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Book Love

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This is the ultimate bookworm’s world. Pretty spot on for many things. The illustrations are great. The struggles are real. I need this book in my life.

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On a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being the opposite of me and 10 being perfectly me, I'd say this book is a 100. That's right its like someone plumbed the depths of my mind, personality and subconscious and put it into book form.

That's not even an exaggeration. I was trying to find which comic exactly fit me and its hard to choose a dozen never mind just one.

(the following pages are from the e-ARC I read, so they may not match up to the finished edition)

Pg. 24 - "Oh...I thought one suitcase was for books."
Pg. 31 - that entire page
Pg. 32 - "But above all, I read to escape from the Real World."
Pg. 37 - that entire page
Pg. 38 - is my LIFE
Pg. 41 - literally the kind of party me and my friends enjoy 100% of the time
Pg. 54 - yuuuuup
Pg. 65 - a mood for every reader on social media
Pg. 72 - I've gotten into actual fights over this with strangers
Pg. 73 - MOOD
Pg. 99 - A real MOOD
Pg. 102 - it does not, in fact, count

This is basically a field guide to spot a Book Dragon. Use it wisely my friends, use it wisely.

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A really cute book about what it’s like to be a reader. I enjoyed the style of the cartoons, but there could’ve been more about Ebooks...

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Book Love was a fun, short read filled with cute illustrations and the relatable thoughts and actions of a book-obsessed person. Even though it was an enjoyable read, at times the thoughts and ideas could become a little repetitive.

I really recommend this to any avid reader and it would also be a welcome respite to read in between heavier books.

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This is a cute graphic novel depicting life as a book lover. It felt real, it felt accurate, and the illustrations were just lovely. Thanks to NetGalley and Andrews McMeel Publishing for the ARC. I loved it!

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I feel truly seen. I feel validated. I feel happy and joyful and very very satisfied.

That’s what I have to say after finishing this book and I can promise it’ll be the same reaction from any book lover like me. But be prepared, this is for those book obsessed people whose life revolves around them, not the occasional readers.

Every page, every illustration, every line felt like something I would do or say or reproductions from my own life. I’m one of those who carries a book everywhere I go, would rather read in a corner than go out, and talk obsessively about books to anyone, irrespective of whether they are interested or not. And the gushing and fangirling.... I have never seen so much of myself on page before and I’m so glad this book exists.

My only disagreements - I would rather have coffee than tea while reading, and please don’t dismiss e-readers - I cant imagine my life without them.

This book is the perfect gift for any book lover and I recommend this to anyone who wholeheartedly believes in the power of the written word.

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Books. They are my escape from reality, and my closest friends. Nothing brings me as much joy and sadness as the pages of my favorite book. I have lost countless nights of sleep to “one more page” and regret nothing. My extreme love for them is what prompted me to start a book blog and to join such a supportive community.

Book Love takes all of the aspects of a book worm, and puts them into the most loveable, adorable, connectable comics. Debbie Tung captures the pure essence of reading love. Page after page, my smile grew bigger and my heart grew warmer. I only intended to read a few pages at a time to savor it, but couldn’t contain my joy and read the entire work in one sitting. It happens.

I loved this book, the artwork, the innocence of it all. Some of the jokes were represented several times, but I didn’t mind since the cute art that went with it made each page unique and special. I recommend this book for anyone who loves reading, as it serves as a reminder that we are all connected by our love of books and are never truly alone.

*I would like to thank the publisher, author, and NetGalley for providing an ARC copy of this book in exchange for an honest review*

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I "like" a lot of bookish pages on facebook so I had seen a lot of these comics before. I think if you are an avid reader, you probably have too. They're cute and relatable, and this would probably make a nice coffee table book.

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This is my first Debbie Tung and it certainly won't be my last. Every page resonated so hard it echoed. I've loved reading since I was a shy little girl whose only friends were books. The magic of the new book relationship is beautiful here. If you're a book lover, you'll love this. You wouldn't be here if you didn't.

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A cutesy collection of amusing illustrations and cartoons, at times the themes were repetetive and cliché.

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Book Love is what it sounds like, a collection of cartoons for those who love reading.

The single-page strips aren’t particularly punchline-driven — the appeal comes from the familiarity. Anyone whose favorite activity is enjoying a good book or anyone who always has trouble figuring out what book to bring with them will recognize themselves in her choices.

I’m impressed with how many different ways she found to express similar ideas. Some pages are illustrations of phrases, such as “When I read, I’m in a world of my own”, and those have elaborate, full backgrounds, different from the sparser four panels. The one captioned, “The library is my second home”, with all the shelves of various books, is one I got lost in for a while. The strips often focus on the feel of becoming part of a good book, or wanting to share a wonderful read with others.

Tung’s art isn’t heavily styled. It’s simple, making her ponytailed figure comforting, like a friend, with just enough detail to establish the situation and a good grip on posing for realism. These comics aren’t cartoons so much as observations, and the pleasure comes from having felt the same way or done the same thing, as when a reader doesn’t want a good book to come to the end, or feeling ambivalent about a movie adaptation.

Overall, this is a reassuring, enjoyable read, particularly for bibliophiles. (I thought I was the only one who used part of the sofa for book stacks!) It’s a shame this wasn’t put out a month ago, as it would make a perfect holiday gift for so many people.

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This is a beautiful book. The art and the drawings are just lovely and it reflects to perfection what it is to be a booklover.

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The struggle is real for book lovers and this adorable comic collection beautifully and hilariously encapsulates it. Fun and witty, Book Love will have many book lovers nodding along as they read and connect with many (if not all) of Debbie Tung’s illustrations in the daily life of book nerds.

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very time I read Debbie’s comics I always feel seen and understood. I feel like if I met her in person we’d be instant friends because she just gets me. Her new book, Book Love is an ode to books and book lovers.

From trips to bookshops and libraries to buying multiple editions and having stacks of books to be read, to taking photos of books for social media, bringing books on a trip, preferring books to people, to the feelings of finishing a book, reading it in one sitting, and having a friend love a recommended book, to annoying book stickers, inaccurate movie adaptations, and movie tie-in editions, Book Love has it all.

Delightful, funny, and highly relatable. I’m tempted to give it to friends and say “here, this is me!”

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Note: I received an Advance Reading Copy of this book through NetGalley for an honest review.

Just a quick look at my site or my online profiles makes it clear quite quickly that I am a book worm. I love reading, I love books, I love bookshops, conferences, book humor… anything to do with books. I have seen Debbie Tung’s comics and drawings online, not knowing it was by her. When her book Book Love came up for review on NetGalley, I couldn’t wait to read it.

Book Love contains short one-page comics (sometimes one panel, sometimes more panels) about us bookworms and the love we have for books and everything about them. About the smell. About always reading. About falling in love with a book and not being able to let go. About the dangers of the bookshop for any wallet or budget. It even has recommendations of great books to get lost in.

Book Love is a cute little book filled with very relatable bookworm comics. It’s a nice gift for the book lover in your life, or to read to understand them better. It might be a bit too much for 130+ pages, some comics later on get a bit repetitive. Still a fun little book though, four out of five stars.

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Downloaded and read immediately. So much of the book resonated with me. I joy to read. Would make a lovely gift for a booklover, and a great book for any coffee table. Highly recommended, especially if as a bookworm you don't feel understood - Book Love will reassure you that all is well, loving books is more than O.K., and you are not alone.

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This is a fun book of cartoons for book lovers. As someone who has enjoyed this condition ever since my mother read my first picture book with me, I can say that Debbie Tung is clearly a fellow traveler, who explores all the nuances with accuracy and humor. I certainly identified with the sentiments in many of the cartoons, like feeling guilty if I do not finish a book, although I do not in any way agree with the feeling that ebooks are inferior to the printed version ( I know a lot of my fellow bibliophiles disagree.).
Except for its small size, I would say this is a quintessential “coffee table book” in a positive way. Like most books of cartoons, it is not a book to sit down and peruse from cover to cover, but picking it up and reading a few of the cartoons when you are feeling stressed or glum is a great way to bring a smile to your face…and to send you racing off to find a book to read!
My thanks to Netgalley for an advance review copy of this book.

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I received a copy from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

This book made me smile through the entire thing. It was over in a few short hours, but completely relatable to any book lover.

The art style was cute and adorable. The amount of emotions depicted in the individualcomics was great.

If you want a quick read that lifts your spirit, this is the book for you.

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Book Love by Debbie Tung is a cute comic/ humor book I requested from NetGalley and the review is voluntary. This is a book any bookstore will relate to! I know I did! Every illustration is cute and fun with the clever message spoke of unspoken...readers know what is means! Lol! The author has thought of everything we bookstore go through and has cleverly out it to one and paper! I think I could relate to every one of those cartoons! Very witty and fun! This is for that bookaholic in your life!

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I think I first became familiar with these shorts on Buzzfeed, and they ring so true for this bookworm! Book love is a thing only a few of us truly understand and Debbie Tung captures it beautifully.

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