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Book Love

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5 stars Thanks to NetGalley and Andrews McMeel Publishing for allowing me to read and review this ARC. Publishes January 1, 2019.

Welcome to a wonderful book lovers book, that can be read in one day. Appropriately titled "Book Love". Debbie Tung, an artist and cartoonist, melts the heart of any person who loves books and loves to read. On almost each page you can see yourself or a situation you have been in.

Short in length. long in smiles, this is a book that should not be missed. Lighthearted, engaging, and full of what we love most - books!

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So much of this rings true to me as a fellow bibliophile. Two of my favorite quotes from this book are:

"Why I Read . . . I read to learn new things. I read for ideas and inspiration. I read for enjoyment and happiness. But above all, I read to escape from the real world"


"When I read I'm in a world of my own."

The illustrations are delightful and perfectly match the words on the page. This is a fast and fun read! Book Love will appeal to all book lovers!

Thank you to NetGalley and Andrews McMeel Publishing for a free ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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A graphic novel about the love of reading

A book most readers here could relate.
It makes me smile on how much similarity I have with the main character.
A woman who like reading a lot and behave the way most readers would. She loves book, she loves reading books. And that how she spent most of her time. Adorable.

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I think every reader can connect this comic book. It is super adorable. I really enjoyed it. Anyone who enjoy reading definitely check this comic.

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I received this book in exchange for an honest review which has not altered my opinion of this book.

Oh my goodness! This book was so freaking adorable and I whipped through it. If you love books then be on the lookout for this one!! This takes everything that we think about as bookworms and puts it into a really creative and fun cartoon. I found that I really identified with it. I can't help but recommend this book to every bookworm that I have met.

Overall, this book was so much fun and incredibly enjoyable for me and I feel it would be for any bookworm or a person who knows a bookworm. I'm still trying to get my boyfriend to read it. 5 out of 5 from me!

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I can relate to this book on a spiritual level. Book Love is a collection of comics, mostly four-panel one-page strips, but there are some stand-alone drawings mixed in, and they are all about books. It's basically Sarah's Scribbles, but this socially awkward heroine is obsessed with books. Such a tragedy that this book is coming out in January 2019... it would make a perfect holiday gift for any book lover!

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Like me, Debbie Tung loves books and reading, as I’m sure you do too given that you’re reading a book review on a books site! Book Love collects Tung’s many strips on the subject and it’s an ok read.

A lot of the full page cartoons read like greeting cards, which is a feature in a number of Andrews McMeel books. “By living a reading life… I live many lives at once” she says in one and “Every day is a good day for books” and she’s sitting reading in a book-shaped tent in another. Woah, what deep, original thoughts. And that’s another thing - she says the same vapid things over and over which makes for repetitive reading.

The black and white art’s nothing special and I didn’t laugh at any of the, ahem, jokes? She likes to smell books, she points out when she sees a kid reading a book she read as a kid, she prioritises books over practically everything, she loves physical books as much as she enjoys reading them… har… har…

But I also can’t dislike the book too much as I found myself identifying with most of the stuff she’s into. I tend to prefer a night in reading over going to a dinner party or socialising in general; I love book shopping too, particularly for secondhand books; I also wig out when I notice the title of the book in the story; and I fully agree to abandoning books you’re not enjoying reading - there are far, far too many books out there to try to stick it out with something like Anna Karenina just ‘cos habit!

I’m also not a fan of publishers putting movie posters on books when they’re filmed (and I agree that most films do a piss-poor job of adapting the source material), and used to hate when there was sticker residue left on the covers after peeling them off. That was when I collected books, which is where Tung and I differ greatly. She’s really into the physicality of books whereas I moved past that a long time ago and prefer to read a book and then either return it to the library or donate it to charity - I don’t hoard the things anymore. And I actually prefer e-books as they’re easier to carry around, the devices I read on are lighter than the books and there’s never an issue with the lighting.

Anyhoo. Book Love is a mildly amusing read that most anyone who reads will see something of themselves in, though there’s as much nodding in agreement at some of the observations as there is nodding off at the banality of the others. Sarah Andersen fans will probably love this.

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A sweet book, and a quick read. As a reader, I found myself recognizing so much and saying, “You too, eh?” As a bookseller, I brought my own baggage and reacted to a couple questionable book buying practices that I couldn’t get past. For example, there were a couple cartoons in a row that had a narrative in which she receives a book in a package and then I swear she tries to exchange it in a brick and mortar bookstore. But at its heart,, and there is a lot of heart, it really is a book for book lovers, and those are some of my favorites.

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If you are a book lover this is the comic for you. I don't know how many times I laughed, groaned, and nodded my head as Debbie Tung went through all of the different scenarios, events, and thoughts us book lovers have. The drawings are quirky and fun and I love the fact that they are all in black, white, and grey. Some of the aspects really hit home as what it means to have books change your life and the way you view the world after joining the world of readers! I highly recommend this book!

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Every reader, passionate about books, in love with each new story that the book brings, be readers of physical or e-book copies will relate to the comics; it's almost as if my life had been plagiarized in the best of ways.

As an avid reader, I strongly recommend the reading, as well as hopefully as soon as possible, some publishers here in Brazil announces that they have purchased the publishing rights here in the country.

Undoubtedly, this is one of the best comics to have on the shelf and to present those who have tastes as peculiar and wonderful as any bookaholic. With traces simples but well-detailed scenes, the feeling is that Debbie Tung doesn’t just understand us; she’s one of us!

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Book Love By Debbie Tung is a graphic novel which perfectly illustrates what it means to be a true book lover. While not telling a story the characters in this graphic novel illustrate what it means to eat, breathe, and be truly in love with books 24/7 365 days a year through a series of heartwarming and hilarious individual panels.

While reading this graphic novel I kept saying “This is so me!” and running over to show my husband, who would then laugh out loud in agreement. The next page would include something I just had to show my twin daughters because it perfectly illustrated why we are never on time for car loop every morning...they have to stand there and debate which book they want to take with them to read in the car and at school, and whether or not they are close enough to finishing their current read to warrant bringing a back up book. This book also illustrates the perils of being book obsessed and what all of us book lovers fear most, lending out books, damaging books, having to pick just one book as our absolute favorite.
This graphic novel is an absolutely adorable collection of comics that I felt could have been based on my life, and I am sure every bookworm out there will feel the same way. This is something that all book lovers are going to want to check out! Thank you to Andrews McMeel Publishing and Netgalley for this free Advanced Reader’s Copy.

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This is a short but sweet comic that's essentially a love letter to all book lovers, and I can't stop smiling about it. The art is simple but stylish, and some of the full-page spreads are downright gorgeous.

Recommended for all ages!

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What a funny and charming book about book lovers. I’ve recognized myself in every page. Totally worth it. Thanks to NetGalley and Andrews McMeel Publishing for the advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.
#NetGalley #andrewsmcmeel #deborahtung #booklove

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Very cute and relatable to anyone who loves books and reading. I wish I could display poster size prints of these comics in my library! I received this book free in exchange for my honest review.

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A fun little graphic novel about the love of books and reading. The simple and charming art of this graphic novel is perfect.

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I love Debbie Tung's work so much! This is less emotional than her other book, but I love it just the same. It's so nice to see your bookish feelings and thoughts expressed by her cute drawing style! I loved this and need a physical copy.

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Special thanks to Debbie Tung, NetGalley and Andrews McMeel Publishing for a digital copy of BOOK LOVE in exchange for my unbiased review.
Debbie Tung's talent shines brilliantly in her book of comics BOOK LOVE. The cartoons capture the readers' love of books in numerous scenarios. As an avid reader, I could easily identify with the illustrations on every page!
This book would make an excellent gift for book lovers of all ages.
5 shining stars⭐️️⭐️️⭐️️⭐️️⭐️️

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As a booklover with a passion for connecting with other readers and as one who at times has spent too much time on Pinterest looking at bookish memes, Book Love was SO up my alley. A comic book full of bookworm living—what not to love!

You could complain that this book didn’t have a plot, which indeed it didn’t, but I doubt you could find any other complaint. As soon as I started the book, I knew I was going to love it and want to share it, so I called over my little brother, and we had a blast reading it together. We both finished the book in real dismay that it had ended. My brother’s high praise for the book was when he said that he could read a book like that for hours and hours, and the one we had spent reading it together had felt like ten minutes, so well done indeed, Debbie Tung!

I loved how relatable this book is, arcuately and humorously showcasing the conundrums we bookworms face on a daily basis. From our exuberance upon finishing a book and wanting the whole world to know or book-watching in public trying to see what book that person is reading to the need to finish that book no matter how late the night, this book covers them all and won me over completely. Mixed in with those meme-like pages are book recs and tips on all things bookish like creative ways to read while exercising and how to get out of a book slump. “By living a reading life, I live many lives at once,” and so many other quotable truths are nestled in this fun read.

Bookworms, this is a must read for you. And I trust you’ll enjoy as I did how simply and purely the authoress expressed herself without political correctness or any crude language; (I felt completely comfortable with my 12-year old brother reading this.)

FTC disclosure: I received a complimentary copy of this book from Andrew McMeel Publishing through NetGalley. Opinions expressed in this review are entirely my own. A positive review was not required.

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I absolutely adored this charming book! Book lovers (including yours truly) will recognize themselves on every page. I wanted to share every cartoon with my bibliophile friends. I ended up pre-ordering it so I can have a physical copy to enjoy. A delight all around, and highly recommended!

I received a digital ARC from the publisher via Netgalley.

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This book is truly a must have for any of my fellow book nerds! This is a collection of comics that I believe every reader will connect with, it covers the funny and the touching and belongs on all of our overflowing bookshelves.

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