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Book Love

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a book lovers life on the page. Very enjoyable and related with a little humor thrown in. Would recommend to book lovers

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I don’t usually read comic books, probably because the only ones I’ve come across have been superhero type stories that I prefer to watch on the big screen. I do enjoy cartoons though and this book is just perfect. It’s full of fab cartoons all bookworms will appreciate. It had me smiling, laughing, nodding my head in agreement and sighing out loud, because Debbie Tung knows exactly how I feel about books.

I enjoyed this ARC so much that I pre-ordered a physical copy and it arrived at the end of last week!! I love it, it’s so much better than the digital ARC and it’s the perfect size for carrying around in my handbag. It’s a definite must in hard copy rather than digital.

I highly recommend it for all book lovers and if you celebrate Valentine’s day it really would be the ultimate gift for your book loving Valentine!

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Bibliophiles (especially young women) will resonate with the scenarios and sentiments that fill the pages of this entertaining book of cartoons. Simply illustrated, the author captures the ethos of book lovers' hearts--at times exaggerated but with a ring of truth. Many of Andrews McMeel cartoon publications have been a bit too off color for our tastes. Not so with this one. Book lovers will recognize themselves here.

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I thought I wasn't going to like this book but it was so relatable! I loved it and enjoyed every single comic. The art was cute and on point.

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This was such a wonderful comics. It's enjoyable and actually pretty relatable for book nerds. It made me smile so many times throughout the book. Thanks Debbie Tung!

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Book Love is, simply put, adorable. It's the perfect graphic novel for bibliophiles. It celebrates books, reading, and how magical both can be. The book is relatable and on trend with the popularity of book memes and book comics on Instagram.

The art is lovely, cute, beautiful. I would honestly love to frame some of the art panels. I like that the art is simple and whimsical, with a greyscale colour scheme. It suits the subject matter perfectly.

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I absolutely adored this collection of comics! So many were accurate to what it's like to be a book nerd.

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Tung's comics really speak to me. They aren't particularly funny. Not in a fall down laughing sort of way. More in that clever/witty observation that makes you smile sort of way. Enjoyable either way.

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In this graphic novel, Debbie Tung explores the daily life of a bookworm.
I love the artwork and the simplistic nature of the book.
The strips are and, of course, relatable! It’s perfect for book lovers. I recommend it.

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Book Love by Debbie Tung is a collection of comics and such about the everyday life and thoughts of a book lover. There is humor and relatable moments for every reader that has trouble leaving a bookstore or library empty handed, or simply enjoys relaxing with a good book and a cup of tea.

I related to Book Love quite a bit, although I will admit that I spend much less time in bookshops and libraries (as a patron) that I used to. I enjoyed the tone and simplicity of the individual comics. I was kind of sad that I had seen so many of them on social media platforms before having read the book, I wish there were more new work included. However, all of the comics are timeless and struck home on some level, even if I am more likely to be reading and ebook and buying the print books for my kids rather than myself.

I think Book Love is a sweet and enjoyable book. It would be the perfect gift book for any book lover, although those that refrain from social media and have not seen Tung's work before will likely appreciate it more than those that have seen her work online previously.

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This book was adorable. I was not prepared for how fun it would be and at a time when I really needed it. I would definitely recommend this book to my patrons who may need a little pick me up!

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A super cute book that capture the feeling you get when opening up an old book. That good book smell. This is what I imagine for my self in a few years. Just need a good book room and an old rocking chair.

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It was so relatable and I think that every book lover will enjoy read this quick and fun graphic novel. Regarding the art, it was quite simple but it works perfectly well with the story.

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If ever there was a book that captures the heart, mind, and soul of a bookworm, Book Love by Debbie Tung would be it! With hilarious and spot on visual interpretations, this book truly captures the daily life of your everyday bookworm. You will certainly find a representation of yourself on many of these pages if you are the following: Obsessed with books! For some, you may even feel like this could be a illustrated memoir!😂

I love how Tung can take a variety of situations and show how a bookworm would handle it. This is not in a story format. It is written and illustrated as moments in a bookworm's life. If you consider yourself a book lover, then Book Love is a must have for your shelf or coffee table!

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This is not my usual type of book but as soon as I saw the words 'Book Love' I knew I had to read it. This book is adorable, I absolutely loved it.
It is perfect and a must read for any book lover.

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4.5 Stars.

Charming! These drawings could only have been done by a true book lover. The humor is gentle and the drawings depict emotions all book lovers will understand and connect with. I look forward to seeing more of Ms Tung's work.

Thank you to NetGalley and the author for a copy of the book.

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I first came across Book Love when I saw another reading reviewing and I knew I had to read it as well immediately. This is a comic about books, the everyday life of books. How could I not look over this and move on?

As I read every single page, I couldn’t stop laughing as everything was so relatable and true. Tung definitely captured the spirit of all the readers. It is quick read, but definitely worth reading and having it within reach overtime you need a laugh. Every book lover definitely needs to read Book Love.

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It took me a while to sit down and write my review of “Book Love” by Debbie Tung because I wanted to think of a better response than, “OMG IT’S ME!” That was all I could think of, over and over again, as I devoured page after page. If I had to give my feelings a single word it would be “recognized.”

Each emotion displayed in Tung’s artwork resonated in me. When she drew herself with big, watery eyes barely containing her excitement over a delivery box filled to the brim with new books, I smiled like the box had come to my own front door. When she drew her ennui after having to say goodbye to her best friends by turning the last page of a great book, I felt all the times I laid that same book on my chest and waiting for that sadness to settle.

“Book Love” is more than a cozy, quick read that will undoubtedly make you smile. It is a primer to all those folks out there who don’t fully understand people like her, people like me, who truly love books. After reading it the first time (and yes, I read it multiple times already,) I thrust it wife’s hands and told her, “Now you will understand.”

While I was able to read a pre-release digital version of this, I guarantee a physical copy will be part of my personal collection in short order.

**A digital copy was provided for purpose of a review, but it had no effect on the outcome.**

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What a great book for all book lovers! Love the illustrations and how relatable it is! I laughed whenever I find myself in similar situations! A perfect gift for any book lovers!!

Thank you #Netgalley and Andrew's McMeel Publishing for a free eARC of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are mine.

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This was one of the cutest, most relatable graphic novels I have ever read. Obviously the topic is great for any bookworm, and on basically every single page I was just screaming "ME ME ME" inside my head. I was tempted to make a list of all the pages I found the most relatable, but to be honest, that would have been nearly the whole book.

The mix of content was well done, too - I liked that there was some variety between the super #relatable, real-life scenes and the more "philosophic" ideas about books being windows into different worlds and feeling so close to book characters that they feel like friends.

The art style was also super cute. I often prefer greyscale illustrations because color can sometimes become overwhelming so this was perfect for me. The mix of comic-style panels and full-page illustrations (as well as pages where the different scenes were not actually separated by panel lines) was also really enjoyable.

My one tiny tidbit of criticism: Reading it in one go, this collection got a bit repetitive to me after a while so I wouldn't recommend that, and it makes sense considering the format the author usually publishes her work. And ultimately, this didn't take away much of my enjoyment.

I would highly recommend this to all booklovers and am keen to check out the author's other book as well!

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