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Book Love

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This is the cutest book ever! Every book lover should have a copy of this on their shelves. Not only is it the most relatable thing that you will read, but the graphics are spot on. 

This book is for all of those who read the book before the movie, who cannot pass up a book sale, who walk in to buy one and walk out with 10. Each graphic is unique, all telling a different part of being a book lover. From the passion you may have towards a book, to the defensive nature of not wanting to lend them out, Debbie Tung has covered it all. 

This book had me laughing with how relatable it was, even tying in bookstagram into a few of the images. 

Even if graphics are not your preferred genre, you will definitely want to check this book out. It is a super quick read, but it will have you referring back to it, letting you know that all book lovers are alike in one way or another.

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Book Love by Debbie Tung is a charming collection of comics from the prospective of a book lover. Fans of her first collection, Quiet Girl in a Noisy World, will find much to enjoy here - Tung's art is sweet and light, and her reflections are easily relatable to those of us who live in a world of books!

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A book full of black and white illustrations that depict the varied aspects of the love of books. What an excellent gift book, for the book lover , the librarian, the bookseller, any reader at all. The sentiments are simple but well illustrated. Debbie Tung is talented and expressive.
I received my copy through NetGalley and am under no obligation to the publisher.

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Great book for bookworms! I plan to buy a hard copy for myself. It also would make an excellent gift for a fellow bookworm.

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Debbie Tung reminds every reader why they enjoy reading in this collection of books all connected with reading in one fashion or another. A fun, quick read!

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This book was pure joy for a bookworm like myself. The comics really got to the nerve of how a book lover feels, how we act, and what we do to keep our bookish lives interesting. Looking forward to more from Debbie Tung!

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How to review 130-odd pages of sweet cartoon drawings, on the subject of being a true bibliophile? Urm, it’s really good! :)
Simple drawings, many truisms about being a book lover. There is nothing not to love about this book. It’s cute more than funny – although some of the bookish situations are so true to (my) life that they did make me laugh – but that’s more than fine. This is a huge warm cosy blanket of a book that says “I’m a bookdragon, too, let’s bond over our love of books.” Not crime novels or fantasy books, but the sheer pleasure of reading.

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‘Bookworms rejoice! These charming comics capture exactly what it feels like to be head-over-heels for hardcovers. And paperbacks! And ebooks! And bookstores! And libraries!

Book Love is a gift book of comics tailor-made for tea-sipping, spine-sniffing, book-hoarding bibliophiles. Debbie Tung’s comics are humorous and instantly recognizable—making readers laugh while precisely conveying the thoughts and habits of book nerds. Book Love is the ideal gift to let a book lover know they’re understood and appreciated.’

This. So much this. Debbie Tung's Book Love speaks to my soul. It's like the author has been spying on my (admittedly boring) life! It's clear she's an avid bibliophile herself. This book was an awesome reminder that we book-lovers are not alone, even when it feels like no one around us understands. I loved that she sketched out myriad amazing books others might enjoy. They were so varied, there's sure to be something for everyone. I made a reading challenge using these panels.

One sketch is about how to get more reading done, and a panel included keeping a list of books you've read. Such a great idea! I've done this since 1993, and going back over the list is a great mnemonic tool. I can pull up a wealth of memories by scanning the list. A perfect gift for the bibliophile in your life!

***Many thanks to Netgalley/ Andrews McMeel for providing an ecopy in exchange for a fair and honest review.

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I LOVE this book! A sweet simple ode to book love! I will be recommending this to all my introverted and book-lover friends!

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This was wonderful!
The drawings were quirky, charming and very relatable. Page after page, I could see myself in Debbie's portrayal of bibliophiles.
Thank you Netgalley and Andrews McMeel Publishing for giving me an ARC in exchange for an honest review. I enjoyed every moment of this comic goodness!

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Do you feel the weight of the world lift off your shoulders the moment you walk into a bookstore? Is removing persistent sticker residue off of your brand new books one of the banes of your existence? Have you ever used an e-reader as a bookmark? This book is for you! Debbie Tung captures the joys and dilemmas of book lovers everywhere with her adorable, cozy comics.

Book Love is a great gift for any book lover in your life. I also enjoyed Tung’s other graphic novel Quiet Girl in a Noisy World: An Introvert's Story. You can view Debbie Tung's artwork at her blog Where's My Bubble, website, and Instagram.

I received this book for free from Netgalley and Andrews McMeel Publishing. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review. It’s available now.

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I enjoyed this book. I read it in one sitting and bought it for my library! I thought it was very cute.

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What a fun and cozy read! I LOVE Book Love by Debbie Tung. Told through mini-comics, this is a love story about books. Have you had to choose between buying food or books? Have you complained about how many books you own but haven't read and then proceed to buy 10 more books? Do you love all things bookstores and libraries? There are how-to tips on creating a perfect reading nook as well as some beautifully illustrated covers of the author's most beloved books. With adorable drawings, laugh out loud moments, and all things books, Book Love is a must read for any bibliophile.

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This was a delightfully breezy collection of comics on the love of books. The emotions shown in the comics are completely relatable by any fellow lover of books. This is the perfect sort of book that will sell itself simply by being near the register and the buyer will be pleasantly surprised by how well the author captures the feelings every reader goes through!

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photos are of the digital netgalley ARC: an aging camera photographing an aging monitor in the hands of an aging lady. all apologies for the quality of the images.

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i fear that i am going to have my booklover card revoked for not loving <i>this</i> book enough.

i’m not saying i didn’t <i>like</i> it - it’s a sweet little book that is being marketed as a collection of “charming comics,” and that is exactly what it is: page after page of booknerd bait; a (presumably) autobiographical celebration of all the feels that come from buying books, talking about books, reading books, <i>re</i>reading books, etc etc.

the situations it references are familiar:

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it’s the perfect gift book for a bookfriend you know superficially; a well-intentioned “more than a greeting card” level gift, and actually - any of these panels would sell well <i>on</i> a greeting card, or shirt. book lovers be shopping.

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i’m coming across sniffier than i mean to. this book is fine, it just feels a little too <i>expected</i> to me; all of the obvious low-hanging fruit of the booknerd tree.

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and there's a lot that feels as though it is geared towards a younger, sweeter audience than me.

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unless this is just reading rainbow-nostalgia, i don't feel particularly targeted by this:

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there's just a lot of... whimsy. it's <i>book</i>-whimsy, which trumps most other whimsies, but it often reads like a children's picture book, which was not what i'd been expecting. i'm just too old and crusty to take delight in some of these panels.


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my attitude towards this book is like these cutesy little pins:

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as a booknerd, they are instantly appealing and make my heart smile with recognition, but what am i supposed to <i>do</i> with them, really?

<i>Seeing a room full of books/sends chills down my spine/ makes my head giddy with excitement/ just thinking about all the possibilities</i>

agreed, but the impact of that observation is fleeting, superficial.

a lot of it feels like i’ve seen it before - and i have, via [author:Sarah Andersen|14144506]’s work. the two cover the exact same ground:


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and i love [author:Sarah Andersen|14144506], so i should love this book even when it covers the same ground*. maybe i’m just more responsive to andersen’s wonky messy yelly art style, or the fact that bookfeels are just one of her themes, so there’s more variety to her books. i meant to like this book more than i did, and i hope i can recover my lost booknerd cred.

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* oh, and obviously i’m not saying tung is in any way <i>derivative</i> of andersen - she’s a booknerd and these are booknerd universals/realities. although i don’t personally have the same book-huffing response as these two ladies. some books smell good, sure, but i have never felt this need. particularly the ‘gotta hide it’ attitude. sniff without shame, booknerds, if that's your thing!

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Thanks NetGally for a ARC

Loved loved loved every cartoon in this book! Relatable to me since I'm a complete and total book nerd!

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Let's talk about love. But not any kind of love. One of the most longstanding, honest and rewarding of all of them: Book love. Faithful companions, although they can also disappoint you once in a while, they will never leave you. Actually, you can learn even from a bad book, especially if you are a writer.

In a graphic novel exploring everything a bookworm will expect from a work called Book Love, Debbie Tung develops topics well appreciated among those who love reading. 'Books are best friends, bringing pure joy', says in one of the sketches and I fully agree with that.

Although I personally not agree completely that books equals escapism and you read to escape from the current reality - an accusation often threw by those who despise reading people, this topic appears a couple of times in the book. In addition to explaining and elaborating about the book love, there are also not a few ideas about bookish lifestyle and even a couple of hints about why to date a bookworm (couldn't agree more).

The ideas are relatively easy and frequently referred to by bookworms, the illustration are also simple and without a high level of sophistication. If you have teenagers that need a motivation why to read, Book Love appeals to them in a very direct way, suited for their everyday style and elliptic, telegraphic-like communication. If you are a bookworm yourself - as I do - you can spend some pleasant after-work time in the company of this graphic story. You might want to read (even) more after that.

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As a lifelong book lover, I’m a huge fan of book-related…anything. A collection of cute comics about being insanely in love with books and all the quirkiness that goes along with that? Sign. Me. Up. And it is no surprise that book lovers love Book Love. However, I’m in the minority.

Don’t get me wrong. I liked it. The illustrations are cute. I related to most of the book nerd characterizations. But it wasn’t particularly fresh. There was nothing new on offer, so it just felt a bit cliché. Like something I see on my FB and Twitter feeds every day. Cute. Relatable. Likable. But not amazing.

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A cute and sweet little book about book lovers!

There's not much more to say than that! Quirky and a fun, fast read!

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Thanks to Andrews McMeel Publishing who provided a copy via NetGalley.!

On a day, a friend calls me at WhatsApp and shows me a book. And she simply compels me to know it because I had a duty to read since I talk so much about books as I say I love them. She also said that I had the obligation to read the book if I really love books as much as I say out there.
So I read it and I just fall in love. I felt that this book is about me, that Debbie Tung was inspired by me to write the comics about this girl who loves books and know stories so much.
Book love is an ode to books and people who love books and stories. It is a tribute, a gift to all lovers of this wonderful object that it’s capable to transport us to real and imaginary worlds.
Since the first comic strip, I've gone crazy about this book. The author was able to express all the feelings that book fans have about being in touch with their object of love.
The comic strips show reader’s routine and all the situations we have as we come across incredible stories. We can notice many feelings while we are reading: the love to the books, the inexplicable sensation when we get in a library or a bookstore, the afflictions for an inexplicable and pitiless end; and so on. There is kindness in its pages that I cannot explain.
Another nice detail is that Tung, when designing and writing the books, reveals the importance that books have in people's lives for their growth as a transformative citizen. It is not specific, but you can notice it in every comic strip.
Book love is a very short book and is a great gift tip for those who love books. I just think that everyone who really says they love books and stories should read it. Unfortunately he still does not have a Portuguese version, but we're already in the crowd for some cool publishing house to release it for us. It will be a success here in Brazil and in the world.

Thank you so much Debbie Tung for express our feelings about books and reading

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