originally a fan fiction offering of Charles Dickens' Bleak House. Having just watched the miniseries, many of the characters were recognizable from Dickens' story, which might be alright had some of the dialogue and plot points not also been stolen. The cover was cute and I was in the mood for a Christmas type tale but I didn't find much of it here despite the events in the book taking place over Christmas. I didn't feel there was much character development beyond the exposition. I also wasn't that interested in the mystery. And the romance plot had weak chemistry going between the two characters. Great idea, poor execution.

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London - 1850

Clara Chapman, age 25, is stopping at her friend, Effie’s home to drop off a small Christmas gift for her. Effie had once been her maid but Clara had to let her go when her own circumstances became dire and she had no money. Now, Effie is reduced to working long hours in a factory.

Clara now lives with her ailing aunt Mitchell. Arriving back at her aunt’s, she is surprised to find a man waiting to see her. He gives her an invitation for a 12-day stay at Bleakley Manor. At the end of that time if she is still there, she will be given 500 pounds.

Benjamin Lane is in prison and Clara Chapman is responsible for putting him there. They had once been engaged. Before he could arrive at the church for the wedding, he had been abducted, thrown in prison and charged with stealing the Chapman’s money. He has been told that Clara Chapman filed charges against him. But guards come to take him to the warden who has a Christmas gift for him. There he receives an invitation to Bleakley Manor. Upon arrival, he is told that if he tries to leave before the end of the 12-day stay, he will be shot. But if he stays, he will be given his freedom.

As the other attendees arrive, they are quite a group of strange characters. The manor is cold and the food is very sparse and not tasty at all. As the days pass, things happen that make the people suspicious of each other. However, people are desperate to stick it out until the 12 days are over.

First of all, I have to say that I have not read much of Charles Dickens’ work that this story has been likened to. So, I can honestly say that I found it silly and just not enjoyable. However, I know other readers have enjoyed this book. So, if you are a Charles Dickens fan, I hope you will like this book.

Copy provided by NetGalley in exchange for a fair and honest review.

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Christmas - 1850 - London.

THE BEGINNING......After being left at the altar by a man she loves, and being stripped of a family fortune, Clara Chapman accepts a mysterious invitation to receive a much needed $1000 IF she agrees to stay at an English Manor for a period of twelve days.

After her arrival, Clara meets a variety of unusual cohorts, each with their own personalized promise of compensation.....including her former fiancé.

THE MIDDLE......There is a bit of mystery....a touch of romance and some very quirky characters, but the mishmash of dubious accidents did not flow well here and turned a great start into an ineffective read.....for me.

THE END......Overall, 12 DAYS AT BLEAKLY MANOR was just ok. I wanted more atmosphere....a bit of creepy intensity....and less predictability. The storyline was trying to be a combination of too many other classic works of fiction all thrown together in a short 192 pages...not an easy task, but......

IT IS in fact a light Christmas read, and average ratings for this novella (the first in a series) ARE already at 4+ Stars, so I am definitely in the minority here!

There is a slight Christian theme with an important message and a historical compilation of past Victorian Christmas traditions to sum it all up.

Thank you NetGalley and Shiloh Run Press for the ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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Shades of Charles Dickens, Agatha Christie, and an 1800s Romance

Clara Chapman is becoming anxious. Not only was she left at the altar by her fiance, who stole her family fortune, but the aunt she’s living with is dying and then she’ll have no place to go unless her one time maid gets her a job in the hat factory.

Ben Lane, her finace, is wrongfully imprisoned. He didn’t steal the money. He was grabbed on the way to the church and thrown into prison without a trial. He still loves and misses Clara, but he doubts he will ever be able to clear his name and claim her.

On Christmas Eve the ex-lovers receive invitations to Bleakly Manor. If they can stay through the 12 days of Christmas, Clara will receive 500 pounds, which she dearly needs, and Ben will receive his freedom. The catch is that only one person, the one left at the end of the 12 days, will receive the prize.

In addition to Clara and Ben, several other eccentric individuals have received invitations. They all want the prize, and some are willing to do anything to get it.

This is a lovely story. The 1800s Christmas traditions are showcased. Readers familiar with Bleak House will find much to remind them of Dickens, particularly the zany characters, and for Agatha Christie fans, the plot has aspects of Ten Little Indians.

The main characters, Ben and Clara, are delightful lovers. They want to be together, but the hurt keeps them from trusting. It’s a clean romance. No one jumps into bed, but you can feel the tension between Ben and Clara.

If you love cozy mysteries, this is a good one. Although the theme is Christmas, you don’t have to wait. The story is good at any time of year.

I received this book from Net Galley for this review.

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12 Days at Bleakly Manor by Michelle Griep is a Agatha Christie Christmas mystery within a Dickens Victorian story, or maybe it is the other way around. However, it is also uniquely a Griep story, too. While it takes place at Christmas, I did not feel that Christmas is the most important part of the story.

Overall, it is a fun read that keeps the reader guessing. Several subplots are happening within this story as Clara Chapman along with the other guests try to remain at bleakly House the entire 12 days. Likeable characters who are memorable join some disgraceful ones who are just as memorable.

Not graphic violence involved within the pages make this a clean read. It is a Christian read but is far from preachy. This is an author to keep watching, I like her style. Masterpiece Theater should be knocking on her door.

The publisher through Net Galley provided a copy.

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It has been a long time since I have read a Christian book and even longer since I have read a Christian mystery. So when I saw 12 Days at Bleakly Manor offered on NetGalley, I decided to download it. I was a bit leery on reading it because I have been burnt by Christian books in the past. I have found that some books can be a bit preachy and that is a turn-off. So I usually pass on them. Don’t get me wrong, I have found a few gems that I enjoyed but for the most part…nope.

The plot of 12 Days at Bleakly Manor was very simple. Clara was to go stay at a manor over the Christmas holiday with several other guests. If she can hold out for the 12 days, she will receive a lump sum. That will be enough to bring her brother back from America. Sounds simple but it wasn’t. There were several roadblocks thrown in the way. A big one is the reappearance of Benjamin, Clara’s fiancé who had disappeared on their wedding day.

What I liked about this book was the Christianity was not pushed on the reader. You were aware of it and it was mentioned a few times in the book but it didn’t overwhelm the story. It wasn’t preachy at all. Which I enjoyed.

The author also did a great job with the mystery part of the book. There are two mysteries. One mystery being who stole Mademoiselle Pretents jewels. The other mystery being who was the mystery benefactor behind the invite. The author did a great job at keeping who the mystery benefactor was until the end of the story. I was pretty surprised with who it was. The mystery about the stolen jewels was also kept a secret until the end of that storyline. I was very surprised at who it ended up being.

I liked Clara. She had to deal with so much over the past year. Her fiancé disappeared on her wedding day. Then, she finds out that her family’s fortune is gone and her brother has to go to America to try to get it back. She moved in with her aunt and was barely keeping things together when she got a mysterious invite. If I were invited to a strange manor with people who I don’t know from a hole in the wall, then I wouldn’t go. But the incentive, $1k pounds, was what drew Clara there. What she wasn’t counting on and what shocked her was Ben being there.

I felt awful for Ben. When he is introduced into the story, he has been in jail for over a year. He is serving time for stealing Clara’s fortune….something that he didn’t do. So when the warden says that he has a deal for Ben, he takes it. The deal: Stay 12 days at Bleakly Manor. If he completes the 12 days, then he gets a pardon. If not, he goes back to jail and is shipped to Australia on the first transport ship that comes into the harbor. He was told that Clara sent him to jail, that Clara was to blame for his incarceration. Imagine his surprise when he finds out that Clara is there…

I did find it odd that an unmarried woman in that era would be allowed to go unchaperoned to a house. A house where the majority of the guests are men. In my readings for that era (Victorian), that would be enough for a girl or woman to be ocasterized from the ton. So, yes I did find it very odd and going against what I know about that era. Other than that, I didn’t have any other complaints about the book.

I loved that the author included what the 12 Days of Christmas included at the end of the book. Few people, myself included, know what the English do (or used to do) for the 12 days of Christmas. I found it fascinating.

The end of the book was your typical HEA. There was a very sad scene where the mystery benefactor was revealed. But other than that, typical HEA.

4 Stars

Summary of 12 Days at Bleakly Manor

12 Days at Bleakly Manor was a great read. A mystery with Christian overtures, I got sucked into the plot. The Christian theme was not overpowering and the mystery kept you in the dark until the end of the book. I did have an issue with an unmarried woman being alone in a house with men.It did not go with the era that the book was written with. Other than that, it was a story that I enjoyed reading and I cannot wait to read the 2nd book.

Will I reread: Yes

Will I recommend to family and friends: Yes

Age range: Older Teen

Why: Some mild violence, no language, and no sex

I would like to thank Michelle Griep, Barbour Publishing and Shiloh Run Press for allowing me to read and review 12 Days at Bleakly Manor

All opinions expressed in this review of 12 Days at Bleakly Manor are mine and mine alone

**I chose to leave this review after reading an advance reader copy**

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Would You Accept This Invitation? An engraved invitation to spend twelve days in an unknown place with an unknown host and guests raises the question---why do this? For Clara, a person who, in the past year, had seen her inheritance and social status" drop to where she was totally dependent upon her ailing aunt for existence; this invitation is a promise of 500 pounds. Each participant has been promised something different. From this strange invitation as we meet other participants, more mystery and intrigue develops. An excellent start to a promising series: "Once Upon a Dickens Christmas."

Thanks to NetGalley, author Michelle Griep, and Shiloh Run Press, for this ARC.

My reviews for Goodreads and Amazon will be found under my name, Jean Th

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I received a ARC of 12 Days at Bleakly Manor from Netgalley and the publisher. Clara Chapman world fell apart when Benjamin Lane the man she was suppose to marry left her at the church on their wedding day with no explanation. A week later she was told by her brother that he had put the company out of business and ran off with her family investments and that they were now penniless. Her brother sailed to America to make his fortune promising Clara he would send for her. Lucky for Clara her Aunt Deborha took her in. Mean while Ben is rotting away in prison. When Clara receive an invite to spend 12 Days At Bleakly Manor over Christmas the last person she expect to see there is Ben. But with the chance to walk away after 12 days with 500 pounds Clara has no choice but to stay. With a cast of very quirky, and interesting characters nothing is as it seem and danger lurks around every corner. This was quite a unusual Christmas Romance, one that because of the unique and quirky characters and all the twists and turns I quite enjoyed.

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This book is the first of a series of books by Michelle Griep. Predictable from the first page, this book involved several people who are invited to a home, with the reward being a large sum of money. All of the attendees need the money, but what will they do to get it? Set in a Dickensian setting, with a touch of 10 Little Indians by Agatha Christie thrown in for good measure, makes this tale an enjoyable read. Michelle is a Christian, and her characters rely on their faith in spite of the danger around them continuing on to finish the quest. Love, grace, forgiveness and mercy all play a part in the story. I found the story charming, and there were a few twists that surprised me. Perfect for mystery lovers who want a light, positive read.

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12 Days at Bleakly Manor is set around Christmas, but it isn't just a Christmas story. When the scene is set, we find Bleakly Manor full of guests, all invited to spend the Christmas holidays. No one seems to know who their host is, only that they've each been promised some kind of a reward if they manage to be the last to stay the 12 day duration as instructed on their invites. It's a rather odd hodge podge assortment of guests, among which we find our main characters Clara and Ben. They were in love, prepared to be wed, and then life tore them viciously apart. What is the meaning of them both being invited to this strange house at the same time and under such unusual circumstances?

With the 12 days allotted to them, Ben and Clara find they have plenty of time to consider their past and their future. There are many questions to ask, though not all come with an easily obtainable answer. Add to this the fact that something strange is afoot at Bleakly Manor. Mysteries abound as one after another the guests are engaged by life threatening accidents. Who is pulling the strings of this charade and for what end? Will anyone make it through as victor on day 13? What does the future itself hold for Ben and Clara specifically?

Wow, I had no idea I would enjoy this book so much, and yet I can say without a doubt it's easily one of the best books I've read all year- possibly ever. It wasn't that it was some new fangled, never heard of before story concept or that it was full of huge "wham, bam, thank you man" moments. What it was was a very well constructed, sweet mystery/romance that, like is the case with Christmas magic, just left me in awe.

Tomorrow, September 1, this book is set to be published and hit store shelves. Do not let the Christmas theme deter you from wanting to read it straight away. You simply can not wait a moment longer. Walk, no run, to your nearest bookstore tomorrow! It'll be like an early Christmas present to yourself. Seriously, this is not a book to be missed.

My utmost thanks to the author, publisher, and NetGalley for granting me this early review opportunity. I can hardly wait until n still year when the second book in this fabulous new series is due out. Thank you!

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I know it's not the Christmas season, but this book sure put me in the mind for it! I love the cover for this book and I'm so excited to see that this is the beginning of a new series from Michelle Griep. She is quickly becoming one of my favorite authors.

This book had a bit of everything. It's a cozy mystery with romance and a dash of danger. I loved how the characters came alive for me- jumping out from the pages like a movie in my head. This book should be a movie!! I'm envisioning hot chocolate and a cozy blanket with my girls. :)

Yes, this book is set during Christmas but don't let that stop you from reading it at any time of the year. I loved that as a reader, I didn't have a clue as to what was going on. I was right there with the characters, wondering and trying to figure things out. It made me feel like I was a part of the book in some way.

This was such a fun story! I can't wait for the next one!

Content: mild violence, kissing

- I received a copy of this book from the publisher through NetGalley. All opinions expressed are my own.

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The story starts with Clara Chapman who was left at altar 1 year ago. She was left without money after her fiancée supposedly embezzled funds, effectively the family fortune, from her family’s business, Blythe Shipping and ran off. Clara is living with Aunt and receives mysterious note to stay at Bleakly Manor for 12 days for which she will receive 500 pounds.
The next chapter then turns to find Benjamin Lan, Clara’s fiancée, in jail for the theft of the Chapman’s money. Find out that he was put in jail without a proper trial. He too receives a letter to attend Bleakly Manor for 12 days in return for his freedom.
Clara arrives at Bleakly manor to find several others in attendance, all with letters promising something to the attendee depending on their motivation. It is found out that only the person that remains at the end of the 12 days will get their reward. For some reason, this is reminiscent of, a little, of Agatha Christie’s “And Then There Were None.” Of course, mishaps start occurring in the house and to the attendees. Makes for an interesting read. The story of Clara and Benjamin unfolds in this surrounding and explanations around what happened 1 year ago. A very good, enjoyable novel with a good, unusual mystery to follow. Plus a love story too. Not your traditional murder mystery… but well worth a read!

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This book was my introduction to Michelle Griep's writing and, wow, it was a fun ride! This book combines a little history, plenty of mystery and intrigue, and a heapful of romance to draw the reader in from page one.

The writing is easy to follow and the book is very well-written. The plot is engaging and there are many twists and turns in the storyline that the reader is kept guessing until the very end of the book. The premise of the book reminded me of the board game Clue...or Agatha Christie's And Then There Were None. Three men and three women are invited to Bleakley Manor for the Twelve Days of Christmas celebration and they are promised something in return if they stay the entire twelve nights - but the promised reward is only for the last person remaining at the end of twelve days. Cue the rolling fog and eery music....

Clara and Ben, the main characters of the story and two of the invited, are wonderfully detailed in their personalities, flaws, dreams, and desires. Their shared painful past divides them but also draws them together.

I'm definitely looking forward to the second installment of this series and will be on the look out for more of Michelle Griep's books.

I received an ARC of the book from Barbour Publishing via NetGalley. I was not required to write a review or a favorable review. All comment and opinions are solely my own.

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This was a fun quick read. I didn't realize it wasn't a full length novel as I usually don't bother with short stories but it was worth the read. You cannot help rooting for Clara and Ben. As we are introduced to Clara and the setup begins for her stay at Bleakly Manor it becomes obvious where the story is going. It was a good ploy to bring the characters together and introduce a wacky ensemble trapped together. It is not a dark read in the classic locked in mystery. While it is set around the 12 Days of Christmas and has old traditions of the time in which it is set this is a book you can really enjoy at any time of year. The Christmas setting isn't really one that is more enjoyable during the Christmas season. In fact, given the sad state of affairs for our main characters it might be too bleak to really be enjoyed around Christmas. I do wonder about the circumstances of Effie's situation and if that would be explained in the next book. I enjoyed her brief explanation of the older holiday traditions at the end and there were a few I didn't know. I would be interested in seeing where this series is going. I received an ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Publisher's Description:

A mysterious invitation to spend Christmas at an English manor home may bring danger...and love?

England, 1851: When Clara Chapman receives an intriguing invitation to spend Christmas at an English manor home, she is hesitant yet feels compelled to attend—for if she remains the duration of the twelve-day celebration, she is promised a sum of one thousand pounds.

But is she walking into danger? It appears so, especially when she comes face to face with one of the other guests—her former fiancé, Benjamin Lane.

Imprisoned unjustly, Ben wants revenge on whoever stole his honor. When he’s given the chance to gain his freedom, he jumps at it—and is faced with the anger of the woman he stood up at the altar. Brought together under mysterious circumstances, Clara and Ben discover that what they’ve been striving for isn’t what ultimately matters.

What matters most is what Christmas is all about . . . love.

Pour a cup of tea and settle in for Book 1 of the Once Upon a Dickens Christmas series--a page-turning Victorian-era holiday tale--by Michelle Griep, a reader and critic favorite.

My Thoughts:

This book is romantic suspense at it's best with a Christmas/Holiday backdrop thrown in for good measure. A Christmas theme is a plus as this is the time of year I look forward to reading new Holiday romance stories.

I admit to never having heard of or read anything else by this particular author, but I will look for more from her in the future. I am always on the lookout for new to me authors and Michelle Griep has surpassed my expectations.
I gave this book 4.5 of 5.0 stars for storyline and character development and a sensual rating of 2 of 5 flames. This book is mostly a mystery with a second chance love story added for good measure. There is an Agatha Christie like plot and feel to this sweetly told Christian romantic suspense novel.

I received a complimentary digital ARC of this book from the publisher via NetGalley to read. This in no way affected my opinion of this book which I read and reviewed voluntarily.

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Clara Chapman's life has taken a bad turn. Her fiance left her waiting at the altar a year before, after supposedly stealing her family's money. Funds are running out. She will be left destitute soon. As Christmas approaches, Clara does not know what might become of her and her sickly aunt. Then, on Christmas Eve, an unexpected visitor comes to the door. He hands her an invitation to Bleakly Manor. If she can stay at the manor through the entire 12 days of the Christmas season, she will receive 500 pounds. Although she is afraid of the unknown, they need the money, so she travels to the manor.

Six people arrive. All have been promised a different reward for staying in the house for 12 days. It is revealed that only one person will actually receive a prize -- the last person remaining in the house at the end of the 12th day. Strange things start occurring almost immediately, and one by one the guests leave, by choice or through force. Who will be the last one left?

Clara is beside herself....not only because she's in a strange house, but because one of the people with her is the very fiance that left her standing at the altar.

This is an enjoyable holiday story! It is Christian fiction, but not overly preachy. (If Christian beliefs are not your cup of tea, pass this one by.) The story is like A Christmas Carol by Dickens got intertwined with And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie. It's a nice mix of suspense, romance, and heartwarming holiday tale. The ending has a bit of a surprise that made me smile. All in all, a great Christmas story!!

The cover art is wonderful! So festive! :)

12 Days at Bleakly Manor is the first book in the Once Upon A Dickens Christmas series. The second book, A Tale Of Two Hearts, will release in 2018. Michelle Griep is the author of several novels. Find out more about the author and her books here:

**I voluntarily read an advanced readers copy of this book from Shiloh Run Press via NetGalley. All opinions expressed are entirely my own.**

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While I (gasp) haven’t read any of Agatha Christie’s novels, I’ve seen Michelle Griep’s 12 Days at Bleakly Manor compared to them a few times, making me interested in reading them.
In Griep’s short book, an eclectic cast of characters is brought together to spend the 12 days of Christmas together, each of them promised a prize if they’re the last one standing. As the mysteries of the house and the guests escalate, the tension does as well.
Speaking of tension, how about Clara and Ben? They both feel the other wronged them but they are both good people deep down and spending time together reminds them of better times. Clara’s tenderhearted kindness not only impacts Ben but the other guests as well. And despite her betrayal of him, Ben is determined to protect Clara from whatever is going on in the strange manor house.
When cozy mystery, Clue, and a little Charles Dickens are brought together, what results is a fun read. As the weather starts to turn from summer to autumn, this is the perfect book to pull out with a cup of tea and keep you warm on one of those cooler evenings.

Disclosure statement:
I receive complimentary books for review from publishers, publicists, and/or authors, including NetGalley. I am not required to write positive reviews. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.

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