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The Death of Mrs. Westaway

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This is the first book by Ruth Ware I have read because the others were just so hyped. It usually takes me quite a while to come around to book that everyone RAVES about because I usually read them and think "That was good but not THAT good" and then I think "maybe people liked it because they don't read as much as me" and then I think "well that's a bit snobbish, Rhiannon" and then I get on a spiral of thinking about how there are just so many mediocre thrillers being produced in the hopes of another Gone Girl (but I'm not alone here, check out Sarah's Bookshelves thoughts on the matter) that I become mentally exhausted and decide to just move on. As for The Death of Mrs. Westaway, I read the summary and thought the concept of a tarot card reader sounded fabulous (even though I didn't really love The Immortalists which everyone loved, *see above rant*). Reading, The Death of Mrs. Westaway, I was skeptical with every page. Would I figure it out right away and be dragged along on a not so surprising journey? Would it be full of cheesy clichés about magic? Would I have to give a bad review of one the most highly praised modern thriller writers? Guess what? None of the above! The storyline twists so slightly here and there that you catch a little undercurrent but you can't put your finger on the problem, let alone solve it. The main protagonist is smart and perceptive and the gothic setting is deliciously spot on. In short... I LOVED IT!

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Admittedly, I am a big fan of Ruth Ware; she writes very quintessential British mysteries, full of interesting characters, always uses a female lead, and is darn good with the ending 'twist.' I loved In a Dark, Dark Wood, really liked Woman in Cabin 10, and thought The Lying Game was okay. In Mrs. Westaway, Ware has her mojo back. Hal, a lonely young woman, deals tarot cards on the Brighton pier, has some serious money issues and a nasty loan shark, and has recently received a letter telling her that as Mrs. Westaway's granddaughter, she has an inheritance coming. All good, right? Yeah, nope. All of Hal's paperwork shows her grandparents' names and none of them are Westaway, she's never heard of this family, and it would literally take her last dime to get a train out to Penzance. can she not go? Who better to pull off a con than a fortune teller? As Ware spools out the threads (three uncles she's never met, a forbidding and creepy housekeeper, a diary from a teenage girl, a creaky cold Cornwall mansion, and some prophetic magpies), I followed quite a few hints down wrong roads. This book kept me turning pages long past when I should have - great vacation read, or for a rainy day, or just for anyone that loves a solid mystery.

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The Death of Mrs. Westaway is a cleverly crafted atmospheric mystery fueled by deceit. Since I was not a fan of The Lying Game, I was hesitant to read this, but I am so glad I did!

Struggling tarot card reader, Hal, aka Harriet Westaway, finds herself in a moral quandary when she receives a letter naming her as a beneficiary in her grandmother’s will. She believes a mistake has been made as her grandparents died long before she was born. Even though she knows that what she is doing is wrong, she is so desperate for money that she decides to travel to the funeral and play the role of the rightful heir.

Hal travels to eerie Trepassen House, her “late grandmother’s” crumbling estate. She thinks that she is only going to inherit some money, but she soon learns that she has been left much more. At the estate, she meets her “uncles” and uses her keen observation skills to learn more about the creepy family that inhabited Trepassen. When Hal realizes that she has a legit family connection to these Westaways, she begins to dig for more information which leads her into grave danger.

The mystery surrounding Hal’s past kept me intrigued, but it was really Hal’s character that kept me turning pages. Her character is what I loved most about this book. Hal has spent most of her life observing vs. being the center of attention, which has enabled her to master reading people. She can use this skill to deceive, but she has a generous nature. At the same time, she is also fighting to survive and must take what she can. She is often referred to be as being mousy or weak, but her character exemplifies the notion that those who watch are more powerful than those who speak.

Trepassen House also plays a large role. The thickly woven atmosphere surrounding the house transported me. Even though the events take place in the current moment, I felt like I had gone back in time while reading this as it is reminiscent of classic mysteries.The tarot card readings and the constant presence of magpies also contributed to this feeling.

This is not a book focused on fast-paced action, but rather on slowly unveiling the nuances surrounding the mystery. Subtle clues are planted throughout, but all does not come together until the end. This is a mystery with many layers; I found it to be intriguing, intelligent, and entertaining. I was satisfied with how things played out. The Death of Mrs. Westaway is one of my favorite reads of 2018! I recommend for those who enjoy slow-burn classic mysteries.

I received a copy of this book from NetGalley and Gallery Books in exchange for an honest review.

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First line: The magpies are back.

Summary: When Harriet Westaway receives a letter from a lawyer she is confused by its contents. It is informing her that her grandmother has died and that her presence is needed at the reading of the will. Harriet has never met her grandmother. She never even knew she had one. Maybe they got the wrong person. Nevertheless, with a loan shark hounding her for money and bills piling up she decides to see what is behind this letter. Upon arriving at Trepassen she meets the rest of her “family”. Can she deceive these people and take their money? On the other hand, is there more here than she thought?

Highlights: This is by far Ruth Ware’s best novel. It took me a while to read but not from lack of interest. I liked Harriet. She is a young girl in an impossible situation. She does the best she can to take care of herself in an uncertain world. I really enjoyed the diary entries that give the reader a peak into the past and snippets of facts pertaining to the mystery. I kept coming up with new scenarios and answers. Ware did a great job setting up each little twist and turn. In addition, I was truly a little frightened by Mrs. Warren. She was always there with some dark comment or ominous look.

I didn’t mean you—I just meant—well, look, Mrs. Warren’s always had a touch of the Mrs. Danvers about her.

Lowlights: The loan sharks were the driving force to get the story started but then the threat disappeared as the plot progressed. I understand that they were just a starting point for why Hal decided to impersonate the Westaway heir but if it was a big part of the beginning maybe it should make an appearance at the end?

FYI: Ruth Ware is also the author of The Woman in Cabin 10 and The Lying Game.

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If I was only allowed a one word response to The Death of Mrs Westaway it would simply be “wow”.  The novel is engrossing, quickly drawing the dealer into Hal’s world. But while the novel initially looks like it will be a psychological thriller focused on Hal’s deception, it becomes something far different and far more complex as it becomes clear that nothing Mrs Westaway has done is without purpose and that Hal does have a link to the family.  Many are the secrets hidden in the past of the decaying Westaway home, and finding the truth may be more dangerous for Hal than she expects.

The Death of Mrs Westaway is compelling.  I simply could not stop reading. By alternating excerpts from Hal’s mother’s past with Hal’s present, the reader gets tantalizing clues that are just beyond Hal’s reach.  You need to know what parts of the past Hal discovers. You want justice to be done. The Death of Mrs Westaway is an amazing psychological thriller. If you enjoy well composed, realistic and emotionally involving mysteries you will definitely enjoy this novel.

5 / 5

I received a copy of The Death of Mrs Westaway from the publisher and in exchange for an honest review.

— Crittermom

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Ruth Ware. You are amazing. This is Suspense at its best y'all. Ruth Ware's style is impeccable. Her story building is on point. The character development unwaveringly good.

There is something to be said about coming back to a favorite author. The familiarity it brings. Y'all know In a Dark, Dark Wood is one of my favorites of all time. creeping in super close...if not surpassing it. The story was dark and twisted. The most awesome of slow burns. I was completely invested in the story and the characters and honestly....I spent two nights reading past my bedtime simply because I couldn't put it down. Five Stars!

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If you're into mysteries, then Ruth Ware's novel might be up your alley. Harriet is alone in the world since her mothers passing a few years back. She's having trouble making ends meet and gets under water with a local loan shark. A letter arrives notifying Hal of an inheritance from a family she didn't know she had. She figures she might as well check it out, in hopes of at least being able to pay off the shark.

Hal gets more than she bargained for as she attempts to collect what she feels doesn't belong to her. The family she meets all have issues from the dysfunctional upbringing they received. Hal must tread lightly, for fear she might fall in a rabbit hole and never return.

The characters all play their part and make for a masterful novel. I wish the housekeeper had a more prominent role in the novel, but that just leads to this captivating mystery.

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Ruth Ware has enjoyed tremendous success with her novels and her latest and 4th novel “The Death of Mrs. Westaway” will follow suit.

A young impetuous woman named Harriet “Hal” Westaway lost her mother years ago to tragic hit and run accident. Hal leads a solitary lonely life barely able to make ends meet. Billing herself as “Madame Magrida” , Hal makes her living by reading tarot cards from a stuffy confining booth on Brighton Pier. She doesn’t know how she’s to pay her rent, pay her bills, where her next meal will come from and worse yet, she’s deeply in trouble with a loan shark to whom she owes a hefty sum. While pondering all this, she receives a letter saying she’s been named as a beneficiary in the will of her grandmother who has recently passed away. There’s only one problem - she has absolutely no idea who this grandmother is. Having nothing to lose, she decides to go ahead and pursue this quirky twist of fate and play along that she is the long lost granddaughter of the deceased Mrs. Westaway.

This is a great concept of a story - and the pacing is totally in the style of the author. The story is crafted well and a sense of mystery and gothic horror is quite present. A variable cast of characters - including an ominous aged housekeeper and the deceased Mrs. Westaway’s home - Trepassen House - (which holds a foreboding dark secret) makes this a great read. One can easily tell it is definitely the work of Ruth Ware.

Many thanks to NetGalley and Gallery/Scout Press for the advance digital copy!

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Holy magpies! True to form, Ware has taken my breath away once again. In her unique story telling fashion, this one has twists and turns galore, and just when you think you've figured it out, you haven't!
On a quest to gain some much needed money, Hal answers a summons to go to her 'grandmother's' funeral and collect her inheritance. However, Hal isn't the only one fooling.
A wonderfully sinister and suspenseful plot that will keep you up reading, then invade your dreams with its darkness. All questions are answered and you will be enthralled with its closure. Fabulous.

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Thanks to Netgalley and Gallery/Scout Press for providing me with an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

I finally understand why they are calling Ruth Ware the "Agatha Christie" of our day. I've previously only read one of her three published books (this one will make four total), that being The Woman in Cabin 10. It had a Christie vibe to it, but I wouldn't have called it particularly reminiscent of her besides the locked room feeling and the cast of potential suspects.

This one though... it really felt like a Christie book. Small cast of characters, dark and gloomy old mansion atmosphere, weather that cuts people off and leaves them stuck together... these are some of the fun classic Christie tricks of the trade, and Ware used them effectively for sure.

While I kind of figured out the who/the what long before the protagonist did, I had a blast following the story to its clash of an ending.

Now I feel like I need to go read The Lying Game and In a Dark, Dark Wood.

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Much better than the last book I read by Ware! This story read like the classic British mystery story. Good plot and focused the reader on the story right away. Well done and so glad to see Ware back on track!

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I c-c-c-cannot stop talking about how much I enjoyed this book.

A relief and delight that, after the disappointing "The Lying Game," Ruth Ware is back on form.

Unlike the reunion'y theme of that previous novel and her debut, "In a Dark, Dark Wood," this story is more along the lines of "The Woman in Cabin 10," and goes full-speed ahead from the opening page.

In a case of mistaken identity, Ware once again gives us readers a claustrophobic, atmospheric mystery (thankfully, sparing us all of the boozing this time) in which the main character (Harriet — "Hal." Nicknames are big in this story) does a lot of handwringing about her circumstances (and gets *flushed* more than a toilet in a busy bar). But there's action! Camera, too. Just lights are missing.

We're not kept in the dark in this novel, though. Thanks to diary entries, we're a step ahead of the twenty-one-year-old tarot-card reader (the divination tool figures more prominently here than the Ouija board in IADDW), and Ware is always one step ahead of us. Whenever I thought something was flawed or easily could be determined, the book then addressed it.

It all works, cleverly — although, avid mystery readers might complete the three-piece puzzle before the first shoe drops. It's smart, but, by Ware's need to explain some terms (that can be referenced), it seems she doesn't trust that her readers are.

The novel gives classic, gothic vibes (Trepassen House of old was "like something from an Agatha Christie novel," and its caretaker "'Mrs. Warren's always had a touch of Mrs. Danvers to her'"), and has endearing characters like in <i>The Westing Game</i>.

Definitely the author's best book yet.

My thanks to Scout Press and Netgalley for the ARC.

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Ruth Ware has always been grand at spinning a tale of intrigue and suspense, and THE DEATH OF MRS WESTAWAY brings in some good old fashioned family drama to add some zest. While I didn't feel like the thrills were as high in this one as some of her previous novels, the mystery was intricate and solid, and definitely made me want to keep reading. I liked Hal as a main character because while she sometimes seemed to be the prototypical screw up heroine that so many books like this tout, she was actually fairly understandable in her life choices. So, too, were the Westaways who came back for their mother's funeral, and were so desperate to connect with who they think is the daughter of their long lost sister. The scandals of the upperclass are at the forefront of the squabbles they have, but the deeper secret was the real heart of the story. I kind of figured it out early, but Ware did keep me wondering here and there, and doubting my thoughts and theories. Plus, I never felt like she didn't have a fair amount of control over the reveals; they came at a good rate.

Overall THE DEATH OF MRS WESTAWAY is a return to stellar form for Ruth Ware. I can safely say that she will always be a go too for me within the modern mystery genre.

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This is Ruth Ware's best book yet. I read so many suspense novels that they are usually pretty easy to figure out. This one had so many twists it was fantastic!! Loved it and will definitely recommend it. Probably the best book I have read so far in 2018!!

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A young woman endures the unspeakable loss of her mother, and lives from hand to mouth. After she is threatened by a loan shark, the letter from a solicitor alerting her to the death of her grandmother seems heaven-sent. Except she knows the deceased is not her grandmother. Oh, well, it's not her fault they've made an error. She'll take the small inheritance and pay off the loan shark. Easy peasy, right?

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Ruth Ware is back on track. After a disappointing outing with The Lying Game, Ware returns to the style she does best. A simple concept turned into a page turning mystery. Loved the character development and twists and turns.

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A penniless orphaned girl receives a letter that her grandmother died and she is named in the will. She travels to the old mansion, meets relatives she never knew she had, and is warned off by the old housekeeper. A classic gothic novel except with cell phone flashlights rather than candles lighting the way as the main characters fumbles through the dark halls of the mansion.

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Ruth Ware has an amazing knack for taking a simple idea (both The Woman in Cabin 10 and The Lying Game involve a missing person) and spinning it in multiple directions that keeps the suspense going and readers guessing until the very end. While The Woman in Cabin 10 was a fast paced thriller, many were disappointed with The Lying Game's more tedious plot. The Death of Mrs. Westaway takes another straightforward concept-a young girl's inheritance from her deceased grandmother-and turns it into a very dark and sinister mystery. Harriet "Hal" Westaway is still reeling from the hit and run death of her mother several years earlier when she receives a letter informing Harriet that she is a beneficiary of her grandmother's estate. The problem is Hal is certain she is not related to the woman named in the letter. But Hal is young and broke-she lives on meager earnings as a tarot card reader, and is being threatened by the loan shark she borrowed money from-so the idea of even a small inheritance is enough to pique Hal's interest. Using her last penny, Hal travels to Mrs. Westaway's home for her funeral and the reading of the will. Here Hal meets her three "uncles"-Mrs. Westaway's sons who believe Hal is the daughter of their long lost sister. When Hal learns she is the sole beneficiary of the substantial estate, old tensions between the brothers are renewed and Hal fears she will be exposed as a fraud. The Death of Mrs. Westaway has a deeply brooding tone-from the decrepit mansion that is home to Mrs. Westaway and her longtime maid, to the unexplained tensions between the brothers, and especially the cryptic ramblings of the maid-nothing (and no one) is what it appears to be. With a Gothic feel that's a nod to Agatha Christie classics, The Death of Mrs. Westaway is Ruth Ware's best work to date. It's gripping and intense-the mansion's secrets are exposed in twists that literally grab you by the throat and leave you gasping for air. Highly recommended.

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Hal Westaway is a young woman, struggling to make a living as a Tarot card reader in the south of England. She can’t pay her bills, and a loan shark is threatening her. When she receives a letter saying she has inherited money, she know it must be a mistake but she is desperate and sees a way out of her misery. What she doesn’t know is how the next few days and people she meets will impact her life, and maybe not in a good way.

While the premise is good, there is too much description and repetition of how Hal feels at every moment. Not a bad read, just average.

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Now this is a proper book. The "I'm not even mad I couldn't sleep all night because I had to keep reading this book" sort of book. This feels like a modern day Rebecca as told by P.D. James. It's gothic and mysterious but utterly captivating. Even though I received an advanced review copy I will be buying this book for my library as it's just brilliant.

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