Member Reviews

Wow what a fantastic story. This is the first time I've read anything from this author and it definitely won't be the last. I was completely hooked from the beginning and kept me guessing right to the end. Thank you Netgalley and H Q Digital for giving me the chance to read this book

Louisa and James are the parent of newborn baby, Cory. It was a difficult birth for Louisa. They are so happy to have their baby boy. Due to James’s infertility problems, they had to use an anonymous sperm donor.
While trying for a baby, Louisa and James had joined up with a group of people at a type of infertility support center where they met others having the same problems they were. These people have become friends of sorts.
When Louisa was 6-years-old, her mother committed suicide. As there was no father around, Louisa lived in foster care for years afterward, never finding adoptive parents. Since Louisa has suffered from depression in the past, James is afraid she won’t be able to cope with the new baby.
Now, things begin to happen that make Louisa feel convinced that the sperm donor is determined to steal Cory away from them. But James and others think Louisa is just acting crazy and the doctor and James insist that she take a type of anti-depressant. But the medication makes her feel ill which makes people think she really is crazy.
Will Louisa get well? What is really happening to her? Are she and Cory safe?
This is a good, edge-of-the-seat story that makes the reader think “Ah-ha! Now, I know who is doing this - or maybe not.” It will tear at your heartstrings as well.
Copy provided by NetGalley in exchange for a fair and honest review.

Is Louisa's mind playing trick on her? Does she have mental health issue or is someone tormenting the new mom.? You will have to read this suspenseful thrill ride to find out!

Great read which I read in one sitting. Totally grips you. I read the author's first book and this is just as good. Look forward to the next one!

From the very first page this had me gripped and it get hold of me & didn't let me go until the very last page. An absolute page turner of a book & completely Unputdownable! I HAD to know what happened at the end but even as i neared the conclusion I knew I didn't want it to end! Gemma writes so brilliantly that you can't help but be in the charater's corner even when they're doing something wrong! I urge everyone to read this because it's EPIC!!

I'm sorry I know I'm a bit of a Scrooge at times when it comes to some books, I'm always on the hunt for my next fix of a thriller that's going to captivate me and suck me in, I was looking forward to trying this one after pouring over the reviews but I have to say I'm a bit disappointed I struggled to catch the plot it seemed a bit confusing, the first few pages held my attention when Louisa was in the hospital but after that first opening chapter I found it a wee bit slow, I hope I don't offend anyone who enjoyed this book it sadly wasn't for me. I'd like to thank Netgalley for my copy of this book in return for an honest review.

After finishing Gemma Metcalfe’s second novel I am kicking myself severely. Why? Because after really liking the sound of her debut, Trust Me, last year, I bought it and never got around to reading it. What an idiot! If it’s anything like this emotionally taught, intensely gripping rollercoaster, then boy, am I in for another treat! Everything about this book was right up my street.
What should be the happiest time of Louisa’s life quickly turns into a living nightmare. Following the birth of her son, Louisa becomes convinced that someone is determined to steal him away. But with a traumatic past, Louisa seems to be on the brink of a breakdown and as her paranoia confuses the past and present, she’s loosing grip on reality. Is she really in danger? Or is the real danger all in Louisa’s increasingly fragile mental state.
Louisa is written fantastically as an unreliable narrator. Using flashbacks to her traumatic childhood, Gemma Metcalfe gets the balance of creating both empathy and doubt just right, which had me rooting for Louisa while simultaneously feeling uneasy that maybe something wasn’t quite right.
There’s some difficult topics covered in this book including suicide, abuse, infertality and mental ill health and I thought they were written sensitively. The author’s understanding and compassion of how all of these distressing and traumatic experiences affect mental health stands out in this book. I also liked how she drew attention to the preconceptions and assumptions made of people who have suffered mental health difficulties in the past, meaning Louisa is left struggling to make herself believed.
A Mother’s Sacrifice is packed with twists and turns, they come one after the other and had me suspicious of every single character in the book. Right from the start I found myself hooked and flying through the pages. What I especially loved about this author’s writing was just how down to earth it is – the language, the character’s – as a northern lass myself, I just connected with it. It’s unfussy, gritty and bold but filled with compassion and heart. I raced through this book in a breathtakingly intense few hours and couldn’t put it down. Emotional, twisty, and with a shocker of an ending I absolutely loved it! Wholly recommended to it to fans of domestic psychological thrillers – Gemma Metcalfe certainly holds her own against the top writers of this genre and is an author to watch out for in the future!

Certainly a gripping thriller! Louisa’s story is really well told as she faces life as a new mother and all that entails. The main characters surrounding her are well-developed and enhance the storyline with so many possible outcomes that you are kept engaged and guessing throughout. You are given clues to lead you but as you begin to puzzle it out you are sent in another direction. A great read Gemma Metcalfe thank you.

A perfect family being ripped apart... exciting and fast paced read. Will have you guessing all the way through.

From the dramatic birth scene at the beginning to the dramatic unpredictable ending this was one rollercoaster of a book!
Even before Louisa and James bring home their longed for son something was not right - Louisa receives a congratulations card that rocks her world - but who it's from and why it stuns her is the mystery that kept me turning the pages.
Louisa is an anxious parent and she's suffered with depression in the past - not surprising given that she discovered her mother's suicide when she was little. But was she too anxious and too paranoid, especially when she believes someone wants to steal her baby.
So she's had a bad start in life but she feels that having her son is a new beginning for her and is desperate to be a good mother and prove to James that she can be, despite all she's been through, or because of it.
But someone is watching her and this part I found really creepy, they were outside her house.
There are hints of something else that happened in Louisa's past.
I was totally gripped by the story from start to finish, lots of surprises and twists, I was constantly changing my mind about people, I distrusted everyone from her husband, to her friends and her awful mother in law! The going back to Louisa's past in snippets gave me an insight into Louisa's mind and how she was like she was. There was just enough information to keep me reading and wanting to learn more.
Fabulous writing, superb plot, sympathetic and well drawn characters, this is a complex and brilliant psychological thriller.

This is one wild trip into the mind of madness!!!
Louisa and James have struggled to have a child. Finally, with the help of a fertility specialist they conceive and Louisa gives birth. Within hours of the blissful event, she begins to spiral into fear and terror. Someone is set to torment her and with a past history of mental illness she is a prime candidate to fall victim to their evil machinations.
Trying to explain her concerns to her husband seems to only highlight the instability she is living in. Everywhere she turns and every step she takes to either reveal what is happening or stop its continuation proves to be futile and throws her deeper into the pit of despair and helplessness.
This book pulled me in immediately. As Louisa maniacally accuses first one and then another of her closest friends as being the instigator of her present hell, I suffered along with her. The further she fell into insanity the further I fell as well.
This was well written and never felt weighted down with unnecessary information or introspection that did not move the story forward. The characters were all well developed and fulfilled their roles in a believable manner. I did struggle a bit with James as his reaction often lacked compassion and care. I longed to feel a deeper connection between him and Louisa.
While I was captivated by this story, I hated the ending. Hated it. I’m pretty sure when it comes to psychological thrillers I am in the minority regarding this issue. But, there’s no denying my jam is romance all the way. The only thing that could ever make me forgive the end is if there were another book released that picked up at the end of this one. I’d be all over that in a heartbeat. There were several questions or details that I felt had not been addressed and that were left open ended which added to my disgruntlement over the ending as well.
Overall, I loved the story just not the conclusion.
I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book provided by NetGalley and HQ Digital. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
Multi POV – a few times it was confusing but generally easy to follow
Safe – Not really applicable as this is not a romance
Possible triggers – mental health issues; suicide; miscarriage; fertility issues

5☆ Wow oh Wow... A Must Read!!!
Highly recommend!!!
Just when I thought Gemma couldn't top her first book then bang.... She writes A Mother's Sacrifice!
Wow oh wow will this book hit you hard, make a huge impact, get under your skin, it's a dark psychological thriller that packs a punch. Just when you think you might have an inkling then Gemma throws another curve ball twist!!
A Mother's Sacrifice is a breathtaking Pschological Thriller that gave me goose bumps and left me breathless.
Louisa and James finally get their pot of gold when baby Cory is born.
However things are not what they seem and someone is out to blow apart Louisa and Jame's happy family.
Louisa suffers from mental health problems and when unnerving things start to happen to Louisa things just keep on unravelling.
Due to Louisa's mental health James struggles to believe/ support Louisa as he starts to doubt her sanity.
You see Louisa isn't being entirely honest as she is burying secrets she would rather not share.
But as events start to become even more sinister who can Louisa trust and will she ever let her secrets out.
I absolutely loved that we was privalaged to the sinister voice who was terrorising Louisa. Do we know who that person is?
Hell No!! But believe me when I say that voice is bloody creepy and gave me chills!
I loved the fact I had no clue what was going to happen next. It kept me on my toes guessing.
Gemma created the perfect characters that were completely relatable and real, An eerie atmosphere surrounding the story, the perfect mix between disturbing and dark.
If you love disturbing Psychological Thrillers then you will love A Mother's Sacrifice!
I can't recommend this book enough!

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for my copy of this book. Louisa and James bring their new born Son home from hospital after waiting and trying for him for so long. Things start to unravel in their household and Louisa’s history of mental illness reappears with some harrowing events. You really feel for both Louisa and James as the plot unfolds, as Louisa is literally tearing her hair out and doesn’t know who she can trust.
This is the first book that I have read by this author and I am so glad that I did. It is most definitely the most gripping psychological thriller that I have read in ages. There are twists and turns all over the place. I didn’t expect the ending, which was a massive shock and left me reeling for a long time after reading the last page.

Oh what a plot! Louisa has just had her very longed for baby with her husband James. Things haven't always been so good for Louisa. As a child her mother suffered from mental illness and since she died, when Louisa was small, Louisa has suffered too. Since then having had counselling and tablets things are on a more even keel. She now holds a secret that she thinks is safe until she receives cards on the birth of Cory, her son. Cards holding biblical quotations that only Louisa knows who the sender is. Gemma’s talent is wonderful. A gripping plot and characters with depth. You feel for Louisa and also for James trying to help and do his best to hold together a “normal” family and household. Twists and turns along the way so that you keep changing your mind as to who the perpetrator is. I didn’t guess who it was- always the mark of a well thought out plot to my mind. A book that makes you slightly uneasy as you read it and turn the pages faster as you need to know who and why to settle yourself. A recommended read.
For more reviews please see my blog http://nickibookblog.blogspot.co.uk/
or follow me on Twitter @nickijmurphy1

A Mother’s Sacrifice by Gemma Metcalfe is a psychological thriller that easily tipped into the disturbing side from the opening pages. As it begins readers are shown a woman on the edge of a bridge holding her baby which is enough to already bring the chills and put one on the edge of their seat.
The the real story begins with Louisa and James in the delivery room as Louisa is about to give birth to their baby. As the story is being told in the present time though the book also flashes back to Louisa’s past which also contains some very disturbing details that we come to find out over the course of the book.
Also, during the story there are flashes coming from an unknown voice that obviously has ill intent towards Louisa. So as Louisa’s current situation balances precariously it’s a struggle to connect all of the dots from the disturbing opening, the creepy unknown and the struggle with mental health in the present.
This was definitely a trip into the dark side as the pages began to turn and the story hooked me right in. There’s a lot going on in the book but I never found it hard to follow as I began to make guesses into what the outcome would be. But by the time I got to the end of the book I was sure there couldn’t be another twist that could shock me but the author tossed in probably the most disturbing detail of all so this was a definite page turner from start to finish.
I received an advance copy from the publisher via NetGalley.

A Mother's Sacrifice has been one of my most anticipated books of 2018 after I absolutely adored Gemma Metcalfes debut novel Trust Me last year. That book had a twist that had me hitting the G&Ts hard after the shocks I didn't see coming so I was desperate to see if she could do it again.......And she did!! But in doing so she broke my heart into a million tiny pieces.
I felt very emotional quite early on with A Mother's Sacrifice and I hadn't been expecting to! Louisa was a character I hadn't been sure I would even like to begin with. She seemed very nervy and needy and I was incredibly concerned about her mental health in the days following her son's birth! Her husband James didn't seem particularly supportive either and I despaired of the environment that baby Cory had been born into. But gradually I came to suspect that something wasn't quite right!! There was a whole ensemble of untrustworthy characters surrounding this new family and I found I was suspicious of ALL of them, never quite knowing who was telling the truth and also wondering whether Louisa was quite the reliable narrator that I thought she was!
There is actually quite an emotive subject at the heart of this book and that is the issue of infertility and it's treatment. I understood perfectly the panic of these new parents that raised itself during and after the birth of their much wanted baby as I followed their journey during the first few pages. I know because I've experienced myself that feeling of expecting everything to go wrong during and after pregnancy and always thinking at the back of your mind that you are never going to have your own child that you have become so desperate to nurse in your arms. Gemma Metcalfe brings Louisa to life flawlessly so that we also identify with her fears and observe how she deals with the losses she has undergone throughout her childhood.
There is an unknown voice that pops up within the storyline and that chilling narrative had my skin crawling! I was never sure who this person was and why they seemed to claim ownership of Cory but OMG did I hope that this person never got their hands on that small, defenceless baby!! As the plot threads finally started to come together I thought I knew who it was but "fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice shame on me" as the saying goes!! Gemma Metcalfe had me reaching for the brown paper bag to try to control my hyperventilation as the denouement built up to it's crescendo! Bravo!!!
But now I need MORE! That ending left me with questions I need answered and some of the characters still have so much more to give so hopefully we will see some of them (and one in particular!!) again soon. This is a fabulous twisty thriller told by a natural born storyteller and I was gripped from start to finish. Just fabulous!

🌟🌟🌟🌟1/2 STARS
A Mother’s Sacrifice by Gemma Metcalfe was such a great read that I enjoyed so much and once I started I couldn't put it down.
This is psychological mind games at there best and I was glued till the bitter finale.
So when Louisa and James bring their newborn son home from the hospital events start to occur that start Louisa's psyche unravelling in a dramatic fashion.
But with her previous history of neurosis and paranoia, she finds no one will listen and lack of believers all around.
And as events escalate further Louisa has no idea who she can turn to or either trust.
Even her own husband James doubts her very sanity and her grasp of what's real and what's not.
So there was an awful lot going on here and I really don't want to say too much as Have no desire to let the cat out of the bag and spoil this for others.
So I will try to keep this as vagueish as I can so I don't give anything away.
So. As the reader here, we are let into the truth straight from the start as Louisa's POV is intercepted with whoever means her and her family harm.
This is seriously creepy stuff as there is no identity attached to this menacing threat so along with poor Louisa we are left scratching our heads in confusion.
There are a lot of red herrings thrown in here so you do actually feel like you are going round in circles losing your sanity along the way.
we also get a small insight into what has made Louisa the way she is as we get to delve into the past with plenty of shocking revelations to come from that front.
"A Mother's Sacrifice" also came equipped with a host of diverse interesting secondary players.
Who were each a suspect all in themselves the long-suffering husband James, her friends, Annette and Magda.
I suspected each and every one of them along with poor Louisa.
And when the end game finally revealed itself here, I was still shocked and also suitably awed at this intricately woven tale and how it was all crafted together.
So the only reason for me not giving this the full five stars was that I wasn't a mega fan of the ending, In my opinion, it sucked big time.
In fact, I think Its safe to say I was a bit pissed at the time.
That's why I took away half a star.
But don't let that put you off that's just me spitting my dummy out.
This is still a fantastic psychological thriller, I have to say it's one of the best I've read in a while.
Its also set just down the road from me in Chester just loved that this was set in my neck of the woods.
So I was provided with an ARC of "A Mother's Sacrifice" By Netgalley of which I have reviewed voluntary.
All opinions expressed are entirely my own.

This book is well-written with complex characters and a story filled with tension. It starts out intriguing, with new mom Louisa talking about secrets she is keeping from her husband regarding the baby and from her past. The story is told in the present, through flashbacks to the past, and to fast-forwards to the future from multiple points of view. I was in suspense at first, but as the book continued, it went downhill for me. It became less of a thriller and more of a depressing horror novel. I began to dread turning the page instead of anxiously anticipating what would happen next. So many characters were just horrible and the ending was ambiguous and sad. I'm sure some will like the book, but it just wasn't for me.
I received this book from NetGalley through the courtesy of HQ Digital. The book was provided to me in exchange for an honest review.

My mind is still spinning after finishing this book tonight... wow... that was a story and I had no idea where it was going or who was behind it all.
The birth scene at the start is the book was so realistic.. I could feel Louisa's pain! Such great writing. The characters in this book were real andmade me feel what they were feeling. Jumping back into Louisa's past we learn of the secrets she is keeping from her husband. Secrets that she had kept and have defined her as a person.
Thank you to HQ Digital and NetGalley for an advanced copy of this book to read and enjoy in exchange for my honest opinions

*thank you to Netgalley and HQ Digital for an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review*
4 stars.
Ohh. So so very good!! The whole story was compelling from beginning to the end. The whole time you are wondering what is going on because you can just feel that things aren't right, that something is going on. I will admit that the main character Louisa, did get quite annoying by 70% mark but once more of her history had been told I accepted how she was. It made sense and I could understand and sympathize with her. A great story if you are in the mood for a thriller and mystery. This won't disappoint.