Cover Image: Book Love

Book Love

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What a sweet love letter to reading this book turned out to be. I loved the art style too. Now to decide which book-loving friends to give this title to.

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Debbie Tung is a cartoonist and illustrator who shares her love of reading in this delightful collection of cartoons that would be a perfect gift for any book lover, including yourself. In page after page of drawings and dialogue, I got everything she depicts from not being able to resist a bookstore you walk by to times when you’d just rather stay home and read. She even gives advice on how to read more and shares some of her favorite books, some of which are mine too. I just have to share the bubble dialogue from two of my favorites.

Girl: “Excuse me. I’d like to exchange this book you sent me for this one instead.”
Guy(store clerk): “Oh, yours has an updated cover with the movie poster. But really, they’re the exact same books.”
Girl: “No...No they’re not.”

Guy: “You finished reading your book ?”
Girl: “Yeah.”
Guy: “How was it ?”
Girl: “It was really sad.”
Guy : “Oh no. I guess you didn’t like it ?”
Girl: “Are you kidding ? I LOVED IT !”

This one wasn’t sad, but I LOVED IT !

I received an advanced copy of this book from Andrews McMeel Publishing through NetGalley.

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If you are reading this, you love books. So welcome! This is a story about you.

Get yourself a nice cup of tea, maybe your favourite blanket and get comfortable as Debbie Tung proceeds to open your mind and use its contents into this little comic book.

With a simplistic but effective art style and as few words as possible this charming book brings onto the pages the quirks and mannerisms of that strange creature that it is the book lover. From the insatiable need for new reads, the search for that perfect reading pose or to the extends we push ourselves to insert reading time on our ever busy schedules, this books touches upon it all.

A must have for that moments when we just need something funny to warm up the soul.

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''When i open a book, I open a window into another person's world. It becomes a truly magical experience. There's nothing else quite like it''. This quote sums up how every reader feels about reading. Every book lover can relate to each page and illustration about how much we love reading and all the things we think when it comes about books. Funny and sweet, this book is really enjoyable if you love books so much.

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Well... I can’t view this because it won’t download to my kindle..

I wish we would be warned about this before we chose to take it!

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Book Love, unfortunately, did not arrive in my download. I would be glad to review the book in full either in hard copy or on Kindle. I recommend the books I've read by this publisher.

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Book nerds rejoice! Debbie Tung doesn’t just understand us; she’s one of us! Debbie first drew scenes from my life in her debut ‘Quiet Girl in a Noisy World: An Introvert's Story’ and now she’s gained access to the bookish part of me which, let’s face it, is pretty much all that’s left once you take away the introvert part.

This is my second (but not final) read of this graphic novel and once again Debbie’s nailed it. Her illustrations perfectly capture the bliss of escaping into a book, the allure of a book sale, the horror of finishing a book and knowing you have to wait a whole year before you can dive into the sequel, and the special kind of magic you experience when your book order arrives. Debbie explores bookish nightmare of a favourite book being massacred by its film, the horror of price sticker residue and the devastation you feel when someone ruins the end of the book you’re reading.

Debbie talks about how we read, where we read, why we read, and I don’t think I’ve ever felt so understood. Every turn of the page resulted in validation of my bookish experiences. There was only one page I was glad I couldn’t relate to - when you have to choose between books because you’ve reached the maximum amount you can have on loan at any one time from the library. Thankfully my wonderful librarians consider the loan limit a suggestion, not a strict rule, where I’m involved; just one more reason why my library is the best in the world!

I cannot get enough of this book and only wish it had been several hundred pages longer. I wonder what part of my life Debbie is going to tackle next… Whatever it is, I need to read it immediately!

Thank you so much to NetGalley and Andrews McMeel Publishing for introducing me to Debbie with ‘Quiet Girl’ and giving me the opportunity to remember why I need every book she ever publishes.

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Book Love is perfect for any book lovers out there. Debbie Tung is a girl after my own heart – using comics to talk about her obsessive book buying habits, sorting shelves, the protectiveness over a well loved book, and all the other quirks well known to us that adore our books. It was almost painful how accurate some of her illustrations were. Though they’re still incredibly funny!
You may recognize some of the images – Debbie Tung’s work have been known to go viral. Or at least, they have in the book communities I’m in (and that’s what really counts here, right?). She has a website that you should check out if you enjoyed this book (with more comics on it!).
This would make a really cute gift to a book loving friend, or you could just buy it for yourself and add it to your book hoard. I won’t judge.

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A fun collection of comics for the most hardcore of book lovers. It definitely showed quite a few scenarios that I have a hard time finding others that relate to me on, which was a lot of fun.

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Thank you very much for making this volume available for my review. The appeal of this particular book was not evident to me, and if I cannot file a generally positive review I prefer simply to advise the publisher to that effect and file no review at all.

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I knew already Debbie Tung because I have read "Quiet Girl in a Noisy World: An Introvert's Story " so I picked this up immediately on Netgalley and it was even better because.....BOOKS! A great strip where introverts, cat lovers and of course books fans will find a real satisfaction!

Conoscevo giá questa disegnatrice perché avevo letto "Quiet Girl in a Noisy World: An Introvert's Story " e mi era piaciuto molto, quindi quando ho visto questo suo nuovo volume su Netgalley l'ho richiesto subito ed era addirittura migliore del precedente, anche perché, ovviamente, parlava di libri. Quindi la striscia perfetta per qualsiasi introverso, amante di gatti e soprattutto libromane folle é questa qui.


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A collection of comics every book lover will relate to. Cute, funny, and perfect for book nerds. Recommended.

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I feel attacked by this book with how relatable absolutely everything in it is, like, am I secretly the main character?? Feels like it. Any bookworm would LOVE this book (I mean, it's a book, so obviously, but it's also the story of our lives!!). Would recommend everyone I know (aka, my family, friends, neighbors, friends of friends, family's friends, EVERYONE) to read it.

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What a wonderful book for readers! I related to every single page!

These are illustrations about the author's love of books. It depicts anything from book recommendations (Harry Potter, Maus, Persepolis, etc) to ways to arrange books (on my bookshelf is grouped by genre and then ordered by color). 

It also has suggestions on how to get out of a book slump, different types of libraries,  book formats, and much more. 

It was an absolute delight to read and I had a smile on every page. Highly recommend it to all book lovers.

Received ARC from the publisher via Netgalley

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Enjoyed the wonderful illustrations and situations that represented book love. This is definitely a book for those who already adore reading. I would consider buying prints of the pages to give to my book-loving

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I was having a bad day and then I heard that this book of comics about books was available for review from NetGalley and downloaded it. Did I mention I am now having a great day? The comics were so relatable and any booklover should enjoy this. Yes, I have seen some of these as memes before. Do I care? No. I have found my people, my book people.

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Think Calvin and Hobbes comic strips or books. Then imagine this as a book.

When this book is out published, I intend to purchase the hardcover. It's that GOOD!

Debbie Tung gets me as a book worm, book nerd, book lover, bookaholic, bibliophile, and bibliomaniac. Debbie SO gets me!

I laughed, nodded with gusto, exclaimed "Truth!", cringed, giggled, and you name it.

I love love love love this book with a passion! This is one of my newest favorite books of all time and it WILL be on my real bookshelf!

For those who LOVE books, you have got to read this. You will relate to some, most and all of the book. For me, it was ALL!

I cannot wait to have it in my hands physically!

I recieved this book from Andrew McMeel Publishing Comic and Graphic Novels through Net Galley. Thank you so much! I'm going to read and read and read this comic book forever!

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This book was SO CUTE! As a book lover myself, I identified with a lot of the scenarios in this book. I also loved the beautiful illustrations. I am not a big graphic novel person, but I wanted a quick read in the middle of all of the chaos that has been my personal life and stressful reading/blog life. Definitely recommend this one!

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This is actually a very charming book of cartoons about what it is like to love books, to love reading books, and to love buying books.

Probably would make a perfect gift book for those you know who love books.

The two cartoons below are written almost as though the author had looked in on me. Many times I have though I’m just going to read a little, and spent the next few hours reading. Likewise, when I was done with a story, I missed the protagonists.

<img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-4639" src="" alt="" />
<img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-4638" src="" alt="" />

Good book for those who, well, love books.

Thanks to Netgalley for making this book available for an honest review.

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Loved it! Will be placing an order tomorrow. Will order this one and Quiet girl for our graphic novel section

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