Member Reviews

I received an advanced copy of this book through NetGalley. This book had me from the very beginning. I love that it kept me engaged the entire time. I couldn't wait to see how it ended. I would highly recommend to all my fellow readers. Thank you for the chance to review this book!

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I received an advanced copy of this book through Netgalley. This book had me from the very beginning. I love that it kept me on the edge of my seat the whole time. I would highly recommend this book to my fellow readers. Thank you for the chance to review this book!!!!

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Is it erotica? Is it fiction? Is it a thriller? Sadly, Tubing tries to be all three, but it fails to find much success in any of these areas. The main character, Polly, lives a humdrum life with her boyfriend, yet a sexual encounter with a stranger on a crowded train in London stokes her desire for more risky subway sexual activity (“tubing”). Much of the book is then devoted to Polly seeking out more “tubing” action, forsaking her partner, job and friends for that initial sexual high.
I make no judgments when this stuff is interesting to read, but it felt like I was reading a hundred pages of a psych 101 analysis of a sex addict. It’s only toward the very end of the book where it seemed as if this could be called a thriller.
Thank you to NetGalley for giving me the opportunity to review this, though.

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Tubing is a highly spine-chilling, erotic, psychological thrilling book that highlights exactly how quick life can spin out of control when driven by desire, play a destructive game and engage in dangerous behavior.

I found the characters to be extremely manipulative, consumed, deceitful and wreckless. While the plot is fast paced, you're not going to feel as it's going to fast. I have no idea if "tubing" is a real thing.

If you're looking for a book a little different than others, I would highly recommend this book.

Thanks to K.A. McKeagney, NetGalley and publishers for the chance to review this copy!

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I was very disappointed with this book. It promised to be the sexiest thriller of the year. It was more like the bad story in a porn film, when a plumber comes to a single woman's home, there's some small talk, then the sex. It's always badly written and corny, though it doesn't really matter as it's just an excuse to get to the naughty stuff. That's what the story in this was like.
Polly is bored with her life. Her job and surgeon boyfriend just aren't satisfying her., so, by chance she gets involved with Tubing. where consenting adults meet on busy tube trains and have sex, or watch it. She starts to get a bit obsessed with one of the men she hooks up with but one day witness' him killing another girl he's been meeting and she realizes how much danger she's put herself in.
Halfway through the book I thought about giving up but carried on hoping something exciting was coming. At 59% it got a little better, but the coincidences were too unbelievable and the ending was, bluntly, ridiculous.

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I did not finish this book.

I really wanted to like this book and was excited to read it but it just wasn't for me, I am sorry to the author.

Thank you to Netgalley for providing me a free copy.

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A disturbing tale, showing how someone can become addicted to sex. The writing was good, and the main character, although flawed, was believable to a point. Her partner appeared to be a bit wet, although perhaps that's the MC's opinion of him. I did find myself on her side - I shudder to think what that makes me!

And yes I did Google tubing - God, imagine if it was actually a thing?

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Tubing by k A McKeagney.
Polly, 28, lives in London with a "perfect-on-paper" boyfriend and a dead-end job. Her banal existence is turned upside down late one drunken night after a chance encounter with a man on a packed train. The chemistry between them is electric and on impulse, they kiss, giving in to their carnal desires. But it’s over in an instant, and Polly is left shell-shocked as he walks away without even telling her his name. Polly begins a frantic online search, and discovers more about "Tubing," an underground phenomenon in which total strangers set up illicit, silent, sexual meetings on busy commuter tube trains. In the process, she tracks him down and he slowly lures her into his murky world, setting up encounters with different men via Twitter. At first she thinks she can keep it separate from the rest of her life, but things soon spiral out of control. A horrific turn of events make Polly realize not only how foolish she has been, but how much danger she is in. Can she get out before it’s too late?
A fantastic read. I liked the story and the characters.  Parts of the story surprisedme.  4*.

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Wow, this book is like nothing else I have read for a while. For me this is a totally unique plot and that has it sticking with me for a long time I imagine into the future.

Tubing, what is that you ask? Crazy stuff. You post on social media to meet a stranger on a certain train, at a certain time on a certain platform, in a certain carriage. Why? To get sexually intimate for the thrill in a crowded subway train in London. Go on, I bet you are Googling it right now to see if it's totally fiction or real. I am not going to tell you.

Polly is 28 and living with her boyfriend in London. Life has lost its fizz. She comes across what tubing is all about and one thing leads to another, but Polly has no idea what she is getting herself into. Holy moly I was really thinking about how risky the whole thing is for women. The book really stretches you and keeps you guessing as to what direction it will go in. I got it wrong, I predicted it would go left then it went the other way. Love that, great twist!

I found it entertaining, interesting - I even felt somewhat like a voyeur reading this book, some scenes are just crazy. I could not put this one down and devoured it over a few hours. This is something really different to add to your reading list. Highly recommended for all sorts of readers. It's got a great psychological cutting edge this book. 5 stars.

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Not for the Faint-Hearted

Thanks to NetGalley and RedDoor Publishing for letting me have a review copy of this book. Not only is it not for the faint-hearted, it's also not for prudes or those of a squeamish nature - adult content from the opening chapter. It does, however, grab your undivided attention and keeps you engrossed throughout a dark modern cautionary tale with an equally breath-catching ending.

With a bulimic lead character in what is clearly a dysfunctional relationship, it's also an acute observation of a young woman struggling with life in today's unforgiving world. Polly's story will leave readers wondering how real it all is ... I for one won't feel quite the same on the London Underground in future.

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First things first: If you can't tell from the description, this book is an "erotic thriller" and contains adult situations. If you don't like that type of material, this isn't the book for you.

I, for one, really enjoyed this book and really just tore through it. It has great suspense and drama, along with some great twists.

Polly is in a stable, but boring, relationship when she boards the tube one night. Immediately, a man spots her and makes his way over to her, where they share a passionate hook-up. Then he disappears. That's when Polly learns about "tubing," where strangers meet up for no-strings-attached sex on the tube. When Polly runs into her mystery man again, he pulls her into a world of passion - and danger.

This book was full of suspense and I did not predict the direction this book would take. I really couldn't put the book down once I was about halfway through it. It gets pretty creepy.

Although, I have to say, I didn't love Polly. She could be frustrating at points, when she just wouldn't come clean about everything that was happening - I'm trying to be intentionally vague so as not to spoil anything. But overall, I did like her, and felt sorry for her at parts when she was just in totally over her head.

I am looking forward to more from this author and would definitely recommend this to people who enjoy a good spicy thriller.

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This book was different to anything I read before, it had thriller and erotic in it and that's two genres that haven't been done that often so I was excited to get stuck in. I liked it, and I got annoyed and passionate about the characters throughout the book, but I found something lacking but I can't pin point what that something is. I love the writing and I'm looking forward to hearing more from this author.

Thanks goes to net galley and the publishers for providing me with a free copy in exchange for an honest review.

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Firstly, thanks to Netgalley and RedDoor publishing for the opportunity to preview this book in exchange for this honest review.

I was really disappointed with this read as the premise is such an interesting one, a woman gets involved in a phenomenon called 'tubing' which involves sexual encounters on the London tube. However, I found the main character, Polly, so incredibly irritating and the subtext of family issues and her eating disorder confusing rather than adding to the overall story. So, you're left with reading about a series of sexual encounters, which, without anything else, didn't do a lot for me.

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This book is a really interesting thriller, that could also be classified as semi-erotica, as the main theme of the book is sex and casual hook-ups on the tube, also known as "tubing".

The main character, Polly, is a complex, modern millennial living in London, who is generally dissatisfied with life. Her perfect (on-paper) boyfriend seems to irritate her more than anything and she feels stuck in her job.

When she has an unexpected encounter with a charismatic stranger on the tube on a night out, she cannot get the experience out of her head and delves into the deep, dark world of no-strings sex with strangers on trains, otherwise known as "tubing".

Now, I don't know if this is even a "thing" and tried to google this myself, but it is a fascinating concept! I could relate to Polly, even though I did want to shake her at times! But all this serves to create a well rounded character who you get a chance to get to know and understand. She seems to have had a difficult childhood, especially her relationship with her mother and battling an eating disorder, both things which are very topical.

Now the book starts to get juicy, Polly find herself in more thrilling and dangerous situations and things really ramp up about 2/3 of the way in, for a heart-stopping climax. While I can't say I was hugely surprised Polly ended up in the situations she did, it did make for good reading! This was definitely my favourite part of the book.

Overall, an enjoyable and sexy crime thriller!
I would definitely read more by this author.

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Tubing by K.A.McKeagney was one of my guilty pleasure books!

The kind I can read from cover to cover in a weekend, totally immersing myself in the world of the book, emerging only for sleep and snacks!

Tubing is about Polly a 20 something girl living in London with her boyfriend Oliver, a doctor who on the surface seems like a perfect catch but is totally bland. Polly seems….lacklustre…content just to drift along in her relationship and her job neither of which seem to be fulfilling or providing her with any real meaning or enjoyment. Enter a chance sexual encounter with a handsome stranger on a train and all of a sudden Polly’s placid life is thrown into turmoil.

Polly becomes obsessed with him and through searching for him online discovers “Tubing” a phenomenon where strangers hook up for sex on crowded tube trains. Each to their own right? Anyway, through following a series of tweets, Polly tracks down her handsome stranger. Tubing provides her with the thrills and excitement that are missing from her regular life.

Until it all goes horribly wrong…

Cue dramatic music….

Tubing is immensely readable but is by no means a perfect novel. Polly is largely unlikeable and some of her actions (as well as those of some of the other characters) are unfathomable. The storyline also seems to be unnecessarily convoluted at times. However, for escapist enjoyment that will have you turning the pages wanting to know what happens next Tubing is a fine way to while away a weekend!

My full review, including the perfect snack whilst reading Tubing can be found here"

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oh wow I simply loved this fast paced read which has many twists and turns and was un-put-downable. It's one of my favourite reads of '18.

Polly lives in London with boyfriend Oliver, who is a nice guy who seems to love her. He's never spontaneous however. She works in a dead-end job on a free London paper and finds her life dull. She's been out for drinks with Oliver's bossy sister Charlotte and while slightly drunk on the tube meets a random man. The chemistry is instant and they passionately kiss which leads to other things. Nobody seems to notice on the packed tube and at the next station he disappears. Polly is left in shock and the desire to see him again. She searches obsessively online to see if she can find him and discovers what she has done is called tubing - silent sexual meetings with's an absolutely fantastic read and OMG that ending! Highly recommend.

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Wow. I loved this! Started it in the evening and was fighting sleep to finish it- finally had to admit defeat at gone midnight with just 30mins to go. From the reviews this a a marmite read - I’m in the camp of those who love it. Raw hard emotions, Fear, loathing lust and quite erotic in places too
Great unusual plot with a cracking ending

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Thrilling, erotic and incredibly exciting. Haven’t read anything like this in a while and I absolutely loved it! Travelling around London will never be the same....

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Plot: Polly is a 28 year old woman living in London, working in a job she doesn’t enjoy, with a relationship that’s comfortable but doesn’t really seem to be going anywhere. One night, she’s coming home on a tube when a man makes eye contact, walks over, and kisses her passionately. This begins her foray into the world of “tubing”, where strangers meet on tube trains for illicit encounters. She keeps this world a secret, thinking she can keep her two lives separate, but suddenly her worlds begin to collide.

My thoughts: Now this is a tricky one – I’m not quite sure where to start! The main theme of this book, the “tubing” itself, was something totally unfamiliar and a bit odd to me. I can see the appeal for readers of novels similar to Fifty Shades of Grey as it’s exciting and fairly out there, but for me, a person who really dislikes busy crowded places, public transport and strangers, it was kiiiiind of weird.
If you put that aside, the storyline itself was pretty good. There was a good bit of mystery and a thriller aspect that I wasn’t quite expecting based on the start of the book, so that made the plot a bit more of something for me.
On the other hand, I found the characterisations in this a little confusing. Polly seemed like a fairly 2D character who had had a few characteristics and a bit of troubled background thrown at her at random to flesh her out. I don’t think it’s really a spoiler (and maybe should be a slight trigger warning) that there are quite a lot of allusions to eating disorders in the book. I personally try to avoid books with this as a main topic, and I can see how it adds to the vulnerability and backstory for the character, but it also threw the story off a bit for me.
Overall, it wasn’t a terrible read. I carried on until the end and quite liked the turns it threw at me, but it was quite flawed as compared to the books I normally enjoy.

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Polly's life is turned upside down after a late night encounter with a stranger on a busy tube train. Inexplicably finding herself drawn into the secretive world of 'tubing', Polly is desperate to find out more about her mystery man. Little does she know, that the deeper she delves into the underground phenomenon, the more she is putting herself in danger and jeopardising her everyday life.

A fast-paced, thrilling and sometimes sinister tale of intrigue and erotica with a few unexpected twists and turns! A exhilarating début from Kerry McKeagney.

With thanks to the author and RedDoor Publishing for the ARC.

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