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Book Love

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5 stars
I think the author must know me… Each page perfectly depicts my relationship with books. A little scary that there are others out there who sniff books!
Very cute and well written. Illustrations are perfect. Fantastic!
I’ll need to get this and share with the non-book people in my life so they can appreciate that I am not unique.
Thank you NetGalley and publisher, Andrews McMeel Publishing, for the opportunity to read this ARC.

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I loved this graphic novel! It's quaint, charming, and like a comfort blanket for those if us who love books and reading. It would make a perfect gift for any book lover. I found I could relate to every aspect of this book and it made me smile more than once. A must read for all book lovers!

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This ended up on my shelf again, I can't open the protected pdf and will not be able to give a review.

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This book is hilarious, the art work is so good. As a book addict I related with every single page of this and I think I need to hand it out to people who don't like books so they will understand me, it was like my life had been written by the author it's so scarily me. Very witty and completely addictive, read in one sitting and sad it ended. Every book addict should read thi, even if just to sit saying me too on every page. The art is just so adorable too !

Thanks to netgalley and the publisher for a free copy for an honest review

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ARC kindly provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

A perfect graphic novel for bookworms. It's a fun and relatable book. 98% of the comic strips described me as a book lover.I can't find any dull moments and the only con in this book was it gets redundant. Overall, it's a simple and joyful read.

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What a fantastic collection of comics! Any tea loving bookworm can relate to everything in this book! The illustrations were incredible. I wonder if the author sells individual prints - that’s how good the illustrations are. This was a very light and humorous read and I highly recommend it!

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Debbie Tung does it again! I love her illustrations, her humor, and her relatability. If you love books, you will adore this graphic novel that perfectly showcases the life of a reader.

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“Book Love” perfectly sums up what it means to be a bibliophile. I could definitely relate to many of the scenarios, and I could absolutely picture my friends doing certain things, such as packing a suitcase full of books for vacation. I laughed out loud often. This is a love letter to books. It manages to be funny, truthful, and heartfelt. The illustrations are cute and nicely detailed. Overall, a quick, enjoyable read.

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This book is exactly what the title says. Debbie Tung gets it. The best pages are ones you stop and linger over because they say exactly what you feel about books. I thought I'd glance at the book, and instead I read it through, and started to calculate which readers I knew needed their own copy. (And then I came up in bafflement against a January 1st publication date. What part of book-lover's Christmas present was overlooked here?)

If you love books, there's something in here that will resonate deep within.

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Book Love is hilarious, adorable, and highly accurate depiction of the life of a bookworm—the struggles, the joys, and the addiction of it all—in the form of a wonderful series of short comics. This book will be absolutely delightful for anyone who loves books, and would make a perfect gift for avid readers, especially those who enjoy reflecting on what it means to love reading.

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3.5 stars rounded up.

Cute cartoons for avid readers - especially female ones between tens and twenties.

I like the smell of new books, I like running my hand over their backs. I like the places and people a well-written diatribe evokes. Yes, once I walked into my closed bedroom door because I was reading a book. Reviewing an ecopy of a book for (paper) book lovers did not quite work for me.

I found myself wishing that the author would portray 'book loves' of other races, creeds, colors, ages. Book love could have appealed to so many more.

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A really cute and fast read for anyone who loves books! It is easy to identify with the scenes depicted in the book, and it definitely made me appreciate my love for reading more. The best way to start this new year.

Thanks to the book I even got some ideas about how to squeeze in a bit more of time to read, and I noted down a few book recommendations, too.

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I adored this! I had heard a bit of buzz about this book before reading it, and it lived up to the hype. As a lifelong reader myself the depictions of a bookworm's life resonated deeply. And the illustrations themselves are strikingly lovely. This title is sure to steal the hearts of readers of all ages.

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I have been following Debbie Tung’s cartoons on social media and was thrilled at being able to review her latest, ‘Book Love’. If you have not seen her work, you simply must check her cartoons out and if you are in any way obsessed with reading, then this truly is a must have! It was her debut of ‘Quiet Girl in a Noisy World: An Introvert’s Story’, that first drew my attention. I have not looked back since and smile when her cartoons come up in my Instagram feed.

Debbie’s comics capture simple everyday moments that happen to us all. She has a great love of books and tea - so here at Great Reads & Tea Leaves, we are definite fangirls! This books contains absolute little gems that nail it for all of us book obsessed beings. It is a homage to books and being a lover of books. There will be undoubtedly more than one occasion when you will smile with the book loving moments Debbie captures.

Short and sweet, this book with reel you in and provide the vindication that you are not alone in your obsession. Page after page will lay before you moments and situations that will have you nodding your head in agreement, everything from fave books, to love of bookstores and more!

If you love books you must delve into the array of scenarios that will resonate so strongly. What a great gift this would make to the booklover in your life! Thank you Debbie for documenting so succinctly what many of us feel.

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This book is a darling and funny collection of book lover's humor. As a book nerd myself, I thoroughly identified with the protagonist's struggles (loaning books, not having enough books, needing more time to read books) as well as her joys (finding a new edition of a much loved book, falling in love with bookish boys, etc.). I heartily recommend this for anyone whose heart is filled with the pages of books.

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This was cute, for what it is- I definitely think it would be better as a physical book instead of an ebook. I'm pretty sure I've seen most of the quotes/sayings floating around on social media somewhere or another, and they really weren't presented in a unique or different way. The illustrations were just okay to be honest, nothing really special about them. Although most things were relatable as a bookworm, it was pretty underwhelming all around.

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This adorable book of comics by Debbie Tung will delight any book lover. The author captures all of the feelings that avid readers feel on a day to day basis. The simple web. comic illustrations are fun and are simple so that everyone can relate to them. This is a perfect book to give as a gift to friends, family, or significant others whose lives are surrounded by books.

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Debbie Tung’s charmingly illustrated “Book Love” will have book lovers thinking “how did she get in my head?” Her observations about the importance of and obsession with books was spot-on for me and I suspect it will be for lots of other readers! I wish the book had been published in December because it would have made a great Christmas gift for my bookish friends. But there are lots of birthdays coming up!

Thank you to Andrews McMeel Publishing and NetGalley for providing an advance copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

My review was posted on Goodreads on 12/31/18.

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I was very interested by this book that I probably would have appreciated. Alas I never couldn't access to the file, which was corrupted.

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Booklovers be excited! These charming comics capture exactly what it feels like to be head-over-heels for hardcovers. And paperbacks! And ebooks! And bookstores! And libraries! These are comics that every book lover can relate to. Its is adorable and fun. There is no plot is it just a cute .

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